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从语言学的角度讲,学生写作文就是在建构语篇。作为语篇的作文必须具有明显的语篇特征,即它表达一个整体意义,各个部分是连贯的。以往对学习者语篇连贯的研究多侧重于对文章中衔接手段这一表层特征的研究,具有很大的局限性。这里从语篇分析的角度出发,在语篇自身的连贯性及读者对语篇理解的连贯性两个深层次的界面上建立框架,并在此框架下对大学生英语写作的连贯性进行分析,可以增强学生对连贯理论的认识,并在写作中自觉实践。  相似文献   

文本特质是指一个文本所具有的区别于其他文本的标志属性。从特质的角度来说,文本主要分为主题型文本、诵读型文本、语用型文本、写作型文本和拓展型文本。在写作教学时,根据文本的特质营造一定的写作情境,让学生进行深刻感悟,能够打破课堂中沉闷的写作氛围,有效激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

从语言学的角度讲,学生写作文就是在建构语篇.作为语篇的作文必须具有明显的语篇特征,即它表达一个整体意义,各个部分是连贯的.以往对学习者语篇连贯的研究多侧重于对文章中衔接手段这一表层特征的研究,具有很大的局限性.这里从语篇分析的角度出发,在语篇自身的连贯性及读者对语篇理解的连贯性两个深层次的界面上建立框架,并在此框架下对大学生英语写作的连贯性进行分析,可以增强学生对连贯理论的认识,并在写作中自觉实践.  相似文献   

全球经济一体化、国际交流日趋频繁,要求学生具有良好的英语写作能力。通过阅读尤其通过正确的语篇阅读教学能促进英语写作,把“读”“写”教学环节结合起来,使之成为一个有机的整体,迅速提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

对于母语学习而言,阅读和写作是落实语言运用的两条主要途径。目前国内外关于阅读的研究较多,但对于写作的研究相对滞后。写作研究主要有微观和宏观两种写作文本分析范式,微观分析范式侧重通用语言表现,宏观分析范式侧重叙事结构,二者在研究内容、研究手段和研究结果三方面既有突破,又有局限。构建具有教育技术学特征的新型写作文本分析范式是深度分析个体写作内在差异的新视角,是归纳母语学习普遍规律和梳理未来语言学习研究方向的新途径。新型写作文本分析范式应建立微观、宏观和中观分析相结合的内容分析框架;依据言语表达的输出特征,探寻与内容分析框架相对应的、以发展性为指向的研究手段;并以语言运用为中心,发现个体语言运用的特殊规律,为写作教学提供更为深入和透彻的理论解释。  相似文献   

篇章的主位推进模式是其内容的框架,同时又受到篇章体裁的制约。从功能语法的角度出发,简单介绍英语的主/述位结构和主位在语篇推进过程中的重要作用,并以此为基础,探讨了主位推进模式与篇章内容的关系,进而结合英语写作教学实际,分析写作教学中存在的问题,最后通过实验,检验主位推进模式理论对英语写作的指导作用。  相似文献   

余华的《活着》是一部具有明显寓言式写作特征的杰作。其中,作家对生活的发现、提炼不但得到完美的艺术呈现,而且直抵大众的经验,获得了普遍的认同。文章从叙事策略和文本结构两个方面来浅析《活着》中作者在寓言式写作上的特点,进一步体味其间的特殊艺术魅力。  相似文献   

我国传统的英文写作教学存在很多有待改进的地方,教学方法比较陈旧。教学中常常以句子结构为中心,停留在以句子而不是以篇章作为教学的中心,从而导致学生写作组织性及连贯性差。针对目前教学方法的弊端,试用功能文体学理论指导大学英语议论文的写作,找出大学英语议论文的某些文体特征和写作特点,来提高大学生议论文的写作能力。  相似文献   

基础英语课是一门集语言知识的学习和语言技能的培养为一体,专门为英语专业开设的综合性主干课程,在语言教学中占据着十分重要的地位,而培养学生的语篇分析能力则是该课程重要的教学目标之一。但是在实际语篇分析过程中,学习者通常只满足于文章字面信息的获得,而忽略了对作者写作的目的、语气、价值观及意识形态等问题的挖掘。评价理论是一个语义资源系统,主要关注使用者的立场、观点和态度,将该理论应用到基础英语教学中去,引导学生从人际意义的角度对篇章进行深入分析,能够加深学生的语篇理解层面,培养学生独立的语篇分析能力,从而在一定程度上提高基础英语课程的授课效果。  相似文献   

在对2000-2009十年间刊载在国内九种外语类核心期刊上有关英语写作的文章进行统计分析的基础上,从研究内容和研究方法的角度,对国内英语写作研究的特点作以简要述评,结果表明:研究内容向更深更广的方向发展,主要表现在关于检验写作教学模式有效性的实验研究已趋成熟,基于语料库的文本特征分析研究已成规模,关于写作过程的研究缓慢...  相似文献   

文章从精神分析和文本召唤的角度,以《厄舍古屋的倒塌》为例,来探讨埃德加·爱伦·坡的小说创作特点。  相似文献   

As students' problem‐solving processes in writing are rarely observed in face‐to‐face instruction, they have few opportunities to participate collaboratively in peer review to improve their texts. This study reports the design of a reciprocal peer review system for students to observe and learn from each other when writing. A sample of 95 undergraduate students was recruited to construct texts with the support of web‐based reciprocal peer review in the processes of modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and exploration. The results of the study revealed that these six processes helped students externalise and visualise their internal writing processes so that they could observe and learn from peers in writing as well as support peers in making text revisions. During their extensive and reciprocal interactions with various peers, students addressed mutual concerns in each other's text revisions. They constructed collaborative language knowledge for text improvement as local revisions (grammatical corrections) and global revisions (corrections on the development, organization or style of a text) were made in their final texts. The students' perceptions towards text improvement in this web‐based peer review of modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and exploration are also discussed in this study.  相似文献   

文章就陆蠡《囚绿记》展开文本微观分析,力图阐释在全知视角下叙述心灵的声音,采用图解等的方式把身处抗战时期的人们淤积心灵中的郁闷又试图伸展的灵魂做一一分析,并结合其创作的总体风格来做诠释。  相似文献   

Technical writing instruction often operates in isolation from other components of students' communication education, partly as a consequence of assessment practices that lead to a narrow perspective. We argue for altering this isolation by moving writing instruction into a position of increased programmatic perspective, which may be attained through a means of assessment based on educational outcomes. Two models of technical writing instruction, centralized and diffused, are discussed, and we show how outcomes-based assessment provides for the change in perspective we seek.  相似文献   

20世纪40年代的大后方报纸上的电影广告。有着独特的广告诉求方式和本制作。它在民族危亡的历史的时刻宣传抗战电影、传播抗战以及相关诉求时扮演着重要的角色。这对于广告史,特别是40年代的新闻史、电影史以及大后方化研究。都将提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - Expository writing may be especially difficult for elementary grade students due to lack of background knowledge and unfamiliar text structures. A text structure writing...  相似文献   

This article describes a cooperative writing response initiative designed to develop writing skills in foreign/second-language contexts (hereafter L2). The strategy originated from my desire to cater for my learners’ need to become better writers in English within a constrained educational environment in Argentina. In this article I describe this strategy and show how it has worked in my setting. First, I offer the rationale on which it rests, based on a sociocultural conception of reading and writing. This involves brief considerations about the notions of collaborative writing groups, social responses to texts and coherence in L2 writing. Second, I describe and explain the strategy in detail, and include one handout with specific written instructions (as my learners received them) for the cooperative writing response groups with a focus on coherence, i.e. global aspects of the composing process. Finally, I exemplify the strategy using one learner’s written text as a foundation (disclosed by permission).  相似文献   

This study investigated the cognitive effort of 5th and 9th graders while writing a text. We manipulated genre (narrative text vs. argumentative text) and tested how level of handwriting automatisation contributes to cognitive effort and fluency in writing. The participants were 23 students from Grade 5 and 21 from Grade 9, who wrote two texts differing in genre while performing a secondary reaction time task. The results showed that cognitive effort interacted with genre. Cognitive effort decreased between Grades 5 and 9 only for writing argumentative text. Handwriting did not contribute to fluency in writing, but contributed to cognitive effort only in 5th-graders' writing of narrative text. The findings are discussed in light of the factors contributing to cognitive effort and fluency in writing.  相似文献   

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