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College students operated under different classroom contingencies. The Programmed Achievement (PA) condition required students to evidence criterion performance (100% mastery) on weekly quizzes. Failure to show mastery performance on any of the weekly quizzes resulted in course failure. The Standard Control (S-C) condition involved a more traditional college classroom structure where students took weekly quizzes with no requirement to evidence mastery. Male and female performances were analyzed to determine if different course structures interacted with sex of student. The results indicated that PA students demonstrated higher performance than controls on weekly quizzes and a major exam. It was also shown that PA females increased at a more rapid rate than PA males, while S-C males and females were not significantly different. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of various mastery criteria on student performance and attitude in a course in which mastery learning strategies were employed. Undergraduates in an introductory course in educational psychology were randomly assigned to one of three treatments—one in which mastery criteria gradually increased from 70% to 90%, a second in which mastery criteria gradually decreased from 90% to 70%, or a third in which mastery criteria remained constant at 80%. Results indicated that although the high mastery criterion (90%) had a positive effect on some aspects of quiz performance, it did not have an effect on final examination performance. Results also indicated that students preferred that mastery criteria remain constant during a semester. These findings, when examined in light of previous research, call into question some prior notions regarding the levels at which mastery criteria should be set.  相似文献   

College students operated under different contingencies in the same classroom. The Programmed Achievement (PA) condition required students to evidence criterion performance (100% mastery) on 12 Chapter quizzes. Failure to evidence mastery performance on any of the quizzes resulted in the loss of a letter grade off the final course grade. The control condition involved a more traditional college classroom structure where students took chapter quizzes with no requirement to evidence mastery. A third group of low achievement students, identified at midterm, operated under control conditions the first half of the semester and were subsequently shifted to the PA contingency the second half of the semester. The results revealed only a slight superiority for PA students over controls and both PA and Control students demonstrated significantly better performance when compared to that of low achievement students prior to midterm. However, following the PA shift these subjects evidenced performance equivalent to that of the other two groups. Procedural and theoretical implications of these data were discussed.  相似文献   

A new teaching method based on positively reinforcing attempts at mastery was introduced and empirically tested to determine its validity. The program, labeled Programmed Achievement Study System (PASS), makes use of traditional learning principles by providing rewards (bonus points) contingent upon reaching specified mastery criteria. Specifically, college students enrolled in introductory psychology were awarded additional points if they demonstrated mastery of concept areas on retake quizzes administered during a given week. PASS students, as compared to a control condition, demonstrated higher performance on a final examination given at the end of the semester. These results suggest that the PASS contingencies are preferable to those contingencies operating in more traditional classrooms. A theoretical rationale based on the principles of operant conditioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Using both end-of-course achievement outcomes and long-term cognitive retention as criteria, the present study provides comparative data on the effectiveness of a mastery and nonmastery approach to instruction. Differential effects across taxonomic levels were assessed for both criteria. The results indicated that mastery students performed significantly higher than non-mastery students for end-of-course outcomes at the highest taxonomic level and equally well for knowledge, comprehension, and application level outcomes. Retention differences were found for knowledge level outcomes only, with mastery students demonstrating significantly greater retention performance. The feasibility and desirability of implementing a learning for mastery paradigm in a single course at the college level are discussed relative to the magnitude of the present results.  相似文献   

A sample of 48 college students prepared for in‐class examinations using two web‐based study conditions. The A condition used web‐based study groups and the B condition used web‐based quizzes. The Index of Learning Styles positioned students on four dimensions of learning style (active‐reflective, visual‐verbal, sequential‐global, and sensing‐intuitive). Students who were more active than reflective expressed a preference for face‐to‐face study groups rather than online study groups and for online quizzes rather than pencil‐and‐paper quizzes. Students who were more visual than verbal expressed a preference for online quizzes rather than online study groups. Such preferences were validated by decreased achievement in the less‐preferred study condition. At college level, students are aware of their learning style and understand the conditions that facilitate their mastery of course content. Instructional applications of web‐based technology may provide mechanisms for more consistently accommodating student learning style in higher education.  相似文献   

Changes in early adolescents' self-reported cheating behaviors in mathematics before and after the transition from middle school to high school are examined. Students were surveyed in school regarding their cheating behaviors in math, and the motivational goal structures perceived in their math classrooms. Surveys were completed twice during the eighth grade (during middle school) and once at the end of the ninth grade (at the end of the first year in high school). Results indicated that self-reported cheating did not change in the year prior to the high school transition, but that reported cheating increased after the transition. Additional analyses indicated that across the high school transition, self-reported cheating in math increased for students who moved from high mastery to low mastery-oriented classes after the transition, and for students who moved from low performance to high performance-oriented classes; in contrast, self-reported cheating decreased for students who moved from low to high mastery-oriented math classrooms.  相似文献   

This study investigates voluntary use of online study questions, the relationship of study question use to examination performance, and the relationship of aptitude to study question use following an initial phase during which students either received course points for passing mastery quizzes or for completing a designated number of study questions. The results indicate a) students who first received points for completing study questions later made greater voluntary use of study questions, b) less able readers made less voluntary use of study questions than more able readers, and c) less able readers performed better on course examinations when awarded course points for completing a required number of study questions rather than quizzes.  相似文献   

Three groups of college students were given instructions using different testing techniques to determine whether the superior performance obtained with Programmed Student Achievement (PA) was due to a Hawthorne Effect. PA students, operating under the consequence of failing the course if they failed to evidence criterion performance (100% mastery) on weekly quizzes, exhibited superior performance, relative to control groups, on the weekly quizzes and on an unannounced retention test. The results seem to preclude any attempt to interpret the effectiveness of Programmed Student Achievement on the basis of a Hawthorne Effect.  相似文献   

Results of a successful pilot study are presented, in which quizzes are introduced in a second year bachelor course for mechanical engineering students. The pilot study course entailed the basic concepts of mechanical vibrations in complex, realistic structures. The quiz is held weekly using a SharePoint application. The purpose of the quizzes is to repeat important course material, give instantaneous feedback (i.e. formative assessment), stimulate peer instruction and, as a consequence, increase the students’ comprehension of the basic concepts taught in the course so that their deeper understanding of the subject matter improves. Students can earn half a point bonus, on a scale from 0 to 10, on top of their exam mark if they correctly answer 55% of all the quiz questions. The efficacy of the pilot study is determined by investigating the percentage of students that pass the course on their first attempt, i.e. the first time pass rate, and asking students for feedback through questionnaires. The first time pass rate of the students in the pilot study groups has, on average, increased significantly in comparison to groups in which the quizzes are not performed. Students indicated that the feedback from the quizzes helps them to identify gaps in their knowledge. Therefore, the pilot study is considered effective.  相似文献   


This research examines the application of mastery learning theory to the teaching of criminal justice research methods. Mastery learning has students learn each module before proceeding to the next one. Criminal justice research methods is amenable to mastery learning because the course content is cumulative; students need to know each step before proceeding to the next one. Mastery learning was implemented by having students rewrite exercises until they obtained perfect scores. It was tested in three classes taught by the same instructor. Student learning was measured by comparing the difference in scores on a pretest examination with scores on a post-test examination. The results indicated that the better students performed on the exercises, the more they improved on the final examination over the initial examination. The more students rewrote assignments, the better they performed on the assignments and subsequently, the more they improved on the final examination. Students who averaged between one and two rewrites maximized improvement on the examination. The results suggest that mastery learning theory is an effective method of teaching research methods. Although it is more time consuming than traditional methods, it is beneficial to students who are trying to learn difficult material for the first time.  相似文献   

Science students are increasingly challenged to use technical language related to the topics that they are studying, and therefore, science teachers benefit from knowing which tools are effective to support students in learning to use new terms. This study examined the impact of using one such tool—sentences frames—to teach science vocabulary, as measured through a science-writing task. Using an experimental approach with extant middle school science classes that offered a sample of 75 mainly Latino school students from grades six through eight, the researcher together with participating teachers identified 10 essential terms per science unit. The teachers used vocabulary-focused sentence frames for teaching the terms in one science unit, and a more traditional science text-based approach for teaching vocabulary in another unit. The writing task required at the end of the units consisted of essays in response to science-based prompts that directed students to use as many target science words as possible; matching/cloze format quizzes were also used to measure pretest and posttest receptive vocabulary knowledge. Findings indicated that there were advantages for teaching new science vocabulary via sentence frames as measured by use of the words in writing, but there were no advantages for sentence frames on quizzes measuring receptive vocabulary. Advantages of sentence frames for writing approached but did not reach statistical significance. There was some evidence that current and previous English language learners benefited more than initial English speakers from sentence frames, implying that utilizing sentence frames to teach science vocabulary might offer needed support especially for these subgroups. Limitations of the study included the sample size and the possibility that the strategy utilized in the comparison group might have offered some of the same advantages in producing language with technical vocabulary that the sentence frames unit offered.  相似文献   

This study addressed the role of elementary school teachers' motivation as predictors of instructional practices and student motivation. The sample comprised 110 teacher–class pairs (1731 students). The results showed that teachers' didactic interest and self-efficacy predicted teacher reports of instructional practices. In contrast, student reports of instruction were significantly associated with teachers' educational interest and mastery goals. Moreover, student motivation was only related with student reports but not teacher reports of instructional practices. In particular, mastery-oriented practices contributed strongly to student motivation. Teacher educational interest predicted mastery-oriented practices and also showed a significant direct relation to student motivation.  相似文献   

The 161 students enrolling in a beginning psychology course were taught using a variant of Keller’s personalized instructional procedures. Course material was divided into twelve units and complete mastery of the material in each unit was demonstrated with a short written examination and a brief interview conducted by a more advanced student. Students could progress through the course material at their own rate. Data are reported on the number of students who withdrew from the course, when they withdrew, and characteristics of their performance prior to withdrawal. For students who completed the course, data on rate of completion of course requirements and level of mastery of course material are presented. Furthermore, student evaluation of various facets of the course are summarized. Of special interest is the finding that student test evaluators were rated as a very favorable feature of the course, and that there was no apparent distinction made between graduate-student and undergraduate evaluators. This suggests that the instructional manpower pool might be extended through the careful use of undergraduates in the college classroom.  相似文献   

If it is assumed that student failure in the classroom situation is the result of inadequate performance skills rather than a lack of ability, then the attention of the educator should more properly be directed at teaching the student to develop effective methods of studying. The present experiment employed a Programmed Student Achievement (PA) procedure which required that the student evidence 100% mastery of discrete units of material. Two PA contingencies which differed in the intensity of the consequence of failing to evidence mastery were used, testing the hypothesis that the PA effect is analogous to avoidance conditioning. In addition, generalization of the effect of PA on performance in courses taken concurrently was evaluated. The performance of PA students was found to be significantly superior to that of control students on both weekly quizzes and major exams; however, performance under the two experimental contingencies did not differ. Additionally, the PA effect did not generalize to performance in other courses. The implication of these data for an avoidance hypothesis account of the PA effect is discussed.  相似文献   

This study compares student perceptions, learning behaviours and success in online and face-to-face versions of a Principles of Microeconomics course. It follows a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) approach by using a cycle of empirical analysis, reflection and action to improve the learning experience for students. The online course design involves 58 interactive narrated online modules, interactive online quizzes and biweekly online meetings with the instructor via video and voice-over-IP technology. Findings indicate that schedule flexibility motivates students to choose the online course format. Students in both learning environments felt they had high-quality communication with the instructor, while online students indicated limited peer-to-peer communication. Online students report studying more at home than face-to-face students, but not enough to compensate for the time face-to-face students spend in class. Reflecting on the findings, the authors suggest actions to improve the online course experience.  相似文献   

Two studies (one longitudinal) were designed to extend Butler's model of teachers' goal orientations for teaching. In Study 1, results from 281 teachers in Germany confirmed the predicted four-factor model comprising mastery, ability-approach, ability-avoidance, and work-avoidance goal orientations. As expected, mastery orientation and work avoidance emerged as positive and negative predictors, respectively, of adaptive patterns of instruction (mastery-oriented practices and cognitive stimulation) and high interest in teaching and low burnout; associations for both ability orientations were less consistent. In Study 2, 69 Israeli teachers completed the measures of instructional practices, interest in teaching and burnout several months after reporting their goal orientations. Results were very similar to those of Study 1. The two studies confirm that research on teachers' goal orientation is promising and has implications for understanding how teacher motivation might influence both teachers and their students.  相似文献   

Recent work in cognitive psychology has shown that repeatedly testing one's knowledge is a powerful learning aid and provides substantial benefits for retention of the material. To apply this in a human anatomy course for medical students, 39 fill-in-the-blank quizzes of about 50 questions each, one for each region of the body, and four about the nervous system, were developed. The quizzes were optional, and no credit was awarded. They were posted online using Blackboard, which provided feedback, and they were very popular. To determine whether the quizzes had any effect on retention, they were given in a controlled setting to 21 future medical and dental students. The weekly quizzes included questions on regional anatomy and an expanded set of questions on the nervous system. Each question about the nervous system was given three times, in a slightly different form each time. The second quiz was given approximately half an hour after the first one, and the third was given one week after the second to assess retention. The quizzes were unpopular, but students showed robust improvement on the questions about the nervous system. The scores increased by almost 9% on the second quiz, with no intervention except viewing the correct answers. The scores were 29% higher on the third quiz than on the first, and there was also a positive correlation between the grades on the quizzes and the final examination. Thus, repeated testing is an effective strategy for learning and retaining information about human anatomy.  相似文献   

This study examined the longitudinal trajectories of achievement goal profiles in mathematics from third to seventh grade in a sample of 302 German students. Latent profile analyses were conducted separately for each school year and revealed three subgroups of students with distinct goal profiles labeled high multiple goals, moderate multiple goals, and primarily mastery-oriented. Only about one third of the students held the same goal profile across all school years. The amount of students pursuing moderate multiple goals increased over time, which supplements previous findings and theorizing about an ongoing differentiation of achievement goals during early adolescence. There were remarkably few differences in educational outcomes (interest, effort, achievement) between students from distinct goal profile groups. However, high multiple goal students showed the lowest test scores in sixth and seventh grade. Moreover, if students showed low performance during one school year, they were more likely to adopt a high multiple goals profile in the following year. Results are discussed in relation to individual cognitive developments, changes in school environments, and special characteristics of educational systems.  相似文献   

This study explored why mastery-based achievement goals often are unrelated to class grades despite promoting deep learning strategies and high course interest. We hypothesized that mastery-oriented students jeopardize their exam performance by allowing their individual interests to dictate their study efforts such that they neglect boring topics in favor of preferred ones. General Psychology students (N = 260) reported their achievement goals, interest in the course material, and usage of various study strategies. Supporting the hypothesis, path analysis showed that mastery-oriented students allocated their study efforts disproportionately to the personally interesting material, and this in turn predicted low grades in the class. Performance-oriented students did not show this pattern. Theoretical implications and new research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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