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国际学习科学协会(ISLS)前主席,皮埃尔.狄隆伯格(Pierre Dillenbourg)教授是瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)培训及其技术研究与支持中心(CRAFT)的主任,也是《计算机支持的协作学习丛书》(CSCL Book Series)的主编。本次访谈为中国读者提供了一个关于计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)的研究与发展概要。狄隆伯格教授认为,CSCL的贡献不仅在于为专业培训领域提供了增进知识生产的学习技术,更在于其所包含的一系列的概念、思想和取向等对整个教育系统的渗透。协作学习,无论有没有计算机,都不是一个可以自动导致预期学习结果的处方。CSCL研究者已经研究了导致小组(或团队)生产积极学习结果的必要互动类型,并将技术运用于设计、研究和增进必要的互动。应当从一个"整合的学习"的视角认识CSCL,可以借助对情节的设计和不同工具的支持,将CSCL活动嵌入到正式或非正式学习场景更为综合的活动系列中。与此相应,CSCL研究者提出了十个方面的研究主题:即社会互动与个人化、媒体有效性、共享知识的建构、模仿倾向、中介作用、脚本、互动分析、表征、计算装置和虚拟共同体。  相似文献   

新学习文化的创建和发展是终身学习深入发展的必然趋势,日益受到各发达国家的重视。英国在新学习文化的研究和实践方面都走在世界前列,自1997年以来先后出台了一系列相关报告,发起了一场新学习文化运动。其中《21世纪的学习》是发表最早,也是影响最深远的报告,可谓英国新学习文化运动的宣言书。目前中国在新学习文化方面的研究十分匮乏,有必要学习借鉴英国在发展新学习文化方面的实践,最终形成和发展符合中国国情的新学习文化,以逐步实现学习型社会。  相似文献   

学习设计的处方   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要描述了一种研究活动,此项活动由参与澳洲大学教育委员会“AUTC”资助项目的研究者负责的。AUTC资助的项目为信息和传播技术及其在弹性学习中的作用。此项目旨在研究和开发通用型学习框架,以便为高等教育提供技术增强型高效能学习经验。鉴于此,研究者一直致力于寻求通用型学习设计的处方,来促进建构知识解决问题。本文总结了所做的各项研究工作,并说明了研究过程中开发的通用学习框架。  相似文献   

巴德鲁尔·卡恩博士(BadrulH.Khan)系美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)教育技术领导专业的副教授,该校教育技术领导研究生专业的首任主任。Khan博士曾任得克萨斯大学教育专业的副教授和教育技术研究生专业的主任,印第安那大学医学院的教学开发人员和测评专家。他在开放、灵活和分布式学习领域发表了大量具有国际影响的著作,包括《基于网络的教学》(Web-Based Instruction,1997)、《基于网络的培训》(Web-Based Training,2001)、《电子学习策略》(E.Learning Strategies,2004)、《管理电子学习》(ManagingE-Learning,2005),以及即将出版的《信息社会中的灵活性学习》(Flexible Learninginan Information Society)等,而且一些专著已被翻译成多种语言在非英语母语国家出版。此外,Khan博士还是美国《教育技术》的特约编委,加拿大《国际开放与远程学习研究评论》的顾问编委,以及阿拉伯联合酋长国《电子学习文摘》、巴西《远程教育评论》、印度《人力资源管理的媒体与技术》、意大利《电子学习与知识社会杂志》、英国《国际学习技术杂志》、印度《印度培训和发展杂志》等杂志的顾问委员会成员。  相似文献   

WebX.0正由连接信息的简单网页发展为连接人类智慧的愈加复杂和智能的元网络(Meta Web),这对传统的由“教”的一方驱动的网络学习环境设计提出了挑战.对环境整体而言,环境形成良性生态循环有利于维持其可持续发展;对学习者而言,当学习者面对多种网络组成的复杂的、具有高度不确定性的学习环境时,根据自身的需求构建个人学习环境(Personal Learning Environment,PIE)是促进其学习的最有效方式.因此,WebX.0时代的网络学习环境设计应当以创设网络学习生态和利于学习者构建PLE为目标,以学习者的需求为起点,提高“以学习者为中心”、“标准化”、“一体化”、“开放化”的程度,以更好地促进学习者在复杂网络学习环境中通过构建PLE进行的有效学习.  相似文献   

There have been calls for decades by many educational writers and commentators for a new model of learning to facilitate what is generally described as twenty-first-century learning. Central to this challenge is the required shift in responsibility for who leads and owns the learning – from teacher to student. Such a shift requires a pragmatic pedagogical model to facilitate the transfer of control and ownership of learning. Vygotsky’s ‘more able other’ identified the peer as a key figure in learning. Teamwork facilitates project-based learning and, when mediated with technology, proves an effective partner in creating an engaging and autonomous learning experience. This paper describes the rationale for the design of a team-based model of twenty-first-century learning, particularly drawing upon the team-based learning model of the World Scout Movement. Results from a year-long study of the implementation of the model in an out-of-school context with 288 second-level students are presented. The authors argue that Bridge21 is a candidate learning model for effective, implementable, twenty-first-century, team-based learning.  相似文献   

文章阐述了情商的基本概念及其内涵,强调了情商主要靠学校的开发和培养,并提出了怎样从树立正确的学习动机、激发学习兴趣和培养良好的心理素质等几方面入手来开发和培养学生的情商。这对于学校教育具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

协同学习是一种综合的学习理论和框架,它注重于学生的主观能动性以及群体知识的重要性。这种理念为高职院校Asp.Net教学带来了启示,有利于培养高水平程序设计和开发的人才。  相似文献   

A present-day engineer has a large scientific knowledge; he is a team-player, eloquent communicator and life-long learner. At the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the course ‘Problem Solving and Engineering Design’ introduces engineering students from the first semester onwards into real engineering practice and teamwork. Working in small groups, the students integrate basic principles of all regular scientific courses to solve real-life engineering problems. This makes the coursework more interesting and helps the students to master the abstract theories presented in lectures. Through the increasing complexity of the assignments, the students are gradually confronted with technical and social competencies such as a systematic approach to problem solving and engineering design, teamwork, project management and communication skills. ‘Problem Solving and Engineering Design’ has been implemented in the bachelor of engineering since September 2003. The current paper describes the course objectives, the way the course is implemented to support project-based learning and the feedback obtained from the didactic team and the students.  相似文献   

Taking as its exegetic point of departure Peirce's outline of a semiotic theory of cognition from the mid 1890s, this paper explores the relevance of this outline to a theory of learning and also to a broader, normative vision of education. Firstly, besides providing for fallibilism in philosophical inquiry Peirce's outline accords with critical strategies of his fellow pragmatists, such as William James's detection of the ‘psychologist's fallacy’ and John Dewey's rejection of the ‘philosophical fallacy’. It is pointed out that this merit of Peirce's outline is due to his abstract and often neglected notion of a prespecialised scientific intelligence. Secondly, the paper shows that Peirce's semiotic approach to prescientific learning processes conditioning all kinds of theoretical activity may indeed complement James's and Dewey's contributions: giving careful attention to the work of linguistic and paralinguistic signs in such learning processes Peirce's analysis captures indexical and iconic aspects, as well as symbolic aspects of linguistic interaction and experientially constrained dialogue. Following Peirce's analysis the paper considers how the iconicity of linguistic structure, ostensive acts and the practical situatedness of language use are pre‐conditions of experiential learning in every day life as well as in scientific learning. It is also shown how this semiotic analysis is connected with Peirce's important notion of abduction. Finally, it is pointed out that a broader vision of education may issue from Peirce's semiotic analysis and that such a vision would emphasise that the life experience of individuals entering educational institutions should be made to bear on the objectives as well as the teaching practices of educational institutions.  相似文献   

通过问卷形式对香格里拉一中437名高中生的物理学习策略使用情况的调查表明:物理学习策略水平存在显著的年级差异和性别差异;不同成绩组学生的物理学习策略使用特点不相同;物理学习策略水平的高低与物理成绩成显著相关。  相似文献   

高职院校学生因为缺乏自我控制能力导致在学习方面表现出较差的自主学习能力,然而学生自主学习能力受其对所学专业喜欢与否、家长对所学专业态度以及教师的上课方式的影响。要提高职业院校学生的自主学习能力需要教师改进教学方式、家长关心并支持孩子学业,学生自身也要认清学习的重要性,提高自主学习意识。  相似文献   

Educational research assumes reflection on teaching examples to have positive effects on pre-service teachers' professional development. The role of teaching quality in such examples is unclear, however. In a field experiment with a pre-post-design, we taught “planning self-controlled learning” to 83 undergraduate pre-service physical education teachers and assigned them to three conditions: they either reflected on good teaching or problematic teaching examples or they compared both types of examples. We found that the comparison of examples supported their instruction planning more than reflecting good or problematic teaching examples only. In addition, comparing examples changed the pre-service teachers' beliefs.  相似文献   

从美国学习障碍定义演变的角度探索其理论分析框架   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文在分析美国不同时期学习障碍定义的内容、特点及构成要素的基础上 ,探索出学习障碍的理论分析框架 :学习障碍主要表现为学业成就、语言的理解与运用、学业 -潜能差异、认知心理过程等方面的困难或障碍 ,并包括排它性条款及神经病理学特征等要素 ;对学习障碍的认识从单一学科逐步向多学科模式发展、从重视深层的神经病理特征向重视外部学业领域行为特征过渡 ,其鉴定以外部行为特征为主 ,并据此对内部心理、神经病理特征进行推测。  相似文献   

桑代克是联结主义者,斯金纳是绝对行为主义论者,但二者基于刺激-反应问题上有很多相似之处.文章以学习论为切入点,从基本立场、强化理论、迁移观、将动物实验的研究结论推广到人类学习等问题做出初步论述.  相似文献   

以知识经济的时代特征为产背景,从高校共青团工作面临的机遇与挑战入手,为探索适应新形势的要求规律,对如何构建高校共青团工作的新格局展开讨论。  相似文献   

This article describes how learning to be, with a specific focus on social-emotional competencies, has become part of the educational mindset — and educational policy — in British Columbia, Canada. The development of a set of learning progressions for social responsibility, an emphasis on social emotional learning in the new curriculum framework, the recognition of the importance of the First Peoples Principles of Learning and a disciplined approach to inquiry through school-to-school networks are strengthening the focus on learning to be across schools and communities.  相似文献   

高校体育教育专业创新教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以21世纪人才培养目标为着眼点,以创新教育的内涵与外延为主线,从创新意识与能力的培养、创新环境的设置、教育实践的加强、课程考试的改革四个方面对高校体育教育专业实施创新教育进行探析,寻求培养学生创新精神与创新能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

In the late 1990s failure rates in a first-year introductory calculus course at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology reached peak levels. This paper reports on findings from an action research project that was set up in 2002/2003 to improve the situation. The study confirms that students approach their tasks differently which contributes to qualitatively different learning outcomes. Furthermore, patterns of achievement in mathematics and physics in secondary education keep reoccurring in the calculus course, even though the teaching and learning contexts are different. The paper does not provide any definite answer as to why groups of students get involved in distinctly different learning processes, and it will take further research to decide the nature of commitment to the learning tasks. However, inspired by the notion of ‘practices’ this paper raises a discussion about the role of intentionality in learning processes. When doing mathematics, students are also in a process of being engaged in and developing a practice. It is a major challenge for academic staff to contribute to communities of practice that are conducive to learning.  相似文献   

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