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本文基于对教师在线专业学习社区(TOPLC)"东篱园"成员的效能感调查和在线数据挖掘,通过相关分析、差异性检验和社会网络分析,考察教师四个效能感变量(一般自我效能感、个人教学效能感、人际交往效能感和信息素养效能感)对教师TOPLC行为投入的影响。研究发现:教师TOPLC行为投入受教师多个相关效能感变量的影响,整体效能感和人际交往效能感与教师的相关TOPLC行为投入呈显著正相关;一般自我效能感、个人教学效能感和人际交往效能感的高分组和低分组教师在TOPLC行为总投入和多类子投入上存在显著差异。其中,前两类效能感高分组教师在社区社会网络中通常处于核心位置。作者期望本文为分析教师效能感与其专业发展投入间的关系、优化TOPLC设计提供依据。  相似文献   

本研究采用自制教师访谈提纲对27位具有流动经历的幼儿园教师进行访谈,结果发现目前幼儿园教师流动的主要原因是其成长需要得不到满足,或者是在原单位没有受到应有的尊重.大部分幼儿园教师是通过亲友介绍找到新工作的.目前,我国幼儿园教师流动行为较为随意,大部分幼儿园教师辞职程序很不规范.相关部门有必要采取针对性的措施,如建立合理的教师流动机制、提高幼儿园教师职业的专业化水平等,以促进幼儿园教师规范、合理地流动.  相似文献   

With a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, this essay reveals four types of discourses:discourse of examination, in?struction, technology and regulation. Based on the analysis of power relation among...  相似文献   

With a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, this essay reveals four types of discourses: discourse of examination, instruction, technology and regulation. Based on the analysis of power relation among those discourses, a vivid picture of teachers’ identity at training-school has been clearly sketched. That is, teacher at training-school is a puppet acting as not only the transmitter of specific knowledge, but also the supervisor of rules and spokesman of institution.  相似文献   


Role expectations of 178 Georgia secondary teachers as measured by TPQ (6), pupils’ perceptions as measured by POSR (7), and pupils' attitudes (2) were analyzed by sex" age, experience, perception, field, grade level, and selected interaction effects. Science and mathematics teachers perceived the Advice-information Giver Role as more important than did social studies teachers. Age and sex differentially influenced teachers’ perceptions of the Motivator Role- Grade level and sex-by-field interaction produced significant differences in Disciplinarian Role. From pupils' viewpoint (POSR), the experienced teacher was more knowledgeable and poised than the beginning teacher. For Strict Control, sex, experience, field, and sex-by-field interaction were significant. Pupils had more favorable attitudes toward women teachers.  相似文献   

Chronic disruptive behaviors during early childhood are associated with many poor developmental outcomes including, but not limited to, school dropout and conduct disorder during adolescence. Much is known regarding effective intervention procedures for disruptive classroom behaviors by preschool children. Unfortunately, evidence-based intervention procedures may not be implemented with integrity in applied settings. Direct behavioral consultation may increase teacher intervention integrity because of direct training procedures used with teachers and students during routine classroom activities. This study evaluated a nondisruptive direct training method for increasing Head Start teachers' use of praise and effective instruction delivery. Results indicated that the direct training procedure implemented during routine instructional activities resulted in increased use of praise and effective instruction delivery that maintained following training. Additionally, increased use of praise and effective instruction delivery resulted in reductions in children's disruptive classroom behavior.  相似文献   

建立城乡教师流动制度是义务教育均衡发展的必然选择。当前,我国西部地区城乡教师流动呈现出无序、不合理的状态,阻碍了师资的合理配置,加剧了教育的不公平。行为经济学立足于对人的决策行为研究,成为教师流动研究的新视角。基于行为经济学理论,可以剖析西部地区城乡教师不合理流动的原因,从完善教师工资保障机制、加强政府的行政干预、建立教师流动激励机制、转变教师管理形式等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Using the nationally representative Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey 2014 (FACES 2014), this study examined the associations...  相似文献   

Teacher Perceptions of Teacher Assessment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

教师教育与教师专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极推进教师专业化 ,使教师职业像医生、律师一样专业具有不可替代性 ,应该成为“十五”教师教育的热点与主旋律。这就要求教师的培训机构、教师管理保障制度、教师教育培训制度 ,都实现相应的重大变革。这是师范教育及教师培训机构必须面对的重要问题  相似文献   

教师这种古老的职业,今天有了全新的面孔 信息技术手段的广泛应用,正在改变"教师"的职业面孔.那个鲜活的、具体的、或高大严厉或斯文和蔼的形象,似乎正在从传统的课堂上隐去;而留下的,不仅仅是电脑屏幕上的光点所闪烁出的智慧之火,还有在这屏幕背后,教师这个群体所面临的或重大或细微的职业变化.  相似文献   

教师文化与教师专业成长   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教师文化的类型与教师的专业化程度存在着密切的内在联系。二者在教师职业发展历程中相互促进、相互制约共同发展着。其关系在动态上表现为适应中的共同发展,在静态上表现为制约中的相互促进。专业化的教师文化的形成需要在教师职业专业化的实践进程中,由全社会配合教师群体共同加以培育、生成。  相似文献   

本文介绍"借调教师"的概念,旨在为教师专业发展提供一种新取向,以强化当前教师专业发展的模式.本文以教师借调到香港一个"大学-学校"伙伴协作学校改进计划的经验为例,以实证研究方法探讨教师借调期间的经历对其个人专业发展及成长的影响,进而分析以此作为教师专业发展模式的意义.所提出的"教师借调"概念可弥补传统教师培训模式的一些局限.  相似文献   

教师专业化与教师教育模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家的发展必须要有大量的高素质人才做支撑,人才的培养在教育,教育的关键在教师。教师专业化无疑是提高教师素质的最佳途径,教师专业化已成为当今世界教师教育发展的趋势。在论述教师专业化的基础上,着重研究了加快教师的专业化过程中的几种教师教育模式:“能力本位”模式与“标准本位”模式、良师辅导模式、校本培训模式、教师专业发展学校模式、“相似教育模式”。并对教师教育模式的选择提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

在英语教学活动中 ,教学语言与英语教学用语在概念上不仅不同于普遍的交际性语言 ,而且它们在结构与使用上又都有着自己的特点和规律。本文试对两者之间的关系加以探讨 ,并侧重探讨英语教学语言的特点及使用。  相似文献   


This study explored the relationship between cooperative and competitive instructional environments in which high level teacher questions were the primary instructional strategy and student achievement was measured by recall of content and the ability to respond to high level test questions. Ninety-six fifth grade students were randomly assigned to one of three groups: competitive environment (Cm), cooperative environment (Co), and control (C). Results of the data analysis by MANOVA indicated that Cm and Co did better than C on both low level and high level portions of the posttest. There were no significant differences between Cm and Co in low level understanding, but significant differences in favor of Cm over Co did emerge on the high level subtest. The implications for structuring classroom environments and the need for further research studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary test-based reforms are often grounded in the claim that test performance is the key to international economic competitiveness. However, this oft-repeated assertion lacks empirical support. According to the World Economic Forum, the United States' recent loss of economic competitiveness standing is due to macroeconomic instability rather than to a lack of workforce skills and knowledge. In contrast to the claims of President Obama and Secretary Duncan, the nation has no shortage of qualified job applicants. There are, on average, three qualified applicants for every high tech job. Furthermore, 80% of projected jobs require only technical or on-the-job training. The vast majority do not require the skills measured by contemporary accountability schemes. For example, only 5% require any math beyond basic operations. Educators must continue to focus on equality of educational opportunities for all children and, as contrasted with narrow economic rationales, embrace a broader vision of the purposes of education.  相似文献   

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