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章结合法国社会生活中的言语活动,探讨幽默家利用语言自身规律和法则创造幽默以及用言语表达艺术来创造和表达幽默两种类型,分析幽默的语言技巧,用语言符号学理论解释产生幽默的语言基础。分析幽默语言的可译性与不可译性的原由。从生活中的幽默语言现象揭示语言符号学的机制。  相似文献   

一句“寸楷含幽默,片言振聩聋”,①便道出了老舍小说的一大特色——幽默及其巨大作用.纵观中国现代文学,就幽默这一特色而言,老舍被誉为“文坛泰斗”②是当之无愧的.幽默,属审美范畴,是喜剧性的一种表现形式.以比喻、夸张、象征、双关等手法,用机智、风趣、凝练的语言,对生活中乖讹、不合理的事物或现象,给予含蓄的揭露、批评、揶揄和嘲笑,使人在轻松的微笑中对之加以否定.这是一种介于讽刺与诙谐  相似文献   

苏联著名诗人米哈衣尔·斯维特洛夫说:“教育家最重要的,也是第一位的助手是幽默。”幽默是一种有效的教育手段。幽默具有生动形象的特点。幽默的启发性、含蓄性,以及幽默的引笑机制,使幽默在思想教育中有着奇妙的作用。  相似文献   

分析了幽默的分类、幽默的机制,从语用角度探讨了幽默小品文中的会话含义、关联、认知语境与幽默的关系。  相似文献   

英国文豪萧伯纳说过:“幽默的字义是不能下的。”因为幽默的确有如五光十色、变化莫测的万花筒,无法用某种模式或程度加以框定。但如果从思维技巧的层面分析,构成幽默的因素似乎有一些共同的特征。下面试举几例: 巧作对比幽默思维所用的对比常表现为不对称的形式,或叫倾斜的对比。不对称产生不和谐,不和谐便是笑料的来源。马戏团丑角的穿着举止正是利用  相似文献   

朱从宝 《宁夏教育》2006,(11):53-53
幽默是指一种行为的特性,能够引发喜悦、带来欢乐,或以愉快的方式使人获得精神上的快感。教师把幽默带进课堂,融入教学之中,就有了教学幽默。教学幽默既具有幽默的机智性和娱乐的一般特点,又具有其特殊的规定性,即在教学中的教育性。可以说它是形神兼备——“形”是幽默,“神”则是教育;也是寓庄于谐——外部表现是“谐”,给人以娱乐的感受,而本质的内含是“庄”,给人以教育和受益。  相似文献   

思想政治课教学过程比较呆板、枯燥,容易导致学生失去学习兴趣。因此教师在教学中,应运用寓言幽默;诗词、成语、格言、警句、俗话幽默等幽默形式,在导入新课时借用幽默,授课过程中善用幽默,课堂小结时巧用幽默,并讲究幽默性语言的科学性、教育性、含蓄性、适度性,拉近师生间的距离,学生也因幽默而亲其师、信其道,达到智育与德育双重教育的目的。  相似文献   

王晓裴 《文教资料》2010,(34):30-31
幽默是一种言语交际,就其产生机制而言,它实际上是幽默言语会话含意的产生过程。因此,幽默言语的研究实质上是一个语用问题。关联理论从认知科学的角度出发.解释了推导言语会话含意的全过程,揭示了言语理解的心理机制.从而对幽默言语有着很强的阐释力。本文利用关联理论的基本原理对有关2010南非世界杯的幽默言语进行分析.从而对幽默的产生、幽默言语的理解及其效果的实现加以探讨。  相似文献   

语用预设是一种分析言语交际过程中话语的重要策略。言语幽默是人们在言语交际过程中技巧性地运用语言所实现的效果。因此,语用预设与言语幽默关系密切,语用预设可以为言语幽默的解读提供一个新的视角。英语笑话是言语幽默的表现形式,言语幽默寓于英语笑话之中。运用语用预设的合适性、共识性和可撤销性三个特点来解读英语笑话言语幽默的生成机制。通过解读,旨在揭示英语笑话言语幽默的生成机制,证实语用预设能够科学地解读英语笑话中的言语幽默。  相似文献   

李坚坚  王苹 《文教资料》2020,(8):9-10,4
第二代认知科学的迅速发展使语言学家对隐喻与幽默的研究突破了单纯的语言范畴,深入对隐喻和幽默的内在机制——概念合成的研究。幽默与隐喻的关系极为密切。本文从认知语言学视角下的概念隐喻理论对言语的幽默性进行探讨,言语幽默大多是利用结构、方位、实体这三种隐喻机制产生幽默效应。  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of 137 texts written by pupils, this paper examines pupils’ humour directed at teachers, its types and social functions. The collected data are divided into three categories that describe different modes of teachers as targets of pupils’ humour. The first mode describes teachers as unintentionally comical, the second as duped by their pupils and the third as intentional users of humour. The analysis focuses on different functions that pupils’ humour directed at teachers fulfils in the social life of the classroom. The paper concludes by showing how key functions of social humour (such as creation of solidarity, negotiation of power and realisation of personal needs) are connected to the three modes of pupils’ humour directed at teachers.  相似文献   

钱钟书吸收各家幽默理论的长处而形成了自己较为合理的幽默理论体系 ,即在承认幽默主体具有高度的机敏和智慧并具备诱发幽默感的客体对象这两大前提条件下 ,从主体内心世界着眼 ,强调幽默是一种脾气、性格或心态 ,具体表现为具有高深修养的了悟世事人生的超越感或优越感和对人生、命运采用“一笑置之”的游戏或自嘲的态度。最理想而纯正的幽默表现为智者哲人的有会于心的微笑。幽默具有流动飘忽、变化不居的不确定性 ,不能固定为模式 ,因此不可摹仿和提倡。  相似文献   

Abstract High school students viewed a video‐taped lecture of a professional actor playing the role of a teacher. Four films were presented, one of which was a control film in which no humour was used. The other three films contained (a) self‐disparaging humour (directed toward the teacher), (b) other‐disparaging humour (directed toward the students, and (c) mixed humour (a combination of a and b). All 186 10th graders from four classrooms participating in the experiment were given sociometry of humour tests. Results showed that the teacher using mixed humour received the highest evaluations on ‘appeal’ and ‘originality’ factors; the other‐disparaging teacher was perceived as most powerful, while the teacher not using humour at all was perceived as the most systematic in his teaching method. The sociometry of humour test revealed that students with a sense of humour are more appreciative of a teacher using humour, than are students who do not possess this attribute.  相似文献   

文章从幽默内涵所体现的趣味性、深刻性和艺术性出发,上升到幽默的教育价值,揭示了教育幽默的主要属性和"寓庄于谐"的主要特征,指出教育幽默是充分体现以人为本、平等交流、启发思维和素质培养等现代教育理念的重要辅助手段。在教学过程中运用幽默改善教学环境,要注意因人而异、恰当适时,才能起到促进教学的特殊功效,教师要注意积累,不断提高自身素养,才能敏锐地发现幽默,巧妙地运用幽默于教育教学。  相似文献   

Louisa Allen 《Sex education》2014,14(4):387-399
Sexuality and humour share a fraught relationship at school, so that how humour might be productively employed in sexuality education constitutes a ‘risky’ consideration. This paper explores the role of humour in sexuality education as observed in a Year 9 New Zealand health class. Adding to existing literature emphasising students' use of humour at school, it also considers how teachers might productively mobilise humour in the classroom. Findings reveal that while humour serves established purposes for students such as consolidating heterosexual masculinities, securing peer group hierarchies and disrupting learning agendas, it may hold other pedagogically productive possibilities. Potential uses include the relief of monotony, engaging with the needs of particular cultural groups of students, reinforcing taught information and reducing apprehension around potentially uncomfortable topics. Via this empirical exploration of the mobilisation of humour, the paper endeavours to open its potential as a conceptual site of possibility in sexuality education.  相似文献   

The educational use of humour, when it is used during live teaching, appears to be mainly that of maintaining attention and improving audience attitude. It may be unplanned, opportunist and driven by events, or consciously worked into a presentation, lecture or demonstration, nevertheless the quality, pertinence and effectiveness of the humour is very much due to the individual's sense of humour, timing and sensibilities. Some teacher's views on humour are that it is in some way divorced from learning (which is a properly serious thing) and only useful to alleviate boredom and stress. A typical response might run as follows: 1. Humour is flippant, deconstructive and diverts from the true path of knowledge, 2. If this paper is about humour then it is going to be terribly dull, 3. OK then, make me laugh. This current research, which is at an early stage, is concerned with applications of textual and illustrative humour in teaching materials for 18–22 year old undergraduate students. It will consider the possibility that humour can positively contribute to understanding, creativity and learning, and whether an application model can be constructed to help teachers, authors and learners.  相似文献   

Studies show that teachers and students use humour when communicating with each other in a science education context. This study investigates the use of humour during a collaborative inquiry laboratory task on an undergraduate chemistry course and an undergraduate physics course. Seven groups of students working on a collaborative inquiry task were recorded on video. The videos were analysed utilising an analytical framework based on conversation analysis. During the tasks, humour was used in a dynamic way and the role of humour changed as the inquiry progressed. As expected, humour was used to create a group identity and to regulate negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, boredom and disappointment. Humour also had an integral role in collaborative decision-making, for example in proposing and evaluating new ideas. Awareness of how humour can contribute to the regulation of emotions and collaborative decision-making might help students and teachers to better utilise humour in inquiry and learning.  相似文献   

The use of humour in teaching and learning can be contentious, with some authors suggesting that the efficacy of humorous materials is mediated by the culture of the student. Nevertheless, humour represents a potential vehicle for the introduction of active learning in a classroom setting, as judicious use of humour may lead to a more relaxed learning atmosphere and greater student engagement. This article describes how humour was used to good effect in creating a suite of online materials designed to enhance the academic English skills of international students. The materials, funded through a grant from the Office for Learning and Teaching and now openly accessible on the English for Uni website, were developed using an action research process. This involved an iterative process of designing, trialling and evaluating the resources to ensure that humour was used appropriately. In the final stages, Biggs’ Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome taxonomy was also used to evaluate student learning. The results show that the materials improved students’ understanding of the topics presented on the site and that the element of humour stimulated student interest in learning.  相似文献   

文章从成功与缺失两个向度,考察了林语堂为实现西方幽默理论本土化而实行的某些手段、策略,描述了林氏幽默理论本土化进程中的经验与教训。认为他对“幽默”概念的翻译是本土化的基础,而他借用梅瑞狄斯的“喜剧”概念阐释幽默,也导致了幽默泛化的不良后果;注意引用本土事例、以中国关学的“味”、“趣”等去阐释“幽默”的特性、用英国式的幽默改造中国的幽默形态等,是林氏幽默理论的本土化阐释的主要手段;因疏于与本土既有的幽默概念或喜剧美学因素的辨析,又使得他对本土幽默内涵、范式的多样性缺乏足够的重视,由此造成林氏幽默理论陷入文化与逻辑的双重困境。  相似文献   

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