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人本主义心理学的创始人之一罗杰斯 (Rogers ,C R)的自我观念 ,作为他人格理论的结构基础 ,具有其丰富的内涵和显著的特征。不仅对自我理论的研究产生了深远的影响 ,而且对学校的教育和教学改革也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

罗杰斯通过批判科学主义的弊端,从“以人为本”出发,创建了人本主义的心理学方法论体系。主要内涵表现在五个转变上:从“客观存在的人”到“主体存在的人”;从“方法中心论”到“问题中心论”;从“客观的科学”到“主观过程的科学”;从“二歧”到“整合”;从“方法论”到“具体的范例”。  相似文献   

非智力因素是相对智力因素而言,其在教育上的重要性日益受到重视.性格是非智力因素中的一个重要方面.在教育心理学上,学生的成就动机与自我观念都被视为重要的性格层面.  相似文献   

杨萍 《教育与职业》2003,(7):21-22,32
学习———现代人的生活方式。可以毫不夸张地说:学会生存首要的是学会学习。而学会学习是学会生存的首要原则。那么,怎样才能学会学习呢?最重要的是对学习过程的学习,而不是学习静止的知识。这是罗杰斯人本主义学习观带给我们的启示。  相似文献   

罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想探索   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
罗杰斯的教育思想是他“以人为中心”的非指导性心理咨询疗法在教育领域中的直接运用,他以“学生为中心”的非指导性教育思想影响了一代教育。他批判以传授事实性知识为主的传统教育,强调人内在的学习动力,主张教育应以促进学生的自我实现为宗旨,关注学生的心理和精神健康发展。他认为在教育过程中积极的人际关系是促进经验学习的关键,要求教师信任和尊重学生,要有“移情理解”的能力。罗杰斯的贡献不在于创造出具体的教育方法,而是提出了一系列教育原则与观念,这些原则与观念对于教师教育理念的形成有积极意义。  相似文献   

我国课程改革已进入了一个崭新的时期。在这种条件下,学习罗杰斯的学习理论,对于我们的课程改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

罗杰斯的学习观和教学观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、罗杰斯的学习观。罗杰斯从人本主义的立场和观点出发,以“机体潜能说”和“自我实现理论”为思想基础,提出了“意义学习”的一系列假说,其中包括对学习的基础、学习的目的、学习的内容、学习的过程及方法和学习的条件等方面的论述。兹分别概述如下。  相似文献   

本文在对罗杰斯人本主义学习论的阐释基础上,简要评价了其主要贡献与局限性,并结合目前我国教育发展中存在的问题,论述了该学习论对教育改革与发展的有益启示。  相似文献   

罗杰斯是当代美国著名的人本主义心理学家,他提出了意义学习的学习观和"以学生为中心"的教学理论,对高职教育有借鉴之处.通过简要介绍人本主义学习现的主要观点,从践行"以学生为中心"的现代教学理念,建立师生平等关系;重视职业生涯规划教育;做中教,做中学,做中求进步;客观全面地评价学生四个方面分析了罗杰斯人本主义学习观对高职教育的启示.  相似文献   

试论人本主义学习理论与人的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人本主义心理学起源于20世纪50年代的美国,其创始人为马斯洛和罗杰斯,它主张心理学的研究对象应该是正常的人,其研究内容应以人的高级心理活动,如热情、信念、生命意义、生命尊严等为主,并主张心理学应该把人作为一个整体来研究,而不能将人的心理肢解成几个不能整合的部分。人本主义心理学对  相似文献   

This paper reports the Italian data on the bystanders' project. In the last decade, several studies have been conducted on the prevalence and nature of bullying among primary and secondary students as well as on individual and social risk factors, illustrating that bullying in the Italian context is a widespread phenomenon. No research has been conducted, so far, on the 'bystander' behaviours of those students who see other peers being bullied or bullying others in school either physically, verbally or through sexual coercion (i.e. touching girls). The study was conducted with 594 students (51.9% boys and 48.1% girls), aged 12–16 years old, with a mean age of 13.1 (SD=0.87). They were recruited from six different middle schools, two in each of three different sites in Italy: Northern Italy (Vercelli), Central Italy (Rome) and Southern Italy (Catania). Results showed that though the most likely reaction is supporting the victim by trying to discourage the bully, gender differences emerged, with girls more likely than boys to support the victim and boys more likely to encourage the bully or simply ignore. Differences resembling the same pattern emerged also with regard to own involvement as a bully or a victim. Findings are discussed by looking at possible applications for intervention.  相似文献   

要进一步加强大学生就业观念教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强大学生的就业观念教育,是高等学校思想政治教育的重要内容.是高等学校思想政治教育的重要环节,也是做好大学生就业工作的重要保障.本文阐述了加强大学生的就业观念教育的重要性,探讨了就业观念教育的内容.  相似文献   

论中小学生的数学观   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中小学生的数学观包括数学知识观、数学学习观和数学自我概念。它是通过学生自身数学实践活动经验、教师的教学目标和过程以及社会文化与学校文化传统三方面交互作用的过程形成的。它对学生的数学学习行为、学习策略、动机与情感都会产生重要影响 ,从而对良好数学学习成绩的获得有重要作用  相似文献   

Decision-Making Behaviour of Potential Higher Education Students   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the decision-making behaviour adopted by candidates hoping to gain entry into Higher Education. Whether or not the potential students operate a systematic process, thinking logically throughout each step and choosing the alternative with the most favourable ranking, is worthy of discussion. Secondary research confirms the many variables influencing this process, particularly within the USA. However, in-depth knowledge concerning the criteria that British students employ and their thoughts regarding decision-making is limited. Hence an exploratory study incorporating Sixth Form pupils of a High School in the NW of England and students from across the UK attending an open-day at a university also in the NW was undertaken. Results indicate that applicants do follow the sequential stages from 'problem recognition'to 'evaluation of alternatives' using parents' as well as teachers'advice throughout, although there seems to be a gap in the information needs of potential students, which many universities are not currently satisfying.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a computer‐assisted social skills intervention on the social competence and behaviour adjustment of students with special needs. The sample consisted of 114 male students, divided into two groups: 52 students with learning disabilities (LD) (mean age = 12.23; SD = 1.12) and 62 students with behaviour disorders (BD) (mean age = 12.53; SD = 1.34). The students were trained with the “I Found a Solution” computer‐assisted social skill package. The intervention consisted of the computer‐assisted program and teacher‐guided work. Each student was assessed, before and after the training, on: teacher‐rated self‐control and maladjusted behaviours, peer‐rated social acceptance and self‐rated loneliness. Through conceptualisation based on the students’ loneliness and externalising maladjustment, four subgroups were identified: (a) relatively adjusted students; (b) externalising and not‐lonely students; (c) lonely and non‐externalising students; and (d) lonely and externalising students. The analyses included subgroups b, c and d, excluding the relatively adjusted subgroup, adding up to a sample of 83 students (35 students with learning disabilities and 48 students with behaviour disorders). A series of two‐way ANOVAs with repeated measures (grouping by subgrouping, with pre‐/post‐training scores as the repeated measures) revealed that following training, students in both groups felt less lonely and were more accepted by peers. Teachers rated them as demonstrating higher levels of self‐control and decreased externalising and internalising maladjustment. The differential impact of the training between groups (LD/BD) and among subgroups (b/c/d) highlighted the significance of the subtyping approach for understanding the children's social learning profiles and for directing effective social skill programming.  相似文献   

思想政治教育创新的前提是观念创新.构建更加完善的思想政治教育的内容体系,扩展思想政治教育的科学内涵,发挥思想政治教育的主渠道作用,要丰富思想政治教育的途径方式,要将帮助学生解决实际问题作为思想政治教育的切入点,将"理"与"情"结合起来,真正提高思想政治教育的实效性.  相似文献   

群众观念教育对当代大学生具有重大现实意义,它是在大学生中贯彻“三个代表”思想和科学发展观的基本途径,是培养大学生社会责任心的中心环节,有利于大学生筑起防腐拒变的思想长城。群众观念教育的实施方略可以从如下几个方面来开展:1.用马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观武装学生头脑,帮助学生构建树立群众观念的理论基础;2.用中国革命史和国际共产主义运动史教育学生,帮助学生构建群众观念的认知基础;3.广泛开展社会实际活动,帮助学生构建树立群众观念的情感基础。  相似文献   

通过调查,分析了中学生概念学习能力的现状,提出了对数学概念教学的思考与教学策略.  相似文献   

人类已进入一个学习型时代,学习型时代教育思想、教育工作重点以及受教育者理念的改变要求对人才培养进行新定位,大学生心理素质培养也随之成为新时期的新课题,针对心理素质培养的目标与原则,结合对心理素质培养模块的分析,应采取一系列有效途径使心理素质培养模式得以实现.  相似文献   

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