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开发校本课程 创建学校特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校本课程开发的实质是为了发展学生个性,办出学校特色,但并不等于有了校本课程自然而然就会生成学校特色。校本课程开发在体现与发挥学校办学特色,提高教育质量有着重要作用。学校的办学特色需要有与之配套的校本课程来加以保证,校本课程是学校特色的前提和基础,学校特色是校本课程的生命力所在。  相似文献   

学校为适应环境,必须及时准确地获取环境变动的信息以及应对变动所需的资源.学校社会资本的利用,有助于学校提高觉察和应对环境变动的灵敏度.学校成员个体社会资本能帮助学校获得环境变动的信号和应对资源.通过中间群体层次充分开发个人社会资本,尽量使其转化为学校的社会资本,是学校适应环境的主要途径之一.  相似文献   

在当今学校教育中,厌学已经成为社会、学校及家长广泛关注的一种现象。导致厌学的原因有很多,排除个体天性因素方面的情况,主要可归结为家庭、社会和学校教育三个方面。通过对一名厌学中学生个案的展现和剖析,使用质的研究方法,希望能从一个微观的层面来透视学生厌学和学校教育经历之间微妙而错综难解的关系。  相似文献   

刘尧 《天中学刊》2007,22(3):134-140
地方高等学校如何办出特色,已经成为摆在我们面前必须研究的重要问题。从我国普通高等学校的区域分布、地方高等学校与人口比较、国家与地方高等学校重要数据比较、地方高等学校的类型分布和生均预算内教育经费分布看我国地方高等学校,可以宏观地把握地方高等学校的办学特色。  相似文献   

大调曲是一种较古老的说唱音乐,有雅、俗两个流派,雅派追求典雅庄重,而俗派则力求贴近百姓生活、平易近人。清代中后期,大调曲以雅派为主;清代末年,随着大调曲逐渐流入民间,俗派产生。新中国成立后至“革”前,是雅、俗两派大调曲协同发展的时期,20世纪80年代后,大调曲逐渐衰落。挽救衰落中的大调曲,走一条以发展俗派、改良俗派为主的道路是非常可行的。  相似文献   

学校是文化阵地,理所当然应该具有浓厚的文化氛围和深厚的文化底蕴;要把文化立校兴校强校的理念贯穿于整个学校一切事务中,提升学校的品牌,建设师生成长发展的精神家园。关键在于营造学习氛围,创建学习型团队,以学习引领文化建设,创新活动载体,形成共同愿景,以有形带动无形。  相似文献   

学校课程领导主体,是指在学校情境中利用权力和影响力实施课程领导,构建民主、合作的学校文化,促进学校课程发展,实现学校课程愿景的团体和个人。学校课程领导主体系统是一个多层次、多角色的复杂系统,由学校管理人员、教师、学生、家长、社区人员、课程专家等构成。整合学校课程领导主体系统,应使学校课程领导主体有意义、有能力、有条件参与学校课程领导,形成学校课程领导共同体,构建学习型学校文化。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the extent to which changing school forms in secondary school is dependent not only on a student’s school grades, but also on the migration status and educational aspirations of their parents. Based on a cohort (N?=?4219) of school students from one school year in Luxemburg, we were able to show that throughout the lower secondary school, the grade average played a decisive role in the move to a different school form. Furthermore, students with a migration background were shown to have similar chances as students from Luxemburg of moving upwards to a higher school form, yet were less likely to move downwards. However, this phenomenon could essentially be explained by the fact that students with a migration background are not as highly represented in the higher school forms as are students from Luxemburg. Independent of migration status and school grades, parental educational aspirations played a decisive role change between school forms. High educational aspirations facilitated the move to a higher school form, while low educational aspirations correlated with moving to a lower school form.  相似文献   

追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   

学校文化建设的要素及其建设在学校管理中有着极其重要的价值。应当将学校文化建设看作是学校管理的灵魂与核心,由此,需要认真探讨学校管理推进学校文化建设的路径。  相似文献   

Hausman  Charles  Goldring  Ellen 《The Urban Review》2000,32(2):105-121
This paper explores the relationships between parents' reasons for choosing a magnet school and their levels of satisfaction, involvement, and influence with the school. Data are reported from over a thousand magnet school parents in two urban districts. The results suggest three general findings: (1) As reported in previous research, magnet school parents choose schools for a wide array of reasons and are highly satisfied with their chosen school; (2) parents' reasons for choice are important predictors of their levels of satisfaction, influence, and involvement with the school; and (3) parents who choose for values reasons, as compared to other reasons, are more likely to be involved in and satisfied with their school of choice and report that parents have influence over school decisions.  相似文献   

捧读《语文课程标准》,蓦然感到"难负重任",感到语文之重,重于泰山,语文之大,大而无垠。这种"重大",我们即使不去细读《课标》全文,仅从"前言"的三个"打下基础"、三个关于"民族""文化"等语句,便可强烈地感受到。这段文字,从宽度和深度两个层面规定了语文课程的学科地位和教育使命,横向囊括了人生活动的全域,纵  相似文献   

张泽红 《天津教育》2021,(11):42-43
小学道德教育对于小学生的成长十分重要,良好的小学道德教育能够在很大程度上促进小学生的发展。因此,本文对小学道德教育进行研究,指出了目前小学道德教育中存在的问题。针对存在的问题,本文从学校、教师、家长等方面入手,更好地解决小学道德教育中存在的问题,促进小学生的良好发展。  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand whether and how decentralised school governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) enhances the schools’ role of promoting social cohesion. This includes increasing “horizontal” trust among different ethnic groups and “vertical” trust between civilians and public institutes. The study examined secondary school leaders’ perceptions regarding school board influence on social cohesion policies and practices, their interactions with school board members, and their accountability to the school-based governing body. The results show that school leaders and school boards, supposedly representing the interests of local stakeholders, did not appear to be actively engaged in the deliberate process of promoting social cohesion. While school directors tended to view themselves as being independent from the school boards, ethnically diverse school boards provided important support to proactive school leaders for their inter-group activities. Given that the central level is not providing initiatives to promote social cohesion and that BiH citizens appear to generally support social cohesion, decentralised school governance has the potential to improve social trust from the bottom up. To promote participatory school governance, the study recommends that BiH school leaders should be provided with opportunities to re-examine and redefine their professional accountability and to assist local stakeholders to improve their involvement in school governance.  相似文献   

The focus of the present study is on how educators and students create a ‘sense of belonging’ and school identity. The ethnography was carried out at an independent Christian school with children and students aged six to sixteen years. This study’s aim is to contribute knowledge about how the identity of a school has become an important factor in the context of the marketisation of education. The identity of the school is articulated as a school with a Christian profile. Further, the results show how diversity and multiculturalism were downplayed. The school can thereby be interpreted as a way to avoid categorisation as an immigrant school. The identity as a Christian school symbolically lifts it from its socio-economic position in the urban geography. This identity becomes central to how the school is presented in an economic market of free school choice.  相似文献   

普通高中多样化发展是高中教育在普及背景下,满足学生多样化、个性化发展,办"人民满意的教育"的迫切需要。普通高中多样化发展过程中面临着多样化本质认识不清、高中类型单一、政策指引不明、经费投入缺乏、综合高中规模小、招生困难、师资薄弱、学籍管理矛盾、未来出路受制约等现实困境。丰富高中选修课程、保障学生课程选择权、提升综合高中发展空间等是普通高中多样化发展的未来之路。  相似文献   

试论学习型学校   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一定的学校管理模式总是与一定的学校发展水平相适应。当学校发展处于较高阶段的情况下,需要构建学习型学校管理模式,使之与较高层次的学校发展阶段相适应。一所学校的生存与发展并不仅仅是由物质条件和师资水平决定的,学校发展的关键指标--学校的核心精神,起着重要的作用。必须在组织结构和知识载体两方面构建平台,对学习型学校建设提供支持。  相似文献   

The potential role that children's classroom peer relations play in their school adjustment was investigated during the first 2 months of kindergarten and the remainder of the school year. Measures of 125 children's classroom peer relationships were obtained on 3 occasions: at school entrance, after 2 months of school, and at the end of the school year. Measures of school adjustment, including children's school perceptions, anxiety, avoidance, and performance, were obtained during the second and third assessment occasions. After controlling mental age, sex, and preschool experience, measures of children's classroom peer relationships were used to forecast later school adjustment. Results indicated that children with a larger number of classroom friends during school entrance developed more favorable school perceptions by the second month, and those who maintained these relationships liked school better as the year progressed. Making new friends in the classroom was associated with gains in school performance, and early peer rejection forecasted less favorable school perceptions, higher levels of school avoidance, and lower performance levels over the school year.  相似文献   

关于学校效能评价标准和方法的两点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校效能的评价标准和方法与对学校效能和学校效能评价的理解有直接关系.学校效能就是学校促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的有效作用;学校效能评价就是对学校有效促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的评价.这样,学校效能的评价标准就包括学校各类人员、各类工作和学校各项事业发展三方面因素;学校评价的方法就应采取定量评价和定性评价、增值评价和非增值评价相结合的方法,同时还要注意学校效能评价在理论、操作和作用上的限度.  相似文献   

The current 5‐year longitudinal study examined the effects of middle school bullying and victimization on adolescent academic achievement, disciplinary referrals, and school attendance through high school (N = 2030; 1016 both boys and girls). Greater engagement in bullying behaviors was concurrently associated with lower achievement and school attendance for girls and higher levels of disciplinary problems, and, for girls, predicted increases in disciplinary referrals through high school. Victimization was unrelated to school adjustment difficulties when controlling for bullying. Moreover, academic achievement was longitudinally associated with disciplinary referrals and school attendance. These findings outline concurrent school adjustment difficulties associated with engagement in bullying behavior, the longer‐term behavioral ramifications for girls, and the relations of behavioral and academic development from middle school to high school.  相似文献   

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