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阐述大学理想是大学办学宗旨的体现,研究高深学问是大学的永恒理想,但不是唯一的理想。指出现代社会的大学理想可以多样化,不同品位的大学可以在多样化与特色化中有所作为、大有作为。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划课程指导与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生是从学校进入社会工作的最后阶段,及早作好职业生涯规划对提高毕业选择的满意度和未来的发展都具有十分重要的意义。大学生职业生涯规划应在学校课程的指导与实践中进行,其课程指导与实践有四个方面:一是向大学生讲明及早做出职业生涯规划的重要性;二是根据大学生的不同兴趣和爱好确定课程目标;三是根据不同年级设置规划课程;四是重视大学综合能力课程的指导与实践。  相似文献   

职业生涯教育应关注人的生涯发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯教育是后工业化社会职业指导发展的必然趋势。职业生涯理论经历了人一职匹配和生涯发展两个不同的历史阶段。生涯发展思想认为个体职业发展是一个与人的身心发展相一致的过程。在这一思想背景下,职业生涯教育应该在生涯意识教育、生涯成长支持与辅导等方面进一步拓展工作。  相似文献   

This paper examines the idea of the university from the first‐in‐family enabling students’ perspective. It provides an overview of the current crisis of meaning in scholarly commentary that points to a spectrum of meanings about the university. This spectrum ranges from the ancient imaginary of the monastic university as ‘ivory tower’ to the instrumental idea of the entrepreneurial university. The analysis then reports on the idea of the university in over 40 interviews and surveys of first‐in‐family enabling students who attended two large regional Australian universities in 2014. Their metaphorical understandings of the university constitute a powerful imaginary about what a university is and can do for individuals and the wider society. For many, the resolution of the individualistic passion for knowledge of ‘ivory tower’ studies and the commitment to the social and economic usefulness of the fully engaged entrepreneurial university can be found in the pursuit of the passionate career.  相似文献   

解析美国大学的职业规划课程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为帮助大学生应对快速变化的社会需求和劳动力市场的激烈竞争,美国大学一直高度重视职业规划课程的建设与实施。经过几十年的努力探索,职业规划课程在指导和协助大学生顺利就业方面取得了卓越的成效,并呈现出鲜明的特色。具体表现在:全面丰富的课程内容;灵活多样的教学方式;科学严格的教学管理。  相似文献   

In modern society, individuals are having to assume increasing responsibility for their own career trajectories. One of the key ways in which individuals can engage in such ‘career self-management’ is by taking up learning opportunities through further study. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to explore, using the conceptual framework of career capital, ways in which samples of adults in Australia and Singapore perceive that they are self-managing and leveraging their careers through continuing education, and the nature of the career capital they are accumulating. It draws on data from two different research projects undertaken in Australia and Singapore. These projects involved individuals who had undertaken studies in two different educational sectors: the academic and the vocational. Australian respondents (n=190) had studied in both the vocational education and training (VET) and the higher education (HE) sectors; Singaporean respondents (n=101) had graduated from both the formal tertiary education (PET) and the Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) sectors. Data were gathered through online surveys and in-depth interviews. Based on the reports from these samples, the study found that the building of career capital was being played out relatively consistently despite educational, political and cultural differences, but that different emphases were placed on the types of career capital, with ‘knowing-how’ the most important.  相似文献   

大学生的成长、成才关系到国家发展的后续生命力,是高校的历史责任和时代使命。大学生在校期间不同的时间段呈现不同的特点,因此其教育问题应该抓住重点,有的放矢。本文通过详细阐述大学生在入学适应、大学生涯发展定位、求职就业三个关键时期所呈现的特点,分析出针对大学生教育问题的侧重点,提出确保大学生成才机制建设的工作保障。  相似文献   

阐释了职业生涯与职业生涯设计的概念,论述了女大学生进行职业生涯设计的必要性和重要性,提出了女大学生职业生涯发展中的问题及职业生涯设计的相应策略:职业选择期侧重正确评价自己、充分发挥专长以及确立切实可行的目标;职业适应期则强调制定切实可行的策略、不断反省和修正职业生涯目标等。  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业形势的日益严峻对高校就业指导工作人员的素质提出了高标准和高要求。高校就业工作人员对学生的指导和帮助将影响到学生能否成功就业,能否顺利渡过从学校到工作的适应期,能否科学的设计自己的职业生涯。然而高校就业工作人员的素质及其培训却还未得到高校、社会、理论研究者们足够的重视。本文就高校就业工作人员素质及开发进行了研究。  相似文献   

国家从2007年秋期开始对部属师范大学的师范学生实行免费,这一政策充分体现了教师教育是国家的事业、政府的责任。政策的执行对于进一步形成尊师重教的浓厚氛围、让教育成为全社会最受尊重的职业具有示范性意义。但是,就师范生的总量和基层就业的分布看,这一政策并没有惠及到真正在基层农村学校安居乐业的主力军——地方师范院校毕业的学生。作者提出了部属师范大学师范学生免费教育的"喜"与"忧"这一命题,从不同的角度论述了政策效应的"喜"和地方师范院校发展的"忧"。  相似文献   

The proposition that the massification of higher education has contributed to a democratization of society is examined and questioned. While it is true that the absolute increase in the numbers of persons obtaining some kind of higher education qualification has risen considerably over the last twenty years in Europe, most of this increase has concerned the so‐called non‐university sector. Mass recruitment to the traditionally elite institutions has not occurred; even less have graduates of non‐elite backgrounds succeeded in penetrating the positions of influence, leadership, and power in society. In short, massification has obscured the fact that the traditional elites are still very much able to perpetuate themselves and to remain in control.  相似文献   

大学精神是大学成为大学存在的本质规定性,大学精神是人类社会存在和发展的必然要求。大学精神植根于人类对认识自我和实现自我的自由幸福的追寻中,植根于科学的本性。大学精神不同于大学职能。中国当代大学新精神建构的途径是坚持中国古代大学之善路径,汲取西方现代大学之新精神。大学精神要回归科学本真和教育本真,生成充实和健全的个人。  相似文献   

In a university, leaching and research proceed together. The regular teaching staff are usually assisted by researchers on short-term appointments. Although the individuals in this group are of many different kinds, they form what might be termed the research community. It is suggested that the place of this community in engineering education and its particular concerns deserve closer study. This paper is limited to matters that arose from the implementation of a national scheme to provide better career management for research staff. It includes opportunities to become more effective contributors to the teaching curriculum. The measures required for this are straightforward, but in framing them it seemed to be necessary to compose a charter for research, setting out the rights and obligations that might be appropriate for the research community. As nothing substantial could be found on which to base it, this might be novel. The initial draft is presented here for wider consideration, particularly of its explicit recognition of a role for researchers in the wider educational functions of a university.  相似文献   

本文利用抽样调查方式对中国地质大学(北京)在校大学生的生活状态、前景规划以及影响因素进行统计分析,旨在帮助即将踏入社会的大学生们,分析在校生活的各个方面对他们今后职业生涯的影响,使得他们能够更好地在竞争中找到自己的优势。通过数据分析,总结了性别、专业以及其他因素对职业生涯规划的影响,并针对不同的学生给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

从学校走向社会是人生的一个重大转折。刚走上工作岗位的大学毕业生的职业适应状况,将深刻影响其整个职业生涯的发展。个人、学校以及用人单位都需要正确认识大学毕业生职业适应过程中的各种心理冲突,并积极采取应对策略,以帮助其尽快进入职业角色,顺利实现角色转换,渡过职业适应期。  相似文献   

The growth of higher education is a global phenomenon and provides challenges for educational leaders in schools and universities. Raising aspiration and participation requires an understanding of the sources of advice and information available to potential participants and how these are used when they decide whether or not to participate.

This article draws on a qualitative study using social network analysis undertaken in England. This study examined the nature of decision making amongst individuals who have chosen not to participate in higher education despite possessing the qualifications and experience which would enable them to be admitted to a university programme. The research sought to identify their decision‐making processes within the ‘networks of intimacy’ that are their family, friends and significant individuals in their educational and/or working environments, past or present. Lying at the heart of the research is the belief that, in social network analysis, it is the interpersonal relationships rather than the individuals that form the unit of analysis.

This article examines the role of information, advice and guidance (IAG) on individuals when they make the decision whether or not to participate in higher education. It considers the experience that individuals had at school, and explores their career decision making engaged in outside the school environment, and beyond the age of 18. It spells out the implications for educational leaders and managers in schools and universities as well as policy makers concerned about improving participation rates in all sectors of the community.  相似文献   

现代职业女性双重角色的冲突问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代妇女广泛就业的世界性潮流中,职业妇女普遍面临社会角色和家庭角色的冲突,缓解角色冲突问题已经引起各方面的关注.本文就这一问题进行了初步的分析和研究,描述了双重角色冲突现状和影响,提出了解决和缓解这种冲突的相应对策.  相似文献   

As universities increasingly employ adjunct faculty in both teaching and research positions, how these individuals experience their jobs becomes of greater concern. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative data from a sample of 105 non-tenure-track instructors and research associates to examine the work experiences of adjunct faculty. The article examines both the advantages and disadvantages associated with this type of employment. In addition, the article examines how career stage influences individuals' reactions to these positions. Specifically, the results suggest that adjunct faculty in late career generally demonstrate more positive job attitudes and work behaviors than adjunct faculty in earlier career stages. The article concludes with implications for the more effective management and utilization of adjunct faculty.  相似文献   

论大学生道德健康与和谐社会的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建和谐社会是一个复杂的社会工程,完善各项社会制度固然十分重要,但无论何种制度归根结底要靠人去执行。实践表明,个体道德健康的状况直接影响着公平正义制度的安排与实施。大学生是我国和谐社会建设的生力军,加强大学生道德健康教育,促进大学生道德健康,对构建和谐社会意义十分重要。  相似文献   

大学生就业难问题受到社会普遍关注,将创新创业教育和实践活动成果有机结合,积极创造条件扶持大学生实现自主创业已成为高等学校的共识。帮助大学生实现自主创业途径很多,以引导学生创办微型企业为切入点,提升学生的综合素质,提高学生创业能力,扩大学生就业面,促进创新创业教育内涵发展的做法值得借鉴。  相似文献   

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