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America's unyielding academic achievement gap has been a national priority for a long time; yet, some schools have succeeded with academically disadvantaged youth. Usually, these institutions embrace a culture of success and follow an academic curriculum that is grounded in core knowledge and scholastic vocabulary. Academically disadvantaged students need school-wide programs that meet their distinct needs. These programs emphasize basic knowledge, grounded in contextual references. Students are taught to decode and comprehend domain specific and academic vocabulary. They learn skills and content that will help them achieve as successful adults. These schools are the antithesis of “mean streets.” They welcome disadvantaged students and provide the intellectual and emotional tools they need to thrive, while instilling self-discipline and hope in their pupils.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether Reading Rescue continues to be an effective literacy intervention and factors that impact its effectiveness. Data were collected on 143 first-grade students, tutored by 104 tutors at 38 schools. There was significant growth on all foundational skills (ps?ps?d?=?1.62 sight words, d?=?1.68 oral reading/comprehension). Student-level factors of Individualized Education Program status, program completion, number of session, and invented spelling; tutor-level factors of sessions delivered and years of experience; school level factors of school size and percentage of language minority students all predicted grade-level passage or word reading (all ps?2007 Ehri, L. C., Dreyer, L. G., Flugman, B., &; Gross, A. (2007). Reading rescue: An effective tutoring intervention model for language-minority students who are struggling readers in first grade. American Educational Research Journal, 44(2), 414448.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) study. Efforts should focus on ensuring program completion and increasing program exposure in neediest schools.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the articles of Opdenakker, Van Damme, De Fraine, Van Landeghem, and Onghena (2002) and Van Landeghem, Van Damme, Opdenakker, De Fraine, and Onghena (2002) in this issue, we give some background information on a new study on educational effectiveness in secondary schools, and on the variables measured in that study that are relevant to the 2 articles mentioned. We conclude with some information on the system of secondary education in Flanders.  相似文献   

Comprehension strategies, while helpful, are not sufficient to produce student achievement at high levels. The authors examine the role of background knowledge and vocabulary in developing understanding and facilitating achievement. Through purposeful instruction in vocabulary and by building and activating background knowledge, teachers can help students absorb content.  相似文献   

The pace of educational reform has been increasing significantly at the global level and teachers have significant roles to play in such reform movements. This paper compares the beginning teacher identity of primary teacher trainees in Trinidad and Tobago with the concept of the teacher that seems to underpin present reform initiatives. Beginning teacher identity, explored through the use of a questionnaire and interviews, is portrayed as images and metaphors. It seems to encapsulate the missionary ideology of teaching and the notion of child-centred pedagogy, with the classroom as the centre of interaction between pupil and teacher. The reforms, on the other hand, look to teachers to support, as well, the decentralisation effort that calls for collaboration with the community, and the promotion of continuous assessment practices that calls for collaboration across grade levels in the school. Both the community focus and the school focus are likely to pose problems for beginning teachers who maintain a classroom focus. The paper highlights the need for reform efforts to take into account the gaps between existing teacher identity images and those envisioned for the reformed system.  相似文献   

The neoliberal agenda promotes education as a route toward success in university and career. However, a neoliberal economy requires large numbers of workers willing to accept low-paying, dead-end jobs. The students most likely to take these jobs are those who have struggled with literacy and so schools must, in Bourdieu’s terms, re/produce, vulnerable readers. This paper tracks the ways in which the neoliberal economy depends on these readers and how schools participate in this process of re/production: from educational policy, to instructional context, to reader identity. In contrast, from a radical democratic viewpoint, the primary goal of schooling is civic engagement and such engagement is bolstered by universal literacy. The paper concludes with alternatives in the realms of policy and classroom practice that are more likely to support teachers and students and foster radical democratic views.  相似文献   

当前,基础教育课程改革已进入攻坚阶段。教师是课程实施最重要的队伍,教师培训则是推动课程改革的有力保障。校本培训是适应课程改革以校为本的教师培训模式,明确校本培训的缘起,反思其在课程改革中取得的成绩、存在的问题和改进策略进行深入分析,有利于提升教师的素质,加快教师的专业发展,确保课程改革的稳步推进。  相似文献   

While many aspects of educational careers have been examined ill the literature on ethnic minorities, such as truancy, turnover and grades, downward mobility has rarely been studied. Using data on more than 10,000 students who entered secondary school in The Netherlands in 1989, we develop an event-history model for secondary school careers and we use this model to analyse the determinants of dropout and downward mobility simultaneously. Our findings show that students from Mediterranean and Caribbean immigrant families are about 3 times as likely to drop out from secondary school without a degree compared to Dutch children. They are also more likely to be downwardly mobile during their secondary school career, but this differential is weaker Compositional differences with respect to individual ability and parental resources explain a large part of these differences. When holding constant parental resources and individual ability, ethnic students are less likely to experience downward mobility than Dutch students. In other words, when there is failure in the school career Dutch children are more likely to follow the route of downward mobility whereas children from ethnic minorities are more likely to drop out altogether. The multitrack nature of the Dutch educational system thus may have a negative impact on ethnic inequality.  相似文献   

课程改革中教师的身份认同——制度变迁与自我重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度变迁与自我重构是分析身份认同的两条基本路径。课程改革为教师的身份认同提供了新的社会情境与制度期望。借鉴鲍曼的朝圣者、观光者、流浪者等概念,可将教师在新课程改革中的自我重构分为四个类型,这一划分为我们理解结构-个人互动中的身份建构以及课程改革的一些基本问题提供了启示。  相似文献   

以师范性与学术性特征的交替演变为主要线索,建国后我国教师教育课程体系的发展经历了三个阶段,即以学科教育为中心、以师范性特色为主导的初建阶段;师范性与学术性并重的发展阶段;以师范性与学术性高层次结合为特点的现代教师教育课程体系的构建阶段。从历史发展的深层内因来看,课程体系的逻辑统一性是推进教师教育课程体系发展的重要内核。  相似文献   

美国教育评价研究的发展经历了三个阶段:20世纪初期至50年代的屏蔽价值关注“目标达成”的阶段、20世纪50年代至70年代的价值渗透关注过程的“方案评价”阶段、20世纪70年代至今的关注价值评定“综合”阶段。研究视域围绕着对教育目标的批评和实施过程的批评得到拓展,其中缠绕着各类教育参与者的价值的融合。  相似文献   

网络时代给教育带来了许多新变化、新特点。教师要适应这些变化,就应实现角色转换,从文化知识的传授者、知识学习的指导者、课程教材的执行者、教育教学的管理者转变为未来生活的设计者、知识体系的建构者、课程教材的研究者和人际关系的艺术家。  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of case methods in ateacher development setting. The participatingteachers were implementing an innovative four-yearsecondary mathematics curriculum. The cases underconsideration were vignettes of problematic situationsactually encountered by teachers as they workedtowards implementing the new curriculum. Originally,the cases were developed and presented as a way ofvalidating data gathered on the difficulties theteachers faced. However, the teachers' reactions tothe cases and the discussions and reflections thatfollowed suggested that the cases had played asurprisingly powerful role in helping the teachersacknowledge their classroom concerns and begin to dealwith these concerns.  相似文献   

为应对社会技术性变革和挑战,国家和未来社会更加重视基础教育课程对创新人才和创新能力的培养。创新能力培养诠释了课程知识的动力功能,凸显了课程的育人功能,要满足创新能力培养对课程功能提出的新要求,必须明释课程结构性变革的一些基本问题,进而推进基础教育课程变革:树立以创新能力培养为核心的课程目标,促进课程知识观的转型,开发以创新能力培养为导向的课程内容;加大课程实施观的转向,助推以创新能力培养为核心的课程实施;加强课程评价观的反思,确立以创新能力培养为时代追求的课程评价。  相似文献   

课程与教师是教育过程中的两个关键要素.在我国新课程改革中,两者关系正在经历巨变.这一变化的实质是课程与教师从单向控制走向双向互动.这一关系的变化呼唤具有开放性格的课程开发,推动教师专业发展向实践取向转化.  相似文献   

I report on benefits from 26 teacher-participant evaluators of a computer game designed to motivate learning and to ease conceptual understanding of biology in South Africa. Using a developmental, social constructivist and interpretative model, the recommendation is to include the value systems and needs of end-users (through social dialogue); curriculum issues (learning theories in the ECP and those the education authorities recommend, as well as ECP-curriculum integration); the nature of the subject the ECP presents (e.g., Nature of Science); and the compatibility of the ECP with school computers.  相似文献   

课程评价含义辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程评价,归属于更为一般的方案评价。界定课程评价,首先应该剖析课程的内涵。课程不只是静态的课程文本,更重要的是动态的课程活动。课程评价就是对课程活动的组成要素和过程环节作出评价。课程评价不等同于学业评价、教学评价。在新基础教育课程改革中,我们应该尽可能动态地、全面地评价课程。  相似文献   

信息时代,教师教学技术体系将从“信息呈现”范式走向“信息处理”范式,实现“精准培养”的功能旨趣,构建以“组织技术”为中心的基础结构并凝结教师“教学生学”的价值共识。“信息呈现”范式的教师教学技术体系将形成摆脱教师个体依赖和时空限制的语言技术体系,铺设学生个性化学习路径的设计技术体系,促进学生自主学习有序进行的组织技术体系,监控教学过程和描述学习轨迹的教学评价技术体系。  相似文献   

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