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In June,I went out to the 1)floe edge on a camping trip with Canadian adventure company Black Feather.We departed from Pond Inlet注1,a small 2)lnuit 3)community on the northern 4)tip of Baffin Island,reachable only by a seven-hour flight from Ottawa or Montreal.In its harbor,boats had been 5)stuck in the sea ice since the autumn freeze,they'll only come unstuck when the ice 6)thaws again in summer.  相似文献   


This article stems from reflective practice undertaken by the author. It represents an attempt to bring together some of the questions which occurred to her about the nature of community education when she worked as a practitioner in that field with more recent considerations about the ‘taken for granteds’ of her present professional practice as a facilitator of reflective practice for adult educators. Using metaphor and a model derived from Eastern philosophical traditions, the article suggests that the concept of spirituality may be a useful addition to the discourse about (community) education in general and reflective practice in particular.  相似文献   

良晨 《海外英语》2003,(6):28-29
Part oneCatacombs, Pistols and CarbinesI.坟墓,手枪,卡宾枪Lonely and homesick, I was staring at the Eiffel Tour from the single window of my attic. Suddenly"Rhig, ring, ring", the phone rang. I cheerfully rushed on my phone. It was my partner for table tennis, a student in Paris. "Do you like adventures?" "Yes, of course! " "How about an adventure in the sewer system1 tomorrow night?" "In the sewers! ! Why the sewers?" "To find the Catacombs! " As a foreign student in Paris, I felt so alone that I accepted his invitation in excitement. It was 15 years ago.  相似文献   

Part Five: Iron Cage and AtticV.铁笼与阁楼Before reaching my imagined destinations: the 8th district where the Elysee Palace and the Matigon Hotel were situated, the van stopped in front of an old building in the 6th district, near the Church Saint-Germain. It was a police station. Of course there was no red carpet out for me. The waiting hall was an iron cage where there were already plenty of sardines(沙丁鱼). The cage was so full that my bodyguards had to cram (填满) me into it, boxed in with at least 15 people. It must have had the highest population density(人口密度) of anywhere in the word. Squeezed in among the others, I could hardly breathe and soon was dripping with sweat. The waiting time was long; one minute seemed to me a century.  相似文献   

“Gosh!We havc just escaped the jaws ofdeath!And now we fall into the tiger's mouth!”Isaid to myself.The four sturdy men glared at uslikc tigers eyeing their prey.Fortunately they werenot gangsters, but unfortunately they wereplain-clothes policemen.They frisked us one byonc.My kitehen knife was found.but not my iden-tity card.“Who are you?Why are you here?Why doyou have a knife?”they asked me.“I am a Chinesestudent.I followed my French friends to discoverthe Catacombs in the tunnels.I brought a knifc,because I want to protect myself,”I answered.Myfriends in the adventure backed me up:“Yes.it istrue.We invited him to follow us and suggestedhim to bring something to protect himself.And weare students!Sorry.we forgot to bring our identitycards.”Obviously their faces were good enough toprove their identity and innocence.“Good,you  相似文献   

Part Nine: Chinese "Merchandise" and Animosity It is certainly worthwhilc writing down this unusual story fifteen years later, but the adventure itself was more frightening than exciting; the experience with the police and the court was more humiliating(屈辱性的) than interesting. A foreigner, in particular from different ethnic(同种同文化的民族) group, is not only the easy prey of criminals, but sometimes also of those who suppress(镇压,抑制) them. . . On one hand, many Chinese abroad are attacked by the local  相似文献   

Part Seven:Court but also theatreⅧ.不仅是法院,而且是戏院“Curious,how were you able to understand eachother.as one of you is deaf and dumb?I fail to un-derstand.Aha,yes!You abominable(讨厌的,令人憎恶的)gays,a glimpse is enough for you to recognise(识别)each other.How did you dare commit such adisgraceful(可耻的)act in a public place in the day-time?Didn't you realize that many ladies and chil-  相似文献   

本研究采用单因素重复测量实验设计,探讨下颌不同构音位置以及不同位置间转换与F1及相关参数的关系,寻找能定量测量下颌精细分级运动以及转换运动能力的声学敏感参数.实验结果显示:(1)第一共振峰(F1)是反映下颌不同构音位置的敏感参数,验证下颌存在下颌上位、下颌半开位、下颌下位三种基本构音运动模式,为定量评估下颌精细分级构音运动能力提供依据.(2)"阿姨"和"衣蛾"的下颌转换斜率Jk和下颌转换幅度Jd能检测下颌精细分级转换运动能力,是定量评估诊断下颌精细分级转换运动障碍的敏感参数,可以为下颌构音运动障碍治疗方案的制定提供客观依据和指导.  相似文献   

声音作为音乐的基本素材,其音质的优劣,音色的多变与否直接影响着音乐的形象和感染力。因而,合理优美的发音是大提琴演奏中最重要的技巧课题。要获得良好的发音不仅需要正确娴熟的技术作后盾,还必须要有练就高超技术所必需的良好的生理状态和心理准备相配合。这三者互相渗透,互相影响,共同构成了大提琴良好发音的三要素。  相似文献   

Adventure into Learning was planned for the classroom situation, so that it was essential to equip the classroom with the appropriate apparatus, and with the help of the Rank Organisation, each classroom was equipped with a sound projector, several filmstrip and slide projectors, a tape recorder, some kind of 8mm. cassette projector, and various ancillary equipment such as a variety of screens, lenses and lamps. A central store of films, filmstrips, cassettes, charts, maps and pictures was created, and this was situated as near as possible to the school library, consisting mainly of reference books.  相似文献   

All the books about the twelve signs of the zodiac say that Leo is the most adventurous one. It is indeed true, because it is typically embodied in my character. In my memory, I began my first adventure at the age of six. One Sunday, one of my friends came to my home in a hurry. As soon as she sat down, she said to me immediately, "I hit upon a wonderful idea that we could go to the mountain behind our school to pick some bamboo shoots. Do you agree?" It was completely fresh to me, so I raised both of my arms to show my approval.  相似文献   

通过对“五音”、“四呼”、“归韵”、“收声”等方法的分析 ,说明歌唱中正确处理声母与韵母的要点 ,阐述了咬字与吐字对歌曲表现的重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>It was a beautiful sunny day and Jack Mouse was eating a thick slice~1 of home-made toast with his very favourite jam. He sat at his front door and could feel the warmth of the sun.今天是一个阳光灿烂的日子,老鼠杰克正在吃一块自制的厚吐司,蘸着它最喜欢的果酱。它坐在前门那儿,能感受到太阳的温暖。  相似文献   

Viator  范婕 《英语辅导》2017,(11):28-31
Are you a big fan of Game of Thrones? If you are,now you may play out your own adventure in the real life filming locations! Croatia Fans might recognize the wonderful landscape as they wander the coastal city of Dubrovnik,which is the fictional capital of the Seven Kingdoms.Take a Game of Thrones walking tour to follow the steps of Ayra Stark,as well as climb the old city walls,which were attacked in the first season.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

反护.叫妇租补尸I艳}声叫已入怜,卜冬自暇.口日..,台Gol buddies!译文:“哼.先J放退。”‘·小红!刁、红啊!你要去叨卜里?”“看你往叨l:儿跑?”,‘门.晒哪琦私扮棍火么戳丫了,.含翻刹关翻们乍分尹月3岁旷愈川巴节谭七七惫二万Oh,she’s waking uP.译文:“不要啊!我才醒来半天啊!”“醒醒,赫尔伽。”‘,奥,她醒过来了。”“看,一地变回那个善良的赫尔伽了!、’心O心.译文:“我虽然不知道是怎么回事,不过还是谢谢你们了。,、“噢!”“可是我们怎么回去呢?”“看!”14译文:“‘记得回来看我们啊!”“再和琪琪终于回到了他们的世…  相似文献   

译文:童话王国历险记从前,有位皇后生了一位公主。国王请来了所有的仙女给小公主送祝福。可是,国王忘记邀请了一位仙女。于是这位仙女很生气。"公主16岁生日那天会被纺锤扎到手指而死去。"幸好,最后一位仙女没有送出她的祝福。"她不会死去,而只是会昏睡一百年。""这是《睡美人》的故事。我们得快点儿找到星彩,否则……"  相似文献   

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