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赵凌 《教育发展研究》2012,(Z1):119-122
高等教育发达的德国自20世纪90年代起推行了一项严而有序的学位课程认证工程。其严格的课程认证制度、独立于高校的第三方认证机构、统一性与多样性兼顾的认证标准对德国高校学位课程的建设,乃至对其整个高等教育质量的提升产生了重要的作用。  相似文献   

In 2012, Taiwan implemented a dual-track quality assurance system comprising accreditation and self-accreditation in higher education institutions. Self-accrediting institutions can accredit their programs without requiring approval from external quality assurance agencies. In contrast to other countries, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan authorized self-accrediting institutions to develop their own evaluation standards. This study investigated the institution-based accreditation standards and their implications on institutional internal quality assurance. Content analysis revealed that 37 % of the indicators of self-accreditation were new and not used as review indicators in the original accreditation track. Two frequently added indicators were featured indicators and levels of internationalization. The results also indicated that institutions tend to structure their internal quality assurance systems uniquely. Three types of approaches for developing institution-based standards were identified: bottom-up, hybrid, and innovative approaches. Self-accreditation has benefited institutions committed to educational quality and pursuing excellence by enabling them to employ a fitness-for-purpose approach. The diversity of higher education and educational policy changes constitute new challenges to higher education. Balancing between accountability and autonomy is critical for all stakeholders of higher education.  相似文献   

Higher education reform in Romania   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper reviews the crisis in Romanian universities since the country's political transition in 1989, and describes the government's strategy for revitalizing the higher education system. Attention is drawn to the expansion of access to higher education, the dramatic increase of enrollments in social science fields, the spontaneous establishment of private higher education institutions, and to the many difficulties institutions are experiencing in coping with these changes especially because of resource constraints. Comprehensive reform of the role of the state in the financing and governance of higher education are proposed. The government's reform strategy involves accreditation of public and private institutions, establishment of open transparent mechanisms for allocating institutional and research funding, as well as changes in the structure of academic employment. Successful implementation will require strengthening the fragile management capacity of the Ministry of Education and the higher education institutions.  相似文献   

美国高等教育认证制度的功能分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
认证制度作为美国高等教育的一种质量保障制度在高等教育内部以及高等教育与社会、政府的关系中具有多重功能.在高等教育内部,认证制度为高等教育市场提供了基本的标准,对市场的自由竞争起着一定的制约作用.同时,认证制度又是一种内在的统一协调力量,使地方分权管理的美国高等教育能够在必要的时候协调一致应对来自自身和社会环境的各种挑战.在与政府的关系中,认证制度是一种政府管理的重要媒介,也是对政府管理的一种制衡.认证制度与政府之间既有联合合作的一面,又有对抗抵制的一面.在与社会的关系中,认证制度成为高等教育向社会传递信息之窗,同时也是社会公众参与高等教育管理之门.社会则需要认证制度提供关于院校和专业的信息,也通过认证制度参与高等教育的质量管理.  相似文献   

The slow process of introducing a system of quality control and accreditation into Polish higher education since the political changes of 1990 is described. The decentralization of the state system of higher education in reaction to communist over‐centralization and the growing number of private institutions of higher education have made some system of quality control and accreditation operating at national level necessary. A TEMPUS project,” Advice for the Ministry of National Education on the Organization of a National Higher Education Accreditation Centre”, is described. The need for additional research on aspects of quality evaluation in higher education is recognized.  相似文献   

由大学协会主导的美国高等教育认证制度在世界上几乎是独一无二的。作为一种“公共产品”,美国高等教育认证制度的内在逻辑要求其从由高等教育机构组成的“独立”的治理结构(Governance)发展成为其他利益相关者可以参与的共同的治理结构。2005年,由美国时任教育部长发起了一轮以认证制度为核心的高等教育改革,本文试图通过对改革进程的详细记录和解读,阐释上述逻辑在美国特有的文化传统和政治体制下的展示方式。改革的失败似乎表明,由于高等教育对学术自由的特殊依赖性,美国社会更倾向于选择不把高等教育认证制度纳入公共管理范畴。  相似文献   

美国高等教育认证制度的变革趋势研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由大学协会主导的美国高等教育认证制度在世界上几乎是独一无二的.作为一种"公共产品",美国高等教育认证制度的内在逻辑要求其从由高等教育机构组成的"独立"的治理结构(Governance)发展成为其他利益相关者可以参与的共同的治理结构.2005年,由美国时任教育部长发起了一轮以认证制度为核心的高等教育改革,本文试图通过对改革进程的详细记录和解读,阐释上述逻辑在美国特有的文化传统和政治体制下的展示方式.改革的失败似乎表明,由于高等教育对学术自由的特殊依赖性,美国社会更倾向于选择不把高等教育认证制度纳入公共管理范畴.  相似文献   

Following a rapid overview of the genesis of private higher education in Romania after the Revolution of December 1989, the author proceeds to analyse the phenomenon in terms of John Meyer's neo‐institutionalist perspective. Citing, in particular, Meyer's theses regarding the isomorphism of organizations with their respective environments, she credits much of the early success of private Romanian higher education institutions in getting started to their close copying of the structure, offerings, and procedures of public higher education in addition to unsatisfied public demand for higher education. She further shows how private higher education institutions have adapted to the requirements of accreditation and state funding possibilities. She fears, however, that the continuing demographic downturn in Romania along with the creation of extra tuition fee‐paying openings at the public universities may finally doom private higher education.  相似文献   

文章论述了跨境教育贸易活动中质量认证的进展与趋势,介绍了UNESCO/OECD跨境教育服务中质量认证的情况,阐述了政府控制的贸易活动的加速发展及国际机构合作的加速和推出的有关认证上的国际标准,其中包括学历学分互换、专业资格认证、从业资格认证、认证组织及多边认证以及联合办学质量评估项目的安排,私立高等教育机构的认证,远程教育的质量认证。对于跨国教育服务贸易中质量认证的研究有一定的意义。  相似文献   

澳大利亚"职前教师教育课程国家认证系统"由认证目标、师范毕业生标准和课程标准及基本的认证程序组成,强调国家系统的建立、系统各部分的整合、伙伴关系的形成、课程的全纳及创新。这是澳大利亚从国家层面保障职前教师教育课程质量的首次尝试,是澳大利亚教师教育标准化的新发展。  相似文献   

The development of various national and supra‐national accreditation systems is currently being discussed as a possible response to an increasingly internationalized and deregulated higher education sector. However, the establishment of such procedures may have unintended consequences, not least with respect to limiting the diversity of higher education. By studying a number of accreditation reports in the field of business administration (the EQUIS system), the paper discusses whether this procedure manages to balance the need for minimum standards with demands related to institutional diversity and development.  相似文献   

Although the formal evaluation of higher education by state authorities has a long history in Russia, the creation of a system of accreditation began in 1990 in order to meet the challenge of the setting up of private institutions of higher education. There are two kinds of accreditation: state accreditation and public accreditation. This article stresses the former because of the two types it is the most developed. Its objectivity is assured through the use of computerized procedures and visualization. Moreover, the use of computerization permits the simultaneous evaluation of higher education institutions and in general responds rapidly to changing conditions in the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

高等教育质量保障的法律规制是大学法研究的前沿议题,以德国与美国为代表的两大法律体系,分别被纳入公法规制与普通法规制的范畴。在德国,高等教育认证行为属于行政行为,高校与认证代理机构之间的纠纷属于公法争议。申诉、行政诉讼与宪法诉愿等公法救济机制,构成德国高等学校与认证代理机构之间纠纷的解决渠道。如何避免认证对学术自由构成侵害,已成为德国公法学界与实务界关注的核心议题。受联邦宪法法院大学课程认证裁定的影响,德国高等教育认证体系正在进行深刻变革与调整。在美国,高等教育认证机构具有非营利性组织的法律地位,须履行诚实信用以及基本的正当程序等普通法的一般义务。高等教育认证机构对“认证联邦化”的抵制以及高等教育机构对认证决定的抱怨或不满,构成美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的焦点议题。穷尽内部救济与“司法终局性”原则,被视为美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的解决机制。德美两国在高等教育质量保障法律纠纷的解决中形成的经验和教训,对我国明确高等教育质量保障机构的法律地位、强化高等教育质量保障的程序正义、建全高等教育质量的多元纠纷解决机制具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Countries hoping to demonstrate an adequate educational infrastructure need a national framework that meets Bologna requirements, a national accreditation agency which sets out the approved framework, and national accreditation processes by which individual institutions can be measured against the standards set by the national acvcreditation agency. For many countries, the national framework remains to be articulated, the accreditation processes are non-existent, and individual institutions have no means by which to assess their internal readiness for accreditation scrutiny. While the status of Kosovo as a separate entity remains unresolved, the institutions within the potential country struggle to meet the infrastructure conditions necessary for inclusion in the European Union. Ironically, the Faculty of Education at the University of Prishtina is in a remarkably advantageous position if it were to overcome the current political bickering and start the preparations required for meeting the education infrastructure criteria. This paper articulates that advantage by laying out the process by which this could be realized – with optimistic disregard for the political uncertainties that mitigate against its realization. It also provides a summary of the tasks that would need to be undertaken as part of this process.  相似文献   

As part of educational reform, many institutions of higher education are undergoing accreditation processes. Based on interviews, observations, and the author's experiences in accreditation reviews, this discussion delineates three stages of planning for an accreditation process. Recommendations are organized by each stage of preparation into long- and short-term action plans with specific tasks. Analyzing the process of accreditation across institutions and programs led to the identification of common elements that can make planning an accreditation effective and efficient. This article maps the roles and responsibilities of accreditation stakeholders and the need for communication and collaboration throughout the process.Ann L. Wood earned a Ph.D. in educational psychology from The University of Michigan and a M.A. in special education and a B.A. in sociology, psychology, and education from Michigan State University. She is currently the Co-Principal Investigator for the Comprehensive Teacher Education Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. Her special interests are educational reform, urban education, lives of faculty and teachers, higher education, teacher development, and teacher induction  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究世界高等教育认证制度格局及其形成的原因.对49个国家和地区研究后发现,世界高等教育认证制度呈橄榄形格局,一端是美国的“山寨”模式,中间是代表世界大势的“立法设立、行政独立”模式,另一端是“教育行政部门控制”模式.世界趋势是橄榄的两端向中间靠拢.中国正处于“橄榄”的一端,并正处于在向中间靠拢的运动中.一个国家的文化传统、政治制度和国际影响决定了该国所选择的高等教育认证制度;“先发内生型”国家的认证制度基本上由该国的文化和政治决定,国际影响很弱;“后发外生型”国家的文化、政治和国际影响都对认证制度起重要作用,其中国际影响发挥长期的导向性作用.  相似文献   

In response to the global competitiveness in higher education, the government, in recent years, has encouraged Taiwan colleges and universities to seek international accreditation, which raises several questions, such as jurisdiction over national accreditation, a single set of standards for local and global quality assurance, demand for the mutual recognition of review outcomes, etc. With the looming pressures for change that international accreditation will likely pose on a Taiwan national framework of quality assurance, multiple impacts on institutions and national accrediting agencies in Taiwan are now beginning to be increasingly felt. Hence, this paper examines current academic international accreditation programs and institutions, recognizes Taiwan’s accrediting organizations, and analyzes the challenges that institutions and national accrediting agencies are facing.  相似文献   

加利福尼亚是美国最早普及高等教育的州之一,在如何建立与高等教育普及相一致的高校招生考试制度方面为美国各州和发达国家的改革发展提供了经验。它的基本制度是,政府确定高等院校的三个层次和各层次院校的招生计划、公立和私立院校确定各层次基本的招生考试和录取标准,学生按学业水平选择高校,高校按标准录取学生。每个层次的考试选拔的标准有明显差异,研究型大学多维度选拔,提供大众高等教育的本科大学要求相对简单,社区学院接受所有通过“离校考试”的高中毕业生。  相似文献   

The accreditation standards of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) ask business schools to describe consistent processes that provide for operational consistency and continuous improvement in support of the schools' stated missions. Such practices are beneficial to all institutions of higher education seeking accreditation or reaffirmation. This article addresses the identification of requisite processes, describes an approach for defining them, and suggests a format for documenting their essential elements. We discuss the value of quality management practices to higher education and present caveats and considerations for successfully implementing this methodology.  相似文献   

以专业认证标准为指导,深化高等工程教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程教育专业认证的核心是其认证标准;认证标准是学校开展工程教育改革的重要依据;正确理解工程教育专业认证标准的内涵,对深化工程教育改革有着很好的借鉴作用;北京化工大学在专业认证过程中,以专业认证标准为指导,对新时期如何深化工程教育改革、提高工程人才培养质量有了更深入的体会与思考。  相似文献   

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