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A protein separation technology using the microfluidic device was developed for the more rapid and effective analysis of target protein. This microfluidic separation system was carried out using the aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) and the ionic liquid two-phase system (ILTPS) for purification method of the protein sample, and the three-flow desalting system was used for the removal of salts from the sucrose-rich sample. Partitioning of the protein sample was observed in ATPS or ILTPS with the various pHs. The microdialysis system was applied to remove small molecules, such as sucrose and salts in the microfluidic channel with the different flow rates of buffer phase. A complex purification method, which combines microdialysis and ATPS or ILTPS, was carried out for the effective purification of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarium, which was then analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption∕ionization time-of-flight. Furthermore, we were able to make a stable three-phase flow controlling the flow rate in the microfluidic channel. Our complex purification methods were successful in purifying and recovering the BR to its required value.  相似文献   

We present an integrated microfluidic device capable of performing single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) preparation and magnetic bead-based microarray analysis with a white-light detection for detecting mutations that account for hereditary hearing loss. The entire operation process, which includes loading of streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (MBs) and biotin-labeled polymerase chain reaction products, active dispersion of the MBs with DNA for binding, alkaline denaturation of DNA, dynamic hybridization of the bead-labeled ssDNA to a tag array, and white-light detection, can all be automatically accomplished in a single chamber of the microchip, which was operated on a self-contained instrument with all the necessary components for thermal control, fluidic control, and detection. Two novel mixing valves with embedded polydimethylsiloxane membranes, which can alternately generate a 3-μl pulse flow at a peak rate of around 160 mm/s, were integrated into the chip for thoroughly dispersing magnetic beads in 2 min. The binding efficiency of biotinylated oligonucleotides to beads was measured to be 80.6% of that obtained in a tube with the conventional method. To critically test the performance of this automated microsystem, we employed a commercial microarray-based detection kit for detecting nine mutation loci that account for hereditary hearing loss. The limit of detection of the microsystem was determined as 2.5 ng of input K562 standard genomic DNA using this kit. In addition, four blood samples obtained from persons with mutations were all correctly typed by our system in less than 45 min per run. The fully automated, “amplicon-in-answer-out” operation, together with the white-light detection, makes our system an excellent platform for low-cost, rapid genotyping in clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

We describe a technology based on lamination that allows for the production of highly integrated 3D devices suitable for performing a wide variety of microfluidic assays. This approach uses a suite of microfluidic coupons (“microfloupons”) that are intended to be stacked as needed to produce an assay of interest. Microfloupons may be manufactured in paper, plastic, gels, or other materials, in advance, by different manufacturers, then assembled by the assay designer as needed. To demonstrate this approach, we designed, assembled, and characterized a microfloupon device that performs sodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a small sample of protein. This device allowed for the manipulation and transport of small amounts of protein sample, tight injection into a thin polyacrylamide gel, electrophoretic separation of the proteins into bands, and subsequent removal of the gel from the device for imaging and further analysis. The microfloupons are rugged enough to handle and can be easily aligned and laminated, allowing for a variety of different assays to be designed and configured by selecting appropriate microfloupons. This approach provides a convenient way to perform assays that have multiple steps, relieving the need to design highly sophisticated devices that incorporate all functions in a single unit, while still achieving the benefits of small sample size, automation, and high speed operation.  相似文献   

Lin CH  Wang YN  Fu LM 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):12818-1281811
An integrated microfluidic chip is proposed for rapid DNA digestion and time-resolved capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis. The chip comprises two gel-filled chambers for DNA enrichment and purification, respectively, a T-form micromixer for DNA/restriction enzyme mixing, a serpentine channel for DNA digestion reaction, and a CE channel for on-line capillary electrophoresis analysis. The DNA and restriction enzyme are mixed electroomostically using a pinched-switching DC field. The experimental and numerical results show that a mixing performance of 97% is achieved within a distance of 1 mm from the T-junction when a driving voltage of 90 V/cm and a switching frequency of 4 Hz are applied. Successive mixing digestion and capillary electrophoresis operation clearly present the changes on digesting φx-174 DNA in different CE runs. The time-resolved electropherograms show that the proposed device enables a φx-174 DNA sample comprising 11 fragments to be concentrated and analyzed within 24 min. Overall, the results presented in this study show that the proposed microfluidic chip provides a rapid and effective tool for DNA digestion and CE analysis applications.  相似文献   

Boolean logic performs a logical operation on one or more logic input and produces a single logic output. Here, we describe a microfluidic DNA computing processor performing Boolean logic operations for gene expression analysis and gene drug synthesis. Multiple cancer-related genes were used as input molecules. Their expression levels were identified by interacting with the computing related DNA strands, which were designed according to the sequences of cancer-related genes and the suicide gene. When all the expressions of the cancer-related genes fit in with the diagnostic criteria, positive diagnosis would be confirmed and then a complete suicide gene (gene drug) could be synthesized as an output molecule. Microfluidic chip was employed as an effective platform to realize the computing process by integrating multistep biochemical reactions involving hybridization, displacement, denaturalization, and ligation. By combining the specific design of the computing related molecules and the integrated functions of the microfluidics, the microfluidic DNA computing processor is able to analyze the multiple gene expressions simultaneously and realize the corresponding gene drug synthesis with simplicity and fast speed, which demonstrates the potential of this platform for DNA computing in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a continuous flow microfluidic device for the separation of DNA from blood using magnetophoresis for biological applications and analysis. This microfluidic bio-separation device has several benefits, including decreased sample handling, smaller sample and reagent volumes, faster isolation time, and decreased cost to perform DNA isolation. One of the key features of this device is the use of short-range magnetic field gradients, generated by a micro-patterned nickel array on the bottom surface of the separation channel. In addition, the device utilizes an array of oppositely oriented, external permanent magnets to produce strong long-range field gradients at the interfaces between magnets, further increasing the effectiveness of the device. A comprehensive simulation is performed using COMSOL Multiphysics to study the effect of various parameters on the magnetic flux within the separation channel. Additionally, a microfluidic device is designed, fabricated, and tested to isolate DNA from blood. The results show that the device has the capability of separating DNA from a blood sample with a purity of 1.8 or higher, a yield of up to 33 μg of polymerase chain reaction ready DNA per milliliter of blood, and a volumetric throughput of up to 50 ml/h.  相似文献   

Aggregation and adhesion of platelets to the vascular wall are shear-dependent processes that play critical roles in hemostasis and thrombosis at vascular injury sites. In this study, we designed a simple and rapid assay of platelet aggregation and adhesion in a microfluidic system. A shearing mechanism using a rotating stirrer provided adjustable shear rate and shearing time and induced platelet activation. When sheared blood was driven through the microchannel under vacuum pressure, shear-activated platelets adhered to a collagen-coated surface, causing blood flow to significantly slow and eventually stop. To measure platelet adhesion and aggregation, the migration distance (MD) of blood through the microchannel was monitored. As the microstirrer speed increased, MD initially decreased exponentially but then increased beyond a critical rpm. For platelet-excluded blood samples, there were no changes in MD with increasing stirrer speed. These findings imply that the stirrer provided sufficiently high shear to activate platelets and that blood MD is a potentially valuable index for measuring the shear-dependence of platelet activation. Our microfluidic system is quick and simple, while providing a precise assay to measure the effects of shear on platelet aggregation and adhesion.  相似文献   

Exosomes, nanosized membrane-bound vesicles released by cells, play roles in cell signaling, immunology, virology, and oncology. Their study, however, has been hampered by difficulty in isolation and quantification due to their size and the complexity of biological samples. Conventional approaches to improved isolation require specialized equipment and extensive sample preparation time. Therefore, isolation and detection methods of exosomes will benefit biological and clinical studies. Here, we report a microfluidic platform for inline exosome isolation and fluorescent detection using inertial manipulation of antibody-coated exosome capture beads from biological fluids.  相似文献   

Rapid detection of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentration can be used for the diagnosis of acute heart failure and for the evaluation of the effectiveness of a clinical therapy. We used the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment method to develop DNA aptamers for BNP whose sequences were determined by cloning method and consensus sequence analysis. A total of eight conserved sequences was identified. By combining the fluorescent-labeled aptamers with fast protein lab-on-chip analysis, we could achieve quantification of BNP concentrations with high speed, sensitivity, and specificity.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis has been reported to be associated with HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which greatly reduces the quality of life and shortens the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients. In order to properly treat the infected patients, accurate and automatic diagnostic tools need to be developed. In this study, a novel microfluidic immunochip system was presented for the surveillance and the rapid detection of Cryptosporidium infection in 190 HIV-infected patients from Guangxi, China, using the P23 antigen of Cryptosporidium. The procedure of detection can be completed within 10 min with 2 μl sample consumption. The system also was evaluated using the standard ELISA method. Among 190 HIV-infected individuals, the rate of P23 positivity was 13.7%. Seropositivity in HIV-infected individuals was higher in female patients. The seropositivity to P23 was higher in HIV-infected individuals with high viral load, although the difference was statistically insignificant. Significantly higher Cryptosporidium seropositivity was observed in HIV-infected individuals with a CD4+ T-cell count of <200 cells/μl than in those with ≥200 cells/μl. Our results also demonstrate that a lower CD4+ T-cell count may reflect an increased accumulated risk for cryptosporidiosis. The detection system was further validated using the standard ELISA method and good correlation between the two methods was found (r = 0.80). Under the same sensitivity, this new microfluidic chip device had a specificity of 98.2%. This developed system may provide a powerful platform for the fast screening of Cryptospordium infection in HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

The usability of many high-throughput lab-on-a-chip devices in point-of-care applications is currently limited by the manual data acquisition and analysis process, which are labor intensive and time consuming. Based on our original design in the biochemical reactions, we proposed here a universal approach to perform automatic, fast, and robust analysis for high-throughput array-based microfluidic immunoassays. Inspired by two-dimensional (2D) barcodes, we incorporated asymmetric function patterns into a microfluidic array. These function patterns provide quantitative information on the characteristic dimensions of the microfluidic array, as well as mark its orientation and origin of coordinates. We used a computer program to perform automatic analysis for a high-throughput antigen/antibody interaction experiment in 10 s, which was more than 500 times faster than conventional manual processing. Our method is broadly applicable to many other microchannel-based immunoassays.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism behind cancer metastasis is a major challenge in cancer biology. Several in vitro models have been developed to mimic a cancer microenvironment by engineering cancer–endothelial cell (EC) and cancer-stromal cell interactions. It has been challenging to realistically mimic angiogenesis, intravasation, and extravasation using macro-scale approaches but recent progress in microfluidics technology has begun to yield promising results. We present a metastasis chip that produce microvessels, where EC and stromal cells can be patterned in close proximity to tumor cells. The vessels are formed following a natural morphogenic process and have smooth boundaries with proper cell-cell junctions. The engineered microvessels are perfusable and have well-defined openings toward inlet and outlet channels. The ability to introduce cancer cells into different locations bordering to the microvessel wall allowed generation and maintenance of appropriate spatial gradients of growth factors and attractants. Cancer angiogenesis and its inhibition by anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (bevacizumab) treatment were successfully reproduced in the metastasis chip. Cancer intravasation and its modulation by treatment of tumor necrosis factor-α were also modeled. Compared to other models, the unique design of the metastasis chip that engineers a clear EC-cancer interface allows precise imaging and quantification of angiogenic response as well as tumor cell trans-endothelial migration. The metastasis chip presented here has potential applications in the investigation of fundamental cancer biology as well as in drug screening.  相似文献   

We have used Brownian dynamics-finite element method (BD-FEM) to guide the optimization of a microfluidic device designed to stretch DNA for gene mapping. The original design was proposed in our previous study [C. C. Hsieh and T. H. Lin, Biomicrofluidics 5(4), 044106 (2011)] for demonstrating a new pre-conditioning strategy to facilitate DNA stretching through a microcontraction using electrophoresis. In this study, we examine the efficiency of the original device for stretching DNA with different sizes ranging from 48.5 kbp (λ-DNA) to 166 kbp (T4-DNA). The efficiency of the device is found to deteriorate with increasing DNA molecular weight. The cause of the efficiency loss is determined by BD-FEM, and a modified design is proposed by drawing an analogy between an electric field and a potential flow. The modified device does not only regain the efficiency for stretching large DNA but also outperforms the original device for stretching small DNA.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium resistant to all existing penicillin and lactam-based antimicrobial drugs and, therefore, has become one of the most prevalent antibiotic-resistant pathogens found in hospitals. The multi-drug resistant characteristics of MRSA make it challenging to clinically treat infected patients. Therefore, early diagnosis of MRSA has become a public-health priority worldwide. Conventionally, cell-culture based methodology and microscopic identification are commonly used for MRSA detection. However, they are relatively time-consuming and labor-intensive. Recently, molecular diagnosis based on nucleic acid amplification techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), has been widely investigated for the rapid detection of MRSA. However, genomic DNA of both live and dead pathogens can be distinguished by conventional PCR. These results thus could not provide sufficient confirmation of an active infection for clinicians. In this study, live MRSA was rapidly detected by using a new integrated microfluidic system. The microfluidic system has been demonstrated to have 100% specificity to detect live MRSA with S. aureus and other pathogens commonly found in hospitals. The experimental results showed that the limit of detection for live MRSA from biosamples was approximately 102 CFU/μl. In addition, the entire diagnostic protocol, from sample pre-treatment to fluorescence observation, can be automatically completed within 2.5 h. Consequently, this microfluidic system may be a powerful tool for the rapid molecular diagnosis of live MRSA.  相似文献   

Aptamers are promising cell targeting ligands for several applications such as for the diagnosis, therapy, and drug delivery. Especially, in the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell specific aptamers have an enormous potential. Using the combinatorial chemistry process SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment), aptamers are selected from a huge oligonucleotide library consisting of approximately 1015 different oligonucleotides. Here, we developed a microfluidic chip system that can be used for the selection of cell specific aptamers. The major drawbacks of common cell-SELEX methods are the inefficient elimination of the unspecifically bound oligonucleotides from the cell surface and the unspecific binding/uptake of oligonucleotides by dead cells. To overcome these obstacles, a microfluidic device, which enables the simultaneous performance of dielectrophoresis and electrophoresis in the same device, was designed. Using this system, viable cells can be selectively assembled by dielectrophoresis between the electrodes and then incubated with the oligonucleotides. To reduce the rate of unspecifically bound sequences, electrophoretic fields can be applied in order to draw loosely bound oligonucleotides away from the cells. Furthermore, by increasing the flow rate in the chip during the iterative rounds of SELEX, the selection pressure can be improved and aptamers with higher affinities and specificities can be obtained. This new microfluidic device has a tremendous capability to improve the cell-SELEX procedure and to select highly specific aptamers.  相似文献   

We report a simple, low-cost, rapid, and mask-free method to fabricate two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) microfluidic chip for biological analysis researches. In this fabrication process, a laser system is used to cut through paper to form intricate patterns and differently configured channels for specific purposes. Bonded with cyanoacrylate-based resin, the prepared paper sheet is sandwiched between glass slides (hydrophilic) or polymer-based plates (hydrophobic) to obtain a multilayer structure. In order to examine the chip’s biocompatibility and applicability, protein concentration was measured while DNA capillary electrophoresis was carried out, and both of them show positive results. With the utilization of direct laser cutting and one-step gas-sacrificing techniques, the whole fabrication processes for complicated 2D and 3D microfluidic devices are shorten into several minutes which make it a good alternative of poly(dimethylsiloxane) microfluidic chips used in biological analysis researches.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe in detail a microfluidic analyzer, which is able to conduct blood coagulation tests using whole blood samples. Sample preparation steps, such as whole blood aliquoting and metering, plasma separation, decanting, and mixing with reagents were performed in sequence through microfluidic functions integrated on a disk. Both prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) were carried out on the same platform and the test results can be reported in 5 min. Fifty clinical samples were tested for both PT and aPTT utilizing the microfluidic disk analyzer and the instrument used in hospitals. The test results showed good correlation and agreement between the two instruments.  相似文献   

Gelatin-based microcapsule production using a microfluidic system and the feasibility of the resultant microcapsules for constructing spherical tissues surrounded by heterogeneous cells were studied. The first cell-encapsulation and subsequent cell-enclosing microparticle encapsulation were achieved using a microfluidic flow-focusing droplet production system. A hollow-core structure of about 150 μm in diameter was developed by incubating the resultant microparticles at 37 °C, which induced thermal melting of the enclosed unmodified gelatin microparticles. Mammalian cells filled the hollow-cores after 4 days of incubation. A cell layer on the cell-enclosing microcapsules was developed by simply suspending the microcapsules in medium containing adherent fibroblast cells. This method may prove useful for the generation of gelatin microcapsules using a microfluidic system for formation of artificial tissue constructs.  相似文献   

This study reports an integrated microfluidic system capable of isolation, counting, and sorting of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from cord blood in an automatic format by utilizing a magnetic-bead-based immunoassay. Three functional modules, including cell isolation, cell counting, and cell sorting modules are integrated on a single chip by using microfluidic technology. The cell isolation module is comprised of a four-membrane-type micromixer for binding of target stem cells and magnetic beads, two pneumatic micropumps for sample transport, and an S-shaped channel for isolation of HSCs using a permanent magnet underneath. The counting and sorting of HSCs are performed by utilizing the cell counting and sorting modules. Experimental results show that a separation efficiency as high as 88% for HSCs from cord blood is achieved within 40 min for a sample volume of 100 μl. Therefore, the development of this integrated microfluidic system may be promising for various applications such as stem cell research and cell therapy.  相似文献   

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