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Conclusion Teachers need formal and working knowledge of educational evaluation for their work in traditional schools as well as in schools in the future. In the form of principles, the professional evaluation standards provide educational evaluation knowledge that teachers can use to acquire the working knowledge they want and can use. Professional development programs can help teachers grasp the substance and intent of educational evaluation principles, but the principles alone cannot empower teachers or build a system of profound knowledge shared within the organization and used to move it toward its goals. An investment in teachers through professional-development programs is important if teachers are to conduct evaluations and use evaluation results together as a routine part of doing business. An investment in teachers through professional-development programs must attend to the social and technical aspects of a change effort. The learning about evaluation and their principles must be organizationally valued and the learning nurtured and sustained.  相似文献   

青春电影是好莱坞电影创作体系中一个独具特色的媒介,对认识美国社会与文化有着积极的借鉴作用。《名扬四海》作为一部具有典型意义的美国青春电影,在传递青春与梦想的主题之外,也折射出当代美国社会在多元文化、艺术创新、教育理念、价值体系等方面的微观变化,从而体现出严肃而深刻的人文关怀。  相似文献   

The area of group work and group based technology research is of value in that group and team work skills are seen as important to both industry and education. However, research also shows that there are major issues that have to be considered when introducing group work to organisations. These issues which include cultural, social, technological and educational are considered within this research. The purpose of this research was to gain a deeper understanding of the attitudes of university students to group work and group based technology. Group work and group based technologies were also considered in an industry setting as this was seen as an important pre-requisite to the study of student group work. The outcome of this paper is, based on the findings of the author’s research, and proposes a set of conclusions and recommendations for the introduction of group work and group based technology into the Higher Education environment. To this end it is important to recount the research process that led to the production of these recommendations. In order to further this research a substantial literature review was undertaken as was an industry survey and a student based case study.  相似文献   

Conclusion Anyone responsible for introducing educational technology to educators in developing countries needs to understand how limited, and limiting, their choices may be. Only when we consider the cultural values and belief systems embedded within the curricula, hardware, software, and processes that accompany this integration can we fully understand the limitations of these choices and their impact upon students. As responsible educators we must be cognizant of the thought collectives that shape our attitudes toward technology in the classroom. We should acknowledge that every piece of educational technology represents the collaborative effort of people shaped by a technological sub-culture that champions innovation, efficiency, and productivity. Initiation to this subculture means acceptance of a binary system of collecting, organizing, and retrieving information, all of which compels one to perceive the world through technological filters such as databases and Web browsers. This particular thought collective is foreign to many educators from the developing nations of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South America. They may not fully understand the culture that engendered the technological chain of doing, but their resistance signals a desire to preserve their own culture rather than become yet another link in that chain. Rather than dismiss their resistance to technological innovations, we ought to engage in frank discussions about the ramifications of integrating educational technology. In order to demonstrate sensitivity to world cultures, and introduce educational technology in an ethical fashion, educators need to be aware of the choices that the chain of doing often makes for us, and draw attention to these choices for those who remain most vulnerable to them.  相似文献   

在我国社会经济模式,社会经济发展阶段和社会教育模式都发生转型的时期教师作为科学技术、文化知识传承的群体不发失去其应有的文化品格和文化理念,而应当在文化建设中实现自价值,凸显人文精神 。  相似文献   

从跨文化的角度审视反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反思在跨文化交流中具有潜在优势,当人们处于一个新的文化环境或社区甚至是一个新的班级时,他们会加强对自己身份、归属感和责任的反思。反思是一种深层次的社会行为,其在跨文化互动过程中具有两种社会功能:一是帮助人们确定文化中哪些方面适合自己,以及怎样根据自己的兴趣去适应文化中其他方面;二是帮助人们变得更加善于接受不同文化的价值观和行为。培养反思能力的设计原则包括:创建以教育目标为目的的反思活动;在活动中创造能够真正激发反思的机会;在呈现文化背景的时候尽量采用小模块;鼓励个人的独立反思,并与其进行沟通;设计“提倡实践并提高适应能力”的技术;人性化的文化交流可使人们更乐于进行反思。作为改变教师和学生教育价值观和行为的一种方式,技术在促进跨文化交流中发挥着重要的作用。利用技术可以把地域文化上的障碍转变成学习和个人成长的新契机。  相似文献   

教育--人力资本投资新领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一种生产性活动,它能增长一个人的能力,包括技能、技术、文化水平、企业精神、管理能力等.教育的结果能使生产增值,使社会经济迅速发展.教育是人力资本形成的最佳途径,教育体制改革是人力资本适应时代发展要求的保障.教育要面向人的全面协调发展,最大限度地开发人的潜在能力,教育领域必将成为人力资本投资的最新领域.  相似文献   

教学改革中的文化冲击与文化适应问题   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
长期以来,我国的教育研究和改革是在西方教育理论和方法的话语背景中展开的。我们在学习和运用这些理论方法时,过于注重操作和形式化层面,而这些理论和方法背后的社会、文化价值和冲突往往被忽视了,从而导致了理论上过度推论和实践中的种种不适应。从文化人类学、知识社会学、跨文化社会心理学的视野出发,分析目前在教学改革中教师普遍面临的文化冲击和文化适应问题,我们应该看到,中国的文化源远流长,教育文化十分丰富,对西方教育文化的学习一定要注意与我国传统教育文化的关系, 注重在传统教育文化的基础上进行创造性整合。  相似文献   

时代发展呼唤更多既能满足社会现实需要,又具备个人可持续发展能力的商务英语专业人才。人才的综合素质也表现在英语语言能力、跨文化交际与社交能力、创新能力、思考能力、情感理解与表达能力等诸多方面。而高职商务英语专业要培养知识面较宽、素质高的应用型人才,就必须转变思想观念,从教学模式、师资建设等方面着手进行教学改革。  相似文献   

浅谈教育技术学科的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落实21世纪师范教育的发展目标,将给教育技术学科建设和专业发展提供新的内容和空间,文章就制度教育技术学主干课程的指导思想和课程结构指出,教育技术学科面临着机遇和挑战,其课程的改革必须围绕着更新教育思想,加强实践环节,适应社会发展需要的思路,不断完善学科建设,才有可能构建起立体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

The need for including English language learners in the regular classroom at all phases of their linguistic and cultural development is presented within a Vygotkian sociocultural theory of human development. Based on the social primacy of development within this theoretical tenet, all aspects of development are viewed to proceed from social interactions. Effective social interactions that lead to development are distinguished by a heterogeneous collective experience of all participants in the interaction. In accordance with the sociocultural perspective, the educational goal of this heterogeneous group is to acquire and use cultural tools deemed appropriate to their time and place. As others’ cultures and languages become rich resources for becoming competent in one’s own culture, the cultural and linguistic diversity gained by including all students in the classroom becomes a powerful source of development for all.  相似文献   

Against a background of working with a cross‐cultural educational research project in the Federal Republic of Germany the author identifies a number of the factors which form a barrier to full professional achievement by Italian teachers working with pupils of their own nationality in that country. Obstacles are found to exist on both sides of the cultural divide. Some of the difficulties encountered are analysed for both their theoretical and their practical implications and the author suggests some of the directions which effective multicultural education must take.  相似文献   

1990年代中国大陆散文的文化品格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年代中国大陆的散文创作和相关的理论活动,总体上是适应着1990年代中国社会文化需求机制的更新和调整而展开的;在一部分学院派写作者供着“文化散文”、“学者散文”等文学市场品牌,构筑起精神自疗的虚拟世界的同时,大量活跃在一般社会文化圈层中的文学写作者,也托庇于各各兼具市场品牌和文学旗帜双重功能的新散文概念而蜂拥到了散文领域;在这个过程中,散文非虎构的体裁属性遭到了正反两面的瓦解,这使得从1990年代的中国社会文化空间里凸显出来的阵势浩大的散文家群像,以及被公认为1990年代中国大陆散文佳作范本的少数作品,最终成为1990年代中国社会文化在启蒙和反启蒙的力量兴替序列中跃入新阶段的隐喻形式。  相似文献   

If design research involving technology-based tools is going to impact educational settings, the design process must be extended beyond the tool itself to encompass a broader range of factors such as the classroom social structures (e.g., beliefs about learning and knowledge, learning activities and participant structures, configurations of both physical space and cyberspace). Although prior research has underscored the importance of classroom social structures in technology integration, it has failed to specify the critical design variables that must be taken into account. Only by understanding the critical variables involved is it possible to develop a deep understanding of how and why things work. The Social Infrastructure Framework systematically frames the critical design elements in terms of 4 dimensions: (a) cultural beliefs, (b) practices, (c) socio-techno-spatial relations, and (d) interaction with the "outside world." This article details the design issues associated with each dimension based on examples drawn from a range of educational technologies. This article also describes how the framework can serve to advance the methodology of design research by serving as a tool for both design and analysis.  相似文献   

网络时代社会的发展要求教育信息化,计算机及网络信息技术既给教育带来了高效益,又带来了一定程度上人文关怀的缺失。教育的信息化建设要从高技术、高人文两个方面进行,倡导科学人文主义教育,弘扬“以人为本”的教育理念,重建“对话式”师生关系。  相似文献   

问题奶粉与大学之责   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文反思了最近在中国暴露出的三聚氰胺污染奶粉事件,认为问题奶粉的出现不仅仅是奶制品行业的问题,也暴露出教育尤其是高等教育行业存在的问题.教育者不应该袖手旁观,而应该深刻反思,加强诚信教育,提升大学的社会责任.  相似文献   

通过对发达国家的研究分析,认为我国学习型社会的创建工作主要应着力于以下五个方面:努力将终身教育纳入教育立法体系,进一步完善教育立法;探索并形成符合国情的成人继续教育资助机制;丰富成人教育内涵,积极促进成人教育朝多元化方向发展;重视开展与国民素质密切相关的社会文化生活教育;充分利用现代教育技术手段,拓宽受教育者的学习途径。  相似文献   

为了加强对中小企业的创业辅导,国家有必要建立能够覆盖全社会的创业辅导体系,帮助新建企业完成创业过程。依据经济学和公共管理的相关理论,我国创业辅导体系的建设应当由政府主导和推动,在构建过程中需要充分整合和利用社会资源,创业辅导体系的中坚应是社会化的中介机构。创业辅导体系首先要加强组织机构建设,其次是建立包括组织协调、考核、激励、退出等在内的运行机制,其中尤其要积极发挥赢利性创业服务机构、行业协会等社会力量的作用。  相似文献   

博物馆是社会公益性文化事业的重要组成部分,其社会效益应放在首位,但也不能忽略经济效益。只有将两者有机结合,才能使博物馆事业有序、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

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