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Using national data, the author examined the influence of family and parenting variables on expectations regarding education. Demographic, family, and parenting variables were reported by adolescents and parents while the adolescents were seniors in high school, and educational expectations were reported by adolescents 2 years beyond high school. Socioeconomic status (SES) was most strongly related to educational expectations. Adolescents' perceptions of parents' personal involvement and parents' reports of their own behavior were both related to educational expectations. Also, both seemed to interact with SES. Variables quantifying the affective dimension of family relationships were only weakly related to educational expectations.  相似文献   


This study examines the utility of the Ban- natyne recategorization system in discriminating among three groups of handicapped students. A stepwise discriminant functions analysis was performed on the subtest scaled scores from the WISC-R for 294 learning disabled (LD), 36 educably mentally retarded (EMR), and 71 emotionally disturbed (ED) students. The results of this analysis revealed that 100 percent of the EMR and ED students were predicted to be labeled LD on the basis of this recategorization, while 99.7 percent of the LD students were predicted to be LD. These findings are examined in relation to the use of alternative statistical methods and different diagnostic procedures to identify and classify students.  相似文献   


This study examined the reading achievement patterns of impulsives and reflectives under varying phonics approaches in beginning reading instruction. The study used 170 second grade students who were classified as having an impulsive or reflective cognitive style and as receiving phonics instruction via an analytic or synthetic approach. Achievement in vocabulary and comprehension was measured by the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test. As such, the investigation was a post-hoc aptitude-treatment interaction study employing a step- down analysis model. Results supported the existing body of research which indicates that reflectives tend to be better readers than impulsives. However, multivariate analyses indicated reflectives in the synthetic approach performed significantly better than impulsives only in vocabulary. Under an analytic approach, the reverse was true; reflectives were significantly better only on the variable of comprehension. While the limitations of the study should be considered, it was suggested that the word recognition and vocabulary skills of reflective readers could be enhanced by beginning reading programs emphasizing a more intensive phonics approach.  相似文献   

在较多媒介的广告类型中,报纸广告仍占据着广阔的市场,其中都市类报纸广告更是生机勃勃。都市报广告的繁荣又与城市经济发展有着千丝万缕的联系。本文通过对一个月时间内《齐鲁晚报》的广告情况进行分析统计,以此为案例,浅析都市报广告与城市经济社会发展的关系,并就都市报在报纸广告衰退期如何占有更广阔的市场提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

桑德拉·希斯内罗丝以西语裔移民后代的身份创作了《芒果街上的小屋》这部典型的少数族裔女性成长小说。作品糅合了女性成长小说的基本元素及女性原型,展现了成长于美国移民社区的女主人公埃斯佩朗莎的人生经历。在这个过程中,女主人公的成长充满了许多美好的梦想和追求,表明她渴望独立和自由,并为追寻少数族裔女性的独特身份而不懈努力。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to identify the difficulties experienced by secondary school students (aged 15–16) with the critical reading of newspaper articles with scientific content. Two newspaper critical reading activities in relation to the study of various scientific contents were designed and carried out in two schools (61 students in total), one with a student population from a medium to high social and economic bracket and the other with students from a medium to low social and economic bracket. These activities were designed taking into account the phases of the reading process: before, during and after reading. In order to analyse the difficulties ‘Elements of science critical reading’ were identified on the basis of the ‘Elements of reasoning’ of Paul and Elder and the categories proposed by Bartz C.R.I.T.I.C. questionnaire and a scale was drawn up. The results show that the activities designed were useful in helping students to read critically. We also rated very positively the instrument created to assess the students' answers: the scale based on the performance indicators of Paul and Elder. This instrument enabled us to detect the aspects of critical thinking where students have the most difficulties: identifying the writer's purpose and looking for evidence in a text. It was also shown that the stance taken in the articles also had an influence on the results.  相似文献   

Curriculum and Course Syllabi for a High-School CS Program   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The authors served on a committee that designed a high-school curriculum in computer science and has been supervising the preparation of a comprehensive study program based on it. The new program is intended for the Israeli high-school system, has been formally approved by the Ministry of Education, and is expected to fully replace the old one in the near future. The program emphasizes the foundations of algorithmics, and teaches programming as a way to get the computer to carry out an algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the program's curriculum and syllabi in detail.  相似文献   

1939年,国民党顽固派掀起反共高潮,对陕甘宁边区实行军事包围和经济封锁,为了指导分区的反摩擦斗争和军民建设,时任关中分区党委书记的习仲勋决定创办分委机关报——《关中报》。在习仲勋的关怀与指导下,《关中报》历经十年战火洗礼,有效结合当时党的中心工作,坚持走群众路线,获得了大家的一致好评。习仲勋的办报思想对《关中报》的成功创办有着重要的指导作用,同时,也对新时代新闻工作有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

报纸是最为传统的传媒介质,它的变化以及走向,更多的反应了当下新媒体的冲击势头,以及整个媒介发展所面临的矛盾与融合问题,它对媒介变化所产生的敏感可能更清晰一点。英国作为世界近代报纸发源地之一,其报业发展有着200多年的悠久历史。在时代的变迁中,英国报纸经历了许多具有突出意义的变革。尤其是近期,英国报业的许多具有划时代意义的革新,对我国报业的发展产生了剧烈的影响。如何借鉴,如何转变,是我国报业发展面临的一个重大问题。  相似文献   

本文紧紧围绕报纸的新闻宣传策划这一主题,从新闻策划的本义谈起,结合作者自己的新闻实践,明确了新闻策划要充分调动新闻要素和传播艺术要素,在纸质媒介的版面上演奏出优美和谐的韵律,构造出多姿多彩的作品,由此形成新鲜活泼的文风,催出读者的新鲜感和阅读欲,达到新闻创新的目的.  相似文献   

English newspaper is a teaching material that can be constantly renewed.It can help improve students’reading abilities and enhance students’overall performance in English.In order to bring its’functions into full play,the author cones up with teaching procedures for teachers to follow to make the class design scientific and benefit the students to the utmost.  相似文献   

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