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新媒体时代是网络媒体高速发展的时代,是新媒体影响其他领域变革发展的时代.文学理论课程在高校教育课程中占据着重要的地位,作为理论课程,它有着极强的逻辑性与理性色彩,对于许多高校学生而言,这门课程的学习存在一定的难度,新媒体对文学理论课教学改革的重要性也由此凸显出来.《新媒体时代的文学经典化》一书在充分肯定我国新时期新媒体网络文学经典化的价值和意义的基础之上,以通俗的方式为学生展示了一种全新的文学理论课程学习方式.此书论证了新媒体网络时代带给文学经典化的重要影响,并且以女性叙事、历史叙事、苦难叙事以及生态叙事为核心,对新媒体时代的文学经典化进行了细致入微的探析,这对于我国新媒体时代文学传播和理论教育研究具有重要价值.  相似文献   

托妮·莫里森在小说创作中积极探索黑人历史、命运和精神世界,将黑人叙事传统和西方叙事传统有机结合,在多重边缘书写下展开黑人女性叙事,通过叙事结构、音乐叙事和意象与象征等叙事策略,表达她追求黑人的完整生存和文化身份,关注黑人民族历史和传统文化,以及构建多元文化生存空间的政治意识.  相似文献   

庞菲儿 《东南传播》2020,(10):62-65
迪士尼真人电影《沉睡魔咒》对《格林童话》中的睡美人故事《玫瑰公主》进行叙事重构,形成了巨大的颠覆性张力,在解构经典童话的同时,建立起了一个新的女性主义童话叙事。在情节的重构上,影片改变了源文本的核心事件,以变调性转述、极速矮化、义理置换等改编策略,解构了经典童话中的男权文化意识;在人物的重构上,影片突破了源文本中男权文化建立的女性角色规范,凸显了女性的自我意识;在深层结构模式的重构上,影片改变了源文本设置的二元对立项,并延展出了多组对立结构来体现父权制文化与女性处境的对立,呈现出了强烈的女性主义色彩与鲜明的时代特色。  相似文献   

试析当前“红色经典”影视剧的叙事策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,"红色经典"影视剧引发了新一轮的收视热,受到了社会各界的高度关注.本文由叙史与写诗的对立统一,叙事模式的继承与发展、叙事亮点的挖掘、叙事时间的转移、细节叙事的彰显五个方面入手,从当前"红色经典"影视剧的叙事策略揭示其成功的原因.  相似文献   

《布罗迪小姐的青春》于1962年问世,它是英国女作家缪里尔·斯帕克的经典文学作品.在这部小说中,作者把复杂的叙事技巧与校园题材相结合,并以"二战"为时间轴、以苏格兰的爱丁堡为空间背景,通过独特的语言风格和叙事技巧,形象地为读者描述了爱丁堡女子学校一位年轻女教师虚幻的青春经历.主人公形象的成功塑造、出色的文本叙事技巧以及对女性青春之路的追求使这部作品得到了成功的传播,受到世界各地读者的追捧.  相似文献   

在后人类时代的今天,人类主体的焦虑心理在诸多影视作品得以不同形式的影像阐释,经典科幻电影《西部世界》便是其中之一.电影《西部世界》从不同内容维度揭示出人类精神世界中的神经性焦虑、道德性焦虑与客观性焦虑的存在,并从场景设置、叙事线安排与叙事视点等形式层面描绘加深了关于这种焦虑状态的虚拟想象.究其内里,以《西部世界》为代表的诸多科幻影视文本镜像折射出的人类主体焦虑,既是后人类时代下特有的精神产品,也是生物科技发展与社会文化语境等协同生成的结果.  相似文献   

周霞 《新闻爱好者》2010,(10):158-159
香港电视剧从1983年打入内地市场以来,一直默默地浸润于内地观众的生活中,虽没有风靡一时的热烈势头,却有着经久不衰的细水长流。本文从叙事学的角度,举例分析了港剧的叙事特点。包括港剧明快跳跃的叙事节奏;取百家之长又自成特色的港剧经典叙事模式;叙事习惯让经典叙事模式形成受众的期待视野;坚持友爱、忠诚、信义、纯孝等单纯善良的观念。  相似文献   

好莱坞并没有走向"后经典",既没有"碎片化",也没有在"奇观"中迷失,它依然恪守着那个经典的原则。就经典好莱坞强大的叙事传统有不断完善的能力,根基牢固、永不动摇,这本身已经变成一个不可超越的"超级叙事"。  相似文献   

迪士尼动画影片《魔法奇缘》采用动画和真人相结合的方式,将童话中的公主带入现实世界,呈现了经典童话与都市现实的激烈碰撞.文章通过阐述影片《魔法奇缘》的叙事特征,以期为中国影视剧的发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

廖颂举 《青年记者》2016,(14):18-19
改革开放以来,汉语传播语境中女性的独立意识不断增强,但受中国传统文化的深远影响,男权中心主义思想一直是“缺席的在场”,女性在大众传播叙事中的边缘化表征并未从根本上得到改善.大众传播中女性称谓的变迁,恰恰折射了媒体中所呈现的女性形象以及女性的身份建构.而大众传播性别叙事对传统观念与心态的制度化抵制,男性霸权叙事的自觉纠正,女性自我命名权与自主叙事权的最终确立,应是改变女性身份建构现状、重塑女性形象的主要出路.  相似文献   

Film Genres     
James Robert Parish and Michael R. Pitts' The Great Spy Pictures (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1974---$17.50)

Tam Perlmutter's War Movies (New York: Castle Books, 1974---$9.95)

John Cary and John Kobal's Spectacular: The Story of Epic Films (New York: Castle Books, 1974---$9.95)

Amos Vogel's Film as a Subersive Art (New York: Random House, 1974---$15.00)

Kenneth Turan and Stephen F. Zito's Sinema: American Pornographic Films and the People Who Make Them (New York: Praeger, 1974---$3.95)  相似文献   

Alan R. Dyment's The Literature of the Film: A Bibliographical Guide to the Film as Art and Entertainment 1936-1970 (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research [London: White Lion Publishers, Ltd.], 1975---$35.00)

Mel Schuster's Motion Picture Performers: A Bibliography of Magazine and Periodical Articles Supplement No. 1 (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976---$27.50)

A.G.S. Enser's Filmed Books and Plays: A List of Bpoks and Plays From Which Films Have Been Made 1928-1974 (New York: Academic Press [London: Andre Deutsch], 1975---$24.00)

American Film (December 1975, and January-Bebruary 1976 issues)

Hollis Melton's “Museums with Film Programs,” (Educational Film Library Association, 17 West 60th St., New York 10023---$5.00/$3.00 to members, paper)  相似文献   

Film Reference     
Phyllis Rauch Klotman, Frame by Frame -- A Black Filmography (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979 -- $25.00)

G.K. Hall reference film series (both Boston, 1979)

Patricia Peyton'(ed.), Reel Change: A Guide to Social Issue Films ( San Francisco: The Film Fund -- $6.95 paperback plus $1.25 for postage and handling -- write c/o P.O. Box 909, San Francisco, California 94101)

James L. Limbacher, Haven't I Seen You somewhere Before? Remakes, Sequels, and Series in Motion Pictures and Television, 1896 - 1978 ($24.50)

Michael J. Murphy, The Celluloid Vampires: A History and Filmography, 1897 - 1979 ($14.95)

Robert Osborne, 50 Golden Years of Oscar (La Habra, California 90631: ESE California Publishers, 509 N. Harbor Blvd., 1979 -- no price given)

Film Periodicals  相似文献   

Film Reference     
THE WHOLE FILM SOURCEBOOK, Leonard Maltin, ed. (New York: New American Library, 1983---$9.95)

THE AFRO-AMERICAN CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FILMOGRAPHY by Marshall Hyatt (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 104 Greenhill Ave., Wilmington, DE 19805---$24.95)

DICTIONARY OF FILM AND TELEVISION TERMS by Virginia Oakley (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1983---$6.95, paper)  相似文献   

Film Biography     
Astaire: The Man, The Dancer by Bob Thomas (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984---$18.95)

Jean Cocteau and the French Scene, edited by Alexandra Anderson and Carol Saltus (New York: Abbeville Press, 1984---$19.95)  相似文献   

Film Production     
Freddie Young and Paul Petzold's The Work of the Motion Picture Cameraman (New York: Hastings House, 1972 -- $15.00)

King Vidor on Film-Making (New York: David McKay, 1972 -- $6.95)

Vladimir Nilsen's The Cinema as a Graphic Art: On a Theory of Representation in the Cinema (New York: Hill & Wang, 1972 -- $2.95, paper)  相似文献   

Foreign Film     
George Perry's The Great British Picture Show from the 90s to the 70s (New York: Hill and Wang, 1974---$12.50)

Mildred Constantine and Alan Fern's Revolutionary Soviet Film Posters (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1974---$12.95)

Michael Jon Stoil's Cinema Beyond the Danube: The Camera and Politics (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1974---$6.00)

Antonin J. Liehn's Closely Watched Films: The Czechoslovak Experience (International Artistic Sciences Press, 901 North Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. 10603, 1974---$15.00)

Eleanor Beatty's A Handbook of Canadian Film (Toronto: Peter Martin Association with Take One, 1973---price not known, paper)

Kuleshov on Film: Writings by Lev Kuleschov (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974--- $10.00)

Susan Sontag's Brother Carl (New York: Noonday Press/Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1974---$10.95/4.95)  相似文献   

Film Genres     
Thomas Schatz, Hollywood Genres (New York: Random House, 1981 -- $9.95 paper).

Foster Hirsch, The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir (San Diego: A. S. Barnes, 1981 -- $14.95 hardcover),

Robert Ottoson, A Reference Guide to the American Film Noir: 1940-1958 (Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, 1981 -- $15.00 hardcover).

Christopher Frayling, Spaghetti Westerns: Cowboys and Europeans from Karl May to Sergio Leone ($40.00 cloth/$20.00 paper)

Jeffrey Richards, Swordsman of the Screen: From Douglas Fairbanks to Michael York ($15.00 paper).

Leonard Malten, Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons (New York: New American Library, 1980 -- $9.95 paper).  相似文献   

Film Criticism     
VISIBLE FICTIONS: CINEMA, TELEVISION, AND VIDEO by John Ellis (Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983---$10.50 paper)

SELECTED FILM CRITICISM by Anthony Slide, ed. (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press)

FILM CRITICISM: A COUNTER THEORY by William Cadbury and Leland Poague (Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State University Press, 1983---$23.50)

HARMLESS ENTERTAINMENT: HOLLYWOOD AND THE IDEOLOGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS by Richarc. Maltby (Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1983---$26.50)  相似文献   

Film History     
David A. Cook, A History of Narrative Film (New York: W. W. Norton, 1981 -- $15.95 paper)

Gerald Mast, A Short History of the Movies, 3rd edition (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing, 1981 -- $12.95 paper, issued in hardcover by University of Chicago Press for $20.00)

A. R. Fulton, Motion Pictures: The Development of an Art Revised Edition (Norman: The University of Oklahoma Press, 1981 -- $14.95 in hardcover)

Richard Koszarski (ed.), The Rivals of D. W. Griffith: Alternative Auteurs, 1913-18 (First published by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, now available from New York Zoetrope, 31 East Twelfth Street, New York City 10003 for $4.95 in paperback)

Anthony Slide and Edward Wagenkneckt, Fifty Great American Silent Films, 1912- 1920 (New York: Dover, 1980 -- $6.95 paper).

Peter Roffman and Jim Purdy, The Hollywood Social Problem Film: Madness, Despair and Politics from the Depression to the Fifties (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981 -- $25.00 cloth/$12.95 paperback)

I. G. Edmonds and Reiko Mimura, Paramount Pictures and the People Who Made Them (San Diego: A. S. Barnes, 1980 -- $17.50 hardcover)  相似文献   

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