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日本的大学由设置者负责管理,国立大学的管理由文部省负责,但其教学、科研及人事等实际均由各大学自行管理。国立大学内部的管理运营制度是学部教授会自治,其传统形成于二战前,在二战后的民主教育体制下得以制度化,历经20世纪70年代“新构想大学”管理体制改革的冲击,在本世纪初开始实施的国立大学法人化改革中又面临着前所未有的境遇。  相似文献   

(二○○二年四月二十八日 )老师们 ,同学们 ,同志们 :在这春花竞艳、芳草凝绿的季节 ,我和岚清同志有机会来到中国人民大学 ,与师生们座谈 ,心情十分愉快。首先 ,我代表党中央、国务院 ,向中国人民大学的全体师生员工 ,向全国高等院校的师生员工和广大从事教育工作的同志们 ,致以诚挚的问候 !中国人民大学是我们党创办的第一所新型大学 ,前身是诞生于抗日战争烽火中的陕北公学 ,有着光荣的传统和优良的校风。从创办至今 ,中国人民大学一直受到党的高度重视和热情关怀。毛泽东同志、邓小平同志等老一辈无产阶级革命家生前对中国人民大学寄予…  相似文献   


In this article, the authors introduce a novel way, using the metaphor of a baseball game, to evaluate and measure community college student progress for those whose stated goal is to transfer to a 4-year institution and, ultimately, earn a bachelor's degree. The proposed framework of “the Transfer Game” is an outgrowth of the Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) project, which is a longitudinal study of 5,000 community college students from the 9-campuses of the Los Angeles Community College District. The goal of the project is to explain how the “all-American game” provides a method to measure, comprehend, and visualize student progression, and identify the factors that predict both success and barriers. The framework provides a scholarly comparison of the all-American game of baseball to the All-American invention of the community college.  相似文献   

大学教师成为教学学术型教师之路径探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
大学教师成为教学学术型教师的路径主要源自大学、大学管理者和大学教师自己,具体包括:大学、大学管理者和大学教师自己要认识与重视大学教学学术,学校要对教师开展职前和在职教学培训,大学教师要学习教学、进行教学实践、反思教学以及研究教学。  相似文献   

This study uses two national data sets to explore the relationship between faculty practices and student engagement. Our findings suggest that students report higher levels of engagement and learning at institutions where faculty members use active and collaborative learning techniques, engage students in experiences, emphasize higher-order cognitive activities in the classroom, interact with students, challenge students academically, and value enriching educational experiences.  相似文献   

当前美国大学教师主要具有六种学术角色:学术研究者、学术应用者、学术传播者、学术自由捍卫者、学术管理者、学术经营者。这六种学术角色的统一构成了美国大学教师专业发展的必要条件,是人们理解当前美国大学教师工作的复杂性和多样性的窗口。  相似文献   

Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

日本大学教师发展制度化探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来源自于美国的日本大学教师发展走上了制度化道路。日本大学教师发展制度化是在学生生源变化、基础教育的普及化和大学社会责任变化的基础上发生的。日本大学教师发展制度化是一个渐进的过程,在这一过程中呈现出其独有的特点并出现了一些问题。研究日本大学教师发展制度化的经验和教训对我国大学教师发展具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Faculty quotas     

Summary In an arena known for its emphasis on research and publication, the College Teaching Workshops are a refreshing change. The value of quality teaching has been validated by the popularity of and demand for these faculty development activities. For additional information about the College Teaching Workshops, contact the Center for Instructional Services, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education reform efforts have called for widespread adoption of evidence-based teaching in which faculty members attend to student outcomes through assessment practice. Awareness about the importance of assessment has illuminated the need to understand what faculty members know and how they engage with assessment knowledge and practice. The Faculty Self-Reported Assessment Survey (FRAS) is a new instrument for evaluating science faculty assessment knowledge and experience. Instrument validation was composed of two distinct studies: an empirical evaluation of the psychometric properties of the FRAS and a comparative known-groups validation to explore the ability of the FRAS to differentiate levels of faculty assessment experience. The FRAS was found to be highly reliable (α = 0.96). The dimensionality of the instrument enabled distinction of assessment knowledge into categories of program design, instrumentation, and validation. In the known-groups validation, the FRAS distinguished between faculty groups with differing levels of assessment experience. Faculty members with formal assessment experience self-reported higher levels of familiarity with assessment terms, higher frequencies of assessment activity, increased confidence in conducting assessment, and more positive attitudes toward assessment than faculty members who were novices in assessment. These results suggest that the FRAS can reliably and validly differentiate levels of expertise in faculty knowledge of assessment.  相似文献   

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