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教育理论应该指导实践。教育理论何以才能指导实践?我们惯有的思雏方式过多地带上了教育研究者理论话语霸权的痕迹,而忽略了教育决策者与教育实践工作者的群体文化特征。为求教育理论指导实践,教育研究者应该更多地反求自身,加强与实践层的沟通,从研究问题的选择上、研究方式上、研究成果的内容上、研究成果的形式上谋求与实践的统一,并尽可能的追求自身理论的独立地位。  相似文献   

Educational research is an undertaking to review and improve educational practice. In one case, educational practitioners conduct research by themselves in order to review their own practices, while in another, non-practitioners undertake the research. Educational practice here will refer to the individual instructional activities of school teachers on the one hand and the organized activities or programmes of educational institutions or educational systems on the other.  相似文献   

教育良知先于教育理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是人之生命存在的特有方式,是生命实现其价值与意义的根本凭籍,其中教育理论的规范与指导不可或缺.但是受人之理性的有限和社会法律、制度漏洞的制约,教育理论不能完全胜任这一使命.相比之下,教育良知在引导生命追求价值与意义的教育实践中显得更具有优先性.它以命令的形式要求教育者、教育管理者和教育学者本着对生命的理解、尊重与信任,在各自的教育实践中各司其职,各尽其分.  相似文献   

The BBC has a lasting and massive commitment to education. At a time of difficulty for education and of momentous changes to broadcasting technology and opportunities, it is time to confirm and strengthen that commitment. Among concerns requiring the special attention of educational broadcasting are unemployment and retraining, the ageing population and health care, and ethnic minorities. The opportunities for educational broadcasting in the future can only be enhanced, and certainly not diminished.  相似文献   

(Eisner, Elliot W., 1979. The educational imagination: On the design and evaluation of school programs . New York: Macmillan.)  相似文献   

教育公平与教育效率:教育改革与发展的双重目标   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
教育效率是指教育对于个人发展和国家发展的贡献率。教育效率与经济效率的衡量标准不同,教育有其独特的效率原则。教育公平与教育效率不是对立关系,也不是主次关系,教育公平与教育效率是两个相互联系、同等重要的教育目标。现代教育应该坚持"教育公平与教育效率并重"的原则。单一依靠政府或者单一依靠市场都是有缺陷的,需要一种政府发挥主导作用、市场发挥辅助作用的混合机制,这种混合机制比任何一种单一的机制能更好地促进教育公平和教育效率。  相似文献   

The Educational Forces Inventory (EFI) is a technique for assessing the constellation of forces in the teacher’s social-psychological field. Thereby, important stress points for teachers are identified and their work in the classroom is facilitated. The EFI charts the relative influence of each of 13 forces that are important factors in the educational settting. Teachers are asked to characterize each force along two dimensions: the amount of influence it exerts upon the classroom process, and the degree to which this influence is positive or negative. Several hundred teachers and teaching assistants in Follow Through classrooms throughout the country participated in a field test of the instrument, with concurrent administration of the Purdue Teacher Opinionaire (PTO), an established measure of teacher morale. The high rate of return and correct completion on the EFI indicated that it is a practical technique. In addition, the data indicated validity for the instrument in three important respects: (1) the pattern-of-importance ratings correspond to independently assessed patterns of physical and social distance; (2) the positive/negative ratings for particular forces correlated substantially with corresponding subscores of the PTO; and (3) the pattern of responses reflected aspects of internal consistency. Some ways of utilizing EFI data are discussed: how to plot and interpret two-dimensional force fields, and how to use them in program implementation, especially to facilitate the work of the teacher in the classroom.  相似文献   

德国高校招生制度中的"第三条教育途径"是一种特殊模式,专为不具备常规入学资格的在职人士设置的就学通道.为了鼓励更多在职人士通过这一途径进入高校深造,德国正在对这一模式进行完善和革新.本文主要从"第三条教育途径"的形成背景、发展现状以及改革措施方面进行述评.  相似文献   

基于信息生态观的区域教育信息化推进   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
当前教育信息化无法进入深层次应用领域,"割裂与孤岛"等结构性的问题成为制约教育信息化高原期突破的瓶颈.本文从教育信息生态进化与发展的视角阐述了生态观对教育信息系统构建指导的适恰性,指出教育信息生态系统必然要从以硬件为中心的低级态进化到以人本为中心的高级态.高级教育信息生态的核心价值是教师和学生的和谐发展,核心驱动力是信息化教学实践,生态观指导下的应用导向设计是突破当前应用瓶颈、深层次推进区域教育信息化转型的重要手段.  相似文献   

教育信息技术带动教育现代化已成为世界教育改革与发展的共同趋势,指出了教育信息技术是推进教育现代化的有力武器.  相似文献   

再论教育理论与实践的本然统一   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现实中人们探讨教育理论和实践的关系多是从理论哲学的角度切入的,但这种角度不仅不会统一教育理论与实践,反而导致了教育理论和实践的分裂。在实践哲学视野中,理论和实践、教育理论和教育实践是不可分的。因此,只有重新重视实践哲学,教育理论与实践才能复归统一。  相似文献   

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