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A Good Lesson It was Sunday.The train was crowded.A gentleman Was walking along the platform(站台)looking for a place.In one of the cars(火车车厢)he saw a vacant(空着的)seat.But a small suit-case(箱子)was lying on it and a young man was sitting next to it.  相似文献   

A man was travelling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a cirus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, “I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!” Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.  相似文献   

Humour and Jokes     
I'll Change My Name At the age of 16, Edely decided to leave home and join a theater company. His father was appalled. A son of mine on the stage? It's a disgrace! he wailed. What if the neighbors find out?  相似文献   

Merry Widows     
Mr Brown was at the theatre.He had got his ticket at the lastmoment,so he had not been able to choose his seat.He now foundthat he was in the middle of a group of American ladies,some of themmiddle-aged and some quite old.They obviously all knew each otherwell,as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see,  相似文献   

My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headteacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young(and he was old), he gave me presents, and sat me on his knee, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.  相似文献   

Ram received a car from his brother as birthday present. One day,when Ram came out of his office,he saw a poor dirty child walking around the 1)shiny car. "Is this your car?" he asked. Ram nodded,"My brother gave it to me on my birthday." The boy was surprised."You mean your brother gave it to you and asked for nothing? Boy,I wish..." Of course Ram knew what he was going to wish for.  相似文献   

A A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling Last week I was invited to a doctor's meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to 1, but he came up to me and placed his right foot close to mine on the floor. "Frank! " I cried in astonishment. He couldn't 2, as I knew, but all the time 3 his foot against mine. My 4 raced back more than thirty years to the 5 days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The 6 was an air-raid shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two  相似文献   

Captain Cook     
James Cook was born on October 27, 1728, in the small Yorkshire town of Marton. Unlike the majority of naval officers of the time he was not the son of rich or noble parents. In fact he was the son of a Scottish farm laborer and a Yorkshire girl. He was intelligent enough to impress his father's employer who paid for the young James Cook's schooling. After he finished school his parentsapprenticed(使……做学徒)him to a grocer(杂货商)in whitby, where he was notespecially happy. It was there, however, that he got a taste for life on the sea. In those days the port of Whitby was a bustling place, always busy with all kinds of  相似文献   

An English student went to a city in the south of America to study there. He walked around the city to look for a warm room to live in. One evening, he was walking along the street with a map in his hand. He saw a small board (木板) in the window of a house, the word "Room" was on it. " What a nice room this is! " he said. " The windows are in the  相似文献   

玉峰海 《中学生英语》2000,(3):18-18,31
Mr Lynch left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.  相似文献   

Keeping Busy...     
Anewly married sailor was informed by theNavy that he was going to be stationed along way from home on a remote island inthe Pacific for a year.A few weeks After he gotthere he began to miss his new wife,so he wroteher a letter.“My love,”he wrote,“we are going to he apartfor a very long time.Already I'm starting to missyou and there's really not much to do here in the  相似文献   

Once,there was a poor boy,who made a living by selling various things from door to door.This was the way he earned money to pay for his school. One day,as he was walking from house to house as usual,he felt very hungry and weak.He decided to ask for food at a house.He knocked on the door,and was surprised to see a beautiful young girl open the door.And then,he asked the girl for a glass of water.  相似文献   

Mr. White left the snow-covered streets of New York for a vacation in Florida.His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When Mr. White arrived at his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail.But he couldn't find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address.He tried his best to recall it.At last he typed it  相似文献   

Stupid Orders     
When Nasreddin was a boy,he never did what he was told,so his father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do.One day,when the two were bringing sacks of flour home on their donkeys,they had to cross a shallow river.When they were in the middle of it,one of the sacks on Nasreddin’s donkey began to slip,so his father said,"That sack is nearly in the water!Press down hard on it!"His father of course expected that he would do the opposite,but this time Nasreddin did what his  相似文献   

(A) Yesterday evening,when I went to town 1my mother,we met a strange old man. It was raining 2and we had no umbrella.We were trying to3a taxi when he came up to us.He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give 4for only a pound.He had forgotten his wallet.He said he needed taxi to go back home.My mother didn't believe what he had said at first,and5 him a lot of questions.But she finally believed the man and gave him the pound.She was happy to6 a good umbrella for so little.However,the old man didn't get into a taxi.We walked7 him and found he went into a pub and bought himself a glass of 8with the pound.After he drank it,he 9~his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one.  相似文献   

A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches(三明治) along for his lunch. As he goes along,he says to himself,"My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal.He is going to give me good wine (葡萄酒) to drink.So what's the use of these dry sandwiches?"As he says this,he throws them on  相似文献   

A Lesson     
My uncle is a factory manager and a basketball fan. He is always driving very fast to work. My parents often ask him not to drive so quickly but it doesn't work. Last Monday afternoon, my uncle was on his way back home. He was driving even faster than usual because he was worried about a basketball relay (转播). He didn't want to miss the match. While he was trying to pass a truck before him, he saw another car coming, he quickly  相似文献   

There was a meeting with a large number of people.At first the speaker was very interesting,but as time went on,he became very boring.Finally when he was through,there was only one man sitting in the large room. The speaker walked up to the man and said,"Thank you for hearing me out when all the others left the room.""Oh! Don’t mention it!"replied the man,"I cannot leave because I am the next speaker."  相似文献   

He found him!     
It was a blind date(that she was going to have to“thank”her girlfriend for later),and she'dshown the patience of a saint as he babbled on and on about his hobbies,rock climbing,his petpeeves,his driving techniques,and even the standards he used to choose his barber.  相似文献   

An experimental machine vision apparatus was used to identify and extract recyclable plastic bottles out of a conveyor belt. Color images were taken with a commercially available Webcam, and the recognition was performed by our homemade software, based on the shape and dimensions of object images. The software was able to manage multiple bottles in a single image and was additionally extended to cases involving touching bottles. The identification was fulfilled by comparing the set of measured features with an existing database and meanwhile integrating various recognition techniques such as minimum distance in the feature space, self-organized maps, and neural networks. The recognition system was tested on a set of 50 different bottles and provided so far an accuracy of about 97% on bottle identification. The extraction of the bottles was performed by means of a pneumatic arm, which was activated according to the plastic type; polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) bottles were left on the conveyor belt, while non-PET bottles were extracted. The software was designed to provide the best compromise between reliability and speed for real-time applications in view of the commercialization of the system at existing recycling plants.  相似文献   

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