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数量关系是幼小衔接阶段儿童数学学习的核心内容,对儿童数感发展至关重要。了解儿童的认识是优化数量关系幼小衔接教学的重要前提和基础。学前儿童对量和数的经验之间缺乏联系,但能用操作解决具体问题;小学低年级儿童的认识重在建立量与数的联系,基于量或量的关系理解数或数之间的关系等。优化幼小衔接教学应基于儿童水平及其差异,注重建立数、量和关系间的联系,引导儿童运用自己的方法解决问题,强化教学设计突破学习难点。  相似文献   

儿童对混合情绪的理解是衡量儿童情绪理解能力发展的重要内容。综述了当前对儿童混合情绪理解的相关研究,包括发展特点、影响因素、研究范式等。同时,从研究方法和研究内容两个方面提出了当前研究的不足之处,并据此对未来的相关研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

“求一个数是另一个数的几倍”应用题,是简单应用题中比较难于理解的一类题.难点在于对“倍”概念的理解.甲数是乙数的几倍,实际上是甲数与乙数之比,学习“倍”概念对以后学习分数、比和比例等知识十分有用.考虑到儿童的思维特点,教学中我指导学生模仿教师的演示,摆学具,让他们在动手.动脑、动口的活动中发现问题、探索规律,较好地帮助他们理解了“倍”概念.  相似文献   

一、发生学习理论的提出与主要观点 在教育心理学领域,有关学习过程的解释,源于对学生原有知识和他们用于解释世界的思维结构之间关系的理解。于是,围绕这一问题,心理学家们进行了大量的调查研究,主要针对儿童对自然科学概念的学习与理解。调查结果表明,儿童在正式学习自然科学课程之前,就对许多科学问题有了自己的看法。如,认为“数字可以无穷地数下去”,  相似文献   

学前儿童数学认知的发展主要表现在儿童对有关数以及数之间的关系、量、空间、几何形状、分类、排序、模式、时间等概念的理解与运用上,其中对数概念的理解与运用是学前数学课程的重要内容。数概念  相似文献   

中国、加拿大、美国小学三年级学生学习特点比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中、美、加三国儿童的学习特点存在一定程度的国别差异和性别差异,中国儿童与外国(特指加拿大和美国)儿童学习特点上的中西差异十分明显.在喜欢学校、计算机运用能力、家庭作业能力等方面,中国被调查儿童强于加拿大和美国儿童;但在学习自信心、图书借阅能力、学习效果和学习环境等方面,加拿大和美国被调查儿童的表现明显强于中国被调查儿童.小学生的课业负担沉重,学习自信心不足,是我国面临的突出问题.  相似文献   

一、理清知识脉胳,把握整体结构10以内数的认识和加减法计算,是儿童学习数学的开始。它包括10以内数的认识、10以内的加减法及用图画表示的应用题等内容。教材一方面继承了原通过教材中认数和计算相结合,加减法穿插进行,突出加减法之间的关系等特点;另一方面,为了加强对数概念的理解,新增加了数的大小比较,初步认识大于号和小于号等内容,并加强了观察、思维和学生动手操作的环节。通过“一图一式”、“一图二式”和“一图四式”等内容,进一步展现加减法之间的内在联系和计算规律;通过图画表示的应用题,提前孕伏简单加减法应用题…  相似文献   

认“数”是学习数学的基础。儿童认“数”的过程是一个从具体到抽象的过程,即从依靠操作实物的具体形象思维到依靠实物表象的映象思维 ,再向理解数词实际含义的抽象逻辑思维过渡。儿童在头脑中逐渐形成关于数字的形状、名称及它所代表的实际含义之间的关系 ,建立起各数词在音、形、义上的联系。儿童的认数过程大致可以分三个阶段 ,即认识10以内数、认识20以内数和认识百以内数 ,每一阶段各有其特点。本文将结合每一阶段的特点来阐述数学教育的方法及策略。一、儿童认识10以内数的特点及教育儿童掌握10以内数一般要经过以下两个阶段。首先 ,…  相似文献   

程谢 《考试周刊》2010,(6):30-30
本文调查了我国儿童文学翻译的现状.针对目前儿童文学翻译存在的一些问题,提出翻译应该在理解儿童文学特点的基础上,以目的语读者为中心,以儿童的心理特征、理解能力和审美需求为基础。用符合儿童语体特点的语言把原文的内容和风格忠实地传达出来.以达到真正为儿童翻译、为儿童服务的目的。  相似文献   

人教版义务教育课程标准实验教材把“10以内数的认识及其加减法”分为两个单元进行安排,即1~5的认识及其加减法和6~10的认识及其加减法.这是全册教材的主要内容之一,也是学生进一步学习最重要的基础,让初入学的儿童切实打好这一基础,对他们今后学好数学具有十分重要的意义.一、教材编排的主要特点1.相对集中安排1~10的认识.教材改变了传统教学逐一认识10以内的数的做法,采用相对集中的办法,先把1~5集中起来学习,再将6和7、8和9分别放在一起认识,最后单独学习10.这样安排,既遵循了儿童的认知规律和已有经验,又节约了教学时间,提高了教学效率,同时还有利于学生更好地理解相邻两个自然数之间的联系,促进数概念的形成.如,5以内的数由于数小,儿童理解也比较容易,大部分儿童在入学前对这些数已有了一定的认识,把5以内的数集中起来学习,符合儿童的认知规律.由于数10是由两个数字组成的,又是一个重要的数概念,相对来说要比前面所学的数困难大一些,因此教材单独安排了10的认识.2.认数与计算穿插进行,紧密结合.教材将10以内的数的认识和相应的加减法计算有机结合起来,穿插安排,其基本特征是:认识一组数后,紧接着引导学生通过学具操作或直观...  相似文献   

本文通过分析目前实用新型检索报告中存在的不足,参考国外一些国家的做法并结合自己的审查实践,提出了一些建议。为了对实用新型专利授权之后专利有效性的评判作进一步的完善,笔者建议将目前的实用新型“初步审查”+“授权后的检索报告”改为“初步审查”+“授权后的实质审查”为好。  相似文献   

The authors model the class size and teaching load decisions of academic departments in terms of a departmental utility function. Utility is postulated to be asymmetric around class size and teaching load norms, and variables for curricular structure, disciplinary domain, and institutional type are taken into account. Maximization of the utility function produces decision rules for the number of sections to be offered for each course, and hence the faculty's overall teaching load. A nonlinear estimator is developed for the decision rules' parameters and applied to data from four liberal arts colleges and two research universities. Results are consistent with theories about faculty discretionary time and with expectations about the effects of curricular structure on class size. The paper concludes with a discussion about the effects of enrollment uncertainty on faculty load decisions.  相似文献   

This paper examined the diagnostic utility of subtest variability, as represented by the number of subtests that deviate from examinees' mean IQ scores, for identifying students with a learning disability (LD). Participants consisted of the 2,200 students in the WISC‐III normative sample and 684 students (Mdngrade = 5; Mage = 10.8) identified as LD. The number of subtests deviating from examinees' Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ by ±3 points for normative and exceptional samples were contrasted via Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) analyses. Results indicated that LD students did not differ from normative sample children at levels above chance. It was concluded that deviation of individual subtest scores from mean IQ scores has no diagnostic utility for hypothesizing about students with learning disabilities. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the base of utility and marginal utility, the article put forward the concept of utility and marginal utility of educational outlay and the theory of them, and analyzed the actuality of educational resource deployment in our country, gave some advice about how to improve our educational resource deployment of compulsory education.  相似文献   


Recent publications have drawn attention to the idea of utilizing prior information about the correlation structure to improve statistical power in cluster randomized experiments. Because power in cluster randomized designs is a function of many different parameters, it has been difficult for applied researchers to discern a simple rule explaining when prior correlation information will substantially improve power. This article provides bounds on the maximum possible improvement in power as a function of a single parameter, the number of clusters at the highest level of a multilevel experiment. The maximum improvement in power is less than 0.05 unless the number of clusters at the highest level is less than 20. Thus, the utility of using prior correlation information is limited to experiments with very small cluster-level sample sizes. Situations where small cluster-level sample sizes could still result in experiments with good statistical power are discussed, as is the relative utility of prior information about intracluster correlations as compared with covariate information that can explain cluster level variability in the outcome.  相似文献   

从经济的角度对语言进行分析,有助于人们理解语言的本质和作用。本文首先简要介绍了效用的基本概念;随后分析了语言的效用及其特点;最后分析了语言效用的影响因素:信息的相关度,信息的承载量,输入、输出的准确性,语言的质量和特色及信息的新颖性。  相似文献   

本文分析大学评价中线性加权的不足,利用效用理论,以院士人数指标为例,把指标中人数得分改进为效用得分,用边际效用递减规律推导出非线性的效用函数。在此基础上,考虑规模效益,进一步引入阻滞增长(Logistic)模型。  相似文献   

以效用与程序效用为主线,系统阐述了相关领域对之进行的研究及所取得的结论,强调了不同于传统效用概念的程序效用对个人主观幸福感的影响,探讨了基于程序效用的度量方法。  相似文献   

培养社会实用型人才是地方高校的根本职责。文章针对地方高校的办学特色,研究探讨了地方高校在实用型人才培养中的一些实验教学改革和建设的方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to track changes in students' attitudes about the utility of science over the middle and high school years using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (Miller, J. D., Hoffer, T., Suchner, R. W., Brown, K. G., and Nelson, C. (1992). LSAY code book: student, parent, and teacher data for 1992 cohort two for longitudinal years one through four (1987–1991). Northern Illinois University, Illinois. Latent variable growth modeling is the technique that was used to examine the growth in students' attitudes about the utility of science. The results of the present study show that the overall trend for students' attitudes about the utility of science is positive. This means that middle and high school students have fairly positive attitudes about the usefulness of science. It is clear from the present analysis that some of the important predictors of attitudes about the utility of science include science self-concept, teacher encouragement of science, and to a lesser extent achievement motivation and science activities. The effects of the peer and parent variables were found to be quite small and statistically nonsignificant. Also it was found that the time-invariant predictors were not statistically significant. Latent variable growth modeling allows one to examine change in attitudes and also examine the effects of time-varying and time-invariant predictors. Substantive and methodological implications of this technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

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