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The role of formal and informal theory in the training of student teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid‐1990s, primary teacher education is searching for an accepted theoretical underpinning of its activity and rubric for the preparation of the next generation of teachers. This paper cites four such theoretical foundations. The first three arise from formal theory and political considerations and are labelled ideological neutrality, modern progressivism and a fusion between symbolic interactionism and social constructivism. The fourth however represents a paradigm shift. This model seeks to validate informal theory generated during the practical teaching experiences of serving teachers and in particular the interaction between student teachers and teacher mentors. It proposes an adaptation of Rowland's (1987) model of teacher‐pupil interaction to the context of student teacher professional development.  相似文献   

陈婉如  王津 《时代教育》2008,(4):176-177
高校辅导员承担大学生的日常思想政治教育和管理工作.深入学生之中,引导和帮助学生树立正确的人生观,形成社会主义思想道德品质,指导和帮助他们成为社会主义现代化建设中所需要的高素质人才.  相似文献   

企业的发展是靠竞争力来实现的,而决定企业竞争力的主要还是取决于全体职工的共同努力。因此,建立良好的职工培养机制对企业的发展有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

在现在的高校体育教学中,健美操教学已经成为主要内容之一。健美操训练有利于增强学生的身体素质,同时有利于学生的形体塑造和气质的培养。形体训练与健美操教学时相辅相成的作用,笔者针对形体训练对健美的突出作用和教学方式进行探析。  相似文献   

针对部分福建省举重运动员上挺比较偏差的原因,通过分析,提出加强借力推训练有助于提高上挺成绩和改进上挺技术.  相似文献   

对知识培训和技能培训涵义的理解 岗位培训的过程就是解决"是什么、怎么做"的过程。解决"是什么、为什么"的过程就是知识培训,主要是通过对生产工具、劳动对象的名称,结  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of extended training on the development of response-reinforcer associations. Rats were trained by using various food reinforcers to make multiple instrumental responses. Subsequently, those reinforcers were devalued by being paired with a toxin. The presence of response-reinforcer associations was inferred from the decrease in the likelihood of a response following devaluation of its reinforcer. Such response-reinforcer associations are known to contribute to performance after moderate amounts of training. These experiments addressed the question of whether the contribution of those associations remains constant, increases, or decreases with more extended training. Experiment 1 found that even after a response had been extensively trained with one reinforcer, the substitution of a new reinforcer produced new associations between the response and that new reinforcer. After extended training, a response continued to acquire new associations with a reinforcer, as indexed by the impact of a devaluation procedure. Experiment 2 directly compared the contribution of reinforcers used extensively and moderately with the same response. It found that devaluation of the extensively used reinforcer more effectively reduced performance of the response, suggesting that the associations formed with additional training contribute to performance of the response. These experiments indicate that the contribution of response-reinforcer associations does not decrease but, instead, continues to grow throughout the course of extended instrumental training.  相似文献   

随着我国素质教育的不断深入,高职高专教育在培养专业型人才、应用型人才方面发挥重要作用。结合高职高专英语教学中的文化导入问题,对文化导入的作用、应用原则等进行分析,并有针对性地提出运用文化导入培养人才的相关策略。  相似文献   

运用文献法、调查法和访谈法,对高校大学新生的心理状况展开调查研究,探讨了拓展训练对大学生心理健康的良好促进作用。研究结果表明:将拓展运动融入到新生体育教学可以有效改善大学生的心理状态和行为方式,对帮助大学新生快速适应大学生活起到积极作用;拓展训练的实施对促进大学生集体主义思想养成有很大帮助并取得了良好的教学效果,获得了广大师生认同和喜爱,同时也增加了新生入校后的快乐感指数。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current problems of educational provision in Papua New Guinea which occupied the attention of the 1991 Education Sector Review. These problems include the failure both to achieve universal primary enrolment and to retain primary children entrants over the six year cycle, the limited uptake of upper secondary and higher education opportunities, especially by girls, and the inadequacy of present arrangements for vocational education. The proposals of the 1991 Review are then described concentrating on changes to the educational structure, reforms in the primary school curriculum and the changes, which have already been initiated, to the length and organization of teacher training.  相似文献   

笔者从青少年社会角色意识这一角度对经常见诸于报端的青少年问题进行分析,指出不良行为的发生是角色不清所引起的.针对这一分析提出,中小学校应该加强对青少年社会角色意识的培养,防止角色失败给个人、家庭和社会带来的损失.同时,笔者就中小学对青少年角色意识的培养提出若干值得注意的问题,以期青少年尽早树立正确的社会角色意识.  相似文献   

In most developing countries, the major programs of vocational training and manpower-skill development are financed from general government revenues. Increasingly, however, earmarked payroll taxes are employed to finance training. This paper summarizes international experience with these payroll taxes, drawing the distinction between the more traditional revenue raising schemes on the lines of the Latin American model and the newer levy-grant schemes.Drawing upon experience of payroll taxes in advanced economies it discusses the incidence of these taxes in developing countries and presents an economic rationale for their growing use, as part of a reverse social security scheme. It concludes that the desirability of using payroll taxes to finance training, compared to other alternatives available to developing country governments, is likely to be contingent upon the stage of a country's development.  相似文献   

Literature has indicated that support of the supervisor is critical for an employee to apply the competences developed during a training programme in the job. Typically in training transfer studies this is referred to as ‘supervisor support’. A close examination of supervisor support in training transfer studies shows that, although many studies consider it a similar construct, the content does differ from one study to another. The purpose of this systematic literature study is to elucidate this notion of supervisor support by conceptualising and operationalising the role of the supervisor in training transfer at a deeper level of specificity: in terms of particular behaviours and attitudes adopted by supervisors. Ninety-nine articles were retrieved and examined. As a result, a more holistic definition of the construct is proposed and 24 specific behaviours and attitudes that a supervisor can adopt to support training transfer, were discerned.  相似文献   

歌唱艺术以其独特的魅力,越来越被人们所喜爱。尤其是在物欲横流的当今社会,人们越来越深切感受到歌唱艺术的美。现在,各大高校(包括综合性的文、理、工科大学,各职业技校和民办大学等等)都已经开设了艺术学院或音乐学院。歌唱的教学方法也是多种多样,我认为在歌唱教学中,情感起着重要的作用。本文将从歌唱艺术、情感、声音的内涵出发,层层论述情感对歌唱教学的必要性,并就如何加强对学生的情感培养阐明自己的观点。  相似文献   

《高等教育法》明确提出“高等教育的任务是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才”。在创新实验教学的过程中要培养具有创新素质的高级专门人才,就要在实验教学模式上进行创新,真正实现以学生为主体的教学实践活动。本文首先阐述了高校实验教学的重要性及在创新性人才培养中的作用,提出了创新实验教学模式培养创新人才。  相似文献   

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