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English teaching is a process of language activity in which languageis the main teaching aid used by the teacher in the classroom.Languageof the teacher may facilitate or interfere with the teaching effects.This is a problem that shnould be taken into consideration.As we know,an English teacher is the unique English speaker whom the studets can imitale,the builder of the communicative environment in which the studente  相似文献   

张蒙蒙 《海外英语》2014,(3):159-160
With the affecting story and special narrative technique,The King’s Speech has won the favor of audience at home and abroad.The great friendship between the two protagonist leaves impresses audience deeply,while beyond that,the excellent appliance and transference of camera lens has also shocked the public.This paper aims to interpret how the camera language reflect the artistic charm in the film through aspects like deviating and full-length shots Languages,wide-angle lens languages,montage Languages.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 Long long ago, there lived a king. He loved new clothes very much. There were many clothes in his wardrobes.  相似文献   

英语课也是一门充满智慧的课程。如果说知识是豆浆,那么智慧便是卤水。知识很多、智慧很少的人,总是一盆豆浆,点不成思想的豆腐。而雷蕾老师却是一位有智慧的老师。下面我们一起来品赏她用"智慧"点成的精彩课堂"TheKing’s New Clothes"(此课曾获2012年度江苏省优质课一等奖):片段一  相似文献   

张琦云 《音乐世界》2010,(4):128-129
艾美奖儿童影集杰出演员的获得者希亚·拉博夫,12岁便进入演艺圈。为了生计,他毛遂自荐接拍商业广告和电影,后来,和斯皮尔伯格合作成为了他的信念。如今,接拍了《华尔街2》的希亚·拉博夫已经成为最具潜力的好莱坞男星。  相似文献   

李玲 《海外英语》2013,(23):314-316
Jef Verschueren is the representative of European Continental pragmatic thought.He puts forward a new theory that pragmatics is a perspective on language and he uses the theory of adaptation to analyze pragmatics."The general concern for the study of linguistic pragmatics is to understand the meaningful functioning of a language as a dynamic process operating on context-structure relationships at various levels of salience"(Verschuren 2000:69).The focal points in contexts are the utterer and the interpreter,for the physical,social and mental aspects of contexts are activated by language users’cognitive processes.Verschueren divided interpreter’s roles into five types:addressee,side participant,bystander,listener-in and eavesdropper,which can explain the adaptation of context and language choices.This is also applicable in college English classroom as the English class is also a context.At present students taught at the same time by the same teacher do not master the knowledge at the same level.One of the reason is that students are not engaged in the class at the same level.According to the Verschueren’s theory,the best English teaching class is one that each student in the addressee of teachers.Addressee is a metaphor which means everyone should follow the teachers’explanation carefully and take part in the teaching activities.It has something to do with interaction theory,which considers students as active individuals but not passive receivers.One of the common interaction patterns is questioning.In this thesis,the question how to make students addresses through adoption of questioning approach in college English class will be researched.  相似文献   

EnglishTraitsis written by Emerson when he finishes his two trips in England. In this book, from multiple perspectives , he analyzed the English characters based on what he saw and read. This essay aim...  相似文献   

当你的梦想似乎都无法实现的时候,我们也将会充满希望、倍感自豪地陪在你的身边。  相似文献   

【影片简介】同学们,《狮子王Ⅰ》大家都看过吧?在《狮子王Ⅰ》中,辛巴(Simba)的父亲被奸人刀疤(Scar)迫害而死,小辛巴为了躲过一劫,逃离了荣耀国。在好朋友猫鼬丁满(Timon)和野猪彭彭(Pumbaa)的陪伴下,辛巴成长为一头英俊的雄狮。后来为了拯救在刀疤统治下处于水深火热之中的百兽子民,辛巴历经磨难终于战胜刀疤,重夺王位。那么,辛巴的王国又发生什么事情了呢?在《狮子王Ⅱ》(Simba’s Pride辛巴的荣耀)中,刀疤的余党吉娜(Zira)计划把其养子高孚(Kovu)培养成刀疤的接班。  相似文献   

《高级英语2》中语篇"Pub Talk and the King’s English"的体裁应该是discussion;讨论的话题是"‘国王英语’是一个贬义用词,意指人们根本不该使用的语言方式";题目中的"Pub Talk"代指会话,同时它又是语篇论证的载体。语篇题目恰当,所谓的"松散的结构"和"经常的遐想"实际是语篇的多个论证。语篇的语言诙谐幽默,能给大众媒体读者美的享受,符合语篇交际功能的需要。所有这些使得语篇充满着神秘和魅力。  相似文献   

In this article the Viking motif in children’s literature is explored—from its roots in (adult) nationalist and antiquarian discourse, over pedagogical and historical texts for children, to the eventual diversification (or dissolution) of the motif into different genres and forms. The focus is on Swedish Viking narratives, but points of comparison are established with Viking children’s literature in the English-speaking world. Differences and similarities are pointed out, but more importantly, patterns of reciprocity and influence are examined. Finally, it is shown how international representations of Vikings to a growing extent have replaced the ones that are nationally and regionally determined. The Viking has ultimately become a deracinated and commodified symbol: a free-floating signifier and a wayward warrior.  相似文献   

Children from eleven PGCE partnership schools participated in a poetry writing competition. In writing a poem entitled An English Lesson they have provided an insight into what they experience in the English classroom. The poems, published in-house as an anthology, have been analysed using the key concepts of the National Curriculum for English ( QCA, 2007 ) – competence; creativity; cultural understanding; and critical understanding. This article accompanies some of the children’s poems.  相似文献   

杨越森 《海外英语》2015,(6):236-240,252
Based on the framework of Halliday’s theory of interpersonal function, this study intends to analyze the dialogues in the film The King’s Speech from the three aspects of mood type, modal operator and vocative address by adopting both quantitative and qualitative methods. The significances of successful realizations of interpersonal function to the role characterization, plot development and thematic construction in the film are also demonstrated, thus deepening the understanding and appreciation of the film.  相似文献   

Long ago,there lived a tiger in the forest. All the other ani-mals were afraid of the tiger. Every morning the tiger shouted at the animals in the forest to tell them to play games for it. It was not important whether the games were interesting or not,for the tiger didn't know about it. One morning,a great roar(吼)came out,all the animals quick-ly gathered before the tiger. They performed programmes one after another. One of them was the following:Monkey:(Wearing a red mask(面具))Hey…  相似文献   

朱亚宁 《海外英语》2012,(15):220-221,224
King Lear is considered to be Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy.Using analysis of the play and the contemporary politics of Jacobe an time,this paper examines how this play serves its traditional role as a"mirror for princess"play and how a broader dimension provided by a Christianized natural law is available for the exploration of possibilities of human experiences.  相似文献   

枫叶 《初中生必读》2012,(10):22-23
There once was a man who went to India.In those times,we didn’t have the communications or airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now.So the man went to India on foot.He had never been to India before,perhaps he came from Persia.And when he got there,he saw a lot of fruit.In India they have plenty of fruit to sell,but much of it is  相似文献   

Based on the framework of Halliday’s theory of interpersonal function, this study intends to analyze the dialogues in the film The King’s Speech from the three aspects of mood type, modal operator and ...  相似文献   

Science & Education - While dissent is recognized as a necessary component of scientific knowledge production, in school settings, it is a double-edged sword that can disrupt and undermine...  相似文献   

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