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本文采用文献资料查阅和问卷调查的方法,运用小群体体育教学模式对高职学生网球选项教学的实验研究。结果显示,实验班实验后比实验前网球选项学生的体育学习态度、合作能力、技术水平、兴趣培养与自我效能感等都有显著提高。促进高职学生网球选项课程学习效益。  相似文献   

微博的社会网络及其教育应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
代表着社会性软件的未来,微博创建了一种全新的社会关系沟通渠道。主动"关注"、"关注"扩散和双向"关注"是微博社会网络建立过程的三个核心环节,其三类最具代表意义的网络社区分别为独立网络社区、多结点联结的网络社区和单结点联结的多网络社区。在分析目前微博及其教育应用现状的基础上,文章提出了聚焦模式、关联模式和发散模式三种微博社会网络教育应用的模式。  相似文献   

As Bayesian methods continue to grow in accessibility and popularity, more empirical studies are turning to Bayesian methods to model small sample data. Bayesian methods do not rely on asympotics, a property that can be a hindrance when employing frequentist methods in small sample contexts. Although Bayesian methods are better equipped to model data with small sample sizes, estimates are highly sensitive to the specification of the prior distribution. If this aspect is not heeded, Bayesian estimates can actually be worse than frequentist methods, especially if frequentist small sample corrections are utilized. We show with illustrative simulations and applied examples that relying on software defaults or diffuse priors with small samples can yield more biased estimates than frequentist methods. We discuss conditions that need to be met if researchers want to responsibly harness the advantages that Bayesian methods offer for small sample problems as well as leading small sample frequentist methods.  相似文献   

During the past two decades researchers have increasingly used qualitative research methods to access traditionally unavailable data. In this article, I discuss the usefulness and implementation of qualitative methods in special education research. I present five pitfalls future qualitative researchers should be aware of, and I discuss w.hat I believe the future holds for qualitative methods in special education research.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育的传统工作方式,妨碍了高校荣辱观教育的宣传和发展,因此,改革和创新高校荣辱观教育工作迫在眉睫。在高校荣辱观教育工作中,借鉴社会工作中乐于服务的敬业观念、平等待人的观念和受教育者自主决定的观念。引进个案工作和团体工作方法,可以有效地更新思想政治教育者的价值理念,丰富思想政治教育的内容,改进思想政治教育的方式,提高高校荣辱观教育的效果。  相似文献   


This article describes how visual methods, particularly photography, can be used in the context of careers education and guidance. It begins by acknowledging that this context is undergoing rapid change given the policy agendas of lifelong learning and social inclusion. However, although these policy agendas continue to emphasize the importance of self-knowledge in managing career development, this represents an area of continuing difficulty in terms of curriculum design and delivery. In recognizing this dilemma the article suggests that visual methods can provide careers educators, guidance practitioners, and their clients with the means to engage ‘self’ in the processes of career learning and planning.  相似文献   

关于理解社会教育本质的研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要深入理解社会教育的本质首先必须注意研究方法问题。最简洁的方法是将社会教育看成是学校教育以外的教育活动的总称,进一步的方法是在有关社会教育的立法层面上所作的考察,两者都不足以探究社会教育的本质。对社会教育本质的探讨必须在历史层面上展开,必须明确由谁、在何时、持有何种目的来组织社会教育,即须在下层民众的要求与上层统治阶级的意志的矛盾运动过程中加以考察。  相似文献   

This article describes how visual methods, particularly photography, can be used in the context of careers education and guidance. It begins by acknowledging that this context is undergoing rapid change given the policy agendas of lifelong learning and social inclusion. However, although these policy agendas continue to emphasize the importance of self-knowledge in managing career development, this represents an area of continuing difficulty in terms of curriculum design and delivery. In recognizing this dilemma the article suggests that visual methods can provide careers educators, guidance practitioners, and their clients with the means to engage 'self' in the processes of career learning and planning.  相似文献   

大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的对策与途径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文着重探讨了大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的对策与途径:加强世界观、人生观和价值观教育,培养大学生弱势群体的理性认知和坚强意志;建立科学的、长效的特困生解困运行机制和资助机制,切实解决大学生弱势群体的经济困难和压力;开展立体网络式心理咨询服务,疏导,缓解大学生弱势群体的心理问题;注重人文关怀和情感支持,温暖抚慰大学生弱势群体的心灵。  相似文献   

This quasi‐experimental field study assessed whether group viewing of television in a day‐care setting can be used to encourage prosocial behavior in young children. Drawing from social learning theory and cognitive‐developmental stage theory, four short‐ term programs were designed and tested. Children (aged 3‐5 years) from eight day‐care centers in Montreal (n = 150) were part of the study. Intact groups (two settings randomly assigned to condition) participated in 8 days of intervention consisting of group viewing of video‐taped segments of Sesame Street, followed by participation in activities. The programs were evaluated using a 2 X 2 X 2 factorial pretest—post‐test design with video‐type (prosocial, cognitive), activity‐type (cooperative, individualistic), and gender as the three factors. Measures included free‐play observations, a perspective‐taking ability test, and two qualitative measures describing the context. Analysis of covariance (pretest and age combined as covariates) revealed a significant main effect for video‐type on prosocial behavior, and a significant interaction between video‐type and activity‐type on antisocial behavior. Results suggest that prosocial modelling using television can encourage prosocial behavior in the day‐care setting. A group‐viewing context, with or without post‐viewing enactive prosocial training, may enhance prosocial modeling effects.  相似文献   

发展民办幼儿教育是小城镇普及幼儿教育的重要手段之一,但目前小城镇民办幼儿教育表现出明显的弱势特征,需要社会支持。本文从物质、精神、制度以及教育专业等方面提出了具体的社会支持策略。  相似文献   

社会研究方法是以实证研究为主要特征的方法性学科。具有方法论性质的社会研究方法对于所有文科学生都有指导意义;它有助于培养文科学生的实证科学精神;还可以培养文科大学生的社会调查能力和调查意识。社会研究方法课程在大学文科教学中有多种形式的体现,但地位和作用还没有得到充分重视,应提高其在大学通识教育中的地位,真正发挥其在文科学生“基本功”训练方面的作用。  相似文献   

高等职业教育是职业教育的重要组成部分,培养职业技能人才是高等职业教育的根本职责。文章有针对性地提出发展高等职业教育对实用型、技能型人才培养的重要性,并提出以引导社会力量发展高等职业教育为突破口,更快、更好地发展高等职业教育的措施。  相似文献   

信息技术手段在特殊教育中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术是推进教育改革与发展的重要举措,研究和运用信息技术促进特殊教育的发展是势在必行的。文章就如何运用信息技术的优势、手段来促进特殊教育的快速发展,信息技术在特殊教育中的应用原则、实施模式和实施策略等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is becoming increasingly common in K-12 classrooms, and small group activities are...  相似文献   

现阶段的弱势群体主要包括贫困的农民、进入城市的农民工以及城市中以失业者为主体的贫困人口。现行保护体制不能完全适应新形势,应从扩大就业、保障基本生活、加强法制和工会建设等方面加强对弱势群体的保护。  相似文献   

成人教育促进残疾人社会融合已逐渐进入国内外学者的研究视野,并取得了一定成果。本文对成人教育促进残疾人社会融合的现状、模式、必要性、理论基础和实现途径等内容进行梳理,并结合研究中存在的问题,提出了相应的改进策略。  相似文献   

由于德育、智育、体育、美育和劳育并不能完全解决人的素质及其作用问题,因此,"群育"便被提上了教育的议事日程.这样做的根据,除了事实早已证明,存在于社会成员之间的网络状联系、共识性规范和信任关系既能使行为主体所拥有的德、智、体、美、劳诸素质很好地发挥作用,又能直接帮助他们获取信息和资源外,还在于社会资本理论已为这样做提供了理论支撑.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) can be applied to those situations in higher education where a group must evaluate a large number of alternatives. The suggested approach is illustrated using a case study that considers the evaluation of academic research papers at Villanova University. Following the discussion of this successful case study, a second example indicates how the AHP can be applied to the more complex problem of institution-wide strategic planning. These examples clearly demonstrate that the AHP approach is a versatile tool that can be applied to a wide range of important academic evaluation problems.  相似文献   

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