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西方关于集体行动的主流理论——资源动员理论,在解释我国乡村集体行动问题出现了困境:它过于注重个体的理性计算,而忽略了乡村社区(族群)结构对个体的影响。文章在检讨这一理论之后提出的关于集体行动的社区边界理论认为,社区(族群)互动及其信任关系是推动集体行动的重要因素。鉴于社区边界冲突是导致乡村集体行动的主因,因此,应从政策层面上维护社区边界的相对稳定。  相似文献   

In the twenty‐first century, communication has become truly global. Advances in technology have opened up a host of ways in which we are able to communicate to retrieve or pass on information and knowledge. In many cases we have moved from a place‐based communication approach to one of increasing mobility. With this shift in approach, it is apparent that effective communication skills are perhaps even more important so that we can connect appropriately with diverse audiences. Despite this, relatively little attention has been paid to training our students in different modes of communication and therefore we may not be fully preparing our students to play their part in the global community. Given anatomy's place within many health‐care curricula, an ideal avenue is available for anatomists to take the lead in providing communications skills training for students. There are a variety of approaches, some of which are outlined in this article, which can be used to create appropriate opportunities for developing different communication skills and these can be woven into existing practices to ensure courses do not become overburdened. A sustained approach to communication skills training will help equip our students to communicate easily with the many aspects of modern society. Anat Sci Educ 6: 134–137. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

为适应大学英语教学改革的需要,针对大学英语视听教学中存在的问题,本文从网络英语资源的特点着手,探讨如何将其更好地融入视听教学,从而提高学生的英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

随着知识环境和网络技术过程的变化,网络中有大量已制作好的有价值的网络文献资源,各方面的科研受益于网络数字资源这一"源泉"。我们通过《云南边境少数民族传统道德教育研究》课题研究的实例,可以看到网络数字资源对课题研究的帮助作用,因此,高校图书馆应加强网络数字文献资源建设和服务的创新。  相似文献   


This qualitative within-site case study (N = 10) is a follow-up study to a 2006–2007 investigation that analyzed how 1 high school created a community of care for its ninth-grade students through the implementation of a ninth-grade transition program—Freshman Focus. All participants were interviewed again 3 years later during students’ senior year to investigate how Freshman Focus might have fostered a long-lasting community of care that extended throughout students’ high school years. Findings suggest teacher–student and program–student relationships served as ways to foster a community of care that promoted a positive school experience for students. While findings indicate that Freshman Focus fostered a community of care that lasted throughout these students’ high school years, it is unclear whether this caring community extended to the broader school community.  相似文献   

为大学生提供优质的英语学习网络资源,是大学英语教学改革的重要环节之一.整合大学英语自主学习网络资源可以使大学生在网络上进行自主学习,从而推进大学英语教学改革的进程.结合我校现阶段网络资源情况、存在问题,分析探讨网络资源整合的目的与对策.有效开展大学英语自主学习网络资源整合研究,必将促进我校大学英语教学与教改工作.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

刘鉴莹 《海外英语》2014,(7):118-119
The internet catchphrases as products of modern science and networking technology is taking advantage of popular culture trend of development produced one of the emerging mass culture forms, it shows more direct relationship between language and culture, so the Internet Language is an art form with strong medium characteristic and the characteristics of the times. However, owing to the rich social and cultural background, the strong language features and cultural characteristics, the Internet Catchphrases' translation has been very tricky. The paper deems that the network popular words in English translation should take into account their context factors such as the social and cultural background, tap their particular semantic connotation, and at the same time consider the characteristics of the language itself, to make the graceful bearing of graphics primitives. This article by analyzing the main characteristics of the network buzzwords, describing the translation of its main guidance theory, and citing the prevalence of some words on the network analyzes and compares their various English translation methods to analyze a number of English translation skills and strategies.  相似文献   

在调研的基础上,深入了解企业岗位对人力资源管理专业的技能要求;分析现阶段人力资源管理专业技能培养的现状及存在的问题;从人才培养方案、技能培养体系、师资队伍建设、校企合作、实训基地建设等方面提出基于适应企业岗位需求的人力资源管理专业技能培养对策,以培养符合企业岗位需求的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   

基于计算机技术的大学英语听说课程,分析了"以学习者为中心"的教学设计对提高学生语言能力和自主学习能力重要性。提出基于技术的教学设计应该以学习者为中心,把教学技术与学生借助技术需要掌握的技能紧密结合起来,以最优化的学习模式促进学生能力的发展。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a study of learning outcomes at a research-intensive Australian university. Three graduate outcome variables (discipline knowledge and skills, communication and problem solving, and ethical and social sensitivity) are analysed separately using OLS regression and comparisons are made of the patterns of unique contributions from four independent variables (the CEQ Good Teaching and Learning Communities Scales, and two new, independent, scales for measuring Teaching and Program Quality). Further comparisons of these patterns are made across the Schools of the university. Results support the view that teaching and program quality are not the only important determinants of students’ learning outcomes. It is concluded that, whilst it continues to be appropriate for universities to be concerned with the quality of their teaching and programs, the interactive, social and collaborative aspects of students’ learning experiences, captured in the notion of the Learning Community, are also very important determinants of graduate outcomes, and so should be included in the focus of attempts at enhancing the quality of student learning.  相似文献   

会计社团活动不仅提高了学生学习会计专业的兴趣,还在推动高校会计专业日常教学改革和职业技能大赛等方面发挥着积极的作用。通过对广东省30多所高职院校的调查分析,从社团组建、成员招募、教师配备、资金支持、社团活动开展等方面分析了高职院校会计社团发展中存在的问题,并从社团成员遴选、工作规范化、经费多样化、与职业大赛和常规教学融合等方面提出依靠会计社团助推职业技能大赛的措施和建议,对高校会计社团的发展和职业技能大赛的顺利开展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

互联网对博士生学习共同体的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博士生教育过程就是博士生走入学习共同体进行学术训练的过程,具有学术性、自主建构性和教师主导性等特点。互联网的普及与应用使得博士生学习共同体从相对封闭走向开放,实现了混合式学习和跨地域交流,推动了学习共同体向多主体、去中心化发展,有助于研究性学习共同体的形成。同时也产生了一定的负面效应:检索式学习方式造成学术性的弥散;学术信息过载导致自主性的迷失;虚拟互动造成教师人文关怀的缺失;互联网滥用造成课堂教学形式羁绊等。  相似文献   

校友资源对高校来说是一笔宝贵的财富,尤其是在互联网+背景下,如何在原有校友工作的基础上扩展新思路就显得十分必要。本文通过调研问卷的方式调查了毕业校友对母校做贡献的意愿和高校在校生对校友资源渴求的情况,引导利用现代互联网信息技术手段进行校友联络、沟通信息、宣传校友,增进校友与母校的感情,促进在校生实习就业,有效地利用与开发校友资源,实现对校友资源科学的存储和利用。  相似文献   

公共关系案例教学的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共关系案例教学是通过对典型案例的分析、探索,揭示公关活动的规律,使学生从大量感性体验升华到理性认识,进而使学生的发现问题能力、分析问题能力、决策能力、创新能力和沟通、协调能力等方面得到锻炼和提高。  相似文献   

社区文化资源是高校德育不可或缺的教学资源。社区文化资源德育转化是高校德育实效化的需要。文章从理论上廓清社区文化资源德育转化应遵循的原则;从实践上厘清社区文化资源德育转化的途径。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以学生为主体的案例分析教学模式在《化学教学论》课程教学中的效果。方法:在《化学教学论》课程教学中引入以学生为主体的案例分析教学模式,将2009级化学教育专业学生按班随机分为实验组与对照组,其中实验组43人,对照组41人。实验组采用案例分析教学模式,对照组采用传统的教学方法。在研究末期分别对两组进行考核,向实验组学生发放自行设计的调查问卷收集其对案例分析教学模式的态度及评价。结果:两组的《化学教学论》考核差异有统计学意义,实验组学生对该模式的教学效果持肯定态度。结论:该模式能够激发化学专业师范生的学习兴趣及参与热情,培养其科学探究能力,有效提高其化学教学技能。  相似文献   

技能社会是我国在全面建成小康社会、全面迈进社会主义现代化建设的新时期提出的一种教育和社会革新理念。技能社会是以技能为本质与核心,以技能形成体系为重要载体,以技能共同体为建设逻辑的社会。在技能社会的建设中,应基于不同的技能形成体系,构建适应区域差异、产业差异、企业技术创新差异的多样化技能社会。在技能社会的建设中,以技能为核心的价值共同体是技能社会建设的目标指向,以共赢为根本的利益共同体是技能社会建设的实践要求,以主体共在均衡为关键的命运共同体是技能社会建设的结构承当。  相似文献   

证据意识是人们在面对纠纷或处理争议时自觉收取、保存、运用证据的心理觉悟.目前我国正处于从熟人社会向陌生人社会过渡中,证据意识也不例外的也处于从熟人社会向陌生人社会的发展过程中.本文从一般公民的证据意识出发进行论述.基于对现行三大诉讼法对证据的相关规定和证据意识现状,本文从历史和现实两个方面分析影响证据意识的因素,并对增强证据意识提出了四个方面的建议.  相似文献   

综合利用网络中的搜索引擎、在线词典、专业机构网页、百科全书、翻译论坛和博客等资源可以促进翻译选词的正确/恰切性、专业性及文化背景的理解。网助选词不是简单地依赖搜索结果的数量,而是译者利用一定技巧、凭经验和能力进行综合判断、甄别的过程。  相似文献   

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