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A telecommunications and multimedia inservice project, called Telecommunications, Environmental Education, and Multimedia (TEEM), in Arizona USA, includes the study of an evolving professional development venture that connected university‐based preparation with the ongoing education of teachers that was school based, teacher determined, and aligned to K‐12 content. This paper describes that project, its components and its intent to pro‐actively move beyond traditional forms of inservice efforts through a number of innovations which create change. Within the context of this project, the authors describe a “circling” process that accompanies the continuously evolving professional development efforts to remain teacher and school focused.  相似文献   


Recruitment and training are key issues for the 1990's, given current demographic changes, skill shortages, new technologies and the advent of 1992 with an emphasis on human resource utilisation. This paper examines current debates on recruitment, training and local economic restructuring, illustrating the complexities of their interconnectedness. Two strands of research are brought together, that of vocational education and training, and that of industrial change and the labour market.  相似文献   

英语语料库、教学方法和教师角色的转变   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
英语语料库以其独特的优势,已经在语言研究和词典编纂领域赢得了重要一席,然而,英语语料库在英语教学中的潜在作用同样值得我们深入探讨,本文分析英语语料库在英语教学中,尤其在以学习者为中心的教学方法中的重要作用,以及它给ESP教师所带来的新视角。  相似文献   

Many researchers claim that there is a compelling weight of evidence for the effectiveness of PLCs in promoting teachers’ learning and pupil achievement. However, others raise fundamental questions about their nature and purpose. Some of the uncertainties about the nature and purpose of PLCs relate to the ways in which the macro-context of neo-liberalism has shaped the practices of PLCs in particular ways. The fundamental questions raised about PLCs relate to the type of change they are intended to produce, the model of community they are based on and whether the right conditions and skills are in place for them to contribute to change. Some researchers argue that we need to pay more attention to shortcomings within existing PLCs and their internal dynamics. Others argue that little research focuses on the specific interactions of teachers inside PLCs. The research reported here goes ‘inside the teacher community’ of Learning Rounds to explore what the shortcomings of some examples of this model in practice add to what we know about how to assist PLCs to produce change in education.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments and all other research situations the testing of any one hypothesis entails the simultaneous testing of a whole network of auxiliary hypotheses. These will include hypotheses about the stability of statistical structure, the viability of methods, and the social relations between researcher and subject. In the absence of a rigorously theorized naturalistic framework, traditional experimental designs entail professional domination of knowledge and epistemically privileged researchers; as a consequence, their use is open to serious epistemological and political questioning.An alternative account of experiment and scientificity is proposed which recognizes the need to incorporate an understanding of subjects' epistemologies into research programmes, a need which requires greater power for subjects in the development of research, and thus undermines professional domination and epistemic privilege. The account also implies that laboratory experimental inquiry will lapse in rigour unless it is designed and conducted within an explicitly and precisely theorized naturalistic context. Whereas other accounts make scientificity contingent upon professional control and epistemic privilege, the present account suggests that scientificity in social and educational research is contingent upon a deprofessionalized set of social and epistemic relations.
Zusammenfassung Die Überprüfung einer beliebigen Hypothese in Laborexperimenten und in allen anderen Forschungssituationen, zieht die Gleichzeitigkeit eines ganzen Netzwerkes von Hilfshypothesen nach sich. Diese werden Hypothesen über die Stabilität der statistischen Struktur, die Durchführbarkeit der Methoden, und über das soziale Geflecht zwischen Forscher und Versuchsperson einschließen. Da kein streng-theoretisch naturwissenschaftlicher Rahmen vorhanden ist, zeitigen traditionelle experimentelle Versuchsanordnungen professionelles Herrschaftswissen und erkenntnistheoretisch-privilegierte Forscher; konsequenterweise steht ihre Anwendung für ernsthaft-erkenntnistheoretische und politische Fragen offen.Eine alternative Darstellung des Experimentierens und der Wissenschaftlichkeit wird vorgeschlagen, indem die Notwendigkeit erkannt wird, ein Verständnis des erkenntnistheoretischen Vermögens der Versuchsperson in Forschungsprogrammen mit einzubeziehen und in der Notwendigkeit ihm erweiterte Machtbefugnisse in der Forschungsentwicklung einzuräumen, um auf diese Weise Herrschaftswissen und erkenntnistheoretisches Privileg zu unterminieren. Die Darstellung beinhaltet auch, daß die Laborexperimenten resultierenden Ermittlungen an Strenge verlieren werden, bis sie innerhalb eines deutlichen und präzis-theoretisierten naturwissenschaftlichen Kontextes aufgegriffen und ausgeführt werden. Während in anderen Darstellungen Wissenschaftlichkeit vom Zufall der professionellen Kontrolle und dem erkenntnistheoretischen Privileg abhängig gemacht werden, schlägt der vorliegende Bericht vor, Wissenschaftlichkeit in der Gesellschafts- und Bildungsforschung sei von einer deprofessionalisierten Reihe gesellschaftlicher und erkenntnistheoretischer Zusammenhänge abhängig.

Résumé Lors des expériences faites en laboratoire et de toutes autres situations de recherche, l'examen de toute hypothèse entraîne l'analyse simultanée d'un réseau entier de variables auxiliaires. Celles-ci comprennent les hypothèses relatives à la stabilité de la structure statistique, la viabilité des méthodes et les relations sociales entre le chercheur et le sujet. En l'absence d'un cadre naturaliste rigoureusement théorisé, les concepts expérimentaux traditionnels amènent une domination du savoir des experts et des chercheurs épistémologiquement priviligiés: en conséquence, leur usage prête à une interrogation épistémologique et politique sérieuse.On propose un second examen de l'expérience et de la scientificité qui reconnaît la nécessité d'incorporer la compréhension des épistémologies des sujets dans les programmes de recherche, nécessité qui requiert une plus grande puissance des sujets dans le développement de la recherche, et sape ainsi la domination des connaissances des experts et le privilège épistémologique. Cet exposé implique également que la recherche expérimentale en laboratoire tombera dans la rigueur si elle n'est pas conçue et réalisée au sein d'un contexte naturaliste théorisé explicitement et précisément. Tandis que d'autres études font dépendre la scientificité du contrôle expert et du privilège épistémologique, l'article présent énonce que la scientificité de la recherche en matière d'éducation et sociale dépend d'une série de relations sociales et épistémologiques dénuées de tout professionnalisme.

This paper is a revised version of a paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Australian National University, Canberra, November 1983.  相似文献   

Pseodotransactionality—writing that Is patently designed by a student to meet teacher expectations rather than to perform the "real" function the teacher has suggested—is a problem that has frequently troubled writing teachers, especially professional writing teachers. This article attempts to analyze the problem from a sociohistorical perspective by using two Russian theoretical exports: (1) M. M. Bakhtin's concept of genre and (2) Vygotsklan activity theory. The article concludes by suggesting how a sociohistorical perspective mlght help to counteract pseudotransactionality In the professional writing classroom.  相似文献   

Pseodotransactionality—writing that Is patently designed by a student to meet teacher expectations rather than to perform the “real” function the teacher has suggested—is a problem that has frequently troubled writing teachers, especially professional writing teachers. This article attempts to analyze the problem from a sociohistorical perspective by using two Russian theoretical exports: (1) M. M. Bakhtin's concept of genre and (2) Vygotsklan activity theory. The article concludes by suggesting how a sociohistorical perspective mlght help to counteract pseudotransactionality In the professional writing classroom.  相似文献   

School psychology certification implies limited opportunities in so far as it provides for a narrow age range and functioning within a public school setting. Child psychology as a professional model should encompass school psychology training, but broaden its scope to include children of all ages from infancy to adolescence. The school system is only a part of the broader alliance of agencies and institutions servicing the needs of children. The psychologist as a behavioral scientist should not be identified with institutions, but primarily with the subject matter of his training and concern, the child.  相似文献   

The paper argues that in respect of the day‐to‐day work activities required in being a headteacher, and in the work relationships involved in running schools, the occupational culture of headship has changed fundamentally. Using the accounts of 20 headteachers, interviewed in respect of their career histories in 1990 and followed up by means of a postal questionnaire in 1992, the paper illustrates the changes experienced and identified by this group of heads. It is argued that a new headteacher is required; that aspects of educational leadership have diminished dramatically in the work culture of headship.  相似文献   

Unrelenting and radical change in universities over the past two decades has increased pressure on all groups of staff to clarify and adapt their roles to accommodate transformation within the sector. The challenge for professional developers is to understand and develop roles that effectively meet the diverse needs of key employee groups who are negotiating this massive change and, as a consequence, experiencing role conflict and ambiguity. Studies over the past 10 to 15 years have attempted to define models of effective professional development practice, but there is limited research on effectiveness indicators of professional developer roles in large-scale change. The research reported here addresses this gap. The paper presents a case study in which ten academic and general staff members developed a profile of indicators of an effective professional developer role in transformative change, and raises questions about the theoretical foundation and practice of professional development in higher education.  相似文献   

Teacher professional development has come to be recognised as a major policy tool as part of the UK Government's agenda for raising standards and school improvement. These demands call for new approaches to professional development. We need to reconceptualise what teachers learn while at work as professional development which can complement direct work with children. The study reported on in this article is an attempt to investigate the impact of teacher inquiry as part of an action research project on three teachers involved in the North West Consortium for the Study of Effectiveness in Urban Schools (NWCSEUS). This was a partnership of schools, Manchester and Salford local education authorities, the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University set up with the intention of establishing a research culture in schools in order to improve practice and raise teaching standards. The aim of this particular study was to undertake a critical analysis of the impact of the NWCSEUS project on three teachers’ professional development as well as to provide relevant information on the critical components of teacher inquiry. Using the methodology of a multiple‐case design, a cross‐case analysis was drawn up NUD*IST software was used to aid analysis and category development. The teachers reported on demonstrated the positive impact that teacher inquiry can have on both individual teachers and the school as a whole, as through a teacher inquiry culture, schools can become learning environments where teachers continuously plan and evaluate for school improvement and effectiveness.  相似文献   


The widening of access to higher education for mature students has been placed on the policy agenda by the government, in part as a response to demographic changes which will reduce the number of young graduates entering the labour market. This article examines the current position of students in the over 30 age group in UK universities with reference to their entrance qualifications, degree attainment and first destinations on leaving university. It compares the experience of men and women in this age group with young students in the conventional undergraduate population and questions whether a university degree is sufficient to overcome the barriers to the labour market experienced by older graduates. Finally it challenges the access model of equal opportunity implicit in the government's White Paper on Higher Education.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from questionnaires and 49 interviews with teachers and principals, the impact of involvement in Professional Development Schools on teacher professional growth and school change at seven Professional Development School sites is explored through a cross-case analysis. Each of the seven sites, four elementary and three secondary, served five or more years as a PDS site. Program results were mixed, underscoring the importance of a range of context variables to program success, including school district support, principal, staff and University faculty stability, student body composition, school and faculty size, as well as the nature of teachers' program involvement. Implications for PDS program development and research are discussed and a range of policy issues explored, including those associated with tensions between university faculty roles and PDS responsibilities.  相似文献   

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