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面向移动学习的学习活动设计框架   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文在梳理各类阐述的基础上,归纳出移动学习的定义,分析了移动学习发生的条件及其基本特征。并在此基础上对决定移动学习成败的关键问题——移动学习活动设计进行了科学的研究,通过对30余个国际移动学习项目或活动的分析,得出了移动学习活动设计模型(MLADM模型),并对其中的六个基本环节,即需求分析、聚焦学习者、学习场景设计、提供必要的技术环境、约束条件分析和学习支持服务设计进行了较为详尽的分析阐释。  相似文献   

通过对关学、关学研究对象、美学与其他艺术理论的区别、美的存在形式、美学与舞蹈的审美功能和社会影响等方面的分析,阐述了美学在舞蹈实际运用中的作用,说明了舞蹈从事者学习美学的重要性。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing interest in learning approaches that combine two phases: an initial problem-solving phase followed by an instruction phase (PS-I). Two often cited examples of instructional approaches following the PS-I scheme include Productive Failure and Invention. Despite the growing interest in PS-I approaches, to the best of our knowledge, there has not yet been a comprehensive attempt to summarize the features that define PS-I and to explain the patterns of results. Therefore, the first goal of this paper is to map the landscape of different PS-I implementations, to identify commonalities and differences in designs, and to associate the identified design features with patterns in the learning outcomes. The review shows that PS-I fosters learning only if specific design features (namely contrasting cases or building instruction on student solutions) are implemented. The second goal is to identify a set of interconnected cognitive mechanisms that may account for these outcomes. Empirical evidence from PS-I literature is associated with these mechanisms and supports an initial theory of PS-I. Finally, positive and negative effects of PS-I are explained using the suggested mechanisms.  相似文献   

本雅明的艺术生产理论重点考察了艺术生产范围内审美经验的重构问题。伴随复制时代的到来,灵韵的消散和震惊的出场,审美经验作为艺术的膜拜一面日渐贫乏;技术在祛除艺术灵韵的神圣性同时,也存在着重建灵韵的可能性,审美经验成为艺术作品化解生存危机的契机;本雅明艺术生产理论重视艺术与政治的关系,反映了艺术政治的革命要求和救赎意图,这成为经验重构的主要目标。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a participatory multimedia learning model that can be used in designing multimedia learning environments that support an active learning process and creative participation. Participatory multimedia learning can be defined as learning with systems that enable learners to produce part of the learning materials themselves. The aim of the model is to represent the human information processing system and to support the transformation of free cognitive resources into a germane cognitive load needed for knowledge construction. The paper also elaborates on the results of an empirical study examining the effectiveness of student-generated illustrations. Finnish elementary school students (N = 187) learned about the human immune system by interacting with multimedia learning materials. Students performed better on a retention test when they generated their own illustrations by drawing and when explanations were presented as animations, compared to students who received only textual material or generated illustrations from images offered.  相似文献   

1996年,以雅克·德洛尔任主席的“国际21世纪教育委员会”向联合国教科文组织提交了一份报告(简称“德洛尔报告”),这份报告在我国出版时曾翻译为《教育——财富蕴藏其中》。对照英文名称可以发现,该报告的题目并非“Education”(教育),而是“Learning”(学习)。 学习,财富蕴藏其中,可以理解为,知识经济时代是教育的时代,知识经济将与学习社会伴生伴长。由此看来,21世纪的教育必须围绕着基奉学习能力重新设计和  相似文献   

有支持开放学习运行机制的分析探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有支持开放学习是英国开放大学倡导并实践的远程教育理念,本文从开放大学的课程建设和证书制度、课程导师制度、学习支持服务工作机制等三方面对有支持开放学习的运行机制进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

美感认识理论的基本论点是:人的认知活动除了逻辑思考,还包含感官知觉和情感的作用。不同的感官知觉让人藉着不同的途径由外界获得信息,细致分辨其中的特质,让人有真切的认识。基于感官知觉所发展出来的表征形式,更让人藉以将自己的知识公开化,参与社会与文化的建构。当知觉与知识相互结合,人还能发展出直觉的能力,让我们藉着“有信息基础的猜测”,迅速掌握整体情境特质。学校课程若要改变孩子的心智能力,则应提供孩子通过多重表征形式去理解与建构意义的经验。如此具有美感体验的课程无法事先完全规划,而必须由教与学的历程经验来完成,所以,由美感认识理论来看,课程根本是在教学中形成的,无教学不足以成课程。  相似文献   

马克思主义真善美统一的教学认识论教学过程观有助于我们在教学实际活动中从更高的课程与教学哲学层次上把握和落实新课程改革中“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观”的课程理念。克服主知主义等弊端,从而“按照美的规律来建造”身心和谐的健美人格。  相似文献   

本文介绍的Porta-bile项目正在特伦托大学(University of Trento)开展,旨在研究移动计算技术在教育环境中对学习过程的支持作用.这个项目主要关注移动学习中的技术因素,它们与e-Learning系统的整合以及与学术机构的信息系统的整合.这个项目是建立在特伦托大学经济学院使用的e-learning学习平台的大量源代码研究以及对整个特伦托大学使用的新平台所收集的大量经验和数据基础上.  相似文献   

The present study examines why businesses and government ministries use and need occupational second foreign language (L3) skills, but fail to mention these in job advertisements. It contrasts data from two quantitative surveys of language use in business and government domains with two studies of the mention of L3 skills in job advertisements. While the former show that L3 languages are still used and still considered important and relevant, the latter show that such skills are hardly mentioned in job advertisements, not even as cautious requests in positions where these would be highly relevant. The authors discuss whether this may be due to the lack of L3 skills among new employees or due to the belief that English is sufficient, also known as “Anglophone complacency.”  相似文献   

This article addresses two questions. The first question is this: ‘when ought teachers to encourage or discourage students’ belief of a given proposition on the one hand (call this ‘directive teaching’), and when ought teachers to simply facilitate students’ understanding of that proposition, on the other (call this ‘non‐directive teaching’) (cf. the work of Michael Hand)? The second question is this: ‘which propositional content should curricula address?’ An answer to these questions would amount to what I will call a ‘theory of propositional curricula content’, by providing both a means for choosing content, and a directive for teaching that content. While the answer that I give to the second question is unlikely to prove exhaustive, I still consider that it would form an important part of the answer, hence the title a ‘towards a theory of propositional curricula content’.  相似文献   

In this paper the aim is to highlight the absence of a sociology of learning in relation to primary education. Further, it is argued that there is considerable scope for cooperation between psychologists and sociologists in tackling this issue and one way will be explored in which this could be achieved by drawing on social constructivist psychology and symbolic interactionist sociology. In support of this suggestion, some brief illustrative material is presented, drawn from a longitudinal ethnography of a pupil cohort progressing through a primary school in the UK.  相似文献   

多媒体学习研究的演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在起源于教育领域之外的多媒体学习责源(像光盘和网络)大规模涌入之前,关于多媒体对学习的影响方面的实验研究已经有几十年的时间。尽管研究的结果并不是决定性的,但是前两代多媒体研究帮助我们确定了影响有效多媒体设计的要素。本文总结了现有研究的结论.评述了每一代多媒体研究的主要理论问题、研究方向以及不足之处。论文还讨论了已经开始受到人们关注的第三代多媒体设计和学习研究新动向,也提出了若干未来发展趋势的建议。  相似文献   

This article describes a theory of how culture enables literary interpretations of texts. We begin with a brief overview of the reader response field. From there, we introduce the theory and provide illustrative participant data examples. These data examples illustrate the four cultural positions middle grade students in our research assumed when responding to salient textual features embedded in African American children’s novels. Our theory suggests that because a range of cultural positions factors into students’ meaning making, we should mine texts more carefully for cultural milieu as well as find acceptance with a broader range of literary interpretations. We conclude by discussing implications for literary researchers and practitioners who study or use multicultural children’s literature.  相似文献   

This paper considers the construct, ‘style’, in the study of individual differences and learning. The origin and elaboration of learning style as a concept is discussed, tracing the influence of a cognition and a learning‐centred approach to the psychology of individual difference. The authors argue that a contemporary overview of style can contribute to a rationalisation of the theory and facilitate a greater application of learning style in educational practice. A case is made for the need to integrate more fully various models of style into a single construct of learning style.  相似文献   

1980年代的文学理论/审美型文论因其对意识形态中心话语的依附而成为社会话语的中心。在社会话语进入多元的1990年代,文学理论/审美自主型文论因失去依附的中心而退居边缘。但是,身处边缘的审美型文论在学科化的过程中存在着一些缺陷:对本质规律寻求的虚幻性,价值立场的暧昧性,经典视角的遮蔽性。审美自主型文论应借鉴后现代理论和文化研究的视角和方法,保持一种对现实文化政治的开放立场。  相似文献   

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