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This article addresses the rhetoric of performance assessment with research on important claims about science performance assessments. We found the following: (a) Concepts and terminology used to refer to performance assessments often were not consistent within and across researchers, educators, and policy-makers. (b) Performance assessments are highly sensitive not only to the tasks and the occasions sampled, but also to the method (e.g., hands-on, computer simulation) used to measure performance. (c) Performance assessments do not necessarily tap higher-order thinking, especially when they are poorly designed. (d) Performance assessments are expensive to develop and use: technology is needed for developing these assessments in an efficient way. (e) Performance assessments do not necessarily have the expected positive impact on teachers' teaching and students' understanding. (f) If teachers are to use performance assessments in their classrooms, they need professional development to help them construct the necessary knowledge and skills. This article attempts to address some of these realities by presenting a conceptual framework that might guide the development and the evaluation of performance assessments, as well as steps that might be taken to create a performance assessment technology and develop teacher inservice programs. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

目前,成人教育学研究生专业学习兴趣不高,主要是由研究生专业基础薄弱、专业信仰缺失等内在原因和教师弓l导缺位、专业建设欠缺、学术氛围缺乏等外在原因相互作用的结果。为了激发和培养成人教育学研究生的专业学习兴趣,研究生应进行专业学习设计,树立专业学习信仰;教师应转变角色,创设学习情境;建立和谐的师生关系;学术界和学校也应做出努力。  相似文献   

幼儿看到成人劳动,他也要劳动,不过,幼儿尤其是早期幼儿大多是以“劳动”为主要游戏活动的。孩子在游戏中再现成人的劳动场景,实际上就是一种“社会性活动”的模拟。“劳动”是促进幼儿心智、个性及品质发展的重要条件,也是促进孩子社会化的一种方式,家长不能仅仅将其看作“玩”,要抓住教育时机,为孩子创造热爱劳动的心理氛围,同时也要为孩子的“劳动”创造必要的条件。  相似文献   

浅谈成人教育课程设置如何适应我国人力资源开发的需要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源是当今制造利润的主要资源,开发人力资源是使我国社会经济可持续发展的有效措施,成人教育是开发人力资源的主要手段。成人教育如何适应快速发展的社会、经济对人力资源的需要亟待于研究、改进。尤其是课程设置需要改革、创新。应找出问题,根据社会对人力资源开发的需要,改进课程设置,培养与社会需要相匹配的人才。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善和发展, 社会竞争日益激烈。在此形势下,成人高等教育挑战和机遇并存。如何在现存的挑战和机遇中坚持发展追求创新, 本文就此对成人高等教育的教学改革思路进行探索, 以试图改变其旧有的教学体制。  相似文献   

转化学习理论对建构主义理论、哈贝马斯的社会学理论和弗莱雷的解放理论等进行消化和吸收,同时又以生活情境下丰富多彩的成人学习现象为现实基础,形成了较为系统和完善的理论体系。转化学习理论对成人教师的专业发展提供了重要的启示,即专业发展是持续不断的过程,营造专业发展氛围,增强专业发展意识,注重批判性反思,走进生活世界。  相似文献   

韦世祯 《柳州师专学报》2004,19(2):91-93,117
新课程的实施,体现我国基础教育从“应试教育”模式走向素质教育模式,体现从传统教育走向现代教育,需要教师转变角色和行为,对教师的教育能力提出了更高的要求,主要体现为教育教学研究能力、指导学生学习的能力、交往与合作能力、课程资源的开发利用能力、信息技术的应用能力、教育教学评价能力、教育创新能力等。  相似文献   

高校书法公共课教学方法随着现代科技的发展、人们认识水平的飞跃和历史视野的扩大而日益丰富。在教学实践中,要寻找历史与现实的最佳结合点,把握书法教学的特点,来创新课堂教学模式,优化书法教学课堂;要充分利用多媒体等现代化教学手段,营造学习情境,丰富学生的想像力和审美能力;要进行角色置换,变以教为重点为以学为重点,激发学生探索书法艺术的动力。通过合适的方法,因材施教,培养和造就大批书法群体,弘扬和普及书法艺术。  相似文献   

在农村产业转型的大背景下,结合乡镇成人学校的工作实践,提出创新一个模式,构建运行体系;善借二股动力,营造学习氛围;针对三类人员,开发学习课程;推进四项建设,提高培训质量,这样一个农村实用技术人才培训的"一二三四"策略。希望有助于推进新农村建设。  相似文献   

“翻转课堂”通过“传递信息”和“吸收内化”过程的翻转,在师生角色、教学形式、课堂内容、技术应用、评价方式等方面都不同于传统课堂。提供多元的课前“信息传递”方式.以确保学生自主学习的质量;以学定教、先学再学实现教师教学方式的转变和学生学习方式的改善:倡导过程性评价,坚持多元化评价,以凸显学生的主体地位和作用  相似文献   

This article describes what qualitative career assessments are by offering a definition followed by discussion concerning their theoretical base. Emphasis is given to the use of these assessments with adult clients by describing three examples including the LCA, Career Genogram, and Life Role Analysis. Criteria for developing qualitative career assessments as well as for judging the adequacy of existing assessments are provided.  相似文献   

成人学习是一个涉及心理、教育、文化、社会、政治、经济等诸多因素的复杂问题,对成人学习基本信息的采集,是科学规划与实施全民学习项目的前提。我国大陆(不包括港澳台地区)16岁及以上各类成人群体的随机调查显示:我国成人学习的范围和领域十分广泛,学习需求涵盖工作、职业、自我发展以及正在或者将要扮演的社会角色等诸多方面。工学矛盾是影响我国成人学习参与的首要因素,其次是社会角色及其承担的相应责任,再次是当地能否提供适当的学习机会、学习信息、学习时间和地点。学习费用、性别、年龄、地理环境’与地区经济社会发展的不平衡,也是影响成人学习参与的重要因素。总之,我国继续教育和终身学习条件及环境营造等方面还存在诸多不足,成人学习支持服务体系建设情况不容乐观。为了进一步改进成人学习规划与实施工作,相关管理部门、用人单位和教育培翻I机构,应组建或委托专门机构,对我国成人学习状况相关问题展开定期调查;同时,充分考量性别、年龄、地理环境与地区经济社会发展的差异,重视成人工学矛盾和社会角色,兼顾成人多方面学习需求,积极营造有利于成人深度参与的学习环境,建立健全成人学习费用分担机制和成人学习支持服务体系,进一步提高各行各业从业人员继续教育和学习的参与率。  相似文献   

Inclusive education requires restructuring educational provision so that mainstream schools are able to provide for the needs of all students in their communities. To help realise this goal, initial teacher education programmes need to better prepare new graduates for teaching students with complex special education needs, including students with intellectual disability. Concerns about the capacity of current school-based placements to prepare new teachers for inclusive classrooms have led some teacher education institutions to develop supplementary fieldwork experiences. The current study involved an investigation into such an experience and looked at the benefits to pre-service teachers (PSTs) of tutoring a young adult with intellectual disability. The findings indicate that PSTs learned effective strategies for differentiating a programme of work and, in their first year of study, were developing a teacher identity. The importance of aligning experiences with coursework units is highlighted and the need for valid assessments of how well initial teacher education programmes are preparing beginning teachers for inclusion, and what these assessments may look like, is discussed.  相似文献   

成人高等教育的发展瓶颈及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前成人高等教育发展瓶颈是招生困难,原因是普通高教扩招、民办高教兴起、利益驱动力不强、办学灵活性不够、经费投入不足及缺少特色等。发挥政府职能、发展非学历教育、与市场紧密对接、加大经费投入及创造特色是成人高等教育持续发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

The qualitative study on which this article reports explored how senior leaders, mathematics and Spanish language teachers (N = 72) in four high-performing, high-poverty, public secondary schools in Chile enact performance-based accountability policies related to standardised assessments. These four public schools were selected because prior to when the study was conducted all were part of the Bicentennial Schools Programme led by the Ministry of Education from 2010 to 2014. The aim of the programme was to develop effective secondary schools to serve low-income students. A thematic analysis of data produced through individual and group interviews and observations of departmental meetings shows that the enactment of performance-based accountability involved two dimensions of learning-centred leadership, distributed among senior leaders and department heads. An aim shared by parents, students, teachers and senior leaders was to ensure students' access to, and completion of, studies in higher education. Attaining good scores in national standardised SIMCE tests was key to meeting the vision. Collective trust among all actors and macro level trust in standardised testing served as a resource for strong collaboration to improve instruction and learning as well as teachers' collective efficacy. The discussion focuses on school-level practices and policy-level decisions that create conditions for the effective use of information produced from standardised assessments. A key point supported by our findings is that successful performance in external assessments is resourced by, and fosters, trust formation in schools.  相似文献   

辅导员担负着培养学生的良好人格、使其对世界具有正确态度并充满信心迎接生活挑战的重任。但目前这一人群存在着职业倦怠、激励机制缺失、职业满意度低、角色冲突等问题。高职院校的辅导员职业心理建设应坚持职业定位的非教师化原则,明确个体发展的良性目标,创建纵向、专业化管理模式,从而构建辅导员队伍的“精品工程”。  相似文献   

贵州少数民族地区经济发展与教育需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展教育既不能落后于经济发展的需要,但也不能过分超前,应遵循教育经济学的原理,使经济与教育相互协调,从而在二之间形成一种良性循环。根据贵州民族地区经济发展的现状和特点,应重点发展基础教育,积极发展符合地区实际的有特色的成人教育和职业技术教育,有选择地发展高等教育。  相似文献   

In this article I explore contrasting approaches to literacy and learning in Key Stage One classrooms. In particular I question whether the approach to writing composition in the NLS Framework for Teaching is consistent with what we know about children’s story telling and writing in the early years. Children are powerful thinkers who constantly strive to make meaningful and playful engagements with their social and cultural worlds, of which texts are an important part. Through composing and writing stories in school the children in this study are often exploring aspects of their identities, having fun in entering into adult and fantasy worlds, and working with their friends to create texts which place them in powerful roles.  相似文献   

Typical assessment systems often measure isolated ideas rather than the coherent understanding valued in current science classrooms. Such assessments may motivate students to memorize, rather than to use new ideas to solve complex problems. To meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards, instruction needs to emphasize sustained investigations, and assessments need to create a detailed picture of students’ conceptual understanding and reasoning processes.

This article describes the design process and potential for automated scoring of 2 forms of inquiry assessment: Energy Stories and MySystem. To design these assessments, we formed a partnership of teachers, discipline experts, researchers, technologists, and psychometricians to align curriculum, assessments, and rubrics. We illustrate how these items document middle school students’ reasoning about energy flow in life science. We used evidence from review by science teachers and experts in the discipline; classroom experiments; and psychometric analysis to validate the assessments, rubrics, and automated scoring.  相似文献   

《科学与技术》课程在科学素质教育中具有重要作用,该课程提供了丰富的科学知识、强调科学过程和方法、渗透了科学精神、融入了科学技术与社会教育。在该课程的实施中应该营造立体教学环境,构建实施科学素质教育的网络平台;注重学习过程,形成性考核侧重能力考察;发挥成人学习的特性,全方位渗透科学素质教育。  相似文献   

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