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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) suggests that parents are critical members of the special education system. Through conducting interviews with parents, observing individualised education plan (IEP) meetings, and analysing the discourse between the parent and the professional, this critical qualitative research investigates the parent–school relationship when parents are fighting for more inclusive placements for their children. This study uncovers the bureaucratic processes schools utilise, which do not allow for equitable parent participation in IEP processes including: medical and deficit discourse, professionalised discourse, policy interpretations, and meeting practices. We then describe strategies that parent-advocates use in order to obtain adequate services for their children including: networking, bringing an advocate, and education. We conclude with recommendations for schools and parents which promote enhanced parent–school collaboration throughout IEP planning, with an end goal towards improving educational opportunities for students with disabilities.  相似文献   

As key members of the Individualised Education Program (IEP) team and strong child advocates, parents play a critical role in special education. In this study, we sought to understand a crucial, yet underexamined, aspect of special education – parent perceptions regarding student participation in IEP development. Specifically, we asked parents how schools could better support student involvement in the IEP process, including IEP meetings. Participants included 646 parents of students with disabilities aged 5–21 years currently receiving special education services across the United States. Constant comparative analysis was used to code data. Qualitative coding revealed four major themes, including: (1) promoting an active student role, (2) supportive school staff, (3) making changes to IEP meetings and (4) considerations and concerns regarding student participation. Implications for practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Students with disabilities need to be more involved in planning and presenting individualized education program (IEP) meetings, and teachers need an effective, efficient curriculum to teach students how. My IEP curriculum uses folding graphic organizers to teach students to self-direct IEP meetings, targeting self-advocacy and self-determination to combat student apathy toward and passive participation in IEPs. Students who received My IEP (n = 25) spoke on average for 36.78% of IEP meeting time, while comparison group students (n = 14) spoke on average 2.15%. My IEP students recalled significantly more IEP knowledge and had shorter meetings. School faculty and staff were significantly more satisfied with My IEP meetings.  相似文献   


Decades of research identify the need to improve the individualized education program (IEP) meeting process. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of parents, advocates, educators, and facilitators who have utilized an emerging alternative IEP procedure known as a facilitated IEP (FIEP) meeting. This new process is used as an alternative dispute resolution practice in special education. FIEP meetings use a collaborative approach to encourage family and professionals to develop a meaningful educational program designed to best address student needs. Using qualitative interview methodology, 32 participants described their experiences with IEP and FIEP meetings. Data analysis identified the FIEP as a promising collaborative practice that can be used to restructure IEP meetings with the intent to prevent and resolve conflict through encouraging active parent participation through consensus building and maintaining focus on the student. Implications for practice and future research are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The success of students with disabilities in school and community largely relies on productive family professional partnerships (FPPs). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) recognises the importance of family collaboration to student success by mandating that parents be involved in the Individualised Education Plan (IEP) process as full team members. While several previous studies examined the perspectives of parents of children with disabilities on partnerships with educators, less research exists on teacher perspectives on family professional collaborations. Additionally, there are even fewer studies that focus on teacher perspectives on partnerships with parents of children with autism, a disability category which continues to increase in prevalence. The present study contributes to the literature by examining teacher perspectives on factors that build and hinder positive partnerships with families of children with autism. Researchers surveyed 25 Special Education teachers and conducted additional individual interviews and open-ended questionnaires to examine teachers' first-hand experiences. Findings identified four common themes that educators felt helped and hindered collaborative relationships with families. Study results may lead to the development of specific family professional collaboration strategies that can be implemented and discussed in school districts, teacher trainings, pre-service teacher education programs and family workshops.  相似文献   

This paper explores methods by which the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development process can be improved through the use of systems-based thinking, specifically through the use of Gittell’s (2016) Relational Coordination Model. IEP development meetings have been described as meaningless rituals where parents often leave feeling ostracized from their child’s academic experience due to an overemphasis on academic jargon and procedure (Rock, 2000; Salas, 2004). Systems-based thinking would encourage administrators to empower parents as equal partners in the IEP development process, as originally intended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1994. Furthermore, using Relational Coordination as a framework for work-group structure would also allow school officials to create meaningful relationships with parents based on trust, thus resulting in a more positive IEP development experience and more robust educational plans.  相似文献   

Developing special education programs that confer a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities has been a challenge for local education agencies since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was first passed in 1975. Developing a FAPE has been particularly challenging when students require assistive technology (AT) services or devices to meet their unique educational needs. In this article, we consider how students' individualized education program (IEP) planning teams have met this challenge by examining administrative and judicial rulings on the use of AT services and devices by students' with disabilities. Specifically, we first examine rulings from 2005 to the first half of 2013 regarding the IDEA, FAPE, and AT. Second, we explore how courts have interpreted the AT obligations of educational agencies with a focus on cases in which parents were the prevailing party. Primary reasons for school district losses in these cases include failing to: (a) provide AT assessments (b) address AT needs, (c) provide the AT devices or services specified in a student's IEP, (d) properly implement AT services. We end by discussing the implications of these court decisions for school districts use of AT services and devices with students in special education.  相似文献   


Inclusive education is promoted as an educational setting that brings together students with disabilities alongside non-disabled peers. As the rise in inclusive education continues, many recognize the Salamanca Statement of 1994 as an influencer. This paper discusses how the vision of inclusion grounded in “the need to work towards ‘schools for all’” remains unfulfilled through a lack of intersectionality. Centering the experiences of Spanish-speaking mothers of emergent bilinguals labeled as disabled, this paper presents how educators limit parents’ abilities to engage as equal stakeholders. Therefore, this paper explores the tensions culturally and linguistically diverse mothers encounter during Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings and the possibilities that can come from reimagining IEPs and IEP meetings in ways that allow stakeholders to actively tend to the intersectional vision of inclusive education that Salamanca put forth and that emergent bilinguals labeled as disabled desperately need.  相似文献   

The Self-Directed IEP has been found effective in increasing student participation in the first Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting following Self-Directed IEP instruction. To date, no published reports have examined the extent students are involved during their second IEP meeting following Self-Directed IEP instruction. This study presents an exploratory mixed method case study analysis of a student with a learning disability in sophomore and junior year IEP meetings to illustrate the difference a year can make in IEP meeting participation, the development of postschool goals, confidence, maturity, and self-advocacy. Results indicate a marked increase from year one to year two in the student's word count and speaking rate, a more focused postschool employment vision, and an increase in meeting leadership. Discussion of these results and suggestions for additional research are offered.  相似文献   

Attitudes of mainstream teachers towards the inclusion of children with special needs in the ordinary school were surveyed soon after the release of the Green Paper. The survey was carried out in one Local Education Authority in the south-west of England and the sample comprised of 81 primary and secondary teachers. The analysis revealed that teachers who have been implementing inclusive programmes, and therefore have active experience of inclusion, possess more positive attitudes. Moreover, the data showed the importance of professional development in the formation of positive attitudes towards inclusion. In particular, teachers with university-based professional development appeared both to hold more positive attitudes and to be more confident in meeting the IEP requirements of students with SEN. The role that training at both pre-service and post-service levels has in the development of teachers' support for inclusion is discussed.  相似文献   

Although parents often advocate for the best educational services for their children with disabilities, few studies examine parents’ advocacy activities; identify parent-school relationship, parent, and student correlates of advocacy; or describe the conditions of advocacy. Responding to a national, web-based survey, 1087 parents of students with disabilities completed a 163-item questionnaire. A seven-item Special Education Rights and Advocacy Scale converged on a single factor. Higher levels of advocacy were found among parents who enacted their procedural safeguards, reported less satisfactory partnerships with schools, and were less satisfied with educational services. Parents engaging in the highest levels of advocacy described negative experiences, with schools refusing services, acting disingenuously, lacking trained personnel, and communicating poorly. Conversely (and with some exceptions), parents engaging in lesser amounts of advocacy reported positive experiences, were satisfied, and felt that their IEP teams were collaborative. High levels of parental advocacy may be a reaction to poor relationships with and behaviors by the school. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This study used the theory of reasoned action to investigate determinants of primary school children's attitudes and behavioural intentions towards peers with physical disabilities. The influence of children's own attitudes toward working with peers with physical disabilities in regular classes and subjective norms provided by their teachers, principals, and parents were used to predict behavioural intentions to befriend and interact with classmates with physical disabilities. The participants were 143 fourth and fifth grade primary school students, their mothers, teachers, and school principals. The students completed an attitude questionnaire and a behavioural intention scale. Their parents, teachers, and principals completed a similar disability attitude questionnaire. The results supported the predictions made by the theory of reasoned action. Children's own attitudes towards the inclusion of peers with disabilities was the strongest predictor of behavioural intentions to interact with a classmate with a physical disability. The attitudes of teachers, principals, and parents were also significant predictors of intentions. However, only the attitudes of parents and school principals accounted for any more variance than children's attitudes alone. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of developing whole class interventions to promote the social integration of children with physical disabilities.  相似文献   

随班就读学校残疾学生发展状况研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本研究目的是了解目前在随班就读学校特殊学生的生态状况,并试图发现对随班就读学校特殊学生发展产生积极影响的因素。本研究以问卷调查、访谈、实地观察等方法进行调查,选取北京、上海、江苏、湖北、贵州、四川、云南、广西、福建等地的47所学校收集数据,最后获得有效教师问卷331份,有效家长问卷165份;获得34名特殊学生、75名普通学生、35名教师、21名家长的访谈记录;获得10所学校的观察记录。结果发现:在被调查随班就读学校中:(1)特殊学生属于轻中度残疾学生,以自闭症、听力残疾、智力残疾学生居多。(2)特殊学生的学业成就、自信心、社会交往能力状况良好,特殊学生对学校满意度高;在各类残疾学生中,听力残疾和智力残疾学生在校适应状况最好,而自闭症学生适应状况最差;轻度残疾学生比中度残疾学生适应状况更好。(3)影响特殊学生发展的最主要的积极因素是:教师和学生能够获得专业支持,学校营造的平等和互助的氛围,减轻教师工作负担。  相似文献   

This comparative research study in the context of action research documents the effects of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) on positive participant interactions, student turn‐taking and self‐advocacy interactions during IEP meetings that focused on student transition to post‐secondary outcomes. AI was implemented as a written protocol for conducting IEP meetings in one school unit (P) that had been developed from an AI training in a second school unit (E) which also used the protocol. A third unit (C) with neither training nor a protocol to use served as a comparison. 124 IEP meetings in these three units in New York State in the United States were observed and recorded in 10 second increments. Results indicated increases in percentages of positive interactions, student turn‐taking, and of student self‐advocacy in both the AI trained and protocol unit (E) and in the unit using the protocol alone (P) over the comparison unit (C) and over earlier pilot data (P (Pilot)). AI may be an effective consultative and educational process for encouraging some factors that lead to student success in transitioning to college, career, and life beyond graduation from school.  相似文献   

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 states that individualized education program (IEP) teams are composed of members with distinct identities, roles, expertise, and histories. Although team members must work together to implement educational and related services for learners with special needs, little is known about how these members actually accomplish this throughout the school year. This study examined the practice of members on two elementary IEP teams through analysis of data from a yearlong case study using the communities of practice (CoP) framework. Contrary to idealized conceptualizations of IEP team practice as being equitable and occurring in meetings, the practice of members on both teams was controlled by a few team members and occurred during concise exchanges throughout the day. These findings underscore opportunities for innovating the practice of IEP team members to improve services for students with special needs.  相似文献   

This study investigated how support from other organisations compliments or reinforces the activities of teachers and parents in order to optimise the development and improvement of students in inclusive classrooms in Thailand. The objectives of this study include: (1) investigating the changes in teachers and parents who joined a municipal Human Resource Development (HRD) program in Khon Kaen Municipality; (2) evaluating the success of the program against its expected results; and (3) analysing the results and proposing improvements to the program to benefit students with disabilities. In order to examine the overall outcomes of the program for the concerned parties, qualitative survey‐based research involving questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions, employed with school administrators, teachers and parents, was used. The major findings are that school administrators and teachers paid more attention to students with a diversity of needs after joining the program, although participating parents’ acceptance of students with disabilities was low. The program evaluation revealed that participating teachers managed their classrooms better. Lastly, in order to improve the program in the Thai context, more acceptance and awareness must be created among both teachers and parents.  相似文献   

This paper discusses inclusion in relation to centralised systems, in particular the constraints central control makes upon decisions at school level. The discussion is empowered by an evaluative case study research undertaken to understand the development of inclusion in contexts where flexible teaching and curriculum change are sometimes hard to find. In particular, based on a systems approach, this research describes and evaluates an attempt in a Greek primary school to implement inclusive practices, aiming to analyse the problems and prospects of inclusion in a highly centralised system, entirely controlled by the Ministry of Education. The inclusive practices developed in this school were based on a collaborative teacher model, offering new roles to mainstream teachers. The research data come from a diary, group interviews, classroom and meetings observations, and document analysis. The study reveals several obstacles to inclusion, besides the good practices which promote it. The main argument is that a centralised system favours the integration of students with disabilities more than their inclusion.  相似文献   

This article analyses the association between social class and parent-­initiated contact with teachers. Hypotheses are derived from Lareau’s theory on ‘concerted cultivation’ and status maintenance theory on rational educational decision-making. Data from a national survey on French students traversing secondary school are used to study social class differentials in parents’ involvement in Grade 9 when students are about to proceed to an important transition from lower to upper secondary school. Linear probability models reveal that the likelihood that parents initiate meetings with teachers decreases as students’ performance increases and that concerted cultivation beliefs have positive effects. Through inclusion of interaction terms into the models, clear evidence is provided that middle-class parents are more likely to seek a meeting than working-class parents when their children face difficulties.  相似文献   

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