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关于天才儿童教育的争论除了源于教育理念本身的差异外,还有一个隐蔽的重要原因,那就是“天才”这个词在我国的社会文化生活中代表了两种截然不同的概念一是文学隐喻的“天才”概念二是专业研究的“天才”概念。两种概念的交叉混用导致人们种种不正确的教育观念和行为,严重阻碍了我国天才儿童教育发展的进程。本文拟对“人人都是天才”、“培养天才”这两个隐喻表达在教育中的错误理解和消极影响进行分析,以澄清“天才”的两种概念及天才儿童教育的专业内涵。  相似文献   

The history of giftedness pertains to historical changes regarding how giftedness is conceptualized and defined, and how it serves the practical purpose of identifying gifted children and providing them an appropriate education. The past century has witnessed debates and controversies about what constitutes this elusive human quality we deem “gifted.” Overall, it has undergone significant changes from monolithic, static to more pluralistic, dynamic conceptions. The first part of this article delineates historical changes in the past 100 years in our understanding of the nature and development of giftedness, followed by the second part on the changing ways we define, assess, and identify gifted children or gifted potential for intervention purposes. The final part of this article depicts a broad trend toward expanding gifted education to a wider range of students, with the understanding that gifts and talents are widely distributed in student populations, and the deliberate cultivation of human potential should not be confined to a selected few.  相似文献   

面向中学生提供英才教育计划是美国中学,尤其是磁石中学或磁石计划的一个突出特点,美国鹰石中学就是洛杉矶联合学区中城区学校面向初中生提供特色英才教育计划的一个典型代表。其磁石中心为7~9年级不同类型英才生设立的英才计划,主要包括暑期英语阅读计划、基础活动计划和课程计划。这些计划最大限度地实行因材施教,发展了学生的自主性、探索性和应用能力。  相似文献   

Considering the benefits that accrue in countries having low levels of social inequality and the harm that accompanies wide disparities in income, it is important to examine any practices or traditions that contribute to inequality. Under some circumstances, gifted education does confer advantages that are not available to all students, particularly when its identification procedures fail to recognize potential in students not in the dominant group or when services improve the educational opportunities only for those who are identified even though all students could benefit. The elimination of age grading, a practice that inhibits the development of potential for many children, including gifted children, is recommended as a solution to the inequality engendered by current practice.  相似文献   

This research article describes the English acquisition of three, young, high-achieving, Korean, bilingual students, their academic development and their social/psychological adjustment in school. All observations and interviews were conducted in the natural classroom setting. The Korean children underwent different school experiences, partially contingent upon their English proficiency, but they generally demonstrated rapid English acquisition and healthy adjustment to school. The study findings suggest that teachers and parents play an important role in supporting their bilingual children's adjustments to new environments while preserving fundamental aspects of their original culture. Recommendations for both mainstream andbilingual teachers are suggested to further an understanding of Korean children, as English language learners and enable these children to become bilingual in Korean and English.  相似文献   

本文以心理学领域的相关研究结论,首先解释了天才表现的参照系、行为内容和绩效水平;然后分析了天才的内在特殊能力与独特的认知加工过程,以及天才的情感特征与人格特质;最后讨论了天才发展中自然成长与有意训练、常规发展与认知跳跃这两类关系。对天才的深入探索,有助于纠正传统关于“天才”的错误认识,形成科学的天才观和人才观,有效指导人才培养及相应的教育实践工作。  相似文献   

Education in Canada is determined at the provincial level of jurisdiction. Each province and territory has a unique system of legislation and policy, although most provinces view the education of gifted students as a category of service provision under special education. The first section of this paper provides a brief, general overview of key themes that emerge from an analysis of the relevant Education Ministry documents and literature concerning gifted education and counselling within the Canadian context. Where appropriate, the particular province(s) and/or territory(s) associated with the themes is noted. The second section highlights the work of Canadian scholars most relevant to counsellors working with gifted students. A brief review of recommended counselling needs, goals, and practices for the gifted is presented in the conclusion.  相似文献   

The Annemarie Roeper Method of Qualitative Assessment (QA) establishes an extremely rich set of procedures for revealing students’ strengths as well as opportunities for the development of bright young people. This article explores the ways in which the QA process serves as a sterling example of a holistic, authentic system for recognizing aspirations, talents, and opportunities for student development while also providing a model for in-depth, mind-shifting professional development of educators. It also describes the QA process in detail so others can gain an understanding of its dynamics and consider its use in their own attempts to establish stronger child-centered interventions wth the gifted and talented.  相似文献   

英国是世界上公认的重视英才教育的国家,而且其英才教育的理念、培养和评价等教育体系比较成熟。通过对英国三所中学的141名数学英才学生进行问卷调查、个别访谈,结果表明:英国数学英才学生"痴迷"数学,"钟情"创新;数学知识获取方式和学习方式多元化;学习自我效能感高;英才身份认同感强。这些对我国的数学英才教育具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Blogs have become a go-to information resource for members of online communities. In this qualitative study we applied uses and gratifications theory (U&GT) to analyze the experiences and perceptions of four mothers of gifted children who maintain blogs about their homeschooling experiences. Data suggest that this novel context and population did not yield different categories of gratification; however, not all prior categories were represented among this relatively narrow sample. Results support findings from prior research in other contexts suggesting that bloggers find gratification from self-expression, social interaction, information exchange, maintaining community, and recording life events.  相似文献   

音乐具有娱乐作用和促进健康、提高道德的功能,可以使受教育者更具创造性与想像力.因此,音乐教育应被纳入素质教育之必修课,从而使教育更完备.  相似文献   

Many biomedical research universities have established outreach programs for precollege students and teachers and partnerships with local school districts to help meet the challenges of science education reform. Science outreach programs held in university research facilities can make science more exciting and innovative for high school students and can offer them much more insight into the nature of science and laboratory research than is available in most high school science courses. This paper describes a long-term follow-up study of high school students enrolled in the Summer Science Academy program at the University of Rochester to investigate the program's impact on students' perceived abilities in higher level science courses, on participation in extracurricular science programs, as well as the program's impact on student interest in pursuing a career in science. Students' exposure during SSA to advanced laboratory techniques and their participation in authentic science investigations provided them with a very positive hands-on experience. Students who attended the program indicated that it provided a positive influence on their performance in advanced science courses, as well as their decision to participate in other science programs and their desire to pursue a career in science.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper traces the origins of the concept of personalisation in public sector services, and applies it to school education. The original conceptualisation stressed the need for 'deep' rather than shallow, personalisation, if radical transformation of services were to be achieved. It is argued that as the concept has been disseminated and implemented through policy documents, notably the 2005 White Paper, it has lost its original emphasis on deep personalisation. The focus in this article is particularly upon gifted and talented students whose education provides the best case example of how the theory of personalisation might work in practice. Two examples of the lessons in a sixth form college are used to illustrate the character of personalised pedagogy in practice. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

文章介绍了俄联邦支持天才儿童教育的情况 ,包括制定天才儿童教育纲要 ,为天才儿童的教育发展创造良好的条件 ,所需资金由国家财政拨款  相似文献   

2010年9月开始实施的法国新一轮高中教育改革,试图通过采取增设探索性课程、个性化辅导、转科补习、加强外语学习、注学生的文化生活等措施,使学生得到更好的教育,从而让每一位高中生"更好定向","更多辅导","更多准备",获得成功。但是,在具体实践过程中,新一轮教育改革设计所具有的浓重政治意味、理想化色彩以及缺乏对教育教学本身的专业化思考,使其遭遇教师无章可循等重重困难与问题,令人不无担忧。  相似文献   

原著作者综合了近期有关音乐教育的一些研究资料,向人们展示了音乐对儿童大脑发育和智力发展的诸多影响,尤其是列举了各种有关音乐的教育价值方面不同观点的研究材料,对于从事音乐教育工作的人们具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在有关数学资优教育的研究中,涉及较多的是对数学资优生的界定、特征、评估及培养途径,许多国家都形成了数学资优生的教育模式。其中的许多成果及实践经验对我国的数学资优教育都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   


This article details the experiences of four teacher education faculty members as we navigated the consequential implementation of a state-mandated high stakes teacher performance assessment in our educator preparation program. By shifting our perspective from simply complying with an assessment mandate to considering how we can leverage implementation of high stakes performance assessment as a vehicle for program inquiry, we were able to gain significant insight into our practice.  相似文献   

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