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企业自助式薪酬管理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的薪酬方案只是基于员工学历、职位等方面的薪酬方案,忽视了员工的个人需求差异.自助式薪酬方案的出台代表了业界在此领域的最新尝试,它以员工为中心,强调度身定制和多样化.文章探析了自助式薪酬管理的内涵,将自助式薪酬管理与传统薪酬管理进行比较,并对我国企业如何引入自助式薪酬管理做了探讨.  相似文献   

薪酬,是企业付给员工的劳动报酬,是员工从事劳动的物质利益前提,制定科学、合理的薪酬管理制度,激发员工的劳动积极性,以保证企业获取良好的经济效益,是企业管理的重要内容。文中,通过对我国企业普遍采取的传统薪酬制度存在问题的分析,薪酬管理的发展趋势-“自助式薪酬”的内容、特点,以及引入该管理理念的思考,以期能为我国的薪酬管理提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

薪酬,是企业付给员工的劳动报酬,是员工从事劳动的物质利益前提,制定科学、合理的薪酬管理制度,激发员工的劳动积极性,以保证企业获取良好的经济效益,是企业管理的重要内容.文中,通过对我国企业普遍采取的传统薪酬制度存在问题的分析,薪酬管理的发展趋势一“自助式薪酬“的内容、特点,以及引入该管理理念的思考,以期能为我国的薪酬管理提供些许借鉴.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来,意味着人才已成为企业核心竞争力的重要来源。为了满足日益变化的员工需求,最大程度的激发员工工作的积极性与创造性,自助式薪酬以其灵活多变、自主选择等特色被人们所熟知,但在实践中的经验仍显苍白。本文通过对自助式薪酬的定义、特点与注意等方面对其进行阐述,以期引起企业与学者的关注,进而促进其在我国的发展。  相似文献   

企业薪酬管理时员工的归属感、工作积极性和工作绩效会产生直接或间接影响,薪酬管理是人力资源管理中人们最为关切的部分,灵活有效的薪酬制度对激励员工和保持员工的稳定性具有重要作用。一套公平合理又具有激励作用的薪酬体系是国有企业得以生存与发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

薪酬管理是人力资源管理工作的重要组成部分。健全的薪酬体系有助于高校后勤员工获得工作安全感,增强员工对企业的忠诚度,降低离职率,激发员工工作积极性,提高劳动效率,完善后勤服务。目前许多高校后勤集团在薪酬体系的设计管理与实践方面,还处于初步阶段,有待进一步研究与提高。本文对高校后勤集团薪酬体系存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出了后勤集团薪酬管理体系设计的思路与建议,为提升高校后勤集团的运行效率提供借鉴。  相似文献   

薪酬管理是人力资源管理最重要的职能之一,薪酬激励是企业激励机制中的最重要手段.薪酬体系如果设计得当,就能极大地提高和调动员工的积极性和创造性,反之,则可能导致员工士气低落,效率下降.本文通过对薪酬理论的阐述并借鉴薪酬管理经验,解决当前困扰公司发展的人力资源管理问题,实现企业与员工的共同发展,提高企业经济效益及核心竞争力.  相似文献   

高校后勤企业非事业编制员工薪酬管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校后勤社会化改革的不断深入,高校后勤企业必须高度重视非事业编制员工薪酬管理,以充分调动其在各项工作中的积极性、主动性、创造性。但目前高校后勤企业非事业编制员工的薪酬管理理念滞后,在薪酬结构、工资水平、晋升渠道、福利体系等方面存在诸多问题。树立"以人为本"的薪酬管理理念,设计合理的薪酬方案,构建科学的薪酬晋升渠道,制定完善的福利政策,打造成熟的企业文化,应是加强高校后勤企业非事业编制员工薪酬管理的有效途径。  相似文献   

薪酬管理是人力资源管理的一个重要工具,积极调整薪酬结构以发挥这一杠杆的作用对于更好地吸引、留用并激励员工具有重要意义。在明晰薪酬结构相关理论的基础上,分析了不同职位人员薪酬设计的区别,并对薪酬结构的确定和调整进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于组织战略的薪酬体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立在人力资源战略基础之上的薪酬战略确立以后,需要通过进一步的薪酬系统设计来使薪酬战略得以落实,即将薪酬战略转化为具体的薪酬制度、技术和薪酬管理流程,从而完成战略性薪酬体系的设计。通过战略性薪酬体系,企业就可以有效地引导和改变员工的态度和行为方式,并使其与组织的战略相配合。  相似文献   

学校食堂不仅关系到学生的身体健康,而且影响着学生人格品德的养成,受到家长、社会的高度关注,也成为学校育人的宝贵阵地。多年来,湖南省桃源县第一中学基于"后勤即感情、食堂是课堂"的理念,注重食堂基础建设,加强制度管理,强化阳光操作,很好地保证了校园的食品安全。同时,学校坚持立德树人,创建食堂餐饮文化,使师生在就餐的同时享受精神食粮带来的愉悦。  相似文献   

The labour market rewards for a number of required human capital competences are analysed using a sample of young European higher education graduates. Factor analysis is applied to classify competences by jobs into eight orthogonal groups, namely participative, methodological, specialised, organisational, applying rules, physical, generic and socio-emotional competences. Estimates for the total rewards for competences are obtained through conventional wage regression, whereas estimates of the total rewards are derived in terms of job satisfaction through ordered logit regression. Explanatory variables include personal characteristics, job attributes, occupational titles, fields of study, type of higher education institution and country dummies. Results on wage rewards show that jobs with higher requirements of participativeand methodological competencesare best paid; conversely, jobs with higher requirements of organisational, applying-rulesand physical competencesare worse paid. Results on total rewards suggest that jobs with higher requirements of competences increase graduates' satisfaction, the only exception being applying-rules competences.  相似文献   


The labour market rewards for a number of required human capital competences are analysed using a sample of young European higher education graduates. Factor analysis is applied to classify competences by jobs into eight orthogonal groups, namely participative, methodological, specialised, organisational, applying rules, physical, generic and socio‐emotional competences. Estimates for the total rewards for competences are obtained through conventional wage regression, whereas estimates of the total rewards are derived in terms of job satisfaction through ordered logit regression. Explanatory variables include personal characteristics, job attributes, occupational titles, fields of study, type of higher education institution and country dummies. Results on wage rewards show that jobs with higher requirements of participative and methodological competences are best paid; conversely, jobs with higher requirements of organisational, applying‐rules and physical competences are worse paid. Results on total rewards suggest that jobs with higher requirements of competences increase graduates’ satisfaction, the only exception being applying‐rules competences.  相似文献   

Labor market rewards based on competencies are analyzed using a sample of young European higher education (HE) graduates. Estimates of monetary rewards are obtained from conventional earnings regressions, while estimates total rewards are based on job satisfaction and derived through ordered probit regressions. Results for income show that jobs with higher participative and methodological competency requirements are better paid. The results also show that higher requirements in terms of competencies increase graduates’ job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of verbal and visual prompts to control litter behaviour by students in two separate high schools. Data were obtained from two areas in both schools; the cafeteria, and the pathway leading from the cafeteria to the main teaching block. Verbal prompts in combination with visual prompts resulted in statistically significant reductions in the rate of littering and were demonstrated to be more effective than verbal or visual prompts alone. Reductions in litter behaviour were maintained following intervention.  相似文献   

Previous research on the rewards found that teachers gain satisfaction in a sense of vocation, ‘making a difference’, and the emotional rewards of ‘care’ and ‘love’, especially in whole-class teaching. The meaning of ‘making a difference’ often remains unexplored however, and this article is an attempt to rectify this gap in the literature and aims to construct a typology of the rewards that staff find in working with children with special educational needs (SEN). SEN co-ordinators and teachers of children with SEN were studied using four focus groups (n?=?20) and 12 semi-structured interviews (total sample, n?=?32). A narrative, life-history approach was taken to analyse the rewards over time of working with children. Making a difference was mentioned as a phrase 47 times across the sample of 32. A typology of the kinds of rewards experienced by teachers was constructed and the rewards were found in improving attainment, being an advocate, confidence-building and ‘system changing’. Some respondents defined ‘making a difference’ in disparate ways. The article found that those having the longest career in school found that being an advocate for parents was the most rewarding aspect of their job. The study concludes by drawing out the implications for the retention of staff in a time of policy change.  相似文献   

Part of the crisis in higher education is due to the age and tenure distribution of the faculty and their escalating future salary costs. Universities must find ways to gain financial and academic flexibility. This will require a program ofcareer alternatives which provides inducements to leave the university for faculty who are not due to retire until the years 2000 to 2010. The money saved can be used to the mutual benefit of the individual and the university. The university's share of the savings may be used to hire new junior faculty and to reduce the total cost of the salary budget. The faculty member's share may be redeemed at a career alternatives cafeteria. This paper outlines the offering that such a cafeteria may provide and the mechanisms that may be used to establish one.  相似文献   

In the past four decades much research has gone into the use of rewards in education yet little attention has been given to the use of rewards from the perspective of teachers. This mixed method study examined how elementary school teachers define and use rewards in their classrooms and how various motivational constructs such as goal orientation, self-efficacy, and autonomy relate to teachers' use of rewards. Results revealed that all teachers in our sample use some form of rewards in their classrooms and the majority use some form of tangible rewards. Rewards were most frequently given for behaviour management, but there was a significant relationship between the use of rewards for behaviour and those given for academic achievement. Performance goal orientations for teaching were positively related to the use of tangible rewards and a higher degree of classroom control and negatively related to teacher self-efficacy. When asked to report on the appropriateness of using rewards in the classroom only one-third of the teachers reported that they should be used conditionally.  相似文献   

对“中人”致酬事作为拥有数千年历史的习俗,广泛而普遍存在。通过对明代徽州契约文书的整理和分析得出:明代徽州“中人”的中资占比多在2%左右,大都不超过5%,中资占交易总额比值浮动较大,中资的支付带有一定的主观性。自明至清,给付“中人”的报酬类型逐渐从实物、钱物混杂变为几乎全部以银钱方式酬谢,“中人”报酬占交易总额的比值逐渐形成一种定例,中资平均水平呈现一种上升的趋势,清代总体高于明代,清中后期高于清早期。  相似文献   

北宋科技奖励形式多样,有降诏奖谕、迁秩升官、发放实物等。北宋科技奖励主要集中在应用性极强的领域,如医学、天文学、工程营建、武器制造等方面。北宋科技奖励的时代特征较为鲜明,如奖励领域有所扩展,奖励品类增多、比重有所变化,奖励领域与社会需求密切相关,缺乏评审机制、随机性较强等。  相似文献   

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