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I.重写句子(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)。Rewrite each of the following sentencesaccording to the requirement.Example:The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways,the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.She finally came to this institute to study English,though she was interested in music.(periodic  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。 (共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每 小题 1 分) 6. A. I am doing my homework. B. I was writing a letter. C. I waited for him. D. He was late. 7. A. We had four classes yesterday morning. B. We are having a music class. C. We were playing football outside. D. We have supper. 8. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they weren’t. C. Yes, he was. D. Surely no. 9. A. I’d like to, but I’ll look after my mother at ho…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分, 共 115 分) 第一部分: 听力(满分 30 分) (略) 第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节: 语法与词汇知识(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 21. I often have conversations with Tom over telephone, while I keep in touch with Jim by letter. A. ×; the B. a; × C. the; a D. the; × 22. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, said it sounded like an adventure.A. all B. that C. which D. who 23. Without proper lessons, you could a lot of bad habits when playing …  相似文献   

I.Readandwrite.(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写,标点符号)(10分)do mr and mrs li like loud music ben yes they do Ⅱ. Choose the right word to complete the sentence.  相似文献   

张煜 《现代教育》2004,(8):34-37
2003年下半年英语写作基础试题中,第一大题共有10道小题,要求重写句子,每个小题1.5分。该项试题注重测试学生灵活运用各种句型的能力。其中第一题和第七题要求将原句改成Compound sentence(并列句)。并列句是指两个或两个以上的简单句,由并列连词and,but,or,for,nor,so,yet等连接在一起。第一小题:I like roller-skating.I like ice-skating  相似文献   

上一讲讨论了英语句子种类中的掉尾句,短句与长句及它们的特点.本讲将进一步介绍英语句子的另一种分类法,即按照语法句子类型标准(thegrammatical sentence types)将英语句子分为简单句(the simple sentence)、并列句(the compound sentence)、复合句(the complex sentence)和并列复合句(thecompound-complex sentence)。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力部分( 共 25 分) 听句子, 选择与所听句子意思相同或相 近的一项。句子读一遍。( 每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) ( )1. A. I like soccer best. B. I don’t like soccer. C. I have a soccer. ( )2. A. Thanks for looking after my dog. B. Thanks for your dog. C. Thanks for looking for my dog. ( )3. A. He likes English. B. He is good at English. C. He hates English. ( )4. A. I don’t have money. B. I don’t need money. C. I have nothing. ( )5. A. He is leaving Guangzhou. B. He is going to Guangzhou…  相似文献   

听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I.Responses(句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Listen to the following sentences and choose the best response to each one. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听句子,选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到句子的最佳选项。每个句子只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)  相似文献   

I really like this sentence: T he choic- es you m ake and the w ay you live now w illdeterm ine w hat your future w illbe. I can learn a lot of things from this sentence. N ow everybody in our class is a student. B ut after 20 years, w hat w ill they be like? N obody know s. I read a story recently. It w as interesting. It is about som eone m any years ago. H e know s w hat his future w ill be like and he is very w orried about it. E very tim ew hen he begins to w ork, he w ould think about…  相似文献   

I.完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.—Does he h__________a soccer ball?—Yes,he has a soccer ball.2.—Sandy,let’s play tennis.—OK.That s__________good.3.—What s__________do you like best?—I like volleyball best.4.—How many c__________do you have every day?—Eight.For example,Chinese,English,math...5.Jim likes playing ping-pong very much.He thinks it’s very i__________.6.—Do you often w__________TV?—Yes,I like the TV shows very much.7.…  相似文献   

试题设计:阅读下面短文,根据短文中的首字母或括号中的提示词,在空格处填入适当的词,使其意思完整、连贯。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Traveling to another place is like 1.____(learn) a new language and more.Coming toChina,like my other journeys,I have learnedmore and more to appreciate the value and  相似文献   

Goodmorning, ladies andgentlemen, On reading the prepared topic, I felt dubi- ous. “What is happiness?” When I searched my memory, a typical sentence from Robert Burns appeared in my mind,“My love is like a redredrose”. Yes, such moving words repre- s…  相似文献   

I.词汇。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. What is the w_____ like in Beijing?  相似文献   

第1卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思卜最接近的答案( )1.A.I like fruit. B.I don't like bananas. C.I like bananas a little. D.Bananas are my favourite fruit.( )2.A.My father is as old as yours. B.My father is older than yours. C.My father is younger than yours. D.Your father is younger than mine.( )3.A.Li Lei lent his bike to Jim. B.Li Lei borrowed Jim's bike. C.Jim asked Li Lei to use his bi…  相似文献   

苏冬誉 《中学教与学》2006,(3):47-48,F0003
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共70分)一、听力理解(每小题1分,共30分;每小题读两遍)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到可选择的三幅图片。找出与你所听到的那个句子意思相符的图片1.Which door are the people coming out of?2.What are they doing?3.What s the speaker doing now?4.Who shouldthe speaker ask?B)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到可选择的三个答案。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项5.A.He likes English.B.He s tall and strong.C.He s an engineer.6.A.As fast as I can.B.As quick as I can.C.As soon a…  相似文献   

1.重写句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Rewrite each of the following sentences ac-cording to the requirement as indicated inbrackets.Example:The history of English words is the histo-ry of our civilization in many way.(peri-odic sentence)In many ways,the history of English wordsis the history of our civilization.  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.句意理解(5分)从A,B,C,D中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的 选项。1.A.The twins don’t like potatoes at a11. B.The twins like tomatoes better than potatoes. C.The twins’favourite vegetable iS tomatoes. D.The twins like potatoes better than tomatoes.2.A.I came to buy some meat for Kate. B.1 was late for the meeting. C.1 was the first in the sports meeting. D.1 was not late for the meeting.3.A.Bill had his supper on the bed. B.Bill didn’t go to bed after supper. C.Bil…  相似文献   

A卷(共55分)I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.There are seven days in a w__________.2.Sandy’s parents are thin.But he is very h__________.3.David likes books very much.He usually does some r__________before he goes to bed.4.Everyone has to w__________sports shoes in PE classes.5.Mr Read has two c__________,a son and a daughter.6.-Excuse me.What w__________you like?-I’d like some noodles.7.-What k__________of du…  相似文献   

听力部分略(共25小题,计25分)笔试部分一、选择填空。(每小题1分,共10分)1.—________is the weather like in Beijing?—It’s rainy this week.A.How B.What C.How a D.What’s2.Look!They________the football match overthere.A.watch B.watchedC.are watching D.to watch3  相似文献   

(满分:,00分) 1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)《老忑) E 1 . B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题l分) 6 .A.By bike B .Wlly not? C .1 don’tl议e taking a bus,either,7.A.No,1 don’tl议e it.以〕.Certainlytheyare. C .No Problem·8 .A.You’d better see a doetor at onee. B .You’d bettertake him to the hosPital. C .You must look after yourself. 9 .A.I’m afraid 1 ean’t. B .Would youl议e to eome? C .1 hop…  相似文献   

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