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The main purpose of this article is to advance an alternative perspective on the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and in particular to examine critically the assertion that these processes are antagonistic such that the will to learn for its own sake is inhibited by the presence of extrinsic, tangible rewards and incentives such as school grades. The presumption of an antagonistic relationship largely depends on the theoretical perspective adopted. An alternative interpretation based on need achievement theory leads to distinctly different conclusions. Exploring this new perspective allows one to identify both the conditions under which intrinsic motives may coexist with extrinsic motives as well as to consider some of the means by which intrinsic motives and caring about learning can be stimulated in their own right in school settings.  相似文献   

Social,environmental, and developmental issues and creativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parents and teachers alike have been led to believe that the motivation that stems from wanting to earn a good grade or receive a gold star or do better than the person sitting at the next desk is a positive force. However, in the case of open-ended, creative tasks—tasks for which there is more than one possible solution—extrinsic constraints have frequently proven harmful. A social-psychological approach to the study of creativity is especially useful for answering the question of how best to foster creative behavior in the classroom. Rather than focus on the (largely innate or at least immalleable) differences between creative and uncreative persons, social psychologists concentrate on creative situations (i.e., the particular social and environmental conditions that can positively or negatively impact the creativity of most individuals). The present article explored this research tradition and proposed a theoretical explanation for the impact of motivation on creativity that is based upon children's conceptions of work and play.  相似文献   

Whyaresomestudentssuccessfulatlanguagelearningwhiletheothersarenot ?ThejobofteachingandlearningEnglishwouldbequiteeasyifwecouldworkouttheanswertothequestion .Wecan’tHowever ,wecanfigureouttheanswertosomefactorswhichseemtohaveastrongeffectonastudent’ssuc…  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的形式,对高职高专学生英语口语学习动机进行分析,探索如何通过激发学生的学习动机,促进学生学习英语口语的积极性,从而有效地提高英语口语教学水平。  相似文献   

刘曼  陈虹 《安康学院学报》2005,17(3):106-108
动机作为语言学习诸个体因素中最具有能动性的主观因素之一,对学习效率的影响不容忽视.通过对动机的类型及其作用的分析上,提出在外语教学中,教师应重视对学生学习动机的激发和培养,使其维持较高的动机水平,有利于学习效果的提高.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的形式,对高职高专学生英语口语学习动机进行分析,探索如何通过激发学生的学习动机,促进学生学习英语口语的积极性,从而有效地提高英语口语教学水平。  相似文献   

内部动机与外部动机的关系及其对学校教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学界对内部动机与外部动机的关系研究一直存在争议,目前至少存在三种理解:传统的二分法认为内部动机与外部动机相互对抗,互相影响对任务的参与;自我决定理论认为内部动机和外部动机是一个连续体的两极,两者相互联系并转化;最近的研究则认为两种动机可以并存,个体可以同时为外部和内部动机所激发。在教育实践中,教师应正确认识和处理两者之间的关系,使学生始终保持良好的动机状态。  相似文献   

学习动机对学习效果的提升有很大的促进作用,内在与外在学习动机对学习影响各有侧重,前者较为稳定且持久,但力度不足;而后者则恰恰相反。因此,必须将两者有机地结合起来,取长补短,才能相得益彰。学生学习动机的激发机制要有利于提高学生的学习积极性,使他们能产生长久的、较强的学习动机。  相似文献   

在英语学习研究中,归因论解释了学习者对于成功或失败进行归因的不同,并强调归因方式的不同可以引起不同的情绪体验,继而产生不同的行为趋向。学习个体对其成功或失败的归因可促使学习个体的动机发生变化。因此,在英语课堂教学中,教师可以在掌握学生年龄特征、人格特征的前提下,合理开展课堂竞赛、给学生营造心理安全的氛围、对学生的表现给予明确及时的反馈等,促进学生形成正确的学习动机。  相似文献   

The literature suggests that gamified learning interventions may increase student engagement and enhance learning. We empirically investigate this by exploring the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the participation and performance of over 100 undergraduate students in an online gamified learning intervention. The paper makes a number of contributions. First, by synthesizing the literature the central concepts required for a learning intervention to be considered gamified are mapped and the development of an online gamified learning intervention is described. Second, the effect of gamification on learning outcomes is examined using a pre- and post-intervention survey. We find that gamified learning interventions have a positive impact on student learning. Third, our results show that while generally positive, the impact of gamified intervention*ns on student participation varies depending on whether the student is motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. These findings will be of practical interest to teaching and learning practitioners working in a range of educational contexts, and at all levels of education, who wish to increase student engagement and enhance learning.  相似文献   

外语学习动机 (motivation)与学习态度、学习策略、学习成绩有着千丝万缕的关系。根据语言学家Brown和Gardner等关于动机研究的成果 ,提出EFL课堂的动机类型 ,动机养成和策略对学习者课堂表现的互动与促进 ,探讨进一步提高课堂教学效果的途径  相似文献   

The authors used a person-centered, longitudinal approach to identify and evaluate naturally occurring combinations of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations among 490 third- through fifth-grade students. Cluster analysis revealed 3 groups, characterized by high levels of both motivations (high quantity): high intrinsic motivation but low extrinsic motivation (primarily intrinsic) and low intrinsic motivation but high extrinsic motivation (primarily extrinsic). Analyses of stability and change in cluster membership indicated that the primarily intrinsic cluster was most stable (76% stability) and the high-quantity cluster most precarious (45% stability) over the course of an academic year. Students in the primarily intrinsic cluster outperformed their peers in the other 2 clusters and showed the greatest increase in achievement over time.  相似文献   

动机因素在二语习得的过程中起着重要的作用。动机因素按其功能可以划分为融入型——工具型和内部型——外部型两大类。其中,融入型动机和内部型动机在英语学习中被得到更广泛的使用,对于英语学习者也产生着更加深远的影响。因此,在大学教学过程中,英语教师要对二语习得的动机理论加以正确引导,使大学生能够更加有效地学习英语。  相似文献   

The challenges presented by students who struggle to connect with curriculum learning in school constitute an issue that confronts education systems worldwide. This article reviews ways in which such students can be encouraged to engage more positively in their own learning, a process that benefits both the child and the whole school community. In this article a range of strategies to do this is proposed, based on a set of theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

The authors compare school motivation in Kenya and Italy, two countries that differ in terms of socioeconomic conditions, structure of the school system, and access to education. Free primary education is indeed a recent attainment for Kenyan students. The participants, 449 Kenyan and 480 Italian students, 9–14 years old and attending Grades 4–8, were asked to complete a questionnaire about learning motivation. A factor analysis revealed that school motivation can be described by five dimensions in both contexts: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, academic self-concept, causal attribution, and amotivation. Differences between countries and lower (Grades 4–5) and higher (Grades 6–8) grades emerged: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and academic self-concept were found to be higher in Kenyan than in Italian students, whereas amotivation was lower. Moreover, only Italian students showed less intrinsic motivation and more amotivation in higher grades than in the lower ones.  相似文献   

本研究采用学习动机量表和威廉斯创造力倾向量表,对大学生的学习动机和创造力倾向的特点以及二者之间的关系进行了研究。使用问卷调查280名大学生,并从中选出240名有效问卷。研究结果表明:在学习动机水平上,男女生在总分上不存在显著差异,但在外生动机的依赖他人评价和追求回报两因子上均存在显著差异;大学生创造力倾向在性别上存在差异,男女生在创造力总分上存在显著差异,女生的创造力倾向要强于男生;学习动机总得分与创造力倾向总得分存在显著相关,并且内生动机对创造力倾向的影响高于外生动机;学习动机内生主导型的学生其创造力倾向得分显著高于学习动机外生主导型的学生。  相似文献   

学习动机的研究应考虑到专业特色,本文通过对江西三所高校英语专业学生的内外动机状况进行问卷调查,数据分析发现:学生学习动机在性别、年级、学历层次、家庭所在地和专业类别主效应上存在显著差异性。此外,性别与年级、性别与学历层次、专业类别与年级、学历层次与家庭所在地间存在二维交互效应。  相似文献   


Critical ethnic and gender gaps exist in college retention and graduation rates. Early achievement motivation may play an important role in student persistence. A sample of undergraduates completed surveys tapping motivation at the beginning (n = 591) and end (n = 232) of their first semester in college. African American and Caucasian students were more academically self-efficacious than Asian American students. Self-efficacy increased over the semester and was higher for male than female students at both time points. African American and Asian American students were initially more extrinsically motivated than Caucasian students; however, by the end of the semester, all ethnic groups were similar on extrinsic motivation. Female students were more extrinsically motivated and mastery oriented than male students who were more performance oriented. Performance goal orientations were negatively associated with grade point average whereas mastery orientation, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation were positively associated with academic performance. Implications for higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The experience of meaning in a learning situation is a stated goal of Knowledge Promotion Reform in Norway. This study, guided by self-determination theory, examines how pursuing intrinsic and extrinsic life goals relates to the experience of meaning in vocational education. The study also examines how learning support, perceived competence, and different types of autonomous motivation are associated with students' experiences of meaning. The sample consisted of health and social care students (N?=?405) in upper secondary school. The results indicated that intrinsic goals encouraged meaningfulness in all subjects, whereas extrinsic goals related to perceived meaninglessness in vocational subjects. Learning support, perceived competence, and autonomous types of motivation all have a positive link to students' experiences of meaning, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

运用<英语学习动机问卷>和<教师教育行为问卷>对398名3-6年级小学儿童英语学习动机及他们知觉到的英语教师的教育行为进行了考察.结果发现:(1)总体上,小学阶段儿童内在动机水平高于外在动机,但是两种动机都随年级增长而下降;(2)小学三、五年级女生的内在动机水平显著高于男生,而到了六年级,女生的外在动机水平显著高于男生;(3)英语教师的消极评价、鼓励与帮助、交流与重视行为与儿童内在动机显著相关,且具有重要预测作用.研究结果表明,学校、教师和家长应重点关注高年级学生的内在动机的维持,并且英语教师要多给予学生积极的评价、鼓励和帮助,以提高和维持学生的内在动机.  相似文献   

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