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In Cambodia, Mith Samlanh/Friends, through Pharmaciens Sans Frontier, is developing a project aiming to provide reproductive health (RH) information, education and care among vulnerable urban youth and children in squatter areas, pagodas and streets. The project also seeks to reintegrate vulnerable youth and correct abusive and risky behavior, introduce RH services in vulnerable communities, and to build the capacity of partner nongovernmental organizations in all aspects of the project. As its strategy, it works with vulnerable groups, including commercial sex workers and street children in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham province, to teach them useful skills. A summary of the main program activities is presented.  相似文献   

This project aims to strengthen access to improved reproductive health (RH) services through the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS). Being the implementing agency, the facilities and technical and human resource capacity of BDRCS should be strengthened in order to manage quality RH services, especially clinical family planning and safe motherhood activities. In addition, strengthening of the BDRCS should be done to enhance Red Cross volunteer activities by mobilizing grassroots men and women to raise the demand for family planning and reproductive health services, with assistance from government health workers. To this effect, several strategies are implemented: 1) upgrade two BDRCS hospitals in Sylhet and Banglabazar; 2) provide postnatal counseling for clinical contraceptive by trainee paramedics and nurses; and 3) establish referral linkages with other RH international partners. Target groups include the Sylhet town and old parts of Dhaka City. An outline of the main activities of the project is given.  相似文献   

This project emphasizes two objectives: 1) establishing a database for the RHI; and 2) facilitating shared training courses and exchange visits between RHI projects. Other objectives are focused on facilitating regular meetings between component projects and the national advisory group, serve as a resource on adolescent reproductive health and the RHI, and develop publicity materials and monitoring mechanisms for the RHI. As its strategy, the project is maximizing collaboration and synergy among the RHI component projects by facilitating linkages and shared activities. Main activities included in the project are: 1) assist in developing monitoring system, establish an ARH database, support nongovernmental organizations, and visit projects; 2) facilitate the development of an information, education, and communication (IEC) strategy, hold training workshops and meetings, and share IEC strategy and messages; 3) exchange ARH information and participate in World Population Day, IWD, and World Aids Day.  相似文献   

Through the use of interactive radio and other media, Health Unlimited through its implementing agencies, the Cambodia Health Education Media Services and Cambodia Health Education and Development is working towards increasing knowledge of reproductive and sexual health among Cambodian adolescents. It also seeks to promote the use of reproductive and sexual health services for the youth; improve youth involvement in developing information, education and communication (IEC) materials on reproductive health; and increase the capacity of nongovernmental organizations, government agencies and the private sector to develop IEC for the youth. The strategies being pursued include exploring the role of radio and using nongovernmental organization expertise in radio show production and sharing IEC messages with the media. The main activities being carried include the production of interactive radio magazine programs for the youth along with magazine supplements, training of health and media staff and providing them with work experience, and involving the youth in media production by using an interactive format and focus group discussion.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, works to increase access to quality reproductive health (RH) care services among low- and medium-income groups in underserved outlying districts. The strategies being pursued are as follows: 1) expand RH services (with special emphasis on long-term methods) through special work units/upgraded clinics and mobile clinics; 2) develop and use information, education and communication materials for information and awareness raising; 3) hold community-based meetings for information dissemination, RH awareness and motivation, and clinical contraception; 4) conduct advocacy campaigns to increase demand for RH services; 5) organize adolescent school-based programs and peer group meetings on awareness raising and RH; 6) strengthen field units/local nongovernmental organizations and community based organizations through training and support; 7) promote inter-linkages with other RH information partners, government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations; and 8) establish a cost recovery process for sustainability. A summary of the main activities of the program is provided.  相似文献   

In Phnom Penh and Kratie province, Save the Children Fund/UK, through its implementing agencies (Women's Organizations for Modern Economy and Nursing, Squatters? Urban Poor Federation, Kratie Women?s Welfare Organization), is working to improve knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among marginalized youth aged 12-25 years. Moreover, the project seeks to increase access to contraceptive methods among young people in selected squatter communities, and to help change adolescent attitudes and behavior, as well as improve their life skills. The strategies being pursued include assessing the training needs of nongovernmental organizations and organizing shared training in reproductive and sexual health, as well as quarterly meetings to enable the sharing of experiences. A summary of the main activities of the project is presented.  相似文献   

This article outlines the objectives, strategies and main activities adopted by the Marie Stopes Clinic Society in expanding access of low-income women and men to reproductive health (RH) services in underserved urban/periurban areas. The overall objective of the project is to help increase the utilization of family planning and RH services among low-income men and women in the towns of Moulavibazar, Laxmipur, Narsingdi, and Keraniganj in Bangladesh. To achieve this, the strategies being pursued include: 1) establish four clinics in the towns; 2) enhance the capacity to organize RH service delivery and promote RH advocacy through information, education and communication materials and campaigns; and 3) establish linkages with RH international partners, other nongovernmental organizations, government health programs, as well as non-formal practitioners with the community. The main activities are enumerated and discussed.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the UN Population Fund is working to strengthen nongovernmental organization (NGO) capacity and linkages to improve reproductive health services and information. Specifically, the aim is to strengthen the technical and human resource capacity of participating NGOs and the functional linkages between national NGOs and relevant government agencies to help harmonize and standardize the delivery of reproductive health information and services. This umbrella project collaborates with RHI-participating NGOs in a policy paper on adolescent reproductive health, and will maintain contact with the regional dimension project to collaborate its activities. Programs implemented by partner NGOs are being reviewed and monitored, and linkages among national NGOs and government agencies are being developed. The main activities of the project are enumerated.  相似文献   

In Cambodia, Care (Deutschland), through the Cambodia Health Education Development (CHED) and the Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia, is working towards the promotion of reproductive health (RH) practices among working adolescents and young adults. The project seeks to reach a minimum target group of 10,000 out-of-school, single, working adolescents and young adults aged 12-29 years, and at least 50 trained RH providers and educators in selected project sites. It also aims to provide specialist RH services to at least 200 single adolescents and young adults per month and per newly operational RH facility in project areas; and to build the capacity of at least two partner nongovernmental organizations in adolescent RH services. As its two-part strategy, the project is sharing information, education, and communication (IEC) expertise and using CHED as an informal IEC clearing house. The main activities of the project are outlined.  相似文献   

In Cambodia, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Reproductive Health (RH) Association of Cambodia, seeks to help strengthen the national capacity to deliver RH services and high-quality RH information, education and communication (IEC) materials for adolescents in four project areas. It also aims to increase the utilization of RH services by young people aged 12-25 years. Its strategies include providing back-up IEC services and specialist technical inputs to the production of radio shows, and sharing the family life education curriculum as a resource. The main activities of the project consist of: 1) meeting with stakeholders to encourage community participation and carrying out needs assessment; 2) organizing adolescent reproductive health services and providing special clinic facilities; 3) setting up of youth club activities and mobilizing, training and supporting youth volunteers to provide outreach, peer education and referrals to clinic services; and 4) training and disseminating IEC materials.  相似文献   

Research on factors associated with good mental health following child maltreatment is often based on unrepresentative samples and focuses on individual-level factors. To address these gaps, the present study examined the association between relationship- and community-level factors and overall mental health status among adolescents with and without a history of maltreatment in a representative sample. Data were drawn from the National Comorbidity Survey of Adolescents (NCS-A; n = 10,148; data collection 2001–2004); a large, cross-sectional, nationally representative sample of adolescents aged 13–17 years from the United States. Having supportive parent and family relationships were significantly associated with good mental health (AOR ranging from 2.1 to 7.1). Positive community and school experiences were also significantly associated with good mental health (AOR ranging from 2.0 to 9.8). In most models, support from friends and siblings was not related to better mental health. Factors to be tested for efficacy in interventions targeted to adolescents with a history of child maltreatment include encouraging supportive parent and family relationships, and fostering positive community and school experiences.  相似文献   

This project seeks to help reduce the vulnerability of young Cambodians aged 12-25 to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by strengthening nongovernmental organization (NGO) capacity to develop sustainable, effective and appropriate responses to HIV/AIDS and STDs. The strategies include strengthening local NGO capacity, sharing technical support concerning HIV/AIDS, and working together to develop information, education and communication on HIV/AIDS. Main activities included in the project are: 1) enable NGOs to undertake broader response to HIV/STDs by mobilizing, selecting, contracting, monitoring and supervising local NGO projects; 2) enhance local NGO capacity to work with the youth by organizing specialist training workshops, providing technical support and training in external relations and sustainability, and promoting local NGO/youth volunteer exchange and exposure programs; 3) strengthen the capacity of local NGOs through training, skill building, technical support and development of NGO support program; and 4) improve the knowledge base of programming for youth by identifying, documenting and disseminating effective programming models and tools.  相似文献   

Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT), an instructional technique involving student teams and learning games, is proposed as an alternative classroom structure for children with special needs. TGT and individualized instruction were compared in a school for adolescents of normal intelligence experiencing problems with human relationships and academic tasks. Students were randomly assigned to treatments. A five-category behavioral observation scale recorded student interaction and task behavior. In addition, students responded to a five-item sociometric instrument. The results confirmed hypotheses that TGT would exceed individualized instruction on students' attraction to one another, frequency of peer tutoring, and percent of time on task. A five-month followup showed former TGT students distributed among six new classes to be still interacting with their peers both on and off task more than control students.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来给干部的学习教育提出了新课题,本文从建立适应知识经济发展的干部学习教育运行机制及干部学习教育评价体系等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the prevalence of, and determine the effect of adverse childhood experiences on non-suicidal self-injury among children and adolescents referred to community and inpatient mental health settings. Data for this study were obtained from the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health dataset. A total of 2038 children and adolescents aged 8–18 years (M = 12.49; SD = 2.88, 61.1% males) were analyzed. Binary logistic regression was fitted to identify predictors of non-suicidal self-injury as a function of adverse childhood experiences, depression, and social support while simultaneously controlling for age, gender, type of patient, legal guardianship, marital status of parents/caregivers, history of foster family placement, and mental health diagnoses. Of the 2038 children and adolescents examined, 592 (29%) of this clinical sample engaged in non-suicidal self-injury. In the multivariate logistic regression model, children and adolescents who were physically abused had 49% higher odds of engaging in non-suicidal self-injury and children and adolescents who were sexually abused had 60% higher odds of engaging in non-suicidal self-injury, when compared to their non-abused counterparts. Other predictors of non-suicidal self-injury include: older age, female gender, inpatient status, depression, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, disruptive behavior disorder, and mood disorders. Children and adolescents who had some form of social support had a 26% decrease in the odds of engaging in non-suicidal self-injury. Assessment procedures for indicators of mental health, particularly among children and adolescents with a history of adverse childhood experiences, should also take into account non-suicidal self-injury. In addition to bolstering social support networks, addressing depression and related emotion regulation skills in childhood may help prevent future non-suicidal self-injury behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of group relaxation training/large muscle exercise and parental involvement on attention to task, impulsivity, and locus of control among 34 hyperactive boys. Subjects were randomly assigned to treatment (T1 and T2) and control groups. The experimental treatments each included three once‐weekly group sessions of relaxation training and large muscle exercise; in addition, parents were involved with the intervention for T2 subjects. (Parental participation unfortunately was less than planned.) Following treatment both experimental groups recorded significantly higher attention to task, lower impulsivity, and lower locus of control scores, indicating a more internal orientation. While differences between treatment and control groups were clear‐cut, those between the two treatment groups were not; T1, subjects demonstrated higher attention to task, lower impulsivity, and more external locus of control scores in comparison with T2, subjects. While relaxation training and large muscle exercise appear to warrant inclusion in programs involving hyperactive children, no such recommendation can be made for including parents at this stage.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验法、访谈法、特尔斐法等。对普通高校体育与健康课程考试评价方法存在的问题进行分析,构建了新纲要、新标准下符合实际的普通高校体育与健康课程考试评价新体系.  相似文献   

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