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A good teacher means more than mastering subject matter knowledge. This article discusses teachers‘ expertise, which, in the author‘s opinion, includes teachers‘ self-knowledge, their positive personality and other aspects, for example, whether they are reflective teachers. This conception of “expertise“ helps teachers in forming their self-awareness and personalized teaching methods so as to improve teaching and accelerate teacher development.  相似文献   

A good teacher means more than mastering subject matter knowledge. This article discusses teachers' expertise, which, in the author's opinion, includes teachers' self-knowledge, their positive personality and other aspects, for example, whether they are reflective teachers. This conception of "expertise" helps teachers in forming their self-awareness and personalized teaching methods so as to improve teaching and accelerate teacher development.  相似文献   

Teach to Learn     
An apparently simple self-study that consisted of a longitudinal review of Grade 12 students' self-reflections from the past five years triggered a personally profound struggle about past classroom practices and surfaced a host of assumptions about teaching and learning. This research challenged the author to enact personal and professional values in his teaching practices. The article concludes with some preliminary “musings” that include reinforcing the importance of having every member of a classroom remain both teacher and student and of the significance of that ostensibly self-evident axiom.  相似文献   

Simon Prokhovnik retired last year after twenty‐five years as a lecturer (and ultimately Associate‐Professor) at the University of New South Wales. He suggests that University lecturing is an art whose successful practice demands imagination and scholarship, application and enthusiasm; and that the only venue for learning this art is in the University itself.  相似文献   

本是作围绕数学教学的目的,针对职高学生的特点,在长期教学实践中就如何“教会学生思考”所作的一些尝试的小结。分四个方面:1、多问为什么,养成动脑习惯;2、从具体到抽象,培养想象能力;3、启发式教学、活跃思维;4、举一反三,触类旁通,提高思维能力。介绍了在职高数学教学中所采取的教法和注意点,并辅以实例。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展和普及,网络教学模式应运而生.这种全新的教学模式被称为教育的"第五次革命".网络教学模式具有突破时空限制和实现资源共享的基本特点,由此带来了共享教育资源、扩大教育规模、提高教育速度、促进教育改革、构筑终生教育体系,实现以学习者为主体的学习和协作式学习的好处.  相似文献   

While conducting a wider ethnographic study into the job of educating teachers in one small college of higher education it became evident that structural differences existed between the men and women in the education department. Women were generally more experienced and better qualified than their male colleagues but tended to have less posts of responsibility and heavier teaching loads. However only two of the 10 women tutors in the department made any direct reference to the issue of gender in relation to their working lives. It seemed that the majority of the women tutors did not see or acknowledge any disadvantage. This paper investigates possible reasons why some women tutors do not recognise their situation as one of disadvantage. Some of the women tutors may not hold feminist views in relation to their working life. Some of the women tutors may believe that the fact of their own employment demonstrates that there are no bars to the employment of women but have not analysed the actuality of their working conditions further than issues of access. The paper argues that values of neutrality, impartiality and professionalism have served to disguise gendered power relations in teaching and teacher education and this influence will not always be recognised where the ‘common‐sense’ hegemony of male dominance is masked by a version of gender neutrality. The paper draws on interviews with three key informants, Nora, a senior manager and Susan and Monica, two grass roots tutors, who do recognise that their work is shaped by gendered regimes. Through their perspectives the paper illuminates some of the dilemmas which characterise what it is like being a woman doing the job of educating teachers.


美术教学作为非专业的大中小学甚至幼儿审美素质教育的一个重要方面,近年在我国正相继开展起来。然而,教什么,怎么教的问题,就是对如今的专业院校来说也是一个值得探讨的重要课题,况且那些非专业的大中小学的审美教育呢?近年来《读书》杂志上一些人文学科的理论文章引发了该文对当今我国美术教学模式的一点思考。加强理论教学,改变传统教学观念是美术教学改革的重要途径。  相似文献   

Hi Brad, I plan to find a part-time job.I've already passed the first three rounds of interviews of an education institution and attended a fiveday training program for a part-time English teacher for junior school students,one on one.With another two rounds of interviews and real teaching activities ahead,I'm not fully prepared and confident enough since I never have teaching experience before. I remember you mentioned that you are tutoring English to foreign students.Could you please provide some useful suggestions?  相似文献   

Maintaining that academic freedom is necessary if schools are to function effectively, Dr. Dahl presents lucid arguments to support his position.  相似文献   

怎样教科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学教育的主要目的是为学生进行更高层次的科学学习奠定基础;有助于学生成为社会劳动力、寻求就业机会和谋求个人发展;为学生成为具有良好科学素养的社会公民奠定基础。为此,科学教学应坚持如下原则:教学应成为促进学生学习的工具;教学要专注于核心科学思想;教学要帮助学生加深对科学的理解;教学要充分考虑学习的复杂性;教学应有助于学生主动建构科学知识;教学应将科学内容和发展学生的兴趣相结合;教师要对所有学生的学习都寄予积极的期望;教学要注重减轻学生的焦虑。这八项教学原则及其教学实践建议,为改进科学教育提供了新的视角及可资借鉴的实践策略。  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction English has become a global language as common cognition in modern society.In 21st century,English has delicate balance(Seidlhofer,2005:209).Although it is not most widely spoken language,it is the most widely used language for business and  相似文献   

儿童心理的研究成果和长期的教育实践证明,婴幼儿期是人的一生中掌握语言最迅速的时期,也是最关键的时期.这时期他们的神经组织和言语器官的发育逐渐完善,正确发出全部语音的条件已经具备,发音机制已开始定型.发展幼儿口语表达能力成为幼儿教师的主要任务之一.教师如何发展幼儿的口语,采取什么对策,取得事半功倍的效果,这对幼儿一生的发展有着重要影响.  相似文献   

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