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阅读教学要实现学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间的多重对话,必须祛除认识上的种种遮蔽,真正走向对话。首先,要走出对话教学认识的误区;其次,要紧扣语文教学的核心任务展开对话;再次,教师要做好课堂对话中领航人与合作者的角色。  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2004,(8):F004-F004

AliceAndrewswasveryworriedaboutherson,John.Hewasoften1.Onemorningshewalked2hisroom,turnedonthelight,andsaid,“It’stimetogetup,John.Youcan’tstayin3bedallday.”Johnturned4inbed.Hedidnotwanttogetup.Heturnedoffthelight.“Don’tgoto5again,”Alicesaid."Getupnoworyou’llbelateagain6school."Sheturnedthelightonagain.FifteenminuteslaterJohncameintothekitchenandsatdownatthetable.“Eatyour7quickly,”Alicesaid.“It’salmosteightthirty.”“Thereisnohurry,”Johntoldhismother.“I’mnotgoingto8today.…  相似文献   

Data show that 46% of all teachers in public schools will leave the profession within their first 5 years of teaching (Ingersoll, 2003). These data refer to teachers from all disciplines including physical education. To address these problems school districts have developed teacher induction programs that show promising results. Our literature search revealed a range of teacher induction studies based on the general population of teachers, but limited information exists specific to physical education teacher induction programs. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine major issues surrounding teacher shortages and retention, to illustrate how school districts have addressed these problems through teacher induction programs, and to determine implications for the field of physical education. In addition, recommendations are provided for bridging physical education teaching licensure programs with teacher induction.  相似文献   

白天越来越短,气温越来越低,商店里也开始摆出琳琅满目的圣诞礼品和饰物。这样的日子最适合看几部动画片,轻松搞笑,愉悦心情。别以为动画片就是没内容,没深度的垃圾电影,正如本文作者所说:如果你厌倦了狐猴随着‘我们喜欢动起来,动起来'的歌声跳舞,那么你也厌倦了生活。  相似文献   

Father: I am very angry at your school report. Son: I told my teacher that you would be unhappy,but she must sand it to you.汉译:父亲:看了你的成绩,我非常生气。儿子:我告诉过老师你不会高兴的,可她偏要拿给你。cShe Must Send lt To you@洪会兰  相似文献   

This study correlated scores on the Dogmatism Scale with ratings of levels of facilitative conditions offered during counseling for 30 graduate students in a beginning practicum situation. Trained judges rated the levels of empathic understanding, respect or positive regard, and facilitative genuineness the students provided to clients. Results disclosed no significant relationships among the variables under investigation. Several interpretations of these findings were discussed, and suggestions for future research were offered.  相似文献   

One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring.  相似文献   

人与人的交流主要通过语言来实现,大部分弱智儿童存在着不同程度的言语障碍,但他们同样有着交流的愿望和需求,通过对他们进行有计划、有步骤的语言训练,可以提高他们的语言技能,并且能帮助教师顺利地完成教学内容.  相似文献   

游戏目的:1.加深孩子对公平品格的理解。2.全家公平品格的塑造和日常生活的实践。3.增进亲子感情,促进家庭和谐。  相似文献   

本文认为建立有效的监督机制是从严治党的必要保证.  相似文献   

The question of how to strengthen quality education in the colleges and universities has become a hot topic of discussion in today's higher education pedagogical reform. In the broadest sense, "quality" refers to certain fundamental qualities that will affect the future developmental capacity (or developmental possibilities) of the citizenry or certain special types of people of talent and ability. These fundamental qualities are formed on the basis of the intrinsic and innate physiological conditions of those receiving education and through the influences on them of their acquired education and their environment. Quality education thus refers to the sort of education aimed at enhancing the potential for physical and mental development on the part of the recipients of education. Strengthening quality education is an important pathway to enhancing the quality of education and pedagogy itself. The starting point for quality education in the colleges and universities are: (1) the Marxist doctrine in regard to the all-round development and growth of Man; (2) the exhortation to "face modernization, face the broader world, and face the future," so that college and university students may possess all the qualities that are required and expected of high-level specialized personnel in our society in the future; (3) a connection between college-university-level quality education and quality education in the primary and secondary schools, in the five areas of: ideological-moral quality education, science and culture quality education, physical and psychological quality education, literary and artistic quality education, and labor skills quality education. An important aspect of strengthening quality education in higher education is for us to adjust the contents of education in these five areas andoptimize the curricular structure.  相似文献   

面对知识经济的挑战,加强大学生文化素质的培养势在必行.如何进行,必须以创新为灵魂,确立现代大学的教育理念,在继承传统与借鉴国外的基础上,优化课程体系和教学内容,积极开展各种形式的社会实践活动,加强校园文化建设.  相似文献   

同志们 :在座的不少人肯定还清清楚楚地记得 ,正是在 1 0年前 ,来自大江南北的高校中青年马克思主义研究工作者 ,汇集在人民大会堂 ,在隆重纪念伟大巴黎公社革命 1 2 0周年的同时 ,郑重宣布首都高校中青年马克思主义研究会横空出世。这个具有现实意义与历史意义的行动表明 :高校中青年马克思主义研究工作者 ,不因国际共产主义运动遭受空前严重挫折而动摇 ,不因建设有中国特色社会主义事业面临严峻挑战而畏缩。他们挺身而出 ,成为捍卫和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的中青年近卫军的中坚力量。1 0年后的今天 ,高校中青年马克思主义…  相似文献   

在临床实习中培养护生的沟通交流能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沟通与交流是护理实践中非常重要的内容。培养护生的沟通交流能力是临床实习顺利进行的保证,也是提高护生能力的基础。  相似文献   

元认知是指个体对自己认知过程的监测和调控,是对于个体认知活动的自我意识、自我监控和自我调整。教师只有不断对教学活动进行自我反思、自我监控和调节,才能提高自身能力,这个过程从本质上说是一种元认知的过程。元认知策略已经成为提高教师教学及自身能力的重要内容。因此,教师的元认知能力的培养是教师发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

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