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晏雪 《培训与研究》2008,25(7):120-122
当前语言学界对隐喻的研究有浓厚的兴趣,对隐喻的研究呈多学科、多角度发展的趋势,本文主要研究有关隐喻选题的方法。选题是科学研究的起点,利用文献资料获得隐喻选题是重要途径。隐喻选题要遵循价值性、创新性、科学性原则,可通过阅读隐喻方面的权威专家图书资料直接选题,也可研究权威专家的学术论文,针对有关隐喻的同一问题了解多个研究者的不同观点,从中选择有关隐喻的研究题目。  相似文献   


This study investigated teachers' sense of efficacy and biases in their decisions to refer students to special education. Teachers (N = 240) read a case study about a student with academic difficulties and judged the appropriateness of the student's regular class placement and whether they would refer the student. Teachers were randomly assigned to one of six conditions, in which student socioeconomic status (SES) and etiology of the learning problem were varied. Findings revealed that teachers who perceive themselves as ineffectual consider regular education inappropriate for underachieving students from low-SES families; teachers who believe that they are effective do not differentiate students by SES. Further, teachers referred students whose learning problems had an unspecified etiology more than those whose problems were medically or environmentally based. Thus, teachers' referral decisions appear to be biased by variables unrelated to the specific academic difficulties of the student.  相似文献   

A guided learner-generated questioning strategy was designed to prompt learners to elaborate on new material in an effort to facilitate their understanding of that material. In a series of studies conducted in naturalistic settings, the relative effectiveness of this strategy was compared with that of several other learning and study strategies for high school and college students learning regular course content presented in classroom lectures. Findings from these studies indicate that the guided questioning strategy facilitated learning by prompting students to generate specific thought-provoking questions pertaining to the material to be learned, and those questions in turn elicited relevant explanations. The characteristics of the questioning strategy that accounts for these effects were the critical-thinking nature of the question prompts and the high degree of learner autonomy within the structure of the strategy. A model of the components and processes of the strategy is included.  相似文献   

专门知识与学科问题表征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓铸 《上海教育科研》2002,208(5):45-48
对学生的学科问题解决进行研究是当代认知心理学的热点课题之一,它具有生态学、心理学和教育学意义,有利于揭示知识丰富领域问题解决的认知机制及学生智能发展的规律。推动学科教学的改进与发展。已有研究显示:专门知识以图式或问题图式的形式结合了与问题有关的初始条件、目标任务、结构类型及认知方法与策略,可以促进学科问题的快速表征和快速解决。  相似文献   

篇章逻辑与内容义旨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自古以来,大家都认为一篇辞章,首重其“内容”,而其“形式”是次要的。这虽是正确的看法,却隐藏有相当大的后遗症,即只重“内容”,而忽略了对“形式”之重视与研究。本文有鉴于此,便特别锁定辞章中的“篇章逻辑”与“内容义旨”二者,兼顾理论与实际,进行探讨,辨明它们是“内容的形式”与“内容的内容”的关系,以见两者是彼此依存,不可分割的。  相似文献   

Algorithms are essential to computer programming because of their structure and precision. These same characteristics could also be used in the field of instructional technology, but usually aren't because they are viewed as being too complex. This article attempts to clarify their utility by first analyzing the structural and processing characteristics of algorithms. Simple examples are used to illustrate how the design process is influenced by these characteristics. Five instructional design guidelines, or rules, are then presented and discussed. The rules are derived from empirical examinations of algorithm-based learning and conform to the limitations dictated by several information processing principles.  相似文献   

A quasi-experiment was conducted at an elementary school to investigate if guided collaboration would facilitate programming learning of 6 graders. Sixty-six students of two intact classes learned to program in KPL (kid's programming language) for 18 weeks during the experiment. One class was randomly assigned to the control group (i.e., free-collaboration) and the other to the experimental group (i.e., guided-collaboration). Students in both groups formed heterogeneous teams of 3 persons. The guided-collaboration teams in experimental group were provided with a worksheet for every programming task. The worksheet contained a set of task-specific guiding questions to guide students through the problem-solving process in a systematic and disciplined manner. An analysis of test scores showed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in the achievement tests, suggesting that the guiding questions were useful in enhancing students' comprehension of programming concepts and developing their programming skills. A comparison of the amount of time spent at each problem-solving step showed that the experimental group spent significantly more time than the control group at the analysis/design/coding step as well as the reflection step. Conversely, the control group spent considerably more time at the debugging step. With the help of the guiding questions, students in the experimental group were also more able to conduct meaningful discussions.  相似文献   

目前对数学教师的学科知识研究主要集中在对教师的数学概念、法则等明确的命题知识的考察上,而对于问题解决的实践知识研究还不多见.研究从广义知识观的视角出发,通过教师问题解决过程的分析去探讨教师具有什么样的问题解决的实践知识?这种学科知识是否与教学有关?研究发现:中学数学教师具有3种问题解决的实践知识:细节性知识、策略性知识和结构性知识.专家教师比普通教师的问题解决的实践知识更丰富,这说明问题解决的实践知识是与教师教学相关的一种学科知识,它是隐藏在专家教师教学专长背后的重要知识基础.  相似文献   

教师的学科知识是目前教育研究中一个非常重要的领域.在数学方面,以往的探讨主要有两个方向:一类研究教师对数学概念的理解;另一类则研究教师埘数学法则的理解.然而,数学的概念与法则只是数学学科知识的一个方面,数学问题解决的实践知识是数学学科知识中更重要的一个方面.通过研究我们发现,在数学教师的学科知识中有几种不同类型的问题解决的实践知识:使用命题知识解决问题的实践经验、策略知识和问题图式.这些知识在问题解决中的作用至关重要,是教师学科知识的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

作为西方文学的重要源头,古希腊神话中的诸多原型与母题蕴藏着整个西方文学乃至西方文明生命力与魅力的强大基因。而莎剧经典之经典《哈姆雷特》,若是从原型分析的视角来看,或也可谓是一出“重演神话”的好戏。该剧再现了古希腊神话原型中的杀子母题、乱伦母题、复仇母题和追寻母题,这也是该剧之所以历久弥新、魅力无穷的原因之一。  相似文献   

Recent developments in statistics have enabled much more effective use to be made of examination results both in educational research and in school management. These developments, however, have assumed that the educational potential of pupils can be assessed by some measure external to the teaching context, such as score on a standardised test of verbal reasoning. This paper considers the extent to which examination results can be used in this way without such an external measure. A method is described which involves comparing a pupil's grade in a given subject with what that pupil would expect on the basis of his/her grades in other subjects taken at the same time. Evidence is presented which suggests that, for most subjects, the resulting measure of subject attainment is not affected by the nature of the catchment area. Applications of the method in studying subject‐based patterns at school, regional and national levels are explored and limitations to its use in research and management are outlined.  相似文献   

体验性学习与新课程改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
体验性学习是教育者引导学生将自己的全部身心投入到与外部世界的交往之中,进而生成反思与实践的学习方式,它从根本上区别于接受性学习。体验性学习有助于新课程改革基本目标的实现,尤其有助于使学生成长为知识的主动探索者。  相似文献   

对于20世纪20年代的乡土文学来说,鲜明的题材特征并没有带来明确的意义属性或审美内涵,其原因在于由于乡土作家在反映、描写以及对待乡土生活、乡土气息等各方面都存在着某种“矛盾心理”,并且在表达艺术和写作技巧方面对于乡土题材进行了“矛盾修饰”。尽管“矛盾修饰”削减了题材特征与文学主题之间相互联系的紧密性,但是对于进一步深化理解乡土作家的创作观念以及乡土题材的意义属性来说,“矛盾修饰”具有独特的“视角”价值。  相似文献   

民族题材电影是我国电影百花园里一株独特而亮丽的奇葩 ,是我国电影事业的重要组成部分。五六十年代少数民族题材电影作为电影题材领域拓展上的一个新亮点更是在新中国大放异彩。民族特色、时代共名、汉族视觉构成了这些电影的三大特色  相似文献   

农村教师在学科知识发展上的最大困惑在于缺乏对学科前沿信息的了解,其次在理解学科理论、运用学科知识方面有待完善。目前,农村教师学科知识主要来源于自身教学经验的积累、同事之间的交流,他们最希望在增加专业培训机会、优化网络环境等方面获得支持。  相似文献   

This article draws on the findings of a questionnaire inquiry into the factors influencing pupils' uptake of history and geography at GCSE. It argues that although many pupils enjoyed their learning at Key Stage 3 and that each subject holds some intrinsic interest in its own right, many pupils believe that there is relatively little purpose in pursuing the subjects beyond this stage. Their understanding of the relative 'usefulness' of both history and geography in their future lives is limited to direct and naive reference to forms of employment. Their understanding of the wider contribution each can make to their future lives is disappointingly uninformed. This limited understanding has an impact upon option decisions: if pupils cannot perceive any short term and longer term appreciation of the value of each subject then they are unlikely to want to pursue it in further study.  相似文献   

厘清教师所需的学科知识,对于教师培养有重要意义。普遍意义上的教师学科知识结构研究已比较成熟,而具体学科的教师学科知识结构研究主要集中在数学等领域,针对语言学科的此类研究则较为薄弱。目前,尚无普适性的英语教师学科知识结构框架。本文回顾了教师学科知识结构的重要研究成果,总结了教师学科知识结构的一般性的框架。在此基础上,结合英语学科特征,本文尝试建构了英语教师学科知识结构模型,分析了其构成要素及内涵,并阐述了各要素之间的逻辑关系。  相似文献   

The development of enquiry into language this century has implications for pedagogy. This development concerns the transition from viewing language as a transparent medium, identifying an external objective reality, to a view in which language constitutes reality as we understand it. The paper begins by outlining some contemporary theoretical developments concerning the ‘productive’ or material nature of discourse. The paper shows how particular curriculum practices in art can be viewed as discursive sites which perpetuate particular discourses in which the pupil as art practitioner is produced. By focusing upon drawing practices the paper shows that the notion of ‘ability’ does not refer to some absolute skill possessed by pupils, but to particular ideological interpretations through which ability is conferred. However, such interpretations do provide us with stable forms which allow us to act as if they were absolute. Such interpretational states reveal the circular structure of interpretational practices such as evaluation and assessment. The paper shows how the reflexive nature of hermeneutic analysis can be helpful in providing a suitable space for reflection when such interpretational states break down during the practice of teaching art. By analysing a series of pupil's drawings the paper discusses how our interpretational discourses identify the pupil's ability and constitute the pupil as a subject in the ait curriculum. The paper forms part of a larger body of work in which the author is exploring how different practices in the art curriculum constitute discursive fields within which pupils as subjects are produced.  相似文献   

明代戏曲习用道具有剧目,此类道具以随意拈来,偶然入戏为多,男女主人公为之魂牵梦萦,其实也只是移情作用,明代小说中的物品却常与主题思想丝丝相扣或互为表里,对人物塑造亦有内在规律可循,不容 层意义可求,本分析三言两拍中“珍珠衫”,“百宝箱”,“夜明珠”的象征性和情节性,并进而论证明代小说之佳作根植于深厚的市民生活的土壤,已视经商致富为成功标志,个人幸福为合理追求,其主角或长途贩运,或小本经营,或举案齐眉,或红杏出墙,都过着真实而丰富的感情生活,不落才子佳人的俗套。  相似文献   

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