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申静 《成才之路》2020,(11):142-143
同一个班的学生,往往因为学习习惯不同,在学习成绩、学习能力方面有很大的差距。小学生因为年龄小,自控能力有限,所以,要培养良好的学习习惯,不仅需要学校教育,也离不开家庭教育。家长要提高家庭教育的意识,在家庭教育中狠抓学生学习习惯的养成。  相似文献   

The article presents the literacy achievement of Norwegian minority students, their reading habits, and their enjoyment of reading based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000 study. Aspects of their family background and attitudes towards school are related to literacy achievement results. A comparison between Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany shows that the achievement gap between majority and minority students is larger in Denmark and Germany than in Norway and Sweden. A more detailed presentation of the Norwegian reading results shows that 35% of the Norwegian minority students perform at a level indicating that they are able to read in a technical sense, but they are unlikely to be able to use reading as an independent tool in acquiring knowledge and skills. The minority students' responses to questions about socio‐economic family background, reading habits, learning strategies and school motivation give a complex picture of their situation in Norwegian schools. The results indicate that there is some potential for equalising differences between minority students and majority students.  相似文献   

整本书阅读阶梯式指导,是初中语文阅读的重要方式。在初中语文教学中,语文教师可以科学合理地引导学生运用整本书阅读来拓宽学生的知识视野和丰富其知识储备,从而帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

文章分析影响高中生英语阅读的情形,探讨提高高中生英语阅读的自我概念和成就动机技巧,目的在于帮助学生克服英语阅读障碍,使其逐步养成良好的阅读习惯,走出阅读误区,从而不断提高英语阅读能力.  相似文献   

目前的初中学生最难教,初中教师最难当,初中校长最难做。缘何?因为教育观念莫衷一是、误区太多,初中学生又处于人生中的“多事之秋”,初中教师恰好处在教育系统链条中的“咽喉要塞”,初中校长更是置身于社会批评教育的“风口浪尖”当中。初中学生的鲜明特点在于强化“人生支点”的自我意识,初中教师的根本职责在于培植“人生支点”的坚实根基。初中校长的特殊使命在于扬起“人生支点”的前进风帆。夫如斯,不可不重视初中教育,不可不善待初中学生.不可不珍视初中校长和教师。  相似文献   

Children's early literacy experiences are critical, yet it remains unclear whether memories of early reading instruction continue to be associated with reading habits into adulthood. We examined the association between recollections of reading experiences and present-day reading habits in an adult population. University students responded in writing to three open-ended prompts asking about their memories of reading during early childhood, elementary school and high school. They also completed two questionnaires inquiring about reading enjoyment and frequency in elementary school and high school. For the concurrent measures of reading, participants described their current reading habits in an open-ended prompt and completed an author recognition test. Results showed positive links between favourable memories of reading during elementary and high school years and present-day reading habits. Conversely, unfavourable memories during high school were associated with unenthusiastic present-day reading habits. We found that reading instruction in school forms long-lasting memories, and these memories are linked in meaningful ways with print exposure during adulthood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Early morning school schedules are in the opposite direction to the sleep–wake cycle in adolescence and early adulthood. This conflict leads to sleep deprivation and irregular patterns whose consequences are scarcely explored. This article discusses the effects of three educational experiences with high school students, parents, teachers, and medical students. The first experience was developed with high school students in Natal, Brazil, to determine whether sleep habits would improve with increased awareness. Positive effects were observed in some aspects of sleep knowledge and practices. In the second experience in Atlanta, GA, sleep education activities were presented to middle and high school teachers, parents, and students to emphasize the importance of sleep. In the third program in Murcia, Spain, undergraduate medical students were introduced to chronobiology of sleep by a practical exercise that pointed out to what extent they shared most of adolescent sleep characteristics. Educational chronobiological experiences about sleep are essential to develop healthy sleep habits in the general population, particularly in students.  相似文献   


In any country, there is a group of students who are at risk of dropping out of school without any qualifications. This is detrimental for many of those students, because failure to graduate increases risks of unemployment and societal exclusion. To reduce this risk, specialized curricula aim to prepare these students for their working life by fostering the development of a vocational identity, that is, how they define themselves as workers. As a prerequisite to achieving this goal, students need to attend school and feel engaged with school. The curricula seek ways to stimulate emotional school engagement, taking into account the heterogeneous target group of students they serve. To address potential consequences of individual differences, this questionnaire study (N=996) conducted in the Netherlands explored how various individual characteristics of students in these specialized curricula moderated the relationship between emotional school engagement and vocational identity. Results show that stronger school engagement always coincided with a stronger vocational identity; however, the strength of the relationship varied. Stimulating emotional school engagement was specifically important for the subgroups of students who are young, less agreeable, less motivated, and less resilient. In order to foster the vocational identity of their students, the specialized curricula are recommended to draw nuanced conclusions and formulate refined strategies to effectively respond to the heterogeneous group of students who are at risk of dropping out.


Little is known about how students go about learning in out-of-school settings, how they self-regulate their learning in these settings, and whether school learning affects out-of-school learning. Research on these questions is important because a major purpose of schooling is to enable students to learn on their own in the world beyond school. In the present study, high school students were surveyed to determine their out-of-school activities, use of learning strategies in these activities, engagement in school-prompted interests, and self-efficacy for out-of-school learning. Students reported low rates of using learning strategies in their out-of-school pursuits. Students who became so interested in a topic in school that they learned more about it outside of school (i.e., a school-prompted interest) did not have greater self-efficacy for learning or higher grades, but they did report greater use of out-of-school learning strategies, a higher number of out-of-school activities, and greater likelihood of having done a large project on their own. African American and White students were equally likely to have experienced a school-prompted interest, but Whites were more likely to have done projects. These findings suggest the need for more school instruction in learning strategies that encourages their transfer to the out-of-school domain.  相似文献   

初高中衔接期是中学阶段承上启下的一个重要阶段。学生学习习惯的好坏,直接影响和制约着自身的发展。培养衔接期学生的英语学习习惯,使他们顺利地完成初中到高中的过渡,这是每位高中英语教师必须认真考虑和妥善处理的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

刘红新 《天津教育》2021,(8):165-166,179
语文是小学教育中非常重要的学科,学生的阅读能力是语文学习中重要的技能。语文教学中阅读作为不可或缺的内容,对培养学生的语文学习能力有着非常重要的作用。因此,新时期,在开展小学语文课堂教学时,教师应根据学生的实际情况,不断优化培养小学生语文阅读能力的教学方案,帮助学生养成正确的语文阅读习惯,逐渐提高小学生的语文阅读能力,能够为小学生在今后的语文学习中打下良好基础。  相似文献   

Livija Knaflic 《Literacy》2005,39(2):81-84
Different research on literacy demonstrates that the family has an important impact on literacy in general and it seems that there may be an inter‐generational transfer of literacy level and reading habits within families. In order to compensate for lack of encouragement of reading at home, different initiatives have been developed involving work with children and adults, because of their stronger influence on the whole family. The more effective methods are those that include members of the same family, especially parents and children. The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education has developed a family literacy programme for parents and their children called ‘Read and Write Together’. This is aimed at parents with a low standard of education who have children in the initial years of elementary school. At that time, parents are very motivated to help their children to succeed at school, but their own basic skills need some refreshment before they are able to help their children. The school programme involves two teachers, 50 hours of organised schoolwork and 25 hours of planned homework.  相似文献   

思想政治教育工作是学校教育任务的重要组成部分,它关系着中小学生人格的塑造、价值观念的构建以及行为习惯的养成,所以这一工作不能忽视。中小学阶段是学生成长的关键时期,这一阶段形成的学习习惯和思想认知将会影响学生一生。学校要采用科学、高效的方法来开展这一工作,以使中小学生拥有良好的综合素养,今后为祖国建设而努力。  相似文献   

体育价值观作为价值观的特殊形态是人们关于体育和体育现象对人或社会的重要性所持有的认识和评价。中学生有没有一个健康稳定的体育价值观,将直接影响着他们的健康成长和良好的个性形成。本文通过对慈溪市中学生体育价值观的现状及其培养的调查与分析,发现中学生对体育的总体认识程度较高,意识较强,正逐渐养成坚持锻炼身体的好习惯,但还存在着对体育理论知识的缺乏,在这方面还有许多工作要做。  相似文献   

调查表明,日常生活中普通人滥用权力的现象普遍存在,许多是“两面人”:一面是滥用权力的受害者,一面是滥用权力的害人者。这导致了社会中很多不和谐事件的发生。虽然这是由于部分公职人员权力滥用的示范与传递效应,但更多的是由于人们与部分公职人员一样,缺少民主意识所导致。民主是防止权力滥用的最根本方式。因此,改变这种状况,需要提高人们的民主意识,培养人们的民主精神和行使民主权利的能力,以监督自身和他人权力的运行。教育无疑在公民民主素养的培育方面起着重要作用。具体而言,提高学生的民主素养可通过以下途径来进行:通过讨论协商的办法实施道德教育;实行班级自治,在班干部选举中提高学生的民主意识与参与能力;建立和谐的师生关系等。  相似文献   

硕士研究生学业荒废的背后是主体消极行为状态对其积极学习心向的背离,用消极避学取代厌学来界定这一现象,能反映出隐藏在硕士研究生心灵深处的冲突。生命的非连续进程揭示出,人的生活更多地由于习性和疲劳而被损耗,由此陷入非其存在本意的退化状态。生命进程的非连续性为解读硕士研究生的消极避学现象提供了新的向度,通过对主体经受的危机和遭遇的分析,挖掘出这个群体在陷入非其存在本意的消极避学过程中人生诉求的迷失以及角色转换的困境。  相似文献   

目前,大学生身上存在许多不良倾向性行为,如厌学、盲目追求高消费、违纪行为普遍、语言不文明、沉溺于网络世界、恋爱行为不文明等。大学生不良倾向性行为的形成有家庭、学校和社会的原因,也有大学生自身的原因。针对这些原因,可采取如下矫治策略:第一,加快高等教育改革;第二,建立预警机制;第三,加强科学的人生观、价值观教育,增强大学生的内驱动力;第四,积极开展大学生心理咨询,不断提高大学生的心理健康水平;第五,创设良好的大学校园文化,为大学生营造一个良好行为规范的环境;第六,加强大学生行为的目标管理工作;第七,净化社会大环境。  相似文献   

Affecting more than 1 million youth, student homelessness is growing at an unprecedented rate in the United States. This is alarming because homeless students face significant barriers to their academic success and positive life outcomes. Unfortunately, despite the significant risks and challenges they face, homeless students often are overlooked and not provided with important educational and social‐emotional supports. In addition, information on student homelessness is relatively limited in the school psychology literature and practice guidelines, which can forestall efforts to help these students. To date, only a few empirical articles have been published on student homelessness in school psychology journals and in practitioner‐related literature. To help address this paucity, this article discusses barriers to the academic success of homeless students, as well as ways to reduce these barriers. Additionally, important protective factors, resilience, and ways to overcome homelessness‐related stigma are reviewed. Lastly, ways that school psychologists can become key stakeholders in efforts to help support the academic and life success of homeless students are discussed. The overall goal for this article is to encourage school psychologists to redouble their efforts to support a highly at‐risk yet often neglected student population.  相似文献   

In this cross‐sectional study we investigated to what extent autonomous and controlled motivation and social achievement goals are associated with students’ emotional experiences at school. We found in a sample of 426 elementary school students, aged from 10 to 12 years, autonomous motivation (i.e. students’ engagement in class activities because they find such activities enjoying or personally important) and social development goals (i.e. students’ focus on developing meaningful social relationships) to be positively associated with positive emotions. In contrast, controlled motivation (i.e. students’ engagement in class activities because they feel coerced to do so) and social demonstration‐approach goals (i.e. students’ focus on demonstrating popularity) were positively associated with negative emotions. These associations remained significant even after controlling for perceived competence. Cluster analysis further showed that students high in autonomous motivation and social development goals and low in controlled motivation and social demonstration‐approach goals exhibited a better motivational profile compared to students high or low in all the above motivational variables. Results are discussed within the self‐determination theory and the social achievement goal perspective.  相似文献   

高职学生群体思想行为特点主要表现在思想不稳定,整体思想素质不高,个性特长突出,但学习习惯不好。高职目前的思想政治教育从教学内容、教学方法、评价体系等方面未能体现出职业学校学生的思想和行为特性。结合高职学生思想行为特点及高职思政教育现状,提出从高职思政教育的队伍体系、内容体系、方法体系及评价体系等方面进行切合实际的改革,以实现高职思想政治教育的目的。  相似文献   

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