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In the UK and other countries, the use of end-of-module assessment by coursework in higher education has increased over the last 40?years. This has been justified by various pedagogical arguments. In addition, students themselves prefer to be assessed either by coursework alone or by a mixture of coursework and examinations than by examinations alone. Assessment by coursework alone or by a mixture of coursework and examinations tends to yield higher marks than assessment by examinations alone. The increased adoption of assessment by coursework has contributed to an increase over time in the marks on individual modules and in the proportion of good degrees across entire programmes. Assessment by coursework appears to attenuate the negative effect of class size on student attainment. The difference between coursework marks and examination marks tends to be greater in some disciplines than others, but it appears to be similar in men and women and in students from different ethnic groups. Collusion, plagiarism and personation (especially ‘contract cheating’ through the use of bespoke essays) are potential problems with coursework assessment. Nevertheless, the increased use of assessment by coursework has generally been seen as uncontentious, with only isolated voices expressing concerns regarding possible risks to academic standards.  相似文献   

Research comparing continuous assessment (e.g. coursework) with examinations generally reveals a student preference for the former. The perceived increased use of continuous assessment periodically captures media attention, with claims of greater numbers of higher degree classifications being awarded. This paper takes a case-study approach to investigate the extent to which different types of assessment allow students to effectively demonstrate and apply their learning. By considering data gathered from second-level, undergraduate students completing 60 point, online psychology modules, this paper investigates assessment effectiveness in terms of student satisfaction, pass rate and level of pass rate. Findings reveal that modules with an end of module assessment (EMA), rather than an examination, have higher completion and pass rates. Whilst students who took a seen examination also performed well, those who completed an unseen examination recorded the lowest overall pass and completion rates, despite high ratings of student satisfaction. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for improved pedagogy and student experience.  相似文献   

教育督导制度和教育评价制度是我国教育法规定的两项基本教育制度。在教育督导工作中明晰教育督导评估与教育评价的关系,有利于教育督导实际工作的开展,提高督导评估工作的效率,促进我国教育督导制度完善和发展,保证我国教育的健康发展。通过对教育督导评估与教育评价的关系进行理论分析,旨在为教育督导实践工作提供点滴决策参考。  相似文献   

Two years of assessment results from the full‐time MBA of a highly ranked UK business school are examined to compare the outcomes for students for whom English is a second language (ESL) with those for whom English is a primary language (EPL). The results suggest that the overall higher level of higher‐degree outcomes for the EPL group is underpinned by evidence of an interaction between assessment methodology (coursework versus timed, closed book examinations) and assessment outcomes with examinations particularly disadvantaging the ESL cohort in terms of final grades.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived uses of diploma examination results by Alberta, Canada, high school teachers and to replicate and extend D. Loerke's (1993) study. Classroom teachers and school-based administrators (N = 414) across Alberta took part in the research questionnaire developed to measure the variables under study. Findings indicate that classroom instruction has improved as a result of the reimplementation of diploma examinations, concerns about the reduction of teacher autonomy as a result of diploma examinations persist, study participants lacked the professional training necessary to make the most of the available student assessment information, and the perceived uses of diploma examination results have changed since the Loerke study. These findings have the potential to contribute to changes in teacher assessment practices in Alberta regarding appropriate use of standardized test results as a measure of student learning.  相似文献   

Formative assessment can serve as a catalyst for increased student effort and student learning. Yet, many engineering degree programmes are dominated by summative assessment and make limited use of formative assessment. The present case study serves as an example on how formative assessment can be used strategically to increase student effort and improve student learning. Within five courses of an engineering bachelor degree programme in Norway, the mandatory coursework assignments were removed and replaced by formative-only assessment. To facilitate the formative assessment, weekly student peer-assessment sessions were introduced. The main findings include an increase in student study hours and improved student performance on the examinations. Finally, interviews were conducted by an external consultant in an effort to identify key factors that attributed to the positive outcome.  相似文献   

In today’s market-driven educational culture, universities are coming under increasing pressure to justify funding through the disclosure of measurable outcomes in education and research. One educational objective that receives particular attention is critical thinking, regarded as an essential skill in both academic and work environments. The assessment of critical thinking has become a significant enterprise, with a number of standardised tests available for both individuals and organisations. While these tests are based on well-known taxonomies of critical thinking, this paper argues that institutions should be wary of using them as a means to measure educational outcomes. First, they fail to take into account fundamentally contested issues within conceptions of critical thinking. They also have significant weaknesses in terms of validity and reliability. Finally, and most importantly, they provide only a limited assessment of critical thinking, failing to evaluate the skills exercised in real-life academic tasks. A more effective approach to critical thinking testing would be one implemented at a faculty level, with assessments carried out on coursework integral to the curricula of specific academic disciplines.  相似文献   

Norway has seen major changes in the field of educational assessment over the past decade, following the 2001 ‘PISA shock’ that stimulated reform of the entire primary and secondary education systems: new outcome-based curricula with cross-disciplinary basic skills were accompanied by major revision of assessment regulations, comprehensive government projects promoting formative assessment, national tests as a main component in a new national quality assessment system and new regulations for examinations and teacher reporting of overall achievement marks. The paper provides a historical context to the country’s prohibition of formal marking in primary education and the recent tensions determining how assessment criteria should be stated and used for formative and summative purposes. It is argued that Norwegian primary and secondary education is riddled with unresolved tensions as to the role of assessment criteria and national tests, sparked by incremental implementation of assessment policies and principles accompanying the new outcomes-based curricula.  相似文献   

The aim of the reported study was to explore how science teachers made sense of their roles and responsibilities in teaching and assessing science coursework. The focus was on the teacher assessment, the feedback that teachers gave to students and, how they perceived their role when they taught and assessed students’ science coursework reports. The research methodology included observation of science lessons, collection of marked students’ reports and two interviews with each of the nine participant teachers. Two cases of teachers are considered as representative of the participant teachers and their perceptions and practices are compared and contrasted. Teachers either adopted the role of the examiner or combined the role of the teacher with that of examiner. They distinguished marking of science theory exercises from marking of coursework and, teaching theory from teaching investigations, on the basis that the grade they assigned to coursework contributed to the total grade for external exams. A key conclusion is that teaching and assessment of science coursework need to re-focus on learning. The study calls for changes in public policy for summative assessment to place more reliance on teachers’ assessments and secondly, for changes in school practices in formative assessment for teachers to support students to learn in the case of science coursework.  相似文献   

Many American children are currently receiving a reduced quality education because of the increasingly widespread misuse of educational tests. Employing a religious metaphor, the author argues that members of the educational measurement community are culpable, at least in part, for this calamity. During recent decades, our nation's assessment personnel have failed to speak out vigorously against the increasingly prevalent improper use of traditionally constructed achievement tests to appraise school quality. This absence of action, it is claimed, constitutes a nontrivial sin of omission. To secure absolution for that sin, it is contended that measurement specialists must promote widespread assessment literacy.  相似文献   


Seldom have comparative studies of educational assessment systems been undertaken, especially regarding their standard setting procedures. This study examines the effects of governance structures on the power relations in standard setting in the dominant school-leaving or university-entrance examinations. We present acritical analysis of the published research and policy documents, including sense-checking with senior assessment practitioners from 22 jurisdictions. The nature of standard setting systems in three cases of Ireland, the USA and India are described in detail to showcase the differences between the following three models of governance systems: nationalised, commercial market and quasi-market. The contribution of this article, then, is to describe the three models of governance systems, to classify the 22 jurisdictions using the three models, and to generate propositions inductively. Thus, the article provides aconceptual basis for extension of this work to other cases to advance the literature cumulatively by theory-building.  相似文献   

高校学生课程作业评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程作业作为一种传统的考查学生学术研究和问题解决能力的方式,在高等学校的许多课程教学中得到应用。本文针对目前课程作业评价的混乱状态,考察了国外课程作业评价的特点、表现形式及实施策略,并提出改善高校学生课程作业评价的建议。  相似文献   

英国高考中的表现性评价:中心评审课程作业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
英国普通教育证书高级水平考试相当于中国的高考制度,其特征之一在于大规模运用了中心评审课程作业.它是指在平时教学过程由教师布置或者学生自定的、需要学生实际表现的较为真实的任务,如实验、调查、野外考察、论文报告等.课程作业的具体评分工作由各中心的教师负责,评分的标准和政策则由全国性的大学入学考试机构统一制定.英国的中心评审课程作业,也即表现性评价.它的成功经验表明,只要设计合理,表现性评价可以较好地纳入公开考试之中,这对中国的考试改革具有重要的启迪意义.  相似文献   

When General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSEs) were introduced in the late 1980s, coursework was included as a requirement in many subjects. Coursework was intended to help best represent students' attainments, but concerns about various issues (e.g., tasks becoming formulaic, authenticity of student work, workload) led to a review and ultimately to its replacement with “controlled assessments”. This research investigated the effects of this change. A questionnaire was completed by 346 teachers across 6 subjects. Most teachers felt the risks of plagiarism are similar or have reduced. Two thirds of teachers reported that the introduction of controlled assessment has affected the way they teach, and around 60% feel it has affected the nature of the knowledge and skills learnt by students. There are reportedly practical challenges relating to timetabling, student absence, and increased administration. However, over 70% of teachers consider it “important” or “very important” to have some form of internal assessment in their subject.  相似文献   

Long-standing concerns within the field of educational assessment consider the impact of assessment policy and practice as matters of equity, inequality and social justice. Yet educational assessment policy and practice continues to have powerful social consequences for key users such as children and young people. This paper re-positions these consequences as a matter of ethics. It uses the work of Messick to frame how ethical matters extend beyond test instruments into the realm of uses and impact. A case study of the 11+ school transfer system in Northern Ireland is presented to illustrate ethical dilemmas emerging as a consequence of actions and decisions of using assessment systems for particular purposes. In looking forward to how we might attend to ethical matters in assessment policy and practice, a consideration of a children’s rights approach is outlined that may provide a moral and legal framework for action.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a pilot study that explored students’ experiences of test anxiety when taking A-level examinations. Four focus groups were convened with a sample of 19 participants in the south of England to explore the triggers of test anxiety and the perceived need for interventions to assist high test-anxious students cope with the examination process. The findings suggested that the participants experienced two types of anxiety: ‘pre-exam anxiety’ (relating to, for example, revision and mock examinations) and ‘exam-day anxiety’ (relating to practical concerns, such as school policy on the arrival of students and the time available to complete the examination). Only three participants reported feeling that their examination performance was significantly impaired by test anxiety; most reported that a degree of anxiety aided their performance. With test anxiety perceived by most participants as motivational and useful, there was little support for any interventions from examination boards, parents or teachers to help reduce or manage test anxiety. However, based on participants’ experiences of the pre-examination period, it is suggested that test anxiety may impede students’ ability to prepare for their examinations, and that interventions during this stage may be useful. The findings also imply that there are some practical steps that could be taken by the educational community to help reduce students’ test anxiety.  相似文献   

教师评价是教育教学活动的重要组成部分,也是长期困扰教育管理的一个难题。现阶段教师评价已由奖惩性评价转向发展性评价,但对发展性教师评价模型研究仍较少。以发展性教师评价理念为指导思想,构建适合中小学发展性教师评价的指标体系,并运用模糊数学及综合评价方法建立的中小学发展性教师模糊综合评价模型,对中小学教师评价工作的开展具有操作性参考意义。  相似文献   

As an element of high stakes assessment, coursework was originally intended to raise the validity of the assessment process and to enhance the learning of students. In recent years, this purpose has been distorted by the increasing requirements for educational institutions to demonstrate standards and to be accountable. This small, ESRC-funded study used in-depth qualitative approaches to explore the nature and processes of learning from coursework in national examinations undertaken by 16 year-old students. Among other things, it probed the extent to which qualities such as independent learning, critical thinking and creativity were developed through coursework. The research found that, while the practice underpinning coursework had the capacity to support deeper and more independent learning, the pressures of achieving good grades mediated against all pupils reaching the optimum level of higher order thinking.  相似文献   

Access arrangements are the way in which awarding bodies for public examinations in England, such as the General Certificate of Secondary Education, make reasonable adjustments for students with special educational needs and disabilities. SENCos have expressed concerns about the onerous nature of managing requirements for access arrangements, both administratively and practically, but there has been little explanation of why an apparently straightforward process proves so challenging. In this study, the development of a whole-school system to improve the administrative and practical management of access arrangements is used to seek to understand how the requirements set (and re-set) annually interact with school systems and processes to render the administration of access arrangements potentially complex, time-consuming and unpredictable. Scotland's flexible, school-led framework of requirements for the management of public examination assessment arrangements is highlighted as potentially more fit-for-purpose for the organisation of statutory reasonable adjustments for educational assessment.  相似文献   

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