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中学阶段对于学生来说是人生成长过程中一个非常重要的阶段,安全教育的工作一定要做到位,重要的是保障了他们的人身财产安全还要使其健康快乐的成长,这就对于学校和社会对中学生的安全教育提出了一个深层次的要求。  相似文献   

中学生个性化教育就是强调个性化心理素质的教育 ,它是素质教育的重要内容之一 ,是中学教育的组成部分。健康的心理 ,良好的性格对一个人世界观的确立起积极作用 ,关注中学生性格教育十分重要。就此提出实施个性化教育 ,注重共性和个性的发展 ,即强调心理健康的重要性和针对个性差异而因材施教 ,从而体现教育以人为本 ,以人的和谐发展为本的教育理念  相似文献   

在分析多元文化背景下中学生的心理特点基础上提出了运用电子导师进行心理健康教育的三种实施方式,以及运用电子导师进行心理健康教育的评价方式.  相似文献   

对中学生进行“耐挫折”教育是十分必要的,“耐挫折”教育要本着针对性、激励性、渐进性的原则进行。进行“耐挫折”教育,观念更新是前提;学校教育是主体;家庭教育是阵地;课堂教育是切入点;学会战胜挫折是目的。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Providing effective food safety education to young consumers is a national health priority to combat the nearly 76 million cases of foodborne illness in the United States annually. With the tremendous pressures on teachers for accountability in core subject areas, the focus of classrooms is on covering concepts that are tested on state performance examinations. As a result, topics such as food safety are rarely addressed in middle school classrooms. Middle school is an ideal time to teach food safety because adolescents are in the process of setting lifelong behaviors; therefore, they are more likely to synthesize new food safety knowledge in a way that will lead to the development of lifelong behaviors. The purpose of this study was to scientifically validate an educational resource that provides a method for classroom teachers to involve young consumers in food safety education while meeting state content area curriculum standards. An interdisciplinary curriculum targeted at middle school students and correlated directly to state content standards was designed to include highly effective instructional strategies that teach food safety concepts through all core subject classes (science, math, social studies, and language arts). The curriculum was pilot tested in 5 schools using a pretest, posttest, and follow-up test assessment model. The results showed that the curriculum was highly effective at raising student knowledge (21% gain) and improving students' food handling behaviors (8.47% gain) from pretests to posttests. In addition, 6 wk after implementation, students retained 86% of their total knowledge gain as measured by a follow-up assessment.  相似文献   

黄先明 《天津教育》2021,(3):58-59,74
针对初中生劳动教育活动中的问题,教师应在实践中不断地探索和建设劳动教育模式,进一步解决学生在劳动教育实践中产生的问题,进一步创新对学生劳动教育活动的内容和方式。笔者对初中生劳动教育的现状进行了观察和分析,并寻找推进劳动教育的有效形式和方法,从而得出规律性的结论。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Musical parodies of contemporary songs with their lyrics altered to address current food safety issues were incorporated into a variety of food safety educational programs and the effectiveness of the music was evaluated by semiquantitative and qualitative measures. Audiences receiving the music-enriched curricula included school foodservice supervisors, school foodservice managers, culinary arts instructors, culinary arts students, Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, and youth aged 8 to 12 y and studies were conducted in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Delaware. Among school foodservice supervisors, school foodservice managers, and culinary arts students, most participants were able to recall the main points of each song that was introduced in the curriculum. The culinary arts students were less likely to recall the main points of each song than were the other 2 groups, possibly because of the lack of prior knowledge of food safety practices as well as a lack of preference for the style of songs used. Family and Consumer Sciences teachers were enthusiastic about the use of the music but also identified potential barriers to the successful use of the music, due to the potential lack of appropriate audiovisual equipment, a lack of skills in using such equipment, and time constraints for the use of music in curricula due to the strong emphasis on end of year testing. Participants in the summer youth groups demonstrated significant increases between pre- and posttest examinations of safe food handling behaviors and most were able to quote lines or phrases from the songs.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查方法,抽取江西省各地区214所中学的校长及书记进行问卷调查。调查表明,目前中学生心理健康的现状不容乐观,加强心理健康教育已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To create effective educational interventions that address the food safety informational needs of youth, a greater understanding of their knowledge and skills is needed. The purposes of this study were to explore, via focus groups, the food‐handling responsibilities of middle school youth and obstacles they face in practicing safe food handling and develop recommendations for the design of food safety interventions for youth. Most youth reported that they prepared food at least once weekly and rated learning to prevent foodborne illness as important. Youth knew that food could make them sick, described foodborne illness as resulting from “something” getting into food, not cooking food “right,” or the food going bad. Most responses lacked details, suggesting knowledge was basic. Nearly all were interested in learning about food safety. Barriers that deterred them from learning about food safety were time and feeling they were not susceptible to foodborne illness. To overcome barriers, youth suggested focusing on the seriousness of and risks for foodborne illness, using a serious but comical educational approach, and using hands‐on educational media. Parents highly rated the importance of and degree to which they wanted youth to learn about food safety. Parents felt that their children had moderate levels of food safety knowledge, but many questioned whether they practiced food safety procedures when unsupervised. Parents felt that food safety education needed to be taught and reinforced in school and at home. After having reviewed youth and parent data, food safety experts proposed recommendations for youth‐focused food safety education that paralleled current consumer food safety initiatives.  相似文献   

论中学生的道德体验教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中学实施体验教育是中学道德教育规律的要求,它可以充分发挥中学生参与道德教育的主动性,增强中学道德教育的实效性和针对性,克服中学道德教育中重理论轻实践的不足。中学应采取得力措施落实中学生的道德体验教育。  相似文献   

运用多媒体手段优化中学地理教学,开发创造思维能力,提高学生综合素质。  相似文献   

逆反心理既是中学生成长过程中的必然现象,也是中学教育必须重视的问题。对青春期中学生逆反心理的教育与引导可以从改变师长教育观念,建立良好师生关系,建设良好班级文化,开展针对性教育等措施着手。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Secondary science teachers who integrate food safety (FS) into curricula can provide FS knowledge and skills to youth while reinforcing science skills and concepts. National science education standards and the Biological Science Curriculum Study 5E Inquiry-based Learning Model were used to design an online training, Food Safety FIRST. The training has 3 modules, each with 15 h of web-based instruction, interactive discussion, and tools to conduct experiments or critical evaluation projects. A CD-ROM, web site ( http://foodsafetyfirst.org ), and lab kit were developed to accompany module activities. Seventy-one teachers registered for the program; 38 matched pretest/posttest evaluations were analyzed. When asked their intention to teach FS in the next year, enrollees responded "definitely" (60.5%) or "possibly" (34.2%), reaching potentially 3570 students. Participants found the training very valuable (71.1%) and were significantly more comfortable teaching FS at posttest (3.6 ± 0.5 on a 4-point Likert scale) than at pretest (2.8 ± 1.0; P < 0.0001, n = 35). Self-reported FS practices also improved from pretest (24.8 ± 5.7 out of a possible 35) to posttest (27.7 ± 4.8; P < 0.001, n = 32). On 4-point Likert scales, teachers were confident answering FS questions (3.4); confident that if they did a good job teaching this topic, students would be interested in FS (3.4); and confident FS concepts taught would meet national science standards (3.4). They found the program satisfactory for demonstrating inquiry-based learning (3.8). Most agreed that they would change FS habits (3.2). Using 5-point scales, participants agreed that they felt more able to critically evaluate FS information on the Internet (4.2) and that the training was enjoyable in an online format (4.3).  相似文献   

浅析体育教学对中学生心理健康教育的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育教学对中学生心理健康教育作用 ,一是磨练意志 ;二是培养稳定乐观的情绪和积极健康的情感 ;三是培养竞争意识 ,体验挫折感和成功感 ,增强认识自我能力和抗挫能力 ,保持适度自尊自信 ;四是协调人际关系  相似文献   

孙强 《天津教育》2021,(4):105-107
从21世纪初开始,随着网络、信息和计算机多媒体教育向教育的普及,中学各学科的教学改革获得了极大的促进,这对中学英语课堂的教学具有很大意义。自2018年,中学英语教学的科学实施网络、计算机辅助教学,从兴趣爱好、知识综合、影像共存、练习拓展和自学等各个方面入手,创造了积极教育环境和良好的教育氛围,这在促进中学英语教学向高质量高水平迈进的同时,深受学生和家长的好评。  相似文献   

加强中学生生命道德教育就是向其进行传授生命知识、优化生命关系和提升生命价值的德育教育,这是直面现实生活的需要,也是反思我们德育教育的需要。加强中学生生命道德教育,就需要构建整体性德育教育体系并调动学生的主体和个体意识。  相似文献   

MCAI作为现代教育技术的一个组成部分,在教学领域中得到了广泛的应用。在新课程背景下,能够运用MCAI更好为地为农村初级中学英语教学服务,成为一线教育工作者亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  A food safety education program developed for retail food establishments was evaluated to assess the extent to which participants were practicing selected behaviors linked to reducing the risk of foodborne disease both before and after the program. Scores from the state health department's Certified Food Manager (CFM) exam also were examined. Based on the 189 usable surveys returned, most respondents were female, middle age, and white with nearly 11 y of foodservice experience. Results revealed that after completing the program, participants reported practicing behaviors related to hand washing, maintaining safe food temperatures, preventing crosscontamination, and pest management more frequently ( P < 0.05) compared to before the program. Effect size analysis indicated these results were also practically significant. Most (82.5%; n = 156) participants passed the CFM exam. Compared to those who failed the CFM exam, those who passed reported significantly higher changes in the adoption of selected behaviors; however, these results were of limited practical significance according to effect size analysis. Results suggest the food safety program is effective in promoting the adoption of food safety behaviors that can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.  相似文献   

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