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This study explored the practices of teachers, nonformal science educators, community organizers, youth program managers, and other educators facilitating youth participation in local environmental action, as well as the experiences of some of the youth involved. We conducted narrative interviews with 33 educators facilitating youth environmental action in communities throughout the United States and group interviews with 46 youth participating in nine environmental action programs in New York State. Through interpretation of educators' stories and youths' reflections, we discovered strong parallels with theory and empirical research in the youth development literature suggesting environmental action is a valuable context for positive youth development.  相似文献   

青年的发展决定着一个国家的未来。随着全球化发展进程的不断加快,切实加强中国青年的马克思主义理论学习,对于建设中国特色社会主义事业意义重大。要把握好新时期马克思主义理论鲜明的实践、民族和时代特色。抓准青年价值观变动的特点和规律,使中国青年担负起发展马克思主义理论的神圣使命,做社会主义事业合格的接班人。  相似文献   

当代中国青年职业价值观探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨樱 《甘肃高师学报》2005,10(1):114-116
青年正是创新精神最旺盛、创新成果最丰厚的时期。在即将步入社会、开始人生新篇章之际,内心十分渴望拥有一个令人满意的职业并期待事业上有所作为。然而由于主客观条件的制约和机遇的不同,其结果往往不如人意。因此,树立正确的职业价值观对广大青年至关重要。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的到来,青年社会化逐步呈现出了与传统时期青年社会化所不同的特征;同时,网络化也为青年社会化带来许多困扰;鉴于此,,积极探索,正确引导网络时代青年的社会化对于青年的成长乃至社会的发展都有着极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,中国的青春电影进入怀旧的文化生产和营销青春的阶段,呈现出模式化的审美特点。《少年的你》采用跨类型的创作方式,将青春、成长叙事置于社会语境中,选取尖锐的现实题材并展开,打破怀旧滤镜,在反怀旧话语中解决青少年面临的心理健康问题,通过聚焦青少年的精神成长,纠正了怀旧青春电影中“成长落空”的问题,实现了成长叙事的新变奏,并且细腻谨慎地在人物形象中注入了对校园霸凌的理解,为青春电影走出同质化困境提供了新的路径。  相似文献   

知识青年"上山下乡"运动已经结束多年,而在文学界及思想界,它的影响却并未随着时间的推移而消失。正是由于当年轰轰烈烈的"上山下乡"运动,使新时期文学中出现了独特的一景——知青文学。它以其独特的内容和思想内涵吸引了包括知青在内的整整几代人的目光。"上山下乡"运动到今年已过去近半个世纪,而知青文学也历经了从幼稚到成熟,从单纯到深刻的蜕变,但贯穿其中、始终如一的是作品中难以挣脱的"知青情结"。本文以时间为顺序浅析知青文学在不同时期的流程,并从中揭示出贯穿其中的"知青情结"。  相似文献   

本文通过对邓拓一生新闻实践及新闻理念的梳理考察,从其对办报的思想、认识、办报的思路、办报的具体方法等方面论述了邓拓如何自觉实践马克思主义新闻观.  相似文献   


Lesson study is a form of professional development where a group of teachers identifies a problem of practice on which they would like to make progress in their teaching. Over an extended period of time, the teachers study the topic and plan a lesson together. One member then teaches the lesson while the others observe; the group reflects afterwards on student learning. The cycle repeats, building teachers’ professional knowledge and their shared views of pedagogy over time. In this article, we argue that lesson study is a collaborative form of practitioner research and we show how this is so by sharing an example of a lesson study cycle conducted in a synagogue school.  相似文献   

Early childhood education and care is currently experiencing unprecedented policy interest and expansion. This policy and practice landscape requires new forms of adaptive leadership, new spaces for production of the knowledge necessary for this changing context, and tools that can support the development of leadership qualities. This paper examines the potential of practitioner research to produce contextually relevant knowledge and to develop leadership capacity. Our findings show that collaborative practitioner research groups provide a relatively safe environment for the sharing of dilemmas and critical reflections. The practitioners who participated in this research wanted access to narratives of change in typically resourced early childhood contexts as well as in the more highly resourced settings that are more often reflected in academic research and literature. This suggests there is a need for much more of this work to be publicly available. These groups can generate the courage required to open practice based research to public critique. This, we argue is an important element of activist leadership. Collaborative practitioner research opens up the possibility for practitioners to position themselves as knowledge producers and to revitalize the knowledge base that informs teacher education in the academy. In supporting this move, academics need to position themselves as resource gathers and co-learners thus opening a third space for knowledge production. The challenges for the profession are how to fund and effectively disseminate collaborative practitioner research and how to draw it into dialogue with other forms of research.  相似文献   

新时期文学从不同侧面、不同层次反映了人与自然的艺术关系,知青文学也是如此。一大批知青文学作品表现了知青下乡、支边的痛苦生活,作品中的自然被涂挂上强烈的情感色彩,它们都成了人化自然,作了知青的代言人,成了知青情感的载体,是知青苦难青春的象征。  相似文献   

80年代主流知青小说十分强调文学的社会功利性,通过选择一种特殊的叙事模式,以实现创作群体在社会上寻求自我定位的意识形态企图。小说对往昔苦难的"真实"描写与有意回避,目的是将苦难转化为价值重建的精神资源。作家们的叙述,不是指向以往,而是指向当下。  相似文献   

职业生涯视野下的高校青年教师培养探索   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在高校教师队伍建设过程中,教师管理部门应从职业生涯的角度出发,分析高校青年教师成长的特点,探讨教师在青年阶段生涯的规律,从而为青年教师的培养和成长创造合适的环境。  相似文献   


I argue for a broad education in narratives as a way to address several problems found in moral psychology and social cognition. First, an education in narratives will address a common problem of narrowness or lack of diversity, shared by virtue ethics and the simulation theory of social cognition. Secondly, it also solves the ‘starting problem’ involved in the simulation approach. These discussions also relate directly to theories of empathy with special significance given to situational empathy.  相似文献   

1980年代出生作家的小说,是新世纪当代文坛的一道风景线。作为在路上的一代,他们有很好的艺术潜质,其作品呈现出了反商品拜物教的意义,但他们的成名也源自成功的商业运作。  相似文献   

新刑事诉讼法的修改,正式从法律的角度确立了未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度。由于现行法律与相关规定存在冲突之处,实践中调查主体呈多样性。当前宜从引入专业的社会工作者承担社会调查入手,以此完善我国的未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度。  相似文献   

This study focuses on critical incident analysis in initial teacher education and the part played by the professional learning conversation. A reflection framework was used to identify changes in levels of reflective practice. Conversational skills of the supervising teacher in recognising the ‘person’ in the student teacher, and their management of the student's emotions, appear central to unlocking and increasing critical reflective practice. Dialogues that focused only on training standards, using evidence from practice to ‘sign off’ particular standards, were concerned more with the routines of teaching and less with increased and considered analysis of practice and change.  相似文献   

"佛系青年"文化现象日渐成为一个社会焦点和热点,值得我们分析、研究、探索与反思。通过阐释"佛系青年"文化现象之表征,深刻探究"佛系青年"文化现象之生成逻辑,提出我们需要辩证地理解该文化现象,珍惜行进中的中国,放飞青春梦想,辨证看待"慢就业"。  相似文献   

This paper offers an interpretation of the role of emotions in understanding the transitions that young people make to university. I draw on qualitative research with a group of non‐traditional students, entering elite universities, to argue that youth transitions are emotional as well instrumental affairs. I argue that choice‐making processes incorporate both trust in, and fear of, the transitions infrastructure, and that these emotions infuse more instrumental judgements about the economic benefits of higher education. I also demonstrate that emotional aspects of class – including feelings of entitlement to education and the rejection of normative student identities – constitute the experience of ‘being’ or ‘doing’ a student. A broader understanding of how young people become university students then depends not just on developing a new identity but on the complex interaction between emotion and infrastructure.  相似文献   


In recent decades, the work of teachers worldwide has undergone deep change. We have seen that teachers have encountered recent challenges differently and adapted to educational changes to a different extent depending on their personal disposition, but also school leadership and workplace support. This study focuses on the example of Estonian vocational teachers that serves as an interesting case for analysing how the interplay of the transitional context and neo-liberal policy trends adopted since Estonia regained its independence in 1991, after 50 years under Soviet rule, have affected the individual trajectories of teachers’ lives. This paper aims to understand how the interplay of the institutional context and individual (work) lives shapes Estonian vocational teachers’ understandings of their work and professionality. We suggest that certain periods of practice are visible in teachers’ narratives and those periods might be considered as enabling different degrees of agency. However, our interviews also revealed that different reform periods have been perceived and responded to differently. In the context of 25 years of the educational reform process, the policies and requirements introduced have been refracted at different levels (Goodson & Rudd, 2017), including that of the vocational field, the schools and individual teachers. Our results confirm that teachers individual, social, cultural and material resources such as competence, career stage, relations and networks, school leadership and prevailing culture at schools have their role in enabling or hindering the agency of teachers.  相似文献   

张启雄的小说集《噪音》是江门五邑地区近年来文学写作的一大创获。作家借助西方现代主义叙事手段,摹绘出现代社会变迁中人的生存环境和生存状态,传达出作者对此的深切忧虑和社会良知。  相似文献   

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