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Let Me Have It     
A little boy went to a denhst(牙科医生)as he had a terrible tothache.The dentist checked(检查)his teeth and dcided to pull he bad tOOth out.W上en山e Oeration。。r,山e boy ask叨帅咖mist to let him haVhaV[ttoh. “仰咖咖 yoll wnt it for?h Mtist was pnsd.lain going to毗eit home,ill it ith sugar and wach it。仇,” he boy s。d ith ll sincerity(诚意).(本刊资料)Let Me Have It…  相似文献   

Let's Do It!     
1.猜谜语: (1)What letter can fly? (2) What letter has water? (3) What letter can we drink? (4) What letter can see? (5) What letter is nothing? (6) What letter is a question?  相似文献   

茂密的西部大森林住着两位好朋友——木法沙(M ufasa)和辛巴(Sim ba)。这里树木青葱,空气清新,动物们幸福地生活着。一天,木法沙要搬到远处的大城市里去住,辛巴前来送行。他们说了些什么呢?M ufasa搬家了吗?阅读完下面的对话你就知道啦!别忘了把所缺的单词补上哦!Sim ba:H ello  相似文献   

美国中学生很喜欢说me!me!me!(我!我!我!)由此可知美国是一个十分崇尚个人主义的国家。美国人所说的个人主义和我们中国人所说的个人主义有很大差别。我们一提个人主义就让人联想到自私,只想自己不想别人,太多的从自我出发;而美国文化所提倡的个人主义,大多指独立思考,独立人格,独立应对各种麻烦的能力。  相似文献   

You may never have another chance.Do it today!你或许再也不会有这祥的机会了。就趁现在!  相似文献   

Let Me Tell You     
My nam e is Wan Liu.My English nam e is w illow (1).From the dic- tionary I know “w illow ”m eans “liu (柳 )”.So I love m y English nam e very m uch.Im twelve years(2).M y fa- vorite subjects are Chinese and English. A fter class I like playing com puters, lis- tening the m usic(3),reading stories,(4) writing som ething. A nd m y favorite stars are R oy,Jay and Blue.They are very cool. I think Im a kind and funny girl. I like m aking friend(5)with others. D o you wantto be m y frie…  相似文献   

记得有位名人说过,“一个橙子价值只是两块钱,但是一旦它拥有了自己的牌子,那么它就会变成十几块钱了。”可见,树立自己的品牌对企业的效益多么重要! 让我们来了解一下中国的企业如何面对这个问题吧。  相似文献   

1.“Mike,look at your shoes.How dirty they are!You must clean them.”“Oh,mom,I cleaned them yesterday,”said the boy.  相似文献   

娇魔镑宁哨鬓鬓蒸夔蒸襄夔鬓蘸轰翼婴藻馨黝麟臀擎瞬臻肇】夔翼鬓鬓獭撇彝摹&蒸馨鬓馨翼摹馨摹蘸薰蘸醚月能麒砚跳l线面霎竣考组徽鑫奴嫩甜通星戚资赚施全Let Me Have the Tooth@佚名 @卢将博~~  相似文献   

教学内容分析: 本课是PEP《小学英语》第四册第四单元第二课时,这个单元重点学习表示天气状况的形容词及“What’s the weather like today?”“It's rainy”“Can I wear my…?”“Yes,you can./No,you can’t.”等句型。本课包括Let's talk和Let's chant两个部分,Let's talk重点学习句型“Can I wear my…?”“Yes,you can.”“No,you can't.”,并通过对话复习服装类和描述天气的单词;Let's chant用来巩固所学语言和词汇,并营造轻松、愉快的学习气氛。  相似文献   

It’s Always Me     
A father said to his sons,“Tom orrow your m other is going to bake a pie.W ho is going to eatit?” The oldestson replied,“Father,Ill eatit all。”The father then said,“Tom orrow Im going to butcher a pig.W ho isgoing to eatit?”The sam e son answered,“Father,Illeatit all。” The father added,“Tom orrow we are going to plough the field.W hois going to plough?” The oldestson answered again, “Its always m e. N ow its som eoneelse s turn to volunteer。”It’s Always Me!河北@侯世敏…  相似文献   

Do It Yourself     
It's a fine day.After getting up,Baby Bear says,“Mum,hand me my shirt ,please.”“Dear,do it yourself.I am sure you can,”answers Mother Bear.After going into the kitchen,“Mum,help me wash my hands  相似文献   

Let Them Be!     
OnehotnightlastJulywhenournewbabycouldn蒺tsleep,I1everythingIcouldthinkof:awarmbottle,songs,gentlerocking.2wouldsettlehim.GuessingthatIhadalong3aheadofme,Ibroughtaportable(手提的)TVintohisroom,figuringthatwatchingthe4moviewasasgoodawayasanytokilloffthe5untildawn.Tomy6,assoonastheTVlitup,thebaby7rightdown,hislittleeyesfocused(集中)brightlyonthetube.Nottowasteachancefor8,Ithentiptoed(踮着脚悄悄地走)outoftheroom,9himtowatchMickeyMouse.MywifeandIheard10ofthebabythatnight,andthenextmorningwhe…  相似文献   

一部反映年轻人成长问题的电视剧《断奶》正在各大卫视热播。剧中,一对年轻小夫妻直到结婚生子都没能摆脱对父辈的依赖。最明显的表现:饭不会做,衣服不会洗,极度缺乏生活常识。因此,有人认为,家务应当和教育一样,从娃娃抓起。对此,你怎么看呢?  相似文献   

叶玉芳 《考试周刊》2010,(29):125-127
新课标,新教材,如何在新教材的阅读教学中体现并实施新课标的要求,培养学生领悟和发掘课文内涵,发展学生语言技能,实现新目标。本文通过对GoforIt!教材阅读课文的具体处理方法的列举,阐述通过教师的"导学"来培养初中学生养成运用良好的阅读策略进行阅读的习惯。  相似文献   

There are three people in my family.They are father. mother andme.My parents love me dearly.In my memory,I always required them todo this or that for me.winter or summer.When my shoes were dirty, Iwould say.“Mother,wash my shoes.”When I needed something,Iwould ask her to buy it for me.She did everything I wanted her to do with-out any complaint. She cooked meals, washed clothes, cleaned theFooms. and also helped me do my homework every day after she camehome from work. She is only forty, but her hair has turned gray andwrinkles have appeared around her eyes.  相似文献   

Do You Know Me?     
Boy:Isn’t the headmaster(校长)a fool(傻瓜)? Girl:Do you know who I am? Boy:NO.Girl:I’m the headmaster’s daughter.Boy:And do you know who I am? Girl:No.Boy:Thank goodness(谢天谢地).  相似文献   

Let's Share!     
Charlie 《英语辅导》2005,(1):59-59
读者吴晓梦:我想问一下,为什么学了很多新单词,但是写作文时仍习惯用一些旧的单词,新单词总是用不上。可以教一教我怎样在作文中用上新单词吗?  相似文献   

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