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This article outlines the capacity of the microcomputer to help provide process feedback to counselors-in-training. Discussion is focused upon low cost equipment, innovative adaptation, and interaction of standard equipment commonly found in counselor training laboratory facilities. Advantages, limitations, and desirable features of each system are briefly discussed. Finally, possible system usage in counselor training is considered in light of the new potentials made economically feasible by advances in microcomputer technology.  相似文献   

Graduate students experience mental health distress. The authors investigated the benefits of required counseling services at a training clinic for students enrolled in counseling courses. Results indicated that after receiving services, students (N = 55) reported decreases in overall problems, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Self‐viewing is one of the most anxiety provoking features of social skills training (SST), and a facet of training about which comparatively little is known. In general terms, the major purpose of this study was to make a contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the self‐viewing process. In specific terms, the aim was to map out empirically the type and range of self‐evaluative comments made by students following a period of self‐viewing on Closed Circuit Television. A content analysis schemata was devised to classify free‐ranging statements collected from the subjects by means of self‐evaluation reports. Results showed that students significantly increased the number of positive and decreased the number of negative and internal statements following SST. No differences emerged between males and females in self‐statement responses.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the role of financial aid in college success of two-year beginning nontraditional students. By applying discrete time event history models with propensity score covariate adjustment to a nationally representative sample from BPS: 04/09, this study answers research questions centering around the effects of Pell Grants, subsidized student loans and unsubsidized student loans on six-year college outcomes of nontraditional students (i.e. degree attainment, system departure, and continuous enrollment without a degree). The results of this study suggest that these nontraditional students were most likely to drop out in the third college year and that all three types of financial aid appeared effective for reducing dropout risks, but not for encouraging timely degree completion. These findings have significant implications for policy and practice including the necessity for considering the complexity of nontraditional student pathways, backgrounds and unique needs when designing and implementing financial aid policy. The findings also contribute to discussions on ways to fund nontraditional students and provide recommendations for institutions serving large populations of nontraditional students to promote persistence to graduation.  相似文献   

This article investigates differences in counselor verbal style and type of counselee talk in two groups of counselor trainees. The first group consisted of 15 counselor trainees who received a training program with an Amidon-type Verbal Interaction Analysis System; the second group was a control group of 15 counselor trainees who received no interaction analysis training as part of a semester-long counseling practicum. The results indicated that the counselors receiving interaction analysis training tended to talk less and Use indirect influence techniques more often than the counselor trainees in the control group. Clients of the counselors in the experimental group tended to talk more often and use more self-initiated talk than did the clients of counselors in the control group.  相似文献   

Developing a personal theory of counseling is essential for beginning counselors. Current approaches de‐emphasize life experiences before graduate training and fail to incorporate counselor developmental stages. This article presents a framework for strengthening development of a personal theory of counseling by integrating life experiences and counselor developmental stages with theory building approaches.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine significant differences in the self-ratings of counseling practicum students, their supervisor, and practicum assistants using the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale (CERS). Subjects of the study were 25 master's degree students enrolled in practicum over three successive semesters at a southwestern university. A series of one-way analyses of variance of responses to the rating scale were used to determine significant differences in the mean ratings among the three groups. Findings indicated significant differences for 9 of the 27 items on the instrument, with most of the differences attributed to the students' higher ratings and differences in ratings between students and practicum assistants.  相似文献   

The authors propose the Interactive Training Model (ITM), a full classroom role play experience, as a method for helping student counselors develop essential interviewing and counseling skills and self‐awareness as required by the 2009 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs Standards. This pre‐post, quasiexperimental study involving 45 master's‐level students indicated that those who participated in the ITM made greater gains in supervisee development compared with those who participated in a traditional peer feedback model. Narrative student feedback regarding the use of ITM in an essential skills course is presented, and implications for counselor education are discussed.  相似文献   

为通过团体心理辅导活动改善大学生的社交恐惧症状,本人对漯河医专36名大学生进行了8次系列团体辅导,在辅导前后利用青少年生活事件量表、社会支持评定量表、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表、社交回避及苦恼量表和自尊量表对实验组和控制组进行前测和后测,并对两组的得分差异进行显著性检验。研究发现,团体辅导前实验组与控制组成员在社会支持评定得分、社会回避与痛苦、抑郁自评和自尊得分等方面显著性高于控制组,实验组在实验前后在社会回避及苦恼量表上的得分差异具有显著的统计学意义(P <0.01);团体心理辅导后实验组和控制组被调查者在上述量表上的得分差异均不具有统计学意义。这就意味着团体辅导可以有效改善大学生的社交恐惧状况,有利于其心理健康水平的提升。  相似文献   

在课堂上,常常会看到两种倾向:一种是教师“口干舌燥”地在讲台前滔滔不绝地讲着,学生在下面默默地听着、练着,课堂上的一切活动都按老师的要求行事;另一种是教师全面放手,让学生“自己动手”、“自主学习”,一节课下来,不知道学生学会了什么,也不知道还有哪些不会。当然,这两种现象都值得反思和探讨。“要把学生引向一个地方,首先得知道他们现在在哪里。”这是一位教育专家曾说过的一句话。国家《数学课程标准》(实验稿)中指出:“数学教学活动必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有的知识经验基础之上。”只有了解学生,才能更…  相似文献   

心理咨询对大学生的影响及其作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康状况将影响学生的认知、判断、思维和情绪等。学生的心理健康状况存在着明显的个别差异,了解这些差异,可以根据学生不同的心理状况采用不同的工作方式,这对提高学生工作的有效性、科学性、针对性都会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

会话开头是按规则进行的有序结构。以口语语料为考查对象,结合会话结构分析理论研究留学生汉语口语会话开头的特点。留学生汉语会话与母语者汉语会话在类型和特征上有相同之处,在会话预备过程、寒暄语、称呼语、礼貌语和语气词的选择和使用上有所不同。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at investigating the effects of a video feedback coaching intervention for upper-grade primary school teachers on students’ cognitive gains in scientific knowledge. This teaching intervention was designed with the use of inquiry-based learning principles for teachers, such as the empirical cycle and the posing of thought-provoking questions. The intervention was put into practice in 10 upper-grade classrooms. The trajectory comprised four lessons, complemented with two premeasures and two postmeasures. The control condition consisted of 11 upper-grade teachers and their students. The success of the intervention was tested using an established standardized achievement test and situated measures. In this way, by means of premeasure and postmeasure questionnaires and video data, an assessment could be made of the change in students’ scientific knowledge before, during, and after the intervention. In this study, we primarily focused on the dynamics of students’ real-time expressions of scientific knowledge in the classroom. Important indicators of the effect of the intervention were found. Through focusing on the number of explanations and predictions, a significant increase could be seen in the proportion of students’ utterances displaying scientific understanding in the intervention condition. In addition, students in the intervention condition more often reasoned on higher complexity levels than students in the control condition. No effect was found for students’ scientific knowledge as measured with a standardized achievement test. Implications for future studies are stressed, as well as the importance of enriching the evaluation of intervention studies by focusing on dynamics in the classroom.  相似文献   

In this article, expanded clusters of skills thought to be necessary in learning and conducting preventive counseling are described. Implications for counselor education are provided.  相似文献   

This study reports on the differential effects of cultural background and permanence of relocation on the expectations of counseling, the kinds of support sought when approaching a counselor, and the acculturation attitudes among 219 international students from English‐speaking countries and the former Soviet Union attending an Israeli university. Implications for counseling international students are discussed.  相似文献   

"匿名约束网络反馈平台"旨在通过网络技术手段的介入强化学生反馈行为。通过网络技术手段使同伴反馈"匿名"而教师监控全局并对反馈行为进行评分以达到对反馈者的"约束"。通过对网络平台辅助的"匿名约束式"反馈训练对学生EFL写作学习行为作用的实证研究得出结论:利用该平台强化学生的反馈行为可以(1)改善学生的反馈行为的质量;(2)提高学生的英文写作水平;(3)得到学生们普遍认可;(4)提高写作教学效率。  相似文献   

大学生学业辅导的核心在于使每个学生学习能力获得提高,确保学生顺利完成学业任务,最大程度地促进所有学生的学习和发展.针对目前国内高校学业辅导重局部轻整体、重形式轻方法、重说理轻人文关怀三个方面的缺失,面对新形势下大学生学业发展需求,探讨开展学业辅导的原则、内容及其实践路径,具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

近年来,高考学生的心理动向一直是社会关注的焦点,很多学生产生不积极的思想。来自社会各界的压力,使学生在面对高考时往往显出恐惧心理,这种恐惧心理影响着他们的发展。作为班主任,让学生走出这种困境是工作的重点,并且学会认真总结工作重点。通过分析高考学生心理现状,提出解决策略。  相似文献   

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