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纵观日本近10年的教育改革策略,不难发现,重视家庭、社区与学校间的合作已经成为重要的发展方向之一.如何整合区域资源、利用区域资源与学校的合作来提升教育的整体效果,已经成为日本教育界正在不断探索的新领域.近年来,随着日本社会的发展,越来越多的学生家长难以从繁重的工作中脱身,投入到对儿童的照料和教育中去,同时,社区与学校的众多教育资源又无法得到充分利用.基于这对矛盾,日本政府出台了“放学后儿童计划”,期望在促进儿童健康成长、提升区域教育力的同时,加强对学生“生存能力”及“人性”的培养.  相似文献   

发达而神奇的以色列国,其国土面积不及北京大,人口仅500多万,其人均国民生产总值却超过17000美元,一举跻身世界20个最发达国家之列,这是一个奇迹,产生这个奇迹的魔术师是教育与科技。  相似文献   

介绍了日本的高等职业教育学位制度并归纳了其基本特征。指出日本高等职业教育学位类型设置多样,学位衔接连贯,适应了经济社会发展的需求,保证了职业教育人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Education levels are positively related to variables which are themselves indicators of economic development, yet there is no direct linkage between education levels and economic development On the evidence of the past 24 years it appears that the countries experiencing higher growth rates are those which combine high investment levels and large education outlays with a set of supporting domestic policies. These policies are revealed by substantial factor productivity gains, which are especially related to openness to the international environment. There is evidence that specifically vocational training is a less efficient use of public education resources than generic or “academic” education.  相似文献   

日本于20世纪90年代颁布并实施了《终身学习振兴法》,期间经历了较为艰难曲折的立法过程.值得肯定的是,终身教育立法本身体现了一定的时代进步性,推进了整个亚洲地区终身教育立法的进程与实践发展.但由于日本政府对于终身教育的理解与诠释经历了 一个理念转变的过程,即教育理念说、学习主体说、学习权利说以及社会参与说,这样的思想脉络一方面为促成日本终身教育的立法提供了理论基础,但同时其中也蕴藏着各种价值冲突.由此,导致日本《终身学习振兴法》颁布后其立法的价值取向一直被日本终身学界所诟病.立法过程中,"市场化"和"民营化"的经济取向、"行政化"与"分权化"的政治取向、"理念性"与"民办性"的.理论取向以及"协调性"和"主体性"的社会取向等,价值取向的不一致使得日本终身教育政策执行困难.对日本终身教育立法的思想脉络以及价值取向的分析考察可以为我国终身教育立法提供重要的经验借鉴和风险规避.  相似文献   

1 Stewart formula and inequalities for a simplex Given a triangle ABC, suppose that , ,a bw w and cw are respectively the lengths of the angle bisectors of ?ABC, a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of ?ABC. The well-known Stewart’s formula for a triangle is proved as follows 222222222,( ),( ).( )abca bcw bc b cab cw ac a cabcw ab a b? = ?? +??? = ?? +??? = ? +?? (1) Let 1 2 1n nA A A? += be an n-dimensional simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean space nE , V be the volume of ;n? kF…  相似文献   

高等函授教育是终身教育体系的重要组成部分,是学历继续教育主要育人模式之一,为我国经济建设和社会发展培养了大批人才,做出了积极贡献。随着高等教育大众化、成人教育网络化热潮涌动,高等函授教育却遭遇"寒冬",其生存和发展被"终结论""取代论""多余论"所困扰,高等函授教育要不要坚持发展,如何在变革中突围,本文分析了高等函授教育发展现状,提出了相应的解困之策,以期为高等函授教育可持续发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

国家高等教育改革、支援和学位授予局是日本文部科学省认可具备认证资质的三大质量保障机构之一,其三轮评估在标准的方面都有所差异。通过分析该机构三轮评估中评估标准及实施方式的调整过程,总结和提炼其这些"标准"在方向和内容上调整的特点,以期镜鉴和启示我国高校评估的未来发展。  相似文献   

日本通过构建与实施自我评估和外部评估相结合的多元、客观、透明的高等教育双轨评估体制,促进了高等教育资源的平均分配以及高等教育质量的全面提高.认真分析日本的高等教育双轨评估体系机制,总结其经验,对于刚刚起步的中国高等教育评估具有极强的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

自杀已经成为世界性公共问题之一,也是我国青少年人群死亡的第一要因.如何具体开展自杀预防教育却是长期困扰我国教育界的现实问题.本文通过介绍日本中小学的教育实践,分析日本的学校三层级预防体系、教师为核心的专业援助与研修项目、整合自杀预防与身心健康的教育模式,为我国教育实践提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

The authors present the findings of a qualitative study (N = 33) of doctoral student persistence in counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (2001). Using in‐depth interviews with students representing 17 different doctoral programs, the findings revealed factors that influenced students' decisions to persist or leave their counselor education doctoral programs. A key determinant in attrition or persistence decisions was a match between the students' goals/expectations and the faculty members' expectations and goals for the program. Implications of the findings for program selection, recruiting, and student retention are discussed.  相似文献   

教育是一项基于生命、通过生命、为了生命的事业.具备人文意蕴的生命品性是教育的质素所在,也是教育存在与发展的首要前提.智能时代下智能化的现代技术与教育广泛融合,教育在智能技术的助力下走向智能化、高效化、便捷化,但智能技术依循的机械逻辑和人对智能技术的应用方式、理念等使教育面临技术异化及其生命异化的困境.站在生命哲学的视角,教育理应在智能化的发展中聚焦生命的发展而非智能技术的简单应用,重新审视智能技术与教育的生命原点,减弱唯理性的技术逻辑对学生生命体验的遮蔽,规避智能技术主导的教学对学生生命自由的钳制,弥合智能技术介入的师生交往中生命情感的缺位.  相似文献   


The widening of access to higher education for mature students has been placed on the policy agenda by the government, in part as a response to demographic changes which will reduce the number of young graduates entering the labour market. This article examines the current position of students in the over 30 age group in UK universities with reference to their entrance qualifications, degree attainment and first destinations on leaving university. It compares the experience of men and women in this age group with young students in the conventional undergraduate population and questions whether a university degree is sufficient to overcome the barriers to the labour market experienced by older graduates. Finally it challenges the access model of equal opportunity implicit in the government's White Paper on Higher Education.  相似文献   

This article compares outcomes in the Norwegian labour market for non-Western immigrants and majority colleagues with professional or master’s degrees within three different fields of study: health science, social science and natural science. Professions have a higher degree of occupational closure, which may entail that non-Western immigrants with relevant educations achieve economic parity with the majority. Comparing employment rates and income equality among professionals and others with a master’s degree tests whether the professions in each field yield more egalitarian outcomes. The fields are analysed separately and the results show that a professional degree in natural science or social science has no equalising effect. Education leading to a health profession provides immigrants with a ‘labour market shelter’.  相似文献   

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