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The paper examines education practice in India in terms of the division between indigenous cultures on the one hand, and the formal culture of learning and knowledge systems inherited from colonial times on the other. These ‘two Indias’ are still reflected in the modern educational system in India, seen in the vast differences between the formal school system, whose benefits reach only a minority of the population, and the millions of crafts-persons working in India's informal sector, many without education or training. The paper looks at reasons for these divisions within the culture and history of India's formal, non-formal and informal systems of education and training. The paper also throws light on the aspirations to unite these divided cultures of learning by looking at some of the writings of J.P. Naik, the famous educationist and secretary of the first Report of the Education Commission (1964–66) after India's independence. The analysis needs to be seen against the background of international educational thought which is improving the value, relevance and quality of non-formal and informal learning, as key pillars for building lifelong learning systems.  相似文献   

Notions of competency have dominated the computer education literature, and have underpinned Competency‐Based Training (CBT) in information technology at all levels of education and training. The emergence of counter‐narratives underpinned by the capability movement, have as yet had minimal impact on practice in computer education. New discourses in educational theory and practice which are founded on non‐linear approaches to learning and teaching provide added impetus to engage in the competency/capability debate, and re‐examine our approaches to computer education. This paper explores complexity theories and demonstrates how complexity's pedagogical implications can lead to new models for understanding computer learning and teaching. A new model for conceptualising end‐user computer education is presented that was derived from a three‐year action research initiative with pre‐service teachers.  相似文献   

Today's educational environment forms the stage for a host of debates, many of which centre on the use of standardized assessment in the classroom. With this push towards standardization, less time is being devoted to incorporating ‘experiential’ knowledge, or that knowledge which comes from hands‐on, travel, natural and other worldly experiences, into the learning environment. William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy, two somewhat unlikely sources of educational insight, do have a pertinent message to add to this ongoing educational discussion. The two authors, through their personal experiences and through their literary works, draw from and examine the roles of formal education and the functions of various facets of knowledge in education. They exemplify the importance of finding a balance between formal educational experiences and informal avenues of education. Both men remind society that without the incorporation of experiential knowledge into the educational experience, students cannot reach the full potential of their intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social growth. Through an examination of the lives and works of Wordsworth and Hardy, the importance of non‐formal, non‐standardized experiences is reasserted at a time when it is of utmost importance to evaluate the components that make up modern education.  相似文献   

我国中小学教师职前教育的主要问题在于师范生的教育教学经验匮乏,理论性有余而实践性不足;职后教育的困境则在于教师没有足够的时间和精力进一步学习教育理论知识以指导教育教学,实践性有余而理论性不足。顶岗支教实习有利于强化师范生教育教学实践,提高教师职前教育质量;有利于为教师学习教育理论提供机会,摆脱教师职后教育困境;有利于教育理论紧密联系实践,促进教师教育整体发展,是打通教师职前教育和职后教育、实现教师教育一体化的有效途径。  相似文献   

The ways in which women deliberately press back against practices of oppression and demonstrate agency in higher education institutions are highly contextual and culturally bound. The formal and informal networks that women develop and maintain are important elements of generating agency and enhancing women's access to and opportunities for leadership. This article presents a case study from research that explored women's leadership experiences in a higher education context in the Pacific Islands – Papua New Guinea. Situated within a feminist poststructural methodology, the research examined women's experiences of leadership and considered aspects that influenced women's access to formal leadership roles. The findings illustrated that the women faced numerous barriers to formal leadership opportunities. A range of culturally and contextually located approaches supported women to demonstrate agency with regard to their own leadership development and practice. This research highlighted the importance of considering the relationship between networks and agency and the impact of associated cultural and contextual practices within organisations, providing insights into the culturally located complexities of women's leadership in higher education contexts.  相似文献   

从我国教育质量标准的理论研究入手,梳理我国理论界关于教育质量内涵、建立分类教育质量标准、将国际标准质量管理体系引入教育领域的研究等;分析我国对于教育质量标准的实践探索,包括培养标准定位、教师资格标准、教学内容标准、教学评价标准等;立足我国教育质量标准的理论与实践状况,提出建立国家教育质量标准的必要性。  相似文献   

Rural health nurses as educators: A problem of marginality   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The decision by the Northern Territory Department of Health to employ Aboriginal health workers has supposedly resulted ina shift in emphasis for non Aboriginal rural health nurses from clinical work to education and consultation. This paper examines the gap between the rhetoric and the reality of this claim by applying, with modifications, Burton Clark's (1958) theory of the marginality of adult education to an educational innovation. In 1981 rural health nurses were requested to implement an educational program that included teaching Aboriginal health workers literacy and numeracy along with clinical skills. The results of an evaluation research of this innovation conducted over the period 1982‐3 show that this activity was avoided by nurses because of its marginal status. Those who took up the innovation also risked sharing in this marginality. It is also argued that while Clark's theory is applied to only one case, i.e. the teaching of literacy, it points the way to a formal theory for explaining the difficulties experienced by rural health nurses who wish to take up any formal educational activities on Aboriginal settlements.  相似文献   

The notion of deliberated teacher reflection as a means of improving professional teaching practice has become one of the most pervasive concepts to influence science teacher education during the past decade. In this case study, we use the notion of teacher reflection and Lytle and Cochran‐Smith's ( 1990 ) typology of teacher research to examine the relationships between a beginning high school chemistry teacher's articulated personal practice theories and his actions as demonstrated by his curricular decisions and instructional practices. In so doing, we describe the ways in which the formal articulations of this teacher's personal practice theories lent themselves to his development as a teacher/researcher and propose this development as a useful model of science teacher practitioner professionalism. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 408–441, 2001  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范院校教学计划的重要组成部分,是贯彻理论联系实际原则,实现培养目标不可缺少的教学实践环节;也是对高校教育教学质量的检验和信息反馈。教育实习管理应由“大包大揽”向管理社会化转变,拓宽实习模式,加强教育实习的质量监控,建设一批稳固的教育实习基地,为教育实习奠定物质基础。  相似文献   

潘懋元教授是我国“高等教育学”学科的奠基者与开拓者。在长期的教学工作和教学管理实践中,潘懋元教授坚持潜心教学和研究,建构起层次分明、结构完整、逻辑严谨的大学教学思想体系。基于教育史学与学习科学的双重视角,从发展脉络、基本内涵、实践智慧和教育意蕴四个方面,深入剖析了潘懋元教授的大学教学思想体系,分析了潘懋元教授的大学教学思想的理论基础、实践基础和发展历程,总结了潘懋元教授的大学教学原理论、大学教学过程论、大学教学原则论和大学教学方法论思想。潘懋元教授教学思想的实践智慧在于:正式学习与非正式学习相结合、深度教学与深度学习相融合。潘懋元教授教学思想的时代意蕴在于:基于教育内外部关系规律,促使教学关系转型、师生角色转型和师生发展转型,即实现知识建构与知识创新的统一、“以师为要”与“以生为本”的统一、自我发展与协同发展的统一。  相似文献   

The role of formal and informal theory in the training of student teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid‐1990s, primary teacher education is searching for an accepted theoretical underpinning of its activity and rubric for the preparation of the next generation of teachers. This paper cites four such theoretical foundations. The first three arise from formal theory and political considerations and are labelled ideological neutrality, modern progressivism and a fusion between symbolic interactionism and social constructivism. The fourth however represents a paradigm shift. This model seeks to validate informal theory generated during the practical teaching experiences of serving teachers and in particular the interaction between student teachers and teacher mentors. It proposes an adaptation of Rowland's (1987) model of teacher‐pupil interaction to the context of student teacher professional development.  相似文献   

考察苏霍姆林斯基的学前教育实践中所蕴涵的学前教育思想有助于我们全面地理解儿童和儿童教育。他在学前教育实践中所表现出的教师职业信念、以教育爱为核心的职业素养、进入儿童精神世界的教育生活方式以及基于儿童生活的教育观等诸多方面,对当前中国的幼儿师范教育、幼儿园教育的理论与实践以及儿童研究等诸多领域都具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   

20世纪中后期,在消费主义思潮、新公共管理主义以及全面质量管理理论的共同作用下,“学生消费者”成为西方高等教育变革的重要产物。西方学者围绕“学生消费者”形成了支持与批判两派理论,支持派认为“学生消费者”在提高高等教育管理效率、规范教师教学行为以及促进教育过程民主化等方面具有积极功用,批判派则提出“学生消费者”引发了学习动机功利、学习分数膨胀、学术标准下降以及学习体验失真等一系列教育问题。在消费主义思潮影响下,我国本科教育人才培养实践陆续出现一系列“学生消费者”倾向:一方面高等院校开始关注学生就读诉求与学生满意度,另一方面“文凭至上”“考证热”“水课”“清考”等负面产物也逐渐浮现。当下破解我国本科教育的现实问题、实现创建一流本科教育目标需从重新审视我国本科教育发展价值观,重视课堂教学质量提升,平衡专业教育与通识教育以及改善本科教育质量保障与评价方式等方面入手。  相似文献   

Educational Theory and Practice in an Aristotelian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite a historical distance, Aristotle's discussion of different forms of knowledge, in particular in the Nicomachean Ethics, offers a novel perspective on the modern understanding of the relationship between educational theory and practice. In the world of education today, it is a convention that theory and practice should enter into a fruitful exchange process with each other. However, a retrospective look at Aristotle's discussion of knowledge and his three categories of knowledge, which concern a theoretical, a productive and a socio-ethical domain, can serve to illuminate that educational theory and practice belong to qualitatively different categories and therefore do not immediately enter into a fruitful relation. A look back will show that scientific propositional knowledge does not have a knowledge monopoly and relevance in all of life's conditions and also that theoretical, general knowledge is not in itself applicable to action. Finally, in tune with more recent learning theories, as for instance situated learning theory based on apprenticeship, Aristotle points out that different forms of knowledge are learnt in different ways.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that educational attainment nurtures people's social outcomes and promotes active participation in society and stability. However, it is unclear to what extent other types of human capital also correlate with social outcomes. Hence, we explored the opportunity offered by the PIAAC survey through its provision of information on educational attainment, observed individual key skills proficiency, and participation in adult education and training (adult lifelong learning). We therefore studied the association between these human capital variables and social outcomes, and more specifically interpersonal trust and participation in volunteering activities. Results revealed that these social outcomes were affected not only by the formal qualification obtained, determined by the education variable, but also throughout the life‐cycle. Indeed, education and training when undertaken during adult life have a significant impact, especially on volunteering. The fact that the skill proficiency also plays a significant role is extremely relevant, as skills are more likely to change over the life‐cycle, either in a positive or negative way. Whilst the formal education received is constant after exiting the educational system, skills reflect competences more accurately: first, because those with the same level of education may have different skill levels because of differences in the quality of education or ability; second, because skills can vary over time. For example, they may increase with work experience or informal education, or decrease as a result of depreciation and ageing. These findings suggest that social outcomes are prone to be affected by many factors other than formal education, suggesting that policy makers can implement recommendations even after formal education has been completed.  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范院校教学计划的重要组成部分,是师范教育的必要环节,是提高高师院校教学质量的重要途径。目前教育实习面临一系列困境,为了摆脱这些困境,我们必须从以下方面努力:一要加强教育实习基地建设;二要注重教育实习理论更新;三要探索教育实习科学方式;四要注意教育实习时间安排;五要加强教育实习准备工作。  相似文献   

比较教育学科理论问题仍是一个颇具挑战性的论题。当代比较教育学研究在转变:从宏观研究转向微观研究;从关注国家教育制度转为关注学校教育方法及教育效果;从主要研究发达国家转向重视亚非拉等发展中国家及全球性教育问题;从一味介绍外国教育制度的优越性到同时强调各国教育的独特性及相互借鉴;从仅重视国民教育制度到关注妇女、少数民族等社会弱势群体的教育;从仅注重正规的中小学教育到关注正规教育,非正规教育、非正式教育及私立教育。  相似文献   

In his central educational work, The Science of Education (1806), J.F. Herbart did not explicitly develop a theory of listening, yet his concept of the teacher as a guide in the moral development of the learner gives valuable insight into the moral dimension of listening within teacher‐student interaction. Herbart's theory radically calls into question the assumed linearity between listening and obedience to external authority, not only illuminating important distinctions between socialization and education, but also underscoring consequences for our understanding of the role of listening in educational relations. In this inquiry, Andrea English argues that critical listening in teaching contributes to the moral education and development of the learner. To do this, she examines Herbart's view of the teacher's task as a moral guide in the realm of moral education. English contends that reexamining Herbart's theory of education (a theory that is, for the most part, no longer discussed in Anglo‐American educational philosophy) can productively inform our understanding of moral education in democratic and pluralist societies.  相似文献   

"经验"在每一个人的成长和发展中发挥着重要的作用,但在教育的世界中经常遭到漠视和误用。这种漠视和误用无论是对于深化教育理论认识,还是有效地指导教育实践都是不利的。通过对杜威经验论的解读,分析了当把经验纳入教育视野中考察时,既具有对教育理论认识的整合意义,也能够通过经验实现课堂教学世界和生活世界的沟通,从而更好地指导教学实践。  相似文献   

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