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The purpose of this study is to examine how fifth grade students were impacted by the infusion of multiple writing tasks in mathematics. In this study, writing tasks provided opportunities for students to communicate prior knowledge, share ideas to construct and justify arguments, for reflection, and assessment. In this deductive qualitative study, students’ work samples were analyzed. Findings indicated that students grew in their understanding of mathematics and ability to self-reflect and self-evaluate through multiple opportunities to write for a variety of purposes. The opportunities for constructing mathematical understanding with activities that included writing and discourse also fostered learning between peers. The findings suggest a variety of opportunities to write and engage in mathematics discourse encouraged reflection, evaluation, and learning. Implications for future research include the need to examine the impact of these activities on students’ mathematics understanding as measured by assessments or an analysis of student work samples.  相似文献   

语言环境对语言的习得有十分重要的作用。传统的外语学习都是在课堂里进行的,缺乏自然的语言氛围。如果能营造出良好的目的语环境,将极大地促进外语学习。ICQ网络聊天活动在营造良好语言环境方面有极大潜力;但倘若利用不当,也会对语言学习造成负面影响。因此,教师应合理设计ICQ网络聊天活动,以达到为学习者创造良好语言环境的目的。  相似文献   

Language and learning advisers and non‐English speaking background (NESB) postgraduate students negotiate complex territory when working together to improve students’ texts. However, the individual writing consultation is sometimes conceptualised one‐dimensionally by faculty as a form of editing. The writing consultation with NESB postgraduate students has also received only sporadic attention in the higher education literature. This paper provides a contextual, discourse analytical account of one writing consultation between a faculty‐based language adviser and a Master of Public Health NESB student. The findings show that the consultation was a dynamic exchange druing which a range of meanings were negotiated. The findings also show that the adviser scaffolded the student’s academic writing and learning in a number of ways. More research is needed in different teaching contexts and at various stages of students’ writing in order to provide a greater understanding of the writing support consultation to inform guidelines for providing individual language support to NESB postgraduate students.  相似文献   

Writing-to-learn activities in science classrooms can have an impact on student learning. This study sought to examine if the audience for which students write explanations of biology concepts affects their understanding of these concepts. One hundred eighteen Year 9/10 biology students from four classes participated in the study. There were four different audiences: teacher, younger students, peers, and parents. Students' writing for peers or younger students performed significantly better on conceptual questions than students writing for the teacher or the parents.  相似文献   

In this paper, ULearn (University of Surrey learning on-line) and e-learning techniques are used to enhance the students’ understanding and participation in Dynamics modules for an undergraduate programme in the School of Engineering, University of Surrey. The Dynamics modules are taught at Levels 2 and 3 and contain several mechanisms and vibrating systems. The modules consist of several chapters, each of which has its own folder, or content file, in ULearn. In addition to the discussion board and chat room, on-line simulations have been made available and integrated within ULearn. In order to evaluate students’ understanding and encourage the student participation in ULearn, timed on-line assessments, in the form of multiple-choice quizzes, have been designed. The feedback of the students has indicated that the use of ULearn was of great help to improve their understanding of the Dynamics modules.  相似文献   

对于小学生来说,最重要的事情就是对一些关键的事物有一定的认知。但是,通常情况下,因为小学生自己生理或者是心理不成熟的原因,限制他们认知能力的提高。基于此,在小学课堂中,充分根据每个学生的特征以及其生活的环境设置教学环境,借助情境教学,提高小学生的认知水平,让他们对学习充满兴趣,具有十分重要的意义。当前,在很多地区,情境教学法已经被广泛应用。本文以这种方法为例,以数学课堂为研究对象,阐述如何通过情境教学将现实生活的内容融入数学逻辑中。  相似文献   

There is widespread belief that computers should be used for the teaching and learning of mathematics. Research indicates that computers are primarily used in mathematics classes: (1) to reinforce previously taught concepts, (2) to allow students to construct computer programs to simulate mathematical techniques known to the student and (3) to explore mathematical microworlds encompassing mathematical ideas and concepts normally known to the student. Furthermore, it is said that pre-service teachers should experience the learning of mathematical ideas and concepts of which they had no prior experience in environments in which computers are just one of the resources available for exploring and experimenting with these ideas and concepts. How should these learning environments be constructed so that pre-service teachers are sensitised to the value of doing mathematics in such environments? Is a student's understanding of novel mathematical concepts enhanced when s/he explores it in a computer-enriched environment? An experiment with pre-service teachers was carried out in a college of education for blacks in South Africa. This article describes the insights gained from this experiment.  相似文献   

This article explores the beneficial and sometimes unpredictable implications of a daily reflective writing exercise for introductory literature courses: the learning log. Pseudonymous samples of student writing, coupled with instructor commentary, gesture toward ways in which the learning log's continual implementation and modification foster a learning and teaching environment in which students and teachers can experience a greater degree of equality and engagement. The article draws upon in-class experiences, and student data collected between 2001 and 2006, in order to illustrate the learning log's potential to instill introductory literature courses with a sense of participatory innovation and creative democriticization.  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative research project by the institutional research group and a team of faculty members at a Canadian university. In response to an increasingly diverse mix of students, the researchers set out to develop an understanding of relationships between student characteristics, categorized as demographic differences, personal attributes and academic preparedness, and student outcomes measured by both grades and student perceptions. Significant differences were found in grades outcomes based on characteristics such as international status, secondary school grades, study habits and writing skills. However, these differences were not evident in student perceptions of course value or learning achievement. This study has important implications for university administrators (recruiting, intake assessment and student support), instructors (understanding of diversity characteristics and how students perceive learning experience) and for students, who can be given an opportunity to better understand how their own personal characteristics might affect their learning experiences and outcomes.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):170-175
Writing to learn is a pedagogical approach grounded in the belief that the reasoning required to write about a topic or concept will help students gain understanding. However, research indicates that the impact writing has on student learning depends on context. Using a mixed-method, quasi-experimental, repeated measures design, we examined how embedding writing-to-learn pedagogy in a required college course impacted students’ learning as well as their perceptions of writing to learn. Our quantitative analysis revealed that writing to learn did not have a differential effect on student achievement of course goals. However, qualitative analysis revealed evidence indicating students valued writing to learn as a way to make sense of course content by reasoning through their ideas and responses to class experiences. From the instructor's perspective, writing to learn also helped build rapport with students. Our results indicated that in our context, writing to learn pedagogy had benefits and limitations. We offer practical implications and pedagogical suggestions based on our experiences and findings.  相似文献   


This article describes a collaborative research project by the institutional research group and a team of faculty members at a Canadian university. In response to an increasingly diverse mix of students, the researchers set out to develop an understanding of relationships between student characteristics, categorized as demographic differences, personal attributes and academic preparedness, and student outcomes measured by both grades and student perceptions. Significant differences were found in grades outcomes based on characteristics such as international status, secondary school grades, study habits and writing skills. However, these differences were not evident in student perceptions of course value or learning achievement. This study has important implications for university administrators (recruiting, intake assessment and student support), instructors (understanding of diversity characteristics and how students perceive learning experience) and for students, who can be given an opportunity to better understand how their own personal characteristics might affect their learning experiences and outcomes.


This study identifies practices of effective teachers of writing. Three schools with significantly higher achievement in an area that underperforms nationally were identified and within them teachers whose students exhibited superior progress were selected. Multiple data collection methods included lesson observation, analysis of the classroom environment, teacher and student interviews and teacher documentation. Common was a commitment to formative assessment practices and classroom environments supportive of student literacy learning. Hallmarks of teachers whose students showed a greater awareness of their learning were a sense of purpose and meaningfulness; of coherence or connectedness and of being consistent and systematic. This paper argues that student achievement in writing is likely to be higher when teachers exhibit strength s in these hallmarks.  相似文献   

My Colleague, Dr. Eileen Landis‐Groom, and I are professors of English at Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University, she on the Prescott, Arizona campus, and I on the Daytona Beach, Florida, campus. This past semester we began an experimental composition project that centers on the students’ exchanging papers and paper critiques between the two campuses. We believe that writing students engaged in the correspondence project have better realized particular instructional goals than they would have in the traditional closed‐classroom environment; student assessment of the project indicates that they, too, are confident that the method allowed them to improve their writing more than more traditional methods might have. The project has challenged their understanding of the audience‐purpose‐style relationship, demanded a much more concentrated effort in composing written evaluations of student writing, and allowed for a valuable exchange of place‐oriented information across a great geographic distance. The correspondence method of teaching writing insists on the nature of writing as dialogue by replacing the “general,” hypothetical audience with the concrete individual, combines key features of collaborative learning, peer review, and process orientation, and focuses on the critique as a composition in itself.  相似文献   

Currently available web page accessibility guidelines focus more on reading and writing, with inadequate attention to other aspects of online learning such as computer-mediated communication. This study aims to explore the engagement of Malaysia secondary school students with dyslexia and students without dyslexia on various synchronous and asynchronous communication interaction technologies in an online collaborative learning environment. Multiple case within subject qualitative study was employed to investigate the engagement of students using a semi structured interview guideline. The findings revealed that (1) text chat is unsuitable for learning discussion for all learners, (2) forum affords self-paced and organized formal discussion for most learners and (3) video conferencing is suitable for interactive face-to-face, verbal discussion for most learners.  相似文献   

This study examined undergraduate and graduate students’ perceptions of the impact of in-class learning activities, out-of-class learning activities, and instructional materials on their learning. Using survey methodology, students anonymously assessed their perceptions of in-class activities, out-of-class activities, and instructional materials as most impactful, helpful, and enjoyable to their learning. Undergraduate college students found Jeopardy games, PowerPoint slides, and checking for understanding/review questions to be most helpful, while 50% often perceived Jeopardy games, Poll Everywhere, videos, and PowerPoint slides as enjoyable active learning strategies. Graduate students perceived small groups, out-of-class writing assignments, and Lino as most helpful to their learning. Additionally, an analysis of student comments about why these strategies were impactful, helpful, and enjoyable revealed 4 themes: fun, learning collaboratively, challenging but helpful, and variety in how students learn. Creating a learner-centered environment that is engaging as well as enjoyable for students positively impacts perceptions of students’ learning, which should encourage teachers to adopt this approach in their own college classrooms.  相似文献   

In general, mathematical representations such as formulae, numbers, and graphs are the inseparable components in science used to better describe or explain scientific phenomena or knowledge. Regardless of their necessity and benefit, science seems to be difficult for some students, as a result of the mathematical representations and problem solving used in scientific inquiry. In this regard, several studies have attributed students’ decreasing interest in science to the presence of these mathematical representations. In order to better understand student learning difficulties caused by mathematical components, the current study investigates student understanding of a familiar science concept and its mathematical component (pH value and logarithms). Student responses to a questionnaire and a follow-up interview were examined in detail. “Measure” and “concentration” were key criteria for students’ understanding of pH values. In addition, only a few students understood logarithms on a meaningful level. According to students’ understanding of scientific phenomena and mathematical structures, five different student models and the critical features of each type were identified. Further analysis revealed the existence of three domains that characterize these five types: object, operation, and function. By suggesting the importance of understanding scientific phenomena as a “function,” the current study reveals what needs to be taught and emphasized in order to help students obtain a level of scientific meaning that is appropriate for their grade.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of a Web-based Computer Algebra System (CAS) called LiveMath in a computer supported collaborative learning environment for Differential Calculus. The instructional design incorporated a Reform Calculus notion of Calculus and a constructivist philosophy of learning. Based on interviews with students, independent observations in the classroom, and observations by the teacher, this paper provides insight for students, instructional designers and classroom educators into the issues raised in this environment. The study was exploratory in nature, concerning itself with testing and revising both the materials and the setting in which they were used. The intent was to discover interaction between characteristics of students and the environment which warrant future study. For example, the use of LiveMath seemed in some cases to cause cognitive overload. In addition, student epistemological beliefs, prior knowledge of symbolic representations of functions and propensity for self-directed learning interacted with the ability of students to use LiveMath inserts to attain conceptual understanding. While students appear to have learned some concepts more deeply, and others more rapidly than anticipated, they reported that they judged that they were working harder than friends in other sections. Further, being in a student centred learning environment was unsettling for both the students and the instructor.  相似文献   

In second‐language writing, assessment has traditionally focused on the written products and how well (or badly) students perform in writing. Teachers dominate the assessment process as testers, while students remain passive testees. Assessment is something teachers ‘do to’ rather than ‘with’ students, mainly for administrative and reporting purposes (i.e. summative). Such assessment, being more retrospective than prospective, holds little value for teaching and learning. In recent years, with a major paradigm shift in assessment and evaluation in English language teaching, writing assessment informed primarily by a product and summative orientation, is considered increasingly inadequate. Such assessment, which focuses on measurement – i.e. marking, monitoring and checking, fails to capture the formative potential of assessment for promoting learning. A formative approach to assessment, on the other hand, focuses more on inquiry – i.e. discovering, diagnosing and understanding, as well as the opportunities assessment provides for improving teaching and learning. To harness the potential of formative assessment in the writing classroom, it is axiomatic that classroom assessment practices be geared towards maximizing student learning. This provides the impetus for my study, which investigates an EFL teacher's attempt to implement formative assessment in her writing classroom and its impact on her classroom practice and students' beliefs and attitudes to writing.  相似文献   

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