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英语中词缀“-ly”构词功能之强,令人吃惊。本文就该词缀附加在不同词的后面能形成不同词性的词这一现象展开论述。  相似文献   

Children with and without intellectual disabilities were observed playing with toys during both home‐based independent play and classroom‐based freeplay situations. Categorical and sequential play was analysed for within‐ and between‐group patterns. Within‐group patterns during classroom freeplay were similar for both groups. There were no significant differences among home‐based categorical play variables for children with intellectual disabilities; however, children without intellectual disabilities engaged in significantly more constructive play than other home‐based categorical play types. Between‐group analyses of home–classroom difference scores revealed greater variability in play for children with intellectual disabilities than children without intellectual disabilities. The analyses presented complement and extend extant work on contextually‐based variation of children’s toy play supporting a more positive ability profile for children with intellectual disabilities than that engendered by classroom‐based observations. Results have implications for (a) perceptions of and attitudes toward children with intellectual disabilities held by stakeholders, and (b) how intervention targets are determined.  相似文献   

在初中课本里,介词“with”用得非常频繁,从初一上册课本开始出现,到了初二。几乎每课都有,甚至一课出现。几次。它的用法也很复杂,为了方便同学们学习,现将它在初中课本中出现的用法一一归纳如下:  相似文献   

Similarities and differences were examined in the out‐of‐school recreation and leisure activity participation of 422 children with physical disabilities and 354 children without disabilities. The roles of age (six to eight years, nine to 11 years, and 12–14 years), gender, and disability status were examined with respect to the diversity, intensity, location, companionship, and enjoyment of participation in five types of activities, controlling for family income. The findings indicate that dimensions and types of activity participation are differentially influenced by age, gender, and disability. Age cohort comparisons indicated that children without disabilities experienced a widening social world characterised by more intense social participation, greater participation with non‐family members, and stable levels of enjoyment across the age groups. In contrast, children with disabilities in the various age groups were similar in their intensity of social participation and the nature of their companionship, with 12–14 year olds reporting less enjoyment of social activities than those aged six to eight years or nine to 11 years. The findings support the utility of a developmental and contextual perspective in understanding children’s patterns of participation. The information can be used by service providers and managers interested in creating centre‐based or community‐based recreational opportunities, and in providing information to parents about how to encourage children’s recreation and leisure participation.  相似文献   

我们知道,要把形容词变成副词或把一些名词变成形容词,可以加上词尾-ly。这种变化看似简单,实则不然。本文就词尾-ly的运用作一简单分析,希望同学们在阅读中能正确理解词义。一、有些形容词加上-ly变成副词后,前后意思有时差别不大,有时(特别在口语中)则差别很大。如:1.Whatarehisexactwords?他的原话是怎么说的?exact表示“确切的,正确的”。2.Exactlyspeaking,suchaviewiswrong.确切地说,这种观念是错误的。exactly表示“确切地,精确地”。3.—Theboyisquiteclever.这孩子很聪明。—Exactly.确实如此。exact…  相似文献   

We examined whether the cognitive interview (CI) procedure enhanced the coherence of narrative accounts provided by children with and without intellectual disabilities (ID), matched on chronological age. Children watched a videotaped magic show; one day later, they were interviewed using the CI or a structured interview (SI). Children interviewed using the CI reported more correct details than those interviewed using the SI. Additionally, children interviewed using the CI reported more contextual background details, more logically ordered sequences, more temporal markers, and fewer inconsistencies in their stories than those interviewed using the SI. However, the CI did not increase the number of story grammar elements compared with the SI. Overall children interviewed with the CI told better stories than those interviewed with the SI. This finding provided further support for the effectiveness of the CI with vulnerable witnesses, particularly children with ID.  相似文献   

王选玲 《成才之路》2014,(13):78-78
正英语中大多数介词后面接的都是名词和动词的ing形式,而with这个介词比较特殊,其后还可接动名词之外的结构。我们一起看一下With的复合结构。所谓with复合结构,就是with后面接名词或者代词做宾语,再加上形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词或者过去分词在句中做状语。①With the door open,he went out.②With the light on.I fell asleep.③With a book in his hand,the teacher came in.④With a lot of work to do,I had to stay up.⑤With the work finished,I can sleep now.⑥With him helpingme.Ipassed theexam.  相似文献   

在英语学习中,我们不能死抠语法而忽视语言技能的培养,也不能只注重语言交际而忽视语法学习。英语教学的实践证明,如果英语教师在教学中只注重培养学生的听说能力,而忽视甚至摒弃语法教学,结果学生虽然能够开口说英语,但常常错漏百出,无法进入深层交流,写作能力必然滞后,考试也拿不了好成绩。  相似文献   

在英语学习中,我们不能死抠语法而忽视语言技能的培养,也不能只注重语言交际而忽视语法学习。英语教学的实践证明,如果英语教师在教学中只注重培养学生的听说能力,而忽视甚至摒弃语法教学,结果学生虽然能够开口说英语,但常常错漏百出,无法进入深层交流,写作能力必然滞后,考试也拿不了好成绩。  相似文献   

郑秀娟 《文教资料》2006,(13):200-201
英语中有一些表示方式、程度的副词具有两种形式。如:late,lately;high,highly;slow,slowly等等。在这些词语当中,两种不同形式所表达的含义完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们使用这些词时带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用的混淆。笔者想就此问题分类做一点探讨。(一)本类词有hard,hardly;late,lately,most,mostly,等等,这两种副词形式含义完全不同,所以,使用时不易引起混淆。1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使劲地干活。He hardlyworks at all.他很少干活。2.You have come toolate.你来得太晚了。Hav…  相似文献   

众所周知副词修饰形容词、动词等,译成汉语相应的修饰词即可,译为“……地”,在句中作状语。可在翻译实践中,并非都如此。下面作粗浅的讨论。一、英语-ly 副词转译成其它词类或句子1.转译成动词或动词性短语。When her husband climbed menacingly towards her,she throw herselfout of the tree.  相似文献   

许多英语初学者看见含有后缀-ly的单词,便认定是副词。其实,不少以-ly结尾的单词只能用作形容词,还有一些单词既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。现将这类带后缀-ly的单词作一分类,并加以说明。一、在friend,brother,woman这类名词的词尾加上后缀-ly所构成的单词,一般是形容词,不是副词,其意义为“具有那种本性或本质的”。属于这一类的形容词主要有:beastly,cowardly,earthly,fatherly,gentlemanly,heavenly,leisurely,manly,masterly,motherly,princely,queenly,kingly,schol-arly,sisterly等。例如:MrsWangisamotherlyoldteacher.(王老师是…  相似文献   

This study examined changes in pupils’ agency beliefs and control expectancy from grade four to grade six, and whether they were associated with studying in a class with a special emphasis on a subject as compared to studying in a class without emphasis. After controlling for the effects of mother’s education, prior school achievement, and gender, we found that the average pattern of change varied for different action-control beliefs, and that class membership did not moderate these changes. Mother’s education, pupils’ prior school achievement, and gender all predicted class membership, but their effects on action-control beliefs varied depending on the type of belief. Implications for educational policy will be discussed.  相似文献   

英语中,有些副词有两种形式:一种是以-ly 结尾的副词,另一种是与形容词同形的副词,即不带-ly 的副词。这一点有时会使人不知所措。例如,有些人觉得自己的语法基础不错,看到“Drive Slow”这样的路标  相似文献   

通常情况下,形容词加-ly 后转化为副词,但以-ly 结尾的词却不一定都是副词。这是应当注意的。请看:一、以-ly 结尾构成副词的情况1.大多数形容词加-ly 或去掉形容词末尾的不发音的 e 再加-ly 或-y后即转化为副词。如:  相似文献   

-ly 这个词有两个用途:一是用作副词的标志;一是用作形容词的标志。本文就其用法中的特殊情况做些探讨。-ly 用得较多的是作为副词的标志,它加在大多数形容词和分词的后面作副词使用。拼法一般较规则:将-ly 直接加于形容词或分词的后面即  相似文献   

在英语中,With短语用得很广。它的两种常见形式:With 名词/代词/名词短语及“With 复合结构”在句中可以作定语和状语。作定语时,须后置(位于被修饰的名词或代词之后);作状语时,修饰动词,表示伴随、原因、让步、条件、时间、方式等情况。  相似文献   

“With 名词(或代词) 分词(介词短语、形容词或副词)”这一复合结构,在英语口语表达中相当灵活、生动,在句中往往用作状语,表示伴随状态,有时也可用作定语。这种复合结构中,名词是with的宾语,名词后面的部分为宾语补足语,名词与宾语补足语具有逻辑上的主谓关系。现行中学教材中较多体现了“With 名词(或代词) 分词(介词短语、形容词或副词)的用法。一、With 名词 分词短语(一)With 名词 现在分词短语1.作状语:“With 名词 现在分词短语”这个结构中,现在分词短语作宾语补足语,是名词的动作,现在分词表示主动含义,整个结构常用来作状语,表示条件、结果、原因及伴随状态等。例如:  相似文献   

英语中大多数副词都是以-ly结尾的,这种副词可用作修饰性状语、评注性状语和连接性状语;具有替代性、简洁性、多义性和同义性等特点.-ly副词在英语中相当活跃,出现频率高,使用范围广,涵义容量大,在各种语境中皆可见到.文章对英语-ly副词的以上特点及其汉译方法作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

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