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当前,我国青少年社会性别教育出现一些问题:性别刻板印象影响不同性别个体的社会性别定义,教师性别比例失衡造成青少年社会性别角色意识缺失,父亲角色边缘化导致青少年社会性别气质缺乏。运用性别表演理论审视我国青少年的社会性别教育,有助于揭示社会性别培养方式背后的认识误区,培养青少年“完整的”个性品质。性别表演理论视角下,青少年社会性别教育应从以下方面进行:突破传统性别观念,消除性别刻板印象;端正性别角色期待,树立多元性别意识;培养性别“敏觉”,建构社会性别身份;传播科学“社会性别气质”内涵,营造多元性别生态环境。  相似文献   

传统的“师道尊严”,片面强调教师的尊严,忽视乃至漠视学生的尊严。固守传统的“师道尊严”常常是造成学生课堂生活刻板、沉闷,毫无生机的一个主要原因。要让学生的课堂生活焕发出生命的活力,培养和造就独产、自主、富有开拓创新精神人才,需要建构新的现代的“师道尊严”,这种尊严应建立在教师自身的德、才、学、识基础之上,而不应仰仗外在制度权威。  相似文献   

目前,在学生语言学习和语言表达能力方面,家长和教师有非常明显的性别刻板印象。教师的性别刻板印象对学生的消极影响很大,不仅影响到对学生语言表达能力的学业评价。而且还对学生的性别意识产生不可低估的干扰和影响。男生尤其可能会成为性别刻板印象的受害者。  相似文献   

学校教育对小学生性别刻板印象发展的影响与塑造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
性别刻板印象是被广泛认同的适合于男性女性行为特点的信念。过早或过多地接受性别刻板印象会使儿童将活动及行为限制于与传统性别化角色相符的范围内,造成性别化偏向,阻碍潜力挖掘和全面发展。本文以国外性别教室研究为起点,着重分析学校教育中教师引导、观察学习两大因素对小学生性别刻板印象发展的影响,从如何减少性别刻板印象消极制约学生全面发展的角度提出建立无性别刻板化课堂、培养无性别刻板化学生的若干措施,以期为我国学校教育提供非智力因素教学的新视角。  相似文献   

潭溪土家族对苗族有较多的负面的偏见,对汉族则主要是正面的刻板印象;而相较于汉族,潭溪土家族又对自身形成了一些消极认同。形成这种族群偏见的社会基础主要在于本地区历史上形成的不平等的族群结构。同时,潭溪土家族通过这种文化建构又解释和强化了现实中各族群之间的不平等关系,以及他们在地方性的资源分配与竞争体系中的差别地位,体现了族群观念的工具性特征。  相似文献   

众多的少数族群其实是失去联结、未来的“新多数族群”;以“处境不利”“文化剥夺”“弱势”等词汇称为少数族群,投射了人们对他们社会及教育成就的低期待以及缺乏了解;了解少数族群的历史和文化传统是激励他们成功学习的最好动机策略;让每一个人成为文化卓越者;教师应该避免误识性种族歧视.  相似文献   

数学—性别刻板印象指人们脑海中以为的女生数学成绩不如男生的观点。为了解小学生是否存在数学—性别刻板印象,以及小学生对其外显和内隐态度是否一致,并指导教师数学教学活动的开展,随机抽取集美区东边小学150名学生作为被试者,使用Schmader2004年编制的自陈量表测量小学生外显数学—性别刻板印象,借助E-prime实验软件设计程序,采用GNAT范式测量小学生内隐数学-性别刻板印象。研究结果发现:(1)小学生总体存在外显和内隐数学—性别刻板印象。(2)四年级和六年级学生的外显数学—性别刻板印象存在显著差异。(3)不同性别的小学生外显数学—性别刻板印象不存在显著差异。(4)不同性别和年段的小学生内隐数学—性别刻板印象不存在显著差异。数学—性别刻板印象很容易影响学生学习数学。教师在教学过程中,自身应平等对待每位学生,端正每位学生对待数学学科的态度,正确引导学生对待数学学科的学习。尤其是对女生,数学教师要淡化性别角色意识,努力提高女生的数学学习兴趣和动机。  相似文献   

通过对一个美国华人社区的田野材料分析,揭示“模范少数民族”社会话语如何与华人社区的思想认识与教育社会实践发生关联.研究发现,当地华人社区中的家长和学生一定程度上认同“模范少数民族”这一主流印象的正面意义,并努力促进自身群体的教育成就和社会上升性流动,在将这一印象内化的同时也为这一话语的维持和延续做出贡献.研究同时揭示了“模范少数民族”话语的另一面,对于作为话语指称对象的华人群体,在利用这一主流话语的同时也受困于包含其中的局限性.一方面,看似正面的“模范少数民族”对于华裔族群而言起着规定与“定位”的作用,制约和操弄着群体身份认同和族群关系;另一方面,这一主导话语还因其内在的片面性而将华裔少数群体他者化,以其单向度的形象成为主体群体构建身份认同的参照.  相似文献   

尼珍 《西藏教育》2008,(10):40-41
我们常从一些老师那里听到“女生不适合学习理工所以文科是才是女生的最佳选择”或“男生不适合学习语言所以理科才是男生最佳选择”的“结论”,这种对某一群体赋予同样特征的概括被称之为刻板印象,刻板印象包括积极的刻板印象、中性的刻板印象和消极的刻板印象。虽然有些心理学家称刻板印象是“心理工具箱里的工具”——一种使我们迅速了解个体和群体的差异,预测人们将来有怎样行为的节能装置,但是刻板印象往往使我们歪曲事实。  相似文献   

职业刻板印象是指对某种职业的预想态度.也指对从事该职业的职员是否能胜任该职业的预想态度。职业刻板印象可以从应聘者和招聘这两个角度来加以探讨.本文综述了国内外职业刻板印象的研究现状及其成因.并指出了职业刻板印象未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

This article examined the various ethnic identities of Cambodian students, a group often perceived by the larger society through the lens of the model minority stereotype but often endure low expectations from teachers and counselors in their local high schools. Our findings suggested that a Cambodian identity was often considered a stigmatized label and students identified as Cambodian were essentialized into the discourse of urban low achieving and culturally deficient minority students. Cambodian students’ identities in the less selective academic programs were often quite visible to teachers. This characterization was often coupled with a panethnic representation of Asian American students in selective programs who were considered motivated and supported by advantageous home and cultural values. In these contexts, teachers preferred to discuss Cambodian students in panethnic terms, ignoring students’ ethnic backgrounds, described their Cambodian students as part of their “bright Asian students” group. Overall, this study extends other works on Asian American ethnicity and panethnicity by focusing on the conflicting identities that affect the schooling of Cambodian students. These analyses complicate further the static notion of Asian American students as model minorities by emphasizing the fluid, problematic, and contextually-based nature of the construct.  相似文献   

Koreans have been successful in nesting their educational achievement in places like China, where they have earned the title of the “model minority”, due primarily to their educational success. Drawing on data from ethnographic research on fourth-grade Korean students in a bilingual Korean school, this article examines the relationship between student self-perception and attitude towards schooling underlying the model minority stereotype. Research results lead us to argue that ethnic Korean students in China do not have a shared self-perception, and so do not share a homogeneous attitude towards schooling, contrary to the stereotype of them as a monolithic group with high educational levels and shared attitudes towards learning. This article emphasizes the need to re-examine the model minority stereotype and its cultural ecological theory, and to include the voices of ethnic Korean students in the analysis of the model minority stereotype at a time of transition and change.  相似文献   


Perceptions teachers have regarding their students are associated with their students’ school performance. Similarly, students’ psychoeducational and psychosocial functioning are partly shaped by their beliefs about teachers’ opinions of them. Psychoeducational performance and psychosocial interactions are linked with perceived stereotype threats. Stereotype threat refers to how a person’s fear or anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype associated with being a member of a stigmatized group undermines their performance in evaluative contexts. This work offers a theoretical and practical prevention and intervention teaching and learning framework to ameliorate stereotype threat. We describe the stereotype threat interruption model (STIM) as a consultation model that delineates stereotype threat and provides teacher-focused, student-centered, and environment-applied consultation strategies to abrogate its effects. STIM is applicable in graduate training and in the professional environment. It highlights a prevention science teaching and learning framework that proactively encourages healthy student development and efficient consultation services.  相似文献   

Grounded in expectancy-value and stereotype threat theories, this four-year longitudinal study examined associations between changes in stereotype threat and motivation (self-efficacy, task values, and perceived costs) among 425 undergraduates from racial/ethnic groups typically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Growth analyses indicated that students’ stereotype threat and perceived cost of studying science increased during college, whereas science self-efficacy, intrinsic value, and attainment value declined. Parallel growth analyses suggested that higher initial stereotype threat related to a faster decline in attainment value and faster increase in perceived costs throughout college. Higher initial levels and a steeper increase in stereotype threat related to lower STEM GPA. Higher initial levels and a slower decline in motivation variables related to higher STEM GPA and more completed STEM courses. These findings provide empirical evidence for the relations between stereotype threat and motivation among underrepresented minority students during a key developmental period.  相似文献   

The author used phenomenology to explore the subjective experience of ninth-grade girls susceptible to mathematics-related stereotype threat in their authentic learning environments. The sample constituted students categorized as either having low or high susceptibility to stereotype threat (SST) enrolled in Honors mathematics classes at an urban high school in the Northeast United States. Results showed that high-SST students experienced a wide range of negative emotions regarding both mathematics and its learning context. Emotions commonly experienced by this group included low self-efficacy and hopelessness specific to learning mathematics, frustration, and feelings of isolation (both social and intellectual) in their classes. Experiences common to these students were perceived differential teacher treatment, and stereotype endorsement linking mathematics ability to fixed traits such as race or genetics. Low-SST students, on the other hand, experienced positive relationships with their teachers, positive schooling experiences, and a malleable view of intelligence.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship of teacher and student ethnic background to their perceptions of teacher interpersonal behaviour. It is theoretically linked to research on multicultural education and teacher interpersonal communication styles. Perceptions of 27 Asian-American and Hispanic-American teachers and their students in culturally diverse high schools were gathered by means of questionnaires and structured interviews. Teachers had more favourable perceptions of their own behaviour than their students did. Student and teacher ethnic background had a small but significant impact on students’ perceptions of their teachers. Interview data provided some evidence that concepts studied in relation to the cultural dimensions of communication, such as respect from students, closeness, and identification of students with their teachers, are helpful in explaining the relationship between ethnic background and perceptions of students and teachers. The results merit further research into the effects of culture on perceptions and provide recommendations for improvements in culturally responsive education.  相似文献   


This mixed-methods study examines engaging teaching at one racially and ethnically diverse public school using the self-system process model of student engagement. As theorized, multilevel analyses of student survey data (N?=?580) reveal that student perceptions of structure, autonomy support, and involvement differentiate highly, moderately, and weakly engaging teachers. Classroom observations (N?=?12) and student interviews (N?=?17) suggest that the behavior of autonomy supportive and involved teachers is friendly, helpful, and emphasizes student agency. Although few racial or ethnic differences are observed, autonomy supportive and involved teacher behavior appears particularly critical to the behavioral engagement of Black and Latinx students. Helpfulness may also moderate stereotype threat. Implications for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers are discussed.


2011年笔者对新疆教育学院2009级、2010级全日制普通少数民族学生思想政治理论课双语教学现状进行了调研.调查显示:学生对开展思想政治理论课程教学改革的必要性有一定的认识;学生和教师的汉语水平对思想政治理论课程双语教学的实际效果产生了一定的影响;学生对教思想政治理论课程的双语教师的期望值较高;学生对思想政治理论课程双语教学的教学模式、教学辅助手段有改革的需求.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study investigating a group of novice ESL teachers’ teaching experiences with ethnic minority students in secondary schools in Hong Kong. It finds that, while teachers argue that society has not been tolerant enough of ethnic minorities, they nonetheless believe that ethnic minorities should comply with societal expectations in order to gain respect and more opportunities. In passing judgement on ethnic minority students’ learning style and life attitudes, and in urging that they be changed, the teachers have, perhaps unconsciously, perpetuated and reified underlying societal stereotypes. It is found that the accented English spoken by ethnic minority students has been devalued and delegitimized, which may disempower them in educational settings and prevent them from expressing and defending their ideas. Implications for education pre-service and novice ESL teachers working with ethnically diverse students are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined associations between the explicit mathematics-related gender stereotypes of students, parents, teachers, and classmates and students’ motivational-affective outcomes in mathematics (self-concept, interest, anxiety) at the end of Grade 9. Based on representative data from the German Trends in Student Achievement 2018 study (N = 30,019), results of latent multilevel mixture models show that boys’ and girls’ explicit beliefs in the stereotype favoring their own gender in-group (i.e., boys’/girls’ belief that boys/girls do better at mathematics) were related to higher levels of self-concept and interest and to lower anxiety. Parents’ gender stereotypes showed an incremental association with all three outcomes for girls but only with mathematics self-concept for boys. Gender stereotypes of teachers were not related to students’ outcomes. However, classmates’ stereotypes favoring girls or boys in mathematics were negatively associated with outcomes of the positively stereotyped group. Thus, a male student in a classroom with classmates who share the traditional stereotype that boys do better at mathematics than girls would hold a lower self-concept and interest and higher anxiety level after controlling for the beneficial individual association of himself having the same belief and his motivational and affective outcomes. Similarly, a girl’s motivational-affective outcomes would be more favorable in the same environment characterized by the shared traditional stereotype of mathematics as a male domain after controlling for the negative individual association. Shared stereotypes in the classroom could thus trigger social comparison processes to which students are more susceptible than to stereotypes of their teachers.  相似文献   

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