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对我国传统产业集群的发展模式进行实证分析,以寻求对欠发达地区发展集群的普遍模式。  相似文献   

文章从港口实际情况出发,提出加强津冀沿海港口群与腹地的联系,完善港口物流体系建设,整合港口功能,提升整体竞争力的可操作性建议。  相似文献   

The article describes a community organizing course that was as dynamic as community organizing itself. By employing a combination of teaching approaches, community organizing philosophy, and pedagogical and andragogical techniques for student training, the course challenged students to discover their beliefs and the role of the community and the community organizer in promoting social change. Though focused on the community organizing course, the article offers insight into the broader potential of the teaching approach for social work educators.  相似文献   

Organizing higher education in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The integration of higher education systems in the Western world has led both to development of overall strategies for the organization of higher education institutions by public authorities, as well as to strategies by higher education institutions aiming to position themselves within emerging higher education systems. This article first asks whether these developments represent converging or path dependent trends before it sketches a conceptual point of departure for the analysis of the relationship between institutions in higher education systems based on the effects of integration on academic hierarchies and functional specialization. Then I discuss how recent attempts at integrating higher education systems in Europe and the US may affect the relationship between institutions in the light of conceptions of education as a process by which students learn to learn or by which they learn specific occupational skills. Thirdly, the development is situated in a wider context where the relationship between different types of institutions are considered in relation to the spread of an extended and more utility oriented concept of knowledge. Finally, I consider briefly some possible future developments based on how modern capitalist and public managerialist knowledge regimes constitute conditions for higher education integration.  相似文献   

地理集中曾经对企业集群的发展起着重要的作用,在网络经济条件下,其根植性正成为企业集群发展的负面影响因素。电子商务平台是企业集群升级的实现途径。建设集群电子商务平台,政府引导促使传统企业集群向虚拟集群跨越,企业集群自身应担当起建设电子商务平台的主体角色,积极发挥互联网企业的第三方作用。  相似文献   

中国传统建筑艺术中自然意识的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱民 《天中学刊》2003,18(5):34-36
中国传统建筑表现出与自然相协调、相适应的意念,追求天人合一。在建筑形态、色彩和布局设计上,建筑师们均表现出力求达到天人合一、回归自然的境界。一座建筑物很大程度上是通过意象的转移来拯救人们的灵魂,其来源便是自然崇拜。在中国传统建筑艺术中,色彩的应用被放到了十分重要的地位。在建筑布局设计及园林设计上表现出顺应自然、与自然亲和的态度和因地制宜、与自然融和的意识。  相似文献   

This article describes procedures for organizing a practicum and internship program in counselor education. Application procedures, supervision, and communication with sites, students, and supervisors are discussed.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会与中国传统社会理想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统大同、小康曾是炎黄子孙世代希冀向往的社会理想。全面建设小康社会,蕴含着中国传统社会理想的合理因素,并在建设中国特色社会主义进程中予以科学的扬弃。中国共产党人通过坚持走社会主义道路以圆中国人民的“大同、小康”之梦,其间经历了艰难的探索,开创了惊世的伟业。全面建设小康社会的战略,从历史与逻辑相统一的高度,实现了历史文化传统与社会主义现代化的内在统一,揭示了小康社会在由社会主义初级阶段向更高阶段发展的不可逾越性。  相似文献   

张荣珍 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(8):94-96,104
开展对大学生的各种有益的教育活动,在校园文化建设中起到了不可低估的重要作用。但与此相比,大学生对传统文化接受得更快、更直接、更主动,因为传统文化直接从人的本性教起,先学做人、后学做事、余力学文,这能改变人的观念继而改变不良的校园风气。因此,高校迫切需要引入中国传统典籍《弟子规》和传统戏曲艺术教育,充实大学生丰富的思想内涵。  相似文献   

建设社会主义和谐社会必须以人为本,促进人的全面发展,而健康的身体是一个人全面发展的基础.传统养生文化的发展能满足人们对健康的需求,从而推动社会的和谐发展。运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对养生文化在构建和谐社会中的作用进行了探讨,以期能够为和谐社会的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

"孝悌"、"孝慈"、"家和万事兴"的家教文化,"和为贵"的思想理念,"天人合一"的环境文化等是构建和谐社会的重要的传统文化基础.深入挖掘传统文化中和谐文化的元素,对实现家庭和谐、人际关系和谐、人与自然的和谐,最终实现社会主义社会的和谐有着重要意义.  相似文献   

廉政建设是非常庞大的系统工程,需要我们社会各个领域不断的努力,传统文化对廉政建设有深远的影响以及重要的意义,尽管廉政建设在传统文化中小能完全的清除腐败,我们还必须承认它是一种有效的手段,为了加强廉政建设我们必须应该知道如何利用道义的力量  相似文献   

笔者所在的研究团队在组织了三次以课例研究为重点的教师参与式培训中,分别构建了三个网络平台,一次次深入实践和思考:网络在教师研修中的作用及出现的问题.在教师面对面的培训中实践网络研修,带给我们三点启示:博客是一个可以提供零技术要求、又具群众基础的研修环境;网络的深度交互是最值得关注也最难解决的问题;视频材料的深度加工将提升资源的有效利用.  相似文献   

对高校课程群建设中课程内容融合与分解的探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为了科学地实施课程建设,深刻理解课程群建设对课程建设的作用和意义,章以课程群内涵分析为切入口,以课程群构成的学科内容为主线,通过课程群建设中的课程内容的变化.揭示课程建设中的融合与分解规律,提出课程群建设是对课程群的再设计,是课程设计与课程实施的统一。  相似文献   

The theme of this journal issue - evaluation as an educational management tool - is critical and timely. Today's administrators face a dual challenge: to demonstrate how well their school systems are performing and to take greater responsibility in that demonstration.  相似文献   

This article describes an international servicelearning project in Bolivia undertaken by faculty and students from Widener University. The authors examine characteristics of the student group, trip preparation, and lessons learned from the experience. The article discusses the American cultural biases that emphasize personal comfort and individual self-fulfillment over acceptance of foreign ways of life, and it highlights the unique learning experience afforded by political turmoil and finding oneself in the role of the "other." The authors conclude that domestic service experience and team building should be less important to preparation than intercultural communication training, language proficiency, and exercises in deep reflection.  相似文献   

The relationship between college students and their parents is far closer than it was when most of today's educators were in school. Tapping into the upside and managing the potential drawbacks of highly involved parents is taking on great importance on an increasing number of campuses.  相似文献   

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