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1Introduction ArationalB啨ziercurveistypicallydefinedby Q(t)=∑kωkPkBnk(t)∑kωkBnk(t),0≤t≤1,(1)where{Pk}isacollectionofcontrolpointsinRmand{ωk}isasetofscalarweights.RonGoldman[2]definedarationalB啨ziercurveintermsoftherational Bernsteinbasisfunctions,thatis,bysetting R(t)=∑kPkB-nk(t),-∞相似文献   

This article, written from the perspective of applied linguistics, sets out to establish an interface between educational science and linguistics. Applied linguistics alone has proved unable to resolve the problems of teaching and learning the mother tongue in the context of literacy teaching. From this realisation emerged the idea that any policy concerned with the mother tongue has to be formulated within a broader educational policy.The drawing up of a manual implies a philosophy of language associated with a particular linguistic model. In other words, applied linguistics provides the foundations which permit the compiling or selecting of manuals of instruction. However, these principles demand a reform of educational policy. This calls for a revision of teacher training courses and the introduction of interdisciplinary teams. The article argues that teaching methods should be based on a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the mother tongue.  相似文献   

This article, written from the perspective of applied linguistics, sets out to establish an interface between educational science and linguistics. Applied linguistics alone has proved unable to resolve the problems of teaching and learning the mother tongue in the context of literacy teaching. From this realisation emerged the idea that any policy concerned with the mother tongue has to be formulated within a broader educational policy.The drawing up of a manual implies a philosophy of language associated with a particular linguistic model. In other words, applied linguistics provides the foundations which permit the compiling or selecting of manuals of instruction. However, these principles demand a reform of educational policy. This calls for a revision of teacher training courses and the introduction of interdisciplinary teams. The article argues that teaching methods should be based on a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the mother tongue.  相似文献   

We take advantage of a combinatorial misconception and the famous paradox of the Chevalier de Méré to present the multiplication rule for independent events; the principle of inclusion and exclusion in the presence of disjoint events; the median of a discrete-type random variable, and a confidence interval for a large sample. Moreover, we pay tribute to our original bibliographic sources by providing two computational tools to facilitate the students' insights on these topics.  相似文献   



One of the main aims in the teaching of science is the acquisition of an experimental methodology. The principal obstacles to this methodological training are briefly analysed; they arise mainly from the shortage of time available for experimental work. In this article, computer‐simulated scientific experimentation is proposed as an aid in overcoming these obstacles. This type of teaching, integrated into a classical curriculum, does not exclude laboratory work, which is still indispensable for the learning of techniques. To facilitate the setting up of the proposed method, the ESSOR system simulation on mini‐computer has been developed. Its technical and pedagogic characteristics are described. This system allows the easy simulation of experiments analogous to those of the laboratory. The student using it is free to adopt individual procedures for the study of a proposed phenomenon; the system follows up automatically the individual activity of students and frees the instructor from most of the difficulties in programming work.  相似文献   

In this article, we characterized the forms of reasoning of French high school students (from Terminal Scientifique) in the course of an exchange of messages around the solution of a mathematical problem. Our goal was to determine whether or not the students make use of creative and investigative forms of reasoning. The results show that in the experimental conditions of the ‘mathematical correspondence,’ the students displayed an unusual mathematical problem-solving activity, one that is indeed more creative and investigative than those typically found in a classroom activity. The results are accompanied by an effort to explain the conditions that allowed for this unusual activity to develop and to suggest some paths to use this setting in the classroom, so as to facilitate better learning in problem-solving contexts and the transition from high school to university.  相似文献   

主要研究Vallée Poussin算子的点态逼近问题,利用积分的形式渐进结果得到一些好的逼近结果。  相似文献   

L’organisation des classes homogènes selon le niveau de développement mental des élèves et celle des classes spéciales pour les enfants en retard scolaire eut lieu dans les écoles élémentaires de Belo Horizonte, au Brésil, pendant les années de 1930, dans le cadre d’une réforme du système d’éducation, à laquelle participèrent des spécialistes étrangers, et en spécial la psychologue russe Helena Antipoff (1892–1974). Le projet des classes spéciales alors établies et leurs transformations dans le contexte brésilien sont étudiés à partir de données documentaires publiées entre 1930 et 1940. Née en Russie, Antipoff a fait des études supérieures en France (1910–1911), comme stagiaire dans le laboratoire Binet-Simon, et à Genève (1912–1914), à l’Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau, où elle exerça ultérieurement les fonctions d’assistante d’Édouard Claparède (1926–1929). Notre hypothèse est que les classes spéciales créées à Belo Horizonte le furent sur le modèle genevois, et constituèrent un important exemple de circulation et diffusion de connaissances au niveau international, ainsi que de construction de repères dans le domaine de l’éducation spéciale au Brésil. Ainsi, la division des classes par niveau intellectuel mesuré par des tests d’intelligence, l’idée de “l’école sur mesure” proposée par Claparède, le dialogue avec les méthodes suggérées par Alice Descouedres démontrent les relations avec le modèle genevois. En même temps, l’interprétation des résultats des tests comme manifestation d’une forme d’ “intelligence civilisée” et les adaptations des exercices d’orthopédie mentale pour développer cette intelligence demandée par l’école montrent les transformations du modèle dans le contexte brésilien.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):127-142

A lo largo de la última década, la heterogeneidad identitaria, lingüística, religiosa, cultural y étnica ha crecido de manera significativa en España debido a la llegada de inmigrantes, lo cual está planteando al Sistema Educativo problemas hasta ahora desconocidos. En este artículo se discuten las relaciones entre lengua, escuela e inmigración con un énfasis especial en los factores implicados en la adquisición de la lengua de uso escolar. Se discute tanto el tiempo que el alumnado inmigrante tarda en aprender dicha lengua como el papel de su lengua inicial en dicha adquisición. La discusión se realiza a partir del análisis de datos provenientes de evaluaciones internacionales, así como de trabajos de investigación realizados en situaciones escolares multilingües y se reflexiona sobre su pertinencia para el establecimiento de una política educativa que tenga en cuenta las dificultades de las y los inmigrantes con la adquisición y el dominio de la lengua de la escuela. Finalmente, se abordan las nuevas necesidades de los sistemas educativos en relación con alguno de los retos que plantea la educación intercultural y se enfatiza la importancia de la práctica educativa para encontrar soluciones a los problemas que se derivan de la nueva situación escolar.  相似文献   

Sans résuméConférence tenue au Congrès sur l'Intégration des enseignements scientifiques, à Varna, 11–19 septembre 1968.  相似文献   

Resumé Le présent article est d'abord une analyse d'un enseignement dans lequel des élèves de douze ans ont traité des problèmes de pavages polygonaux et progressé à cette occasion dans leur apprentissage de la géométrie plane. L'analyse, qui a porté principalement sur les processus de pensée des élèves, aboutit à rassembler ces processus en deux catégories principales: ceux qui relèvent d'une pensée dite instantanée et qui se manifestent surtout par des constats ou des conjectures rapides, et ceux qui sont plutôt discursifs et apparaissent principalement dans les activités de dessin et l'argumentation des preuves.Cet article contient aussi une comparaison de l'enseignement mentionné ci-dessus avec celui réalisé par D. van Hiele sur le même thème et analysé dans sa thèse de doctorat (1957).
Forms of mathematical thought of twelve years old students at tiling problems
The main part of this paper consists in an analysis of the activities of twelve years old students solving problems of polygonal tilings and improving on this occasion their knowledge of plane geometry. The analysis, bearing principally on the thinking processes of the students, results in a presentation of these processes in two principal categories: those which belong to what may be called the instantaneous thinking and result mainly in the perception of some simple structures or in some swift conjectures, and those which are of a more discursive nature and appear mainly in the drawing activities and in the argumentation of the proofs.This paper contains also a comparison of the above mentioned teaching with the analogous one organized on the same theme (tilings of the plane) by D. van Hiele, and analysed in her Ph.D. (1957).

数0、数1、虚数单位数 i,自然对数的底数 e 以及圆周率数π,这五个数是中学生颇感兴趣也极为重要的几个特殊的数,这里我们主要谈一下它们之间的联系。从外形上看,这五个数之间是不相关的,好像没有什么联系.但实际上它们之间却能联系在一起使下列等式成立:e~(xi)+1=0。这个等式的证明,只要了解 Euler(欧  相似文献   

postgraduates(P>0.05),and between the male and female students(P>0.05).The HBsAb positive rate was 72.4%.The abnormal ALT percentage(ALT≥60 IU/L)  相似文献   

This article argues that the focus on government expenditure, present in many assessments of the impact of structural adjustment on the social sectors, is misplaced. A case study of Côte d'Ivoire shows that during a period of structural change, the poorest segments of the population suffered a significant deterioration in access to education and educational achievement. Yet, countrywide indicators were stable or declined only slightly, and government expenditure indicators even showed an upward trend. Reliance on the latter would lead to the wrong policy conclusion and the failure to note the needed reorientation of government expenditure and retargeting of education services towards the poorest.  相似文献   

Educators from a variety of disciplines include the concept of transgender and multiple gender identities in course curricula. The ‘T’ (denoting the specific inclusion of transgender) in the popular acronym LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) often is given less pedagogical attention than is sexual orientation, and the transgender concept often is taught in the context of sexual orientation. An experimental study was conducted to determine if a brief film intervention would yield differences in knowledge of the transgender concept. Individuals were randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Conditions varied to include no exposure to the concept of being transgender, a 14-minute news documentary about the transgender concept, or a 28-minute news documentary about the transgender concept. Results supported hypotheses that a brief film intervention would produce higher accuracy of transgender knowledge. In addition, and supporting the contact hypothesis, participants with a transgender friend reported less transphobia and more empathy for transgender individuals.  相似文献   

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