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In this study, we report results from parallel cross-sectionsurveys of probability samples from the two largest cities inChina. We pose two questions; What are consumerist value orientationsanchored in Chinese individualism? How is mass media exposurerelated to the emergence of such values? We find three stableconsumerist value orientations: conspicuous consumption, aspirationfor self-actualization, and worshipping Western lifestyles.Those who are younger, better educated, and financially betteroff are the most likely bearers of these values. Further, bearingthese values is related to frequent reading of consumer magazinesand exposure to outdoor advertisements. Placed in the contextof China's on-going economic reforms, we discuss how these resultsindicate the changing social and cultural milieu of China'ssocial transformation, and what their implications are for theprospect of political pluralism in post-Tiananmen China.  相似文献   

Positive news is advantageous for a party, but the effects ofnegative news are less obvious, especially in a multiparty system.One possibility is an indecisionmodel in which negative informationwould push voters to the undecided category. An alternativeis a proportional model in which voters would move to otherparties in proportion to their share of the vote. A third scenariowould correspond to a proximity model in which the shift wouldbe to parties holding viewpoints similar to those of the criticizedparty. The three models were tested using the ideodynamic modelor the 1994 elections in the Netherlands and Germany. The explanatoryvariables were content analysis data obtained daily for majorprint and electronic news media. The dependent variable wasweekly survey data of party preferences of voters. The analysisshowed the proportional model to be the least plausible withthe proximity model being promising. Campaign strategists startingfrom the proximity model will both promote negative news aboutother parties and adopt their issue positions.  相似文献   

高校文献资源建设中各种载体信息的构成和配置研究   总被引:57,自引:1,他引:57  
以高校图书馆文献经费使用和馆藏资源状况调查统计数据为依据,分析论述大学图书馆馆藏构成的特点和发展状态;以南京大学图书馆为例,对投入产出效益作实证性研究,以利用率论证各载体文献在资源建设中的合理配置,并提出可操作的工作原则。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of perceptions of the opinionsof others on political outspokenness in Hong Kong. Two relatedtheories, the third-person effect and the spiral of silence,are tested in the context of public opinion regarding the Sino-Britishdispute over Hong Kong's political future. To estimate the potentialinfluence of perceived public opinion on political outspokennessduring this political crisis, a representative telephone surveyof 660 respondents in Hong Kong was conducted in November 1993. As hypothesized by the third-person effect, perceptions of theinfluence of media reports about the Sino-British dispute onothers were found to be consistently greater than perceptionsof influence on self. Similar to previous findings, respondentswith a higher level of education were more likely to believethat the mass media influence others more than themselves. Thestudy also found empirical support for the spiral of silencehypothesis. Politically unconcerned respondents were less willingto voice their political opinions publicly when they perceivedthe majority opinion not to be on their side. Findings alsoindicate that the third-person effect indirectly influencesthe spiral of silence process through its impact on perceptionsof public opinion.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between media coverageof Helmut Kohl in seven leading German print media and the opinionsof the German general public about the politician between 1975and 1984. For the content analysis evaluative assessments aboutHelmut Kohl on six different dimensions of characteristics werecoded. The analysis of public opinion is based on 72 representativesurveys in which respondents expressed their evaluations ofthe politician. The two time series were compared by means ofcross-lagged correlations. The whole period was first examinedwith aggregations of three-months-intervals; then closer attentionwas paid to the time period since Helmut Kohl took office aschancellor on the basis of monthly intervals. In both cases,the results show that evaluation shifts in the media precedesimilar evaluation shifts in public opinion with a time lagof about three to six months for the whole period of investigation,and a somewhat shorter time lag for the time of his chancellorship.Evaluation shifts in the political magazines Der Spiegel andStern were more closely related to public opinion than evaluationshifts in the national dailies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes opinion formation in the cases of threemediated conflicts using a complex model that evaluates therespondents' value systems, the coverage of the mass media used,the recipients' familiarity with specific events occurring inthe conflicts, and their positions on the issues. The modelpredicts that the recipients' long-term value systems influencetheir positions on the issue in two ways. Firstly, value systemshave a direct impact on the short-term positions on an issue.Secondly, value systems have an indirect impact on the positionsof issues by influencing the recipients' selection of news mediaand thus the type and amount of news information they are exposedto. The type and amount of news influences how knowledgeablethey are of the events related to the conflicts. The familiaritywith these events influences their positions on the issues.Value systems, media usage, familiarity and positions on theissues were measured in a survey. A parallel content analysisexamined the coverage of the conflicts in the German mass media(press, radio, television) during the six-month time frame priorto the survey. Both data sets were merged in order to give anestimate of the information each recipient was exposed to. Theresults of multiple regression analyses support the theoreticalmodel. Furthermore, this paper discusses the relevance of themodel for the analysis of opinion formation as well as the limitationsof the model.  相似文献   

德国的图书馆信息资源共享模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
德国图书馆信息资源共享主要集中在州层次上,主要组织形式是地区性图书馆联盟。全国性的信息资源共享通常针对特定的信息服务和信息资源,如文献传递服务和电子期刊。该文简要介绍了德国的图书馆信息资源共享概况,图书馆联盟的管理、技术、经费和成果。最后分析了德国图书馆联盟的特点与问题。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of perceptions of the opinionsof others as they relate to the formation of public opinion.Two interrelated theories involving such perceptions, the thirdperson effect and the spiral of silence, are tested in the contextof public opinion regarding divestment of financial interestsin South Africa. As hypothesized by the third person effect, perceptions of theinfluence of media reports on others were found to be consistentlygreater than perceptions of influence on self. Findings werestrongly supportive of this component of the ‘third personeffect’ hypothesis. Perceptions of the opinions of otherswere also explored in relation to respondents' willingness toexpress their opinions publicly. As suggested by the spiralof silence theory, respondents were found to be more willingto express their opinions publicly when they perceived a trendin support of their viewpoint, or when there was a greater perceivedlikelihood of achieving success for their issue position. The size of the effect produced from joining these two processesis moderated by the role of issue salience. People perceivingdivestment as a highly important issue are more likely to ascribegreater media influence to others than to themselves, but theirwillingness to express their opinions publicly is least likelyto be influenced by perceptions of the climate of opinion.  相似文献   

Do the listening styles preferred by young adults in Germany,Israel, and the USA differ significantly? In order to addressthis question, college students in all three countries completedversions of the Listening Styles Profile (LSP; Watson et al.1995) presented in their native languages. Factor analysis revealedfour predominant constructs underlying the LSP, which were designatedas people, action, content, and time listening styles. Comparisonsbetween the three cultures revealed distinctively differentpatterns of listening style preferences, with Germans preferringthe action style, Israelis endorsing the content style, andAmericans favoring both the people and time styles.  相似文献   

以"大旗底下"QQ群为个案,通过对聊天记录文本和在线问卷调查的定量分析,展现了图书馆员在网络社区中的信息交流行为特征规律,并探讨了网络社区信息交流对图书馆员精神世界的影响。论文认为,可以充分利用Web2.0技术所带来的信息交流的便利和迅捷,让更多的图书馆员融入到各种专业社区中,在跨地域、跨部门的信息交流中分享专业工作经验和成功的喜悦,在信息交流中不断汲取图书馆职业精神的养分,从而有效培育起对图书馆现代理念和核心价值观的社会认同,以此推动图书馆事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

元数据在电子化学位论文中的应用探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章参考国内外在电子化学位论文和元数据研究及应用的最新成果,探讨了元数据在电子化学位论文中的应用,总结了电子化学位论文中使用元数据的优点并提出一个初步的元数据集。  相似文献   

本文简述了国外数据通信的发展和我国数据通信网络的概况,对于如何建立我国图书情报服务网络做了分析并提示了网络互连的几种结构模式。  相似文献   

基于CSSCI的文科学者h指数实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从CSSCI中选取文学、历史学、哲学、法学、经济学和图书馆、情报与文献学6个文科学科学者2002-2006年的数据,计算出学者的被引次数C、被引篇数P、篇均被引次数CPP和h指数。分析表明被引次数C与h指数的相关性最大,计算表明对文学和历史学而言Gl nzel-Schubert公式的估计值更接近实际h指数,而其余学科的h指数大多数数据落在Hirsch公式和Egghe-Rousseau公式估计值之间。在所研究的6个文科领域中,Hirsch公式估计值与实际h指数的Pearson相关性较好。  相似文献   

楹联数据库的构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了构建楹联数据库的重要意义,讨论了楹联数据库的数据字段、层次与结构、数据输入格式、楹联检索界面、建库的前期准备工作、楹联的知识产权以及相关问题。  相似文献   

从CASHL和NSTL看我国文献传递服务的模式和发展趋势   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
CASHL与NSTL分别是我国人文社会科学领域和自然科学领域最具代表性的集中式的无中介文献传递服务体系。二者既继承了集中式文献传递服务的优点,又在管理体制和服务模式上有所创新。本文通过对CASHL和NSTL的介绍与分析,探讨了我国文献传递服务的模式和发展趋势。  相似文献   

图书防霉剂的筛选及效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从15种防霉剂中筛选出复方多菌灵一百菌清混合防霉剂和抗菌剂WS8810/SC875两类防毒剂,使用一定浓度。采用不同方法进行了三批试验.试验表明所选防霉剂对多种图书霉菌均有较好的防霉效果。  相似文献   

与一般的图书、期刊不同,地图文献具有许多自身的特殊性,在数字环境下如何更好利用地图文献资源给图书馆管理人员提出了新的研究课题。通过分析武汉大学图书馆地图资料管理现状和当前地图文献建设工作中存在的实际问题,提出在信息时代加强地图文献资源建设的对策和措施。  相似文献   

国际基础科学核心期刊h指数实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从ISI数据库获得的期刊h指数和从Scopus数据库获得的期刊h指数高度一致,而期刊h指数与期刊影响因子IF可以作为相互独立的期刊评价指标;用不同学科的篇均被引次数fm作为归一化因子对h指数进行归一化处理后所得的hf指数可用于对不同学科期刊进行直接比较,hf指数越大的期刊品质越优。  相似文献   

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