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哀伤是丧失发生后个体所必经的过程,哀伤辅导之目标为协助生者接受逝者离去的事实,完成与逝者的告别并进入新的生活阶段.本文报告了一例运用哀伤辅导的相关理论与咨询技巧,对一丧亲大学女生的个案辅导.在现实社会支持系统严重匮乏,无法短期在现实生活中帮助该生建立稳定积极的社会关系的情况下,咨询师通过对话,将该生与母亲之间的深厚感情与心理能量,巧妙转移,投注到未来可预期的社会关系中,从而顺利度过心理危机,并以积极的心态和行动面对未来的生活.本案例对那些从事哀伤辅导工作的咨询师有较好的启发意义.  相似文献   

针对班级学生丧失引发的哀伤反应:想法上的不可接受、情绪上的悲伤、行为上的注意力不集中与失眠,以Worden任务取向哀伤辅导模式为依据,设计并实施哀伤团体辅导。具体的流程是:面对哀伤,接受事实;体验哀伤,整理感受;表达哀伤,重新适应;走出哀伤,建立希望。辅导后追踪发现,该班学生能适应日常学习与生活,恢复到正常心理健康水平。反思:辅导前要有系统性思维,需要借助团队力量;辅导中要注重情绪接纳,敏感捕捉重点学生;辅导后要持续提供必要的心理支持。  相似文献   

子女死亡带给父母巨大且难以平复的心理创伤,可能会持续一生。对其机制的研究主要有两种取向:其一根植于弗洛伊德的哀伤工作与鲍尔比的依恋理论,聚焦生者与逝者关系;其二基于应激研究的认知评估与应对,聚焦意义重构。临床诊断主要有迁延性哀伤障碍和持续性复杂丧亲障碍两种。丧子女父母的哀伤研究并未得到应有重视,研究对象与方法均需调整。未来需整合我国文化传统与社会现实、质性研究与量化研究建构理论模型。  相似文献   

一位小学六年级学生因为祖辈去世而产生的哀伤反应被忽视,父母在孩子面前对逝者“讳莫如深”。这种行为非但不会让孩子轻松,反而会让孩子因为情绪的不断压抑而产生对逝者持续的渴望和痛苦,也会产生一种矛盾心态:如果我开心地生活是不是对死者的背叛?动机式访谈是一种以来访者为中心、目标导向的谈话风格,包括导进、聚焦、唤出、计划四个基本过程。心理教师运用动机式访谈,和丧亲的学生合作地探索其矛盾心态,引导其恰当地面对因亲人去世而产生的复杂情绪,正视自身的哀伤反应,最终探寻出和逝者有意义的联结方式,回归正常的学习生活和家庭关系。  相似文献   

某大二学生因病突然在寝室逝世,此后其所在班级的同学陷入了情绪和行为困扰中。该校学生心理辅导中心的老师在了解事件背景后,设计并实施了一次哀伤辅导,协助该班同学处理了丧失和哀伤,合理宣泄,从负性事件中获取正面意义,取得良好效果。该文呈现了完整的哀伤辅导过程,可为学校处理类似事件提供参考,并进一步探讨了高校在应对和处理此类突发事件中的相关事宜。  相似文献   

遭遇亲人离世是初中生有可能经历的重大生活事件,初中生的哀伤反应不同于成人,可能更加复杂,具体表现为产生不合理认知、隐藏情绪或无法与亲人告别。在对丧亲初中生进行个体哀伤辅导时,可采取尊重和允许、重建哀伤中的依恋及整合爱和哀伤三种策略。哀伤与爱同在,如同一枚硬币的两面,有阴影的地方必定有光,心理教师要做的是让学生看到光。  相似文献   

一、案主基本情况 案主小蜗牛, 五年级男生.父母表示因为工作忙碌疏忽了小蜗牛的学习以及对其学习习惯等的培养.虽然长期以来依赖校外辅导机构帮助其完成作业,但作业不完成现象频发,致使小蜗牛学习成绩在进入四年级之初出现了明显滑坡的现象.  相似文献   

叶雷 《上海教育》2008,(12):3-3
汶川地震过后,我们希望逝者安息,生者坚强。而要让生者坚强,就必须帮助他们重建心灵家园。重建心灵家园,心理辅导是必不可少的。  相似文献   

盛会 《师道》2013,(6):1-1
四川汶川8.0级地震尚不足5年,四川雅安7.0级地震接踵而至。面对数以百计的死亡、失踪者,数以万计的伤者,人们感到美丽的生命是那样脆弱,那样不堪一击。地震灾难面前,每一个生命都值得让我们悼念,让我们感到万分哀伤,我们悼念逝者,是因  相似文献   

丧失经验为人生之必然,但因丧失而引发的悲伤情绪,却是难以承受之重。突发的丧失事件,有时会造成"心理休克"现象,表现为内心混乱、不知所措、复杂的情感反应、社会退缩或攻击性增强等。涉世未深的青少年学生,一旦经历突然的丧失如丧亲或同学的突然离世,常常表现出剧烈的精神痛苦和心理承受能力的脆弱。恰当而及时的哀伤辅导,不但有助于他们缓解身心痛苦,减少正常哀伤向复杂哀伤转变,也有助于青少年学生习得对负性事件的积极赋意,有助于提升耐挫力和心理复原力等。校园哀伤辅导对应于校园内发生的丧失事件,易感人群不仅限于学生,包括和丧失的人事物有较密切接触  相似文献   

A survey of counselor preparation programs was conducted to document the status of grief counseling training in the United States. Respondents gave their opinion about the importance of teaching grief counseling and their reasons for including/not including grief counseling in their curricula. Specific information about the manner in which grief counseling is currently being addressed in counselor preparation programs was also gathered. Results from 135 programs indicated that training in grief counseling is considered important by most respondents, most programs do address grief counseling, and grief counseling is taught primarily by infusing the topic into various courses. Class lecture/discussion was the most frequently reported method for teaching grief counseling. Suggestions for further research on grief counseling training are included.  相似文献   

宋祁所写的《落花》诗,程千帆、吴新雷断定其为咏物之作,象征人生艰难旅途中奋斗到底的精神。陈衍则认为是写伤逝之意,认为宋祁多侍儿,是伤其侍儿之逝。而从此诗的写作背景、诗作用典、宋祁本人的生平经历着眼.经过细致梳理可得出结论:陈衍所论的写伤逝之意更合此诗意旨,但他关于宋祁当时多侍儿的看法不确。  相似文献   

About one in four college students report grieving the death of a family member or close friend within the past year. Although grief may be difficult at any time, there are several factors unique to the college age and environment that can make it particularly difficult. These factors include geographic distance from home and usual support systems, academic demands, college's “carefree” social life, lack of grief support from peers, and many college campuses' limited resources for grief support. Thus, grieving college students are at greater risk than their peers of a host of academic, social, and developmental issues. In spite of this “silent epidemic,” few targeted, supportive interventions existed on college campuses until 2006, when National Students of AMF was created by grieving college students to support their fellow grieving students. National Students of AMF primarily achieves its mission by creating Campus Chapters, which are university-recognized student organizations. They include a targeted, peer-led Support Group for grieving students to connect with others who “get it” and a Service Group that encourages students to channel their grief towards championing causes that have impacted them. Abundant anecdotal evidence suggests that students, especially males, who shy away from support groups and professional counseling, have found participation in service activities in honor of deceased loved ones to be a preferable therapeutic outlet. Campus Chapters also leverage the “student voice” to promote the other, often underutilized supportive grief resources on campus. Today, there are 43 university-recognized Campus Chapters. In this article, we discuss findings and outline several vital steps that university counselors and administrators can take to facilitate the continued growth of supportive outlets, like National Students of AMF, for grieving college students.  相似文献   

Childhood grief disrupts and reshapes a developing child’s primary attachments, emotional regulation system, and identity formation. Bereft college students have to build their grief identity simultaneously with their social, academic, vocational, and sexual identities. This article describes a bereavement group to help students work on these developmental tasks. Providing long-term conversationally structured grief groups in a college counseling center provides support for college students’ adjustment and identity development.  相似文献   

In this study, we adopted a single qualitative case study method to explore and examine indigenous approaches to crisis counseling in Taiwan, through the distinct lens of an expert Taiwanese counseling psychologist. In-depth, open-ended interviews were conducted with the psychologist (as the case) to document her lived clinical experiences counseling a grief-stricken Taiwanese family in crisis (as the context). Using open-code data analysis, five cultural themes were abstracted from the interviews: a) significance of counselor’s authority and expertness; b) primacy of client-counselor rapport and relationship; c) centrality of collective familism; d) observance of indigenous grief response and process; and e) adherence to face-saving communication and interpersonal patterns. Implications for implementing crisis counseling practice and research with native Taiwanese/Chinese clients based on these preliminary findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article surveyed counselors and counselor educators across the nation regarding their attitudes toward death education and grief counseling. Results were compared to previous research in this area, and it was found that death education and grief training has increased significantly in recent years. Results also indicated that elementary school counselors were more willing than junior or senior high counselors to prepare teachers to help in the area of grief. The primary reasons given by counselors for not attending courses, workshops, or seminars on death education were that training was either not available or not convenient. Counselor educators' reasons for non-attendance varied from time conflict to lack of interest.  相似文献   

悼亡主题在古代文学的发展史上一直都是引入关注的。潘岳以文人身份首次用诗歌形式直白地表露自己对亡妻的哀思,在文学史上首创悼亡诗之先河,进而在行文结构和艺术手法上都树立了一个典范。苏轼继承了潘岳悼亡诗的行文和艺术,创新性地将悼亡主题引入词中,使得悼亡文学又获得了新的发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between a general theory of living systems and the conceptualization and practice of counseling. Emphasis is placed on applicability to the individual, because previous systems writing in the counseling field has emphasized families and other multiple-person levels. After providing a rationale for adopting a systems perspective, specific system dimensions are discussed. The relationship of these dimensions to current counseling theories is developed, with an emphasis on the utility of concepts and techniques from a wide array of theories as understood within the context of living system theory.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenges faced by nontraditional college students who are coparents as a result of divorce. The need for college counseling centers to have counseling options designed to assist this special population in successfully completing their academic pursuits is presented. Conflict resolution techniques based on the Parenting Coordination model are offered to help these students deal with the challenges of coparenting responsibilities.  相似文献   

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